DEEP: The Complete Man Candy Trilogy (36 page)

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I shut the laptop and walked the perimeter again.


I peeked over the edge of the balcony, watching as Joss stretched out on the pavement behind the hotel. He was going running. He probably didn't know I could see him from here.

Or how dangerously fascinated I was becoming with him.

I was pretty sure he thought I was a stupid little girl. He was very careful not to let anything show, but I could tell. My efforts to tease him had been absolutely pointless.

He was always professional and emotionless. He barely looked at me despite all my efforts. I pouted, chewing my lip. It was strange how much more fun I was having with him around. But I was getting frustrated.

If I didn't make him smile soon, I was going to go crazy.

It would be even better if I could get him to kiss me.

I snorted. Fat chance of that. Unless... what if I got him to play truth or dare?

I watched as he jogged off into the darkness. It wouldn't be easy, but maybe I could pull it off. The trick was, to back him into a corner so he couldn't get out of it.

First I had to make sure he didn't have a girlfriend. That would just be humiliating. And very, very disappointing.

"Jenna! I want you to Google something for me!"

My assistant popped her head through the open door to the terrace.

"What do you want me to look up?"

I smiled brightly at her.

"Not what,

Forty-five minutes later we were huddled around the laptop, giggling like schoolgirls. The moment the door opened we straightened up and stared at the door guiltily. Shast stood in front of the computer, blocking the screen from Joss.

He was glistening with sweat. All perfectly proportioned 6 feet and something inches of him. He looked relaxed.

I giggled out loud.

I would like to relax him.

He also looked suspicious. Smart man. It was funny but I had a strange sense that he was afraid of me. A big strong man like that afraid of one admittedly short young woman... it was too funny for words.

I waved at him coyly and he nodded, then went into his room to shower. Hmmm... the thought of him showering was a little too much for me. I fanned myself with the room service menu.

I must be hormonal.

I hadn't crushed on someone this hard since that vampire on TV. And I never got to actually
him. Or see him sweat.

I sighed, turning back to the screen.

There was nothing on Joss. Literally nothing. No girlfriend. No parents. No high school graduation photo.

We'd searched the entire time he'd been out running. But finally, towards the end we'd found something about his time in the service. He'd been a marine apparently. There he was, in a picture with his war buddies. They were all smiling and laughing, tossing their arms around each other. But Joss held perfectly still, with zero expression on his face.

Underneath the photo was a list of names.

They called him Ice.

I smiled to myself, shutting the computer.

I'd like to melt that Ice.

Chapter Eight


I spent the entire night staring at the ceiling. I had every reason to fall asleep. The bed was comfortable and I was tired. But
was sleeping twenty feet away.

I hadn't slept a wink since I started.

It was starting to wear on me.

was starting to wear on me.

Today we were back at the studio for day two of the video shoot. We'd doubled security and run independent background checks on everyone within spitting distance of the shoot. But I was still on edge.

The creep with the panties had been a dead end. He was in my files now, but the police had released him. Fingerprints and DNA were a bust.

He was just another run of the mill pervert. A middle aged guy with a teenage pop star fetish. Not the guy we were after.

Which meant the dangerous fucker was still out there. I was stoic as the girls danced around the kitchen in their morning routine. I knew the skimpy pajamas Trista wore weren't for me. That was just the way young girls dressed. But it
like she was wearing them for my benefit.

It took all my will power to keep my eyes off of her.

Instead I spent the time using my phone to coordinate with my team. I'd even called in extra help from my extended freelancer list. I was leaving nothing to chance.

Trista Davis might be a cock tease, but she was going to be a safe and sound one.

Nobody would get close enough to breath on her, let alone harm her.

Not on my watch.

And not just because it was my job either.

Because it wasn't right to hurt or scare someone like her. She was so young and innocent. I felt protective of women and children in general. But for some reason, I was especially protective of her.

As usual I was silent on the ride over to the studio. They sent a stretch limo with a driver from the list of people I'd cleared in advance. I sat near the door, so I could block any potential threat. Another guy on my team rode up front.

Two guys stayed at the hotel to keep the suite secure. And five more were meeting us there. It might seem like overkill but not when there was a kidnapper on the loose.

I cringed internally. 'Kidnapping' was the least of it. He'd described in detail the things he wanted to do with her.


I couldn't understand that sort of thing. He wanted to dress her up and treat her like an inanimate object. If Trista was anything, it was animate.

The girl was poetry in fucking motion.

I spent the day keeping an eye on things and coordinating the travel for the mini tour we started next week. New York, Vegas, Chicago, Miami and New Orleans. I had to clear the flight crew on the private jet, the hotel staff and the venue staff. It was not a small undertaking.

January was back in LA helping out. Her girlfriend was even part of the deal. Scratch that, Jan was engaged. Her

Everyone was getting married it seemed. My Miami buddy Chan was already off and running. Trent was next. I was the odd man out when I saw them these days.

Most of my military buddies had been married for ages.

I saw no need for it. Love, marriage, children. To me it was a foreign idea. The way I'd grown up, the 'happy family' ideal was as far away as Mars.


Mars was a real place. The idea of me as a family man was... not.

I pushed the thought of my unhappy childhood aside as Trista bore down on me with the director.

"Hi Joss..."

She was looking at me in that flirtatious way again. She was getting less subtle about it as time went on. I knew she expected me to fall over myself trying to please her but it wasn't going to happen.

I didn't bend over backwards for women, especially not a cock tease like her.

Especially when I knew it was not going to go anywhere, no matter what I might want deep down. I wanted
a lot.


"Lars had an idea."

