Deep Longing (Bend to My Will #4) (5 page)

BOOK: Deep Longing (Bend to My Will #4)
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Chapter 5

After the long weekend at the penthouse, Vivienne was back at her apartment getting dressed for work on Tuesday. She was touched that Jacob had taken care of her, but wrestled with conflicting emotions. Even though Jacob hadn’t said so, she knew better than to read too much into his permission to call during the week. He had only agreed to allow that so he could watch over her.

Over the weekend, a lot had changed for Vivienne. She had seen a side to Jacob that she hadn’t before. Beyond his controlling ways, and sometimes rude behavior, he was a good man. The issue was that she didn’t believe
saw that.

There was still some part of his life that Jacob kept from her, and Vivienne didn’t know what it was. He went out of his way to ensure her protection, even bending the rules to be certain he could do so. Yet, even then, he maintained his distance.

Don’t expect too much from me, baby
” were Jacob’s words. After their first kiss, he had confessed that he was
scarred on the inside
. Vivienne only wished that she knew more. What happened that had scarred his back, and his life? But Jacob didn’t share those details.

Vivienne was certain that he intended to keep her safe…from something. But she was stronger than he knew. She could handle it, or thought she could. Yet thinking of the shadows that clouded Jacob’s expression whenever she brought it up, Vivienne wondered.

Once she was ready, Vivienne made the walk to Vee’s. The fresh morning felt good. She was well now, and anxious to get back to the shop. But thoughts of Jacob filled her mind, preventing her from completely focusing on work.

It was clear to Vivienne that her feelings for Jacob were strong, that her emotions were deeper than he wished they were. But she couldn’t do anything about that. She couldn’t lie about what Jacob meant to her. As memories of the last time he touched her flooded back, Vivienne longed for him. The ache was powerful, the strength of the connection undeniable.

When she arrived at the shop, Michele was reorganizing and cleaning up the front counters. “Vivie, I’m so glad you’re better. We missed you.”

Vivienne gave her a big hug. “I really appreciate you covering like you did. It was frustrating not to be here, but it was a comfort to know that everything was in good hands.”

“We did okay,” Michele said. “But you better check out the stuff on your desk. There are some things I didn’t know what to do about.”

“I’m headed that way.”

All morning, Vivienne strove to catch up. Being ill had been inconvenient, even if it was unavoidable. It was nearly lunchtime when she got back to finalizing the blends of the scents for Alfred. Since Lana was meeting her for lunch, there wasn’t enough time to complete the task. It would have to wait until the afternoon.

Except for a couple of texts, Vivienne hadn’t connected with Lana over the weekend. Meeting at Sadie’s Café would give them a chance to talk. Before she left, Vivienne’s phone vibrated, and she thought it might be Lana running late.

It was Jacob. “Good morning, baby.”

“It’s good to hear from you. I miss you already and it’s only been a few hours.”

“My mother phoned,” Jacob said, “and I have an invitation for you.” His statement distracted her from the fact that he hadn’t said he missed her too.

“An invitation?”

“It’s a charity event at the Plaza, this Thursday evening,” Jacob said. “I’ve known about it, but planned to send a donation without attending.”

“You changed your mind?”

“These are yearly events, for a good cause. Anyway, my mother suggested I show up,” Jacob said. “I thought you’d like to go with me.”

“I’d love to,” Vivienne said, overwhelmed at the mention of his parents. “Is it formal?”

“It’s dressy, so you can wear something appropriate for a cocktail party.”

“I’m sure I have something to wear.” Vivienne hoped so.

“I’ll pick you up at six.” Jacob stayed on the line. “Just because I’m seeing you that evening, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t call if a disaster strikes before then.”

Vivienne laughed at his attempt at humor. “I’ll call if I need to, and I appreciate the invitation.” She took a breath. “I’ll meet your parents?”

“Yes, we’ll be seated with them. I’m sure you’ll like them. Both of them are looking forward to meeting you. I’ll see you then.”

