Deep, Hard, and Rough (3 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Deep, Hard, and Rough
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“I hope the city has improved form the last time we
came here.” Erak stood back and watched Genet and Raimi step off the loading
dock. Various other beings milled around. Some cast menacing glances at him, stupid
creatures that didn’t know the kind of warriors the Aktulla males were, while
others kept their distance because they were smart enough to realize that Erak
and his brothers could kill them with one expert move. Most of the creatures appeared
human, but Erak knew better. While the Aktulla were similar in appearance to
humans, they were anything but, and a far superior species. Erak grabbed his
pack and followed his brothers, hoping this wasn’t going to be an experience he
would regret, but knowing that was probably a guarantee.

Chapter Three


Luna stood in line as each employee was prepared for
the night’s festivities. Although she wanted to deny what Maximo offered, and
escape what would surely happen tonight, she couldn’t pass up the bathing chamber,
especially when she rarely got to take one. Her bathing ritual, a whore’s bath
in the sink, had her feeling unkempt and dirty on most days. Water was scarce
on Kat’aki, and the very thought of washing away the red dust that covered her
skin on a daily basis sounded heavenly. Besides, she planned on leaving this
very night, and using the wealthiest of males to make that possible. Her
virginity was such a prize possession, so
would be the one to barter with it, not Maximo. Of course, all of this was a
plan, and everything would have to fall into place perfectly for it to work.

As each person stepped into the enclosed water
module, Luna glanced at the recently cleaned staff. They ranged in shapes and
sizes. Even
beasts with their thick limbs and
glowing white eyes were amongst them. Once cleaned, each one of Maximo’s
employees wore an outfit that was meant to tantalize and entice the prospective
buyers. The material they wore showcased a female’s breasts and between her
thighs while the males’ genitals were on display. It didn’t matter what a
creature looked like on Kat’aki. If they had a pussy or dick then they were
fair game.

When her turn was next to bathe, Luna didn’t miss
how Maximo’s eyes skimmed along her body. Forcing herself to contain the
shudder of disgust that bombarded her, she stepped into the enclosed cubical. The
door reappeared behind her, shielding her from all prying eyes. A warm mist
started to fill the small chamber, and she swiftly removed her clothing and
placed them on the floor where they promptly vanished. Not wanting to waste any
time, she quickly washed. The water that swirled around her feet became a
reddish tint from the dust that was washed from her.

When she was cleaned, a strip of cloth to dry
and a clean set of clothing was automatically
ejected from a slot within the bathing chamber. When she stepped out of the
module she was immediately ushered to the side. Keeping her gaze averted, heat
moved up her face. The outfit she had been forced to wear was lewd and suggestive,
but at least her breasts and pussy were covered. The chilled air brushed across
her barely covered body. If she hadn’t been a virgin she would have been made
to wear the same genital revealing clothing as the others. Her dress had an
opaque hue to it and gave the illusion of being semi-transparent. It was so short
it barely brushed the bottom of her ass. Luna kept telling herself this was the
last night she would have to be subjected to this torture. After that, she
would bribe her way onto one of the many ships that were docked just a short
distance away. At least she was trying to stay optimistic. She may not have
enough money to buy herself a ticket off this disgusting planet, but she had
something that was worth something very valuable that could be bartered … her

On and on the bathing continued until everyone was
cleaned and they all stood in line. Maximo started at the head of the line and
made his way down, skimming his eyes along each being and then stopping when he
got to her. His lids dropped to half-mast when he looked at her body. Her skin
crawled, but she kept her hands to her sides, and didn’t give him the
satisfaction of a response.

“How your flesh glows, Luna.” He all but
his breath a stench of stale alcohol that made her

“My intentions are to serve the patrons ale and
sustenance,” she said through her teeth.

Maximo may not feel this way, but fuck him. Of
course, Aktulla males were known for their wealth, but the ones coming in
tonight were not just warriors, but the Asek line, princes of their planet. It
was clear Maximo thought he would get a small fortune for her. Did he not
realize that a virgin wasn’t desired by all species? Some even found innocence
a disgrace, a disgusting attribute that held no appeal. She wasn’t even sure if
the Aktulla species liked virgins, but she supposed she’d find out soon enough.

Maximo glared
down at her before a slow smile spread across his face. “We shall see, princess.”


Luna bustled around the main dining area as patrons
barked out orders to her. “I need two
drinks, one
ale, and an order of
fries.” She leaned against the counter, her feet
body weary. Despite her scantily clothed
body, males hardly paid attention to her. Her conclusion to that was Maximo had
made himself clear to all that entered. She was only to go to the Aktulla males
since she assumed them to be the wealthiest.

As the order was filled, she turned and looked at
all the patrons. Every table was packed in the common area with different
shapes, sizes, and all manner of beings from around the galaxy. The rowdy and
rambunctious crowd sang to the music overhead, and swatted the employees’ asses
if they were unlucky enough to be in reaching distance. The smell of liquor,
fried food, noxious body odor, and old blood that could never be removed from
the floor and walls made her stomach roil.
The only section not filled was the reserved part of the bar that was
specifically on hold for the Aktulla males. There wasn’t even a guarantee that
the males would
this hovel, and she knew every
business had done the same as Maximo, hoping the royals would pay them a visit.
Luna dreaded when and if they showed up, but there was also a part of her that
anticipated it. She would have to make sure to barter with them in a way Maximo
would not be aware. She didn’t know how much a virgin was worth, but it must be
a grand amount for Maximo’s excitement to be that tangible.