I eyed the director. His arm was slung around Trista in an overly familiar way. His past few movies were box office hits. He was only doing the video because he was a fan. I didn't really like the way he was touching her to be honest.

It was almost like he thought he was going to bang her. Considering he was in his forties, the thought of them together was repellant to me. Really it was none of my business what she did.

But I didn't have to like it.

"Yes, we want to get some casual shots of Trista on the beach. Just squeeze it in today while we have the crew. We would only need a handful of them."

"I can't approve it. The studio would never agree."

Lars rolled his eyes.

"What does the studio know of creativity?"

He walked away muttering. But Trista wasn't giving up that easily. She stepped in closer, putting her hand on my arm. I stared down at her dainty little hand. Her nails were prettily manicured and delicate.

Just like the rest of her.

"Please... it would be so good for the video. The studio
want me to seem approachable."

"Absolutely not. You'd be way too exposed."

She fluttered her eyelashes at me.

"I thought you hadn't noticed my outfit."

I ran my hand through my hair. She was teasing me. I knew it was good natured and all in fun. But I was still flustered.

"I didn't mean that- look, it's not safe. I can't allow it."

She pouted for a minute. "But the video would be so much better..." Suddenly she smiled, looking at me from under her extra long eyelashes.

"Alright Joss. I will do what you say if you do what
say tonight."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Nothing. Just some games. We can even stay in the suite."

I have no idea what possessed me to say 'yes' but that was exactly what I did.


I watched her walk away triumphantly, wondering what the hell I had just gotten myself into.


I carefully arranged the board games on the table. We had Risk, Monopoly, cards and poker chips. Jenna was ordering snacks from room service.

"Don't forget the champagne!"

"What's all this?"

Perfect. Joss was standing in the living room in his off-duty clothes. Even though he was never
off-duty from what I could tell. He looked so handsome in his jeans and a fresh button-down shirt. It was a far cry from his tailored day clothes. I decided I preferred him like this.

He looked almost approachable.


His wavy dark hair was still damp from his shower. He looked breathtakingly handsome. But his gorgeous blue eyes looked a little confused. I smiled. Time to put my plan into motion.

"Game night silly. You promised to play, remember?"

I looked over my shoulder at him. I was wearing my favorite pair of worn in jeans. They were super soft and hugged my curves just right. I wore a soft pink camisole that covered my chest jusssst enough. My hair was down. I'd even applied a tiny bit of lipgloss.

That was about all I could do without Shastie's bag of tricks.


That was the first time I'd ever seen Joss at a loss for words. He didn't talk much, but he always knew what he was doing.

Until tonight.

I was going to make the most of it too. Or try to. If tonight ended with his lips on mine, it would be a success.

I was aiming to have my first kiss.

"Sit. We're ready!"

Shast and Jenna took their places at the table. We played cards first. Gin rummy. Joss sat stiffly, playing along. But I could tell he was not happy about it.

"500 points- add it to my tally!"

Shast crowed as she pulled another winning hand. I decided to have a little fun with her. I tilted my head, tapping my chin.

"I don't know- don't we have to start over now that Joss is playing?"

"Hell no! Are you crazy?"

Joss looked back and forth at us. I laughed and decided to take mercy on him.

"We have a running game. What is it? Three years now? Shast is winning."

"Damn right I am!"

I tilted my head, tapping my chin thoughtfully.

"Well... you can count it I guess... but let's play something else for a while."

There was a knock at the door. Jenna disappeared to get it. When she came back with room service I squealed.


Joss cleared his throat as room service popped the cork for us.

"Are you sure you should be drinking?"

I shrugged. "I hardly ever do. But it's a special occasion." I smiled at him as Shast poured me a glass.

"But you aren't old enough."

I coughed, almost choking on my champagne. Shast and Jenna were giggling like mad. I took one look at Joss and joined in.

"What's so funny?"

"Puh-lease! Girl is well over the age limit! She's ready for social security!"

He frowned, looking at me.

"How old are you exactly?"

I leaned in.

"I could tell you but you would have to be sworn to secrecy."

He just looked at me with his usual lack of humor.

"I am already sworn to secrecy."

"Fine." I tilted back my glass, guzzling the champagne. "I'm 23."

His jaw dropped. I smiled seductively. At least I hoped it was seductive. I'd never actually attempted to seduce anyone before.

Other than when I was performing anyway. I always knew what to do. I knew all the steps. Every note was ingrained in my brain. But this... this was a whole new ball game.

"Let's sit on the couch. I want to play something else."

Joss followed us awkwardly, standing by the balcony door. Jenna handed him a glass of champagne. He stared at it for a moment, then sat it down untouched.

We drank champagne and played monopoly for an hour. Another bottle of champagne came and went. And then another.

Shast was winning when I threw my money up in the air. "I give up!" I stared at Joss, pointing my finger accusingly.

"You aren't playing!"

Joss shrugged. He'd been avoiding looking at me all night. He still wouldn't make eye contact. Not since I'd tried flirting with him.


"I'm working."

"But you promised."

He ran his hand through his hair. I noticed that he did that when he didn't know what to do. That was okay. I had a pretty good idea.

"Fine. One more game. You should get some rest."

I smiled. This was it. The opportunity I'd been waiting for.

"Let's play- truth or dare!"

Shast squealed and crowed. "Uh oh!" Jenna just lay her head in her hands.

Joss was looking at me now. Hard. He knew I was up to something. He looked almost... intrigued. He didn't say anything but I definitely had his attention.

First, I dared Jenna to hop on one foot while singing the star spangled banner. Then she dared Shast to pretend to be a dog. We all lost it when she ran around the room barking. She even humped the corner of the couch.

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