Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (36 page)

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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“And none of that winking business,” I said. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of patients…male patients mostly, although a few female, who try to feel me up as I’m leaning over them…so you wouldn’t be the first. And believe me, I know how to take care of patients like that…I wouldn’t want to get on my bad side if I were you.”

“Point taken, Nurse,” said Colton.

“Good,” I said, continuing to talk in my strict voice. “Now let’s see what’s going on with these injuries.”

I pretended to inspect his injuries for a moment. I leaned further down, pressing my breasts further into Colton’s face as I did so, pretending to be checking out the bandages around his abdomen.

“Wow, Nurse,” said Colton.

“None of that,” I said, giving Colton a playful slap on his cheek.

“Jeez, nurse. I was just…” said Colton.

“You were just giving me unwanted verbal advances,” I said. “I’ll have you know that that’s not allowed…it says so clearly in the hospital’s handbook for nurses and patients…”

“Now,” I said. “It seems like you are in pretty good condition from what I can tell. But it’s my job as a nurse to make sure everything works perfectly…and I mean everything. Now, don’t take this the wrong way. This isn’t a sexual advance…I’m just doing my job. I want to make sure all my patients are in good working order before giving them the green light.”

“Sounds fun,” said Colton, giving me another wink.

“None of that,” I said, giving him another light and playful slap.

Colton just grinned at me. I could tell he was enjoying the little game just as much as I was.

“Now first let’s see if you have a normal penile response,” I said.

I reposition my body, getting completely on top of Colton. I was careful not to put weight on his chest where his bad bruise was, or on his abdomen, where he had had been impaled by the bull’s horn.

I straddled him widening my legs, and pushing my crotch against his. I could feel his cock beneath me, semi-hard, although not yet completely swollen.

“The goal,” I said. “Is to check your responses. Now remember that, patient. This isn’t anything more than it seems.”

“Understood,” said Colton, his grin growing huge on his face.

Despite how tight my nurse’s top was
I managed to pull the middle of it farther down, stretching it towards my navel. My breasts in my sports bra now stuck completely out through the deep V-neck opening. I stretched the tight nurse’s uniform fabric around down the bottom of my breasts so that it wouldn’t come back up again and cover my breasts. It also had the added bonus of keeping my breasts even more buoyant and more firm that normal. They were pushed practically to the sky. It looked like I was wearing a push up bra.

I leaned down, keeping my body away from his chest and abdomen, but pushing my breasts again right into his face. I rubbed the smooth fabric of the push up bra against his cheeks.

Colton buried his head into the space between my breasts.

The contact on my breasts felt wonderful. I loved the feeling of the smooth sports bra fabric against his head…
had been a time, actually, when I was younger, when I would always wear a sports bra with my college boyfriend, because I liked the feel of it so much better. The way his hands moved across it just felt so silky and delicate compared to when his hands moved across a regular bra. I even liked the feel of it better than his hands against my naked flesh…I had somewhat moved on from that phase. Part of it, I’m sure, was moving on to more mature men who better understood how to touch a woman’s breasts.

It was a little embarrassing to admit, but sometimes for a bit of a nostalgic throw back, I would put on a sports bra just to masturbate…I loved the feeling of my own hands against that fabric.

“You like that, don’t you, patient?” I said to Colton.

“I’m afraid to admit it, but I
…” said Colton, the grin still plastered to his face. He looked so cute, so handsome…he looked like a rugged warrior, with the stubble on his face…his hair just a little greasy and unkempt…there was some minor wounds on his face from falling down after the bull gored him…He looked exactly like the wounded hero.

“Your penis is responding wonderful,” I said, still using my nurse voice.

I began to grind my body against his
against his thick and hard cock…somehow it seemed even bigger than I had remembered.

His huge cock pushed up against my pussy…I knew that I was already sopping wet.

I reached up and pulled off my
top. Next, I puled off my sports bra, so that my big breasts swung free. I pushed them again into Colton’s face. As if on cue, he began to massage them ever so lightly. He began sucked on each of he nipples in turn…a very light sucking. It felt divine. He really knew how to go about this slowly…he was diving right in, but also taking his time and doing everything gently…it was just the way I liked it. I liked the pressure and intensity to slowly build up.