The sound of the front doors opening drew her
attention. The surprise that resonated within her at the males that stepped
through consumed her to the point she couldn’t think clearly. The noise in the
room seemed to dim when the seven foot tall Aktulla males stopped just inside
the entry and looked around. Luna swallowed roughly as her heart started to
jackknife in her chest. The males were certainly fearsome. The music continued
to play, but the chatter and lewd behavior was momentarily put on hold, and
rightly so. There were three Aktullas, all strikingly similar in feature but
different in coloring. Like many beings in the galaxy, the Aktullas appeared
humanoid, but Luna knew better than to classify them as her own weaker kind.
Not only were they one of the taller species in the
galaxy, they were also known for their ruthlessness, strength, and prowess. They
were warriors, barbaric in the way they killed their enemies, and were
undefeated. As if everyone caught themselves, they quickly resumed their
actions, looked away, and the noise picked back up.

“Here’s your order,

Luna turned away from the frightening males and
looked at Serna, the petite bartender. Serna may have been on the small side,
but she was from the
species, and her red
tinted skin and venom tipped claws made sure to keep unwanted advances away.

“Thanks.” Luna grabbed her order and made her way toward
the tables, not trusting herself to look at the males again. Her fear and
uneasiness had her faltering in her steps. Did she really think to proposition
those scary as hell men? The chairs they sat in seemed ridiculously small for
their massive frames. Taking in all that muscle and fearsomeness that
surrounded them, had Luna rethinking if she could really do this now. The
notion seemed ludicrous now. She stopped in front of one of her assigned tables
and deposited the drinks in front of the patrons. Luna couldn’t help herself. She
chanced a glance at the Aktullas once again, trying to convince herself that
unless she wanted to be some creature’s sex slave before Maximo finally got his
hands on her, she needed to gather her strength. But her fear and uncertainty were
very real inside of her, taking hold and trying to drag her down. The
screamed sex appeal and strength, but also
commanding dominance.

Maximo greeted the males with an overly ecstatic
demeanor. He looked pathetic and needy, and she had no doubt the Aktulla males
could sense that. He looked like a pesky rodent standing before the heavily
muscled and strong royals.
Her palms
were sweaty with what she knew she was going to have to do.

She didn’t know what Maximo was saying to them, if
he was already trying to sell her to these beings, but she supposed she’d find
out soon enough. Before she could even move one step, Maximo was walking away
from the warriors and heading right to her. She
her heart in her throat and her whole body tight. His stench overrode every
other smell in Tao.

She could see the focus on his face, the
determination and greed beaming in his eyes. “You are to only cater to the
warriors from this point on. They are your priority. Understand, princess?” As
he roughly grabbed her arm and turned her so she was now fully facing the
warriors, Luna grabbed onto that strength that tried to burrow deep inside of
her, and tugged the bitch forward.

“I understand clearly.” She spoke through gritted
teeth and tugged her arm free. She didn’t comment on it further, because she
knew the role he expected of her. What he didn’t know was what she was actually
going to do.

He chuckled deeply, but it held no amusement. Maximo
tightened his hold on her arm, and Luna forced herself not to wince in pain. His
rancid and humid breath raked across her face. “Keep playing by the rules and
it won’t be so bad, Luna.” Swiftly turning, he all but dragged her over to where
the Aktullas were seated. “Gentlemen, this is Luna.” Maximo’s voice was once
again pleasant and accommodating. He shoved her forward but kept a grip on her
arm. “She will be assisting you in
you may need, as we
discussed. All you have to do is tell her. She is obedient in all things, I
assure you.”

His fingers were like iron
on her upper arm, and the flow of blood was
becoming increasingly cut off.
He released his grip and stalked off. Watching as he left, she rubbed her arm
and winced slightly at how sore it was. Looking down at her tender flesh, she
saw a blotchy red imprint of his hand. The feeling of being watched intensified
until she brought her gaze up and stared at the three set of eyes that were
currently boring holes into her. Their expressions were void of any emotion.

Luna cleared her throat and tried to swallow the
huge lump that had suddenly formed in it.
must be appealing to these males, or your plan to escape will be fruitless.

“Good evening, gentlemen. Can I get you anything to
drink?” She took a moment to really examine them as they decided on what they
wanted, but when she looked at one she felt the stare of the other two. For
some reason Luna felt no aversion, fear, or disgust toward these men. They
could crush her with their huge hands, and break her bones as if they were no
more than
twig. There was also warmth growing in
her belly, an unusual and dare she say, uncomfortable sensation that started to
travel throughout her whole body. Never had she felt this, felt the way her
heart seemed to beat between her thighs, or the fact her nipples became hard.
And all it took was these males looking at her. They were extremely attractive
males, not in the classically handsome way either, but more so ruggedly
powerful, like how a warrior would look on the battlefield. She could imagine
them standing with their weapons raised high, their muscles straining as they
defeated their opponents. A shiver worked through her, because even though she
could vividly see the blood that would surely cover their massive chests as
they killed anything in their path, all she felt was arousal, and that was
something she had
experienced. With
their gazes locked on her, she was overwhelmed so suddenly she couldn’t
facial features resembled one another’s, but each had a different shade of hair
and eye color.

“How about we start with six mugs of your finest
ale?” The one at the far end spoke, his accent thick and his voice deep. She
turned her attention to the one who spoke. His black hair was cut short, and
his violet eyes seemed like the finest cut

Nodding almost absently, she was embarrassed that
she had to force herself to turn and leave. Hands shaking and now covered in
sweat, she wondered if maybe their kind exuded some kind of pheromone and that
was why her reaction to them was so intense. She had seen many beings while
living on this planet, but aside from a few key points she had learned of them
over the years, she knew nothing of customs, biology, or even mating habits. While
she waited for Serna to gather their drinks, she stole another glance at them.
Females milled around them, their exposed breasts jiggling as they swayed to
the music. But even though nude bodies were right at their reach, none of the
males made a move to touch, fondle, or take the females up on their sexually
lewd advances.

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