When Jacob ended the call, Vivienne looked at her phone’s blank screen. She wasn’t concerned about liking his parents, only about what they’d think of her. After all, she wasn’t used to wealthy circles, charity events, or meeting billionaires. How was she supposed to act? What if she didn’t fit in?

After stuffing her phone in her purse, Vivienne sprinted for the door. “I’m having lunch with Lana,” she said. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Before the door shut, Michele called after her, “Have fun.”

Lana already had a table for them at the café. She waved to Vivienne, who made her way over. “Sorry I’m late. I got a call from Jacob at the last minute.”

“It’s okay. I haven’t been here long.”

The waiter came over, and they ordered salads with iced teas. “So did Jacob take care of you over the weekend?” Lana said.

“Yep, and I’m back at work today.”

“Great, it’s good to see you healthy again. You looked awful last time I saw you,” Lana said.

Vivienne laughed. “Nice to hear. I’m aware of how I looked. I nearly didn’t let Jacob in when he came to the apartment.”

“I can imagine.” Lana took a sip of her water. “So my agent has a couple of auditions lined up for me.” She grinned. “I’m all inspired now that I got that role in the off-off-Broadway musical.”

“Well, like I said until you were probably tired of hearing it, you gave a great performance.”

Lana beamed at her. “Why would I get tired of hearing that?”

The waiter dropped off their orders, then Lana looked across the table. “So tell me everything. You were at the penthouse for
. How are things with you and Jacob?”

“I was sick for most of it, but the last day we went to the park,” Vivienne said. “It was very romantic. We even took a carriage ride.”

“But…what’s the hesitation I hear in your voice? What aren’t you telling me?” Lana sipped her tea without taking her eyes off Vivienne.

There was no way to explain Jacob, but Vivienne did her best. “The thing is that Jacob isn’t into romance.”

“What is he into?”

Vivienne had steered the conversation the wrong way. “I just meant that he’s not falling for me or anything.”

“How do you know that?”

“He says so…kind of.”

“And you believe what a guy tells you?” Lana shook her head. “Guys don’t know what they want. You have to show them.”

“You make it sound simple, but it’s not.” Vivienne tossed her salad around with her fork. “But that call I got from him, just before I left…”


“Jacob invited me to a charity event on Thursday night at the Plaza.”

“Wow, you’ll have to dress up.”

“I’m nervous, Lana. I’m going to meet his parents.”

“That’s big. And you say he’s not serious about you?”

“I didn’t say that

“They will love you, Vivienne. Who wouldn’t love you?”

“You’re my best friend. Of course you’d say that.”

Lana smiled. “I have good taste in friends, that’s all.”

“Tonight we have to dig through my closet and decide what I should wear. This is important. I’ll be surrounded by guests dripping with diamonds and jewels.”

Lana laughed. “You’ve been watching too many movies. But don’t worry. You have the clothes you bought for your trip to Paris. I’m sure one of those dresses will work.”

“But nothing too skimpy,” Vivienne said. “I’m meeting his


The Plaza was as elegant as Vivienne recalled. She hadn’t stayed there, but had been inside a few times. It was on Fifth Avenue, right near Central Park. The hotel attracted the rich and famous, as well as having cameos in many movies.

“The only word for this place is:
,” Vivienne said.

“And it has quite a history,” Jacob said. “I read an article once about the Beatles staying here in the sixties. They had an entire wing to themselves, used room service liberally, and wrote the song ‘Michelle’ on the suite’s piano. It’s rumored they took the closet hangers with them when they checked out.”

“I mostly know about all the celebrity weddings that have taken place in the ballroom.” Vivienne tugged on Jacob’s hand to make him stop walking. “Do I look okay?”

After some deliberation, Jacob grinned. “You’re stunning. The silver and emerald dress was a good choice. The green matches your eyes.”

Vivienne sighed. “I’m not trying to impress
. I’m meeting your parents. I’m a nervous wreck.”

“It will be fine, baby. You’ll see.” Jacob put his arm around Vivienne and guided her to the Grand Ballroom. He had dressed up for the occasion, and looked handsome as hell in his dark blue jacket over tailored pants. The designer watch he wore was sexy, and Vivienne imagined him naked, except for the silver watch.

The ballroom had been fully restored to its original elegance, and was rich with ornate gold and crystal chandeliers. Vivienne was excited yet anxious. But the moment Sophia gave her a hug, she relaxed.

“Mom, this is Vivienne.” Jacob put his arm around her waist. “Vivienne, meet my mom Sophia.”

Despite being over fifty, Jacob’s mother had a youthful appearance. Her short sandy-blond hair was nicely styled and her blue-gray eyes were lovely. She gave Vivienne a winning smile, and then hugged her as if she was her own daughter.

“Vivienne, it’s so nice to meet you.” Sophia motioned toward the gentleman beside her. “Meet Jacob’s father Vico.”

The family resemblance couldn’t be missed. Jacob’s father had blue eyes, and he appeared to be in good shape. Vivienne guessed he was a runner like his son. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rinaldi.”

“Call me Vico, honey,” Jacob’s father said, and embraced her. Vivienne forgot about being nervous.

“Okay, then call me Vivie. Even though Jacob doesn’t. But that’s what my friends call me.”

“All right,
. Let’s sit down. I’ll get drinks for us,” Vico said. “What would you like?”

“A Manhattan would be great.” Vivienne looked up at Jacob, and he pulled out the chair for her.

“I’ll have whiskey,” Jacob said, and his father flagged a server to give him the orders.

The event was sponsored by Speak Up For Children, a charity for abused children. Vivienne wondered about Jacob’s interest in the cause. For all she knew, he donated to a variety of charities. Then again, maybe he had a special interest in this one.

In other circumstances, Vivienne might have associated the welts on Jacob’s back to child abuse. But having just met Vico and Sophia, she ruled it out. She could be wrong, but she didn’t see how two wonderful people could injure a child. Plus, attending the event meant they planned to make a donation. It was obvious they were against abuse, so it was difficult to imagine either of them hurting their own son.

Vivienne got lost in conversation with Sophia, who wasn’t at a loss for something to talk about. She chatted about the family and about trips to Europe, including many to Italy. Then she asked about Vivienne, expressing interest in her perfume shop, her family, and her hometown of Decatur. Partway through the meal, Vivienne knew she’d made a friend.

Jacob talked with his father, mostly business stuff. With her thigh pressed against his, Vivienne stayed close. She put one hand over his wrist, with her palm on the masculine watch, while she sipped her drink and talked to Jacob’s mother.

After the meal, there was a presentation. When it was over, Jacob went with his father to talk with the presenter. Vivienne was certain they would both donate, and assumed it would be a sizable amount. She turned to Sophia and said, “I’m glad I had this chance to meet you.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Vivie. You’ll have to twist Jacob’s arm to get him to come visit,” Sophia said. “He gets so busy, and with the frequent travel we do, we don’t see him as much as we’d like…or the rest of our family.”

“He has three brothers and a younger sister, right?”

“Yes, Gianni lives in New York, and his main fashion showroom is here, so you’ll probably meet him,” Sophia said. “But Stephano travels even more than we do. He’s a fashion photographer, so he’s in Europe a lot.”

“And your youngest son?”

“Micah?” Sophia smiled. “We love him dearly, but we don’t see him often. He’s a story for another time.” She squeezed Vivienne’s arm.

“And Daniela also lives in New York. She’s in fashion like Gianni. My daughter has done makeup since she was a little girl, so I’m not surprised she chose a career as a makeup artist.”

Vivienne wanted to ask Sophia something, but wasn’t sure how to approach it. She glanced across the room, noticing that the men were still engaged in conversation. “Can I ask you something?”

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