“Wow, nurse, this is great,” said Colton.

“It sure is,” I said, letting the nurse routine drop for a moment. Then I remembered, and said, “Quite, patient, this is just a routine check up.”

“Of course,” said Colton.

I let Colton reach out and pull down my nurse pants that were held up with only an elastic band. I had purposely taken off my underwear earlier…so it was just my bare crotch, with my juices flowing freely, foaming up and running down my inner thigh.

“You’ll do fine in here,” came a stranger’s voice from on the other side of the curtain.

Colton and I both froze.

We would be in a very compromising position if someone discovered us.

There was the sound of more footsteps. Someone was coming into the room…it was too bad there hadn’t been a lock.

When I pulled the curtain closed, I had noticed that the room was actually a double…there had been an unused bed on the other side of the curtain.

“You’ll be comfortable in here,” said a voice, probably of a nurse…a real nurse.

“Thanks, nurse,” said a patient’s voice. He sounded hoarse, like he was really sick.

I held my finger up to my mouth, motioning to Colton to be quite, not that he needed it.

Surprisingly, Colton’s face was still a huge smile. I think he must have liked the situation we were in. I, on the other hand, was frozen in fear. I could feel my heart beating insanely quickly, as if it was going to pop right out of my chest, flopping onto the floor, where it would continue beating in anxiety on its own…

There was only the thin sheet of fabric of the curtain separating us and the other patient and the nurse.

“I’ll just get you set up here before the doctor gets here. We just need to connect some of the devices, and make sure you’re all squared away with the medication.”

“Ok, nurse, no problem.”

This sort of exchange between the other patient and the other nurse continued for a little while. We could hear the nurse connecting a couple different devices. We could hear her making occasional comments about the patients’ health. Apparently, he had been in some sort of car accident and needed to be monitored for a little while, for a couple weeks. But other than that, he wasn’t seriously injured. Just your standard cuts and bruises, judging by what the nurse was saying.

For some reason, hearing that the patient wasn’t really that bad off made me feel a little calmer.

After a couple minutes of remaining frozen, my heart rate started to slow down to a more reasonable rate…I was getting a little calmer, and noticed that I was still quite excited about the idea of having sex with Colton. His body looked muscular rand wiry, strong and ready to take me. And I had to admit that the situation, with the people right on the other side of the curtain, was beginning to excite me even more…it was sort of like an added spice to the already hot situation.

My juices were still running strong, and Colton’s cock was as hard as ever.

“Stay very quite,” I whispered as softly as I could into Colton’s ear.

He obeyed, and as slowly and quiet as I could, I pushed myself down onto Colton’s cock.

There wasn’t any more time for foreplay, even though I would have liked to continue the little nurse and patient charade for a little longer. But it would have been simply too noisy…all we had time for now was a simple fuck, clean and simple, quick and silent.

But I almost moaned as Colton’s’ cock penetrated me…it felt completely wonderful. Because I was on top, I was able to completely control the sensation. I pushed down as slowly as I could, as millimeter by millimeter his big thick cock penetrate me…

It felt like his cock would split me in two…

It felt even larger that before. It felt absolute massive, and I could feel it pulsating inside me…

I managed to keep my mouth shut, in case my heavy breathing could be heard on the other side of the curtain.

Colton did a better job than I did of remaining silent…he had a look of complete concentration and intensity on his face as I rode him.

I had a brief flashback memory to when Colton was so elegantly and athletic riding the bull. Now, I was the rider, and Colton was the bull. I tried to make my movements athletic and graceful, the same way Colton had moved when had been riding that bull.

The thought of Colton riding the bull for some reason made me even hotter…my juices were really flowing now. My nipples were
upright, as taught and tight and pointed as could be. Colton felt even harder and thicker inside me, if that was possible. I could feel his cock throbbing violently inside me…it wanted to discharge its load deep inside me.

After a few minutes of riding Colton silently, the nurse on the other side of the curtain seemed ready to go.

“OK,” said the nurse on the other side of the curtain. “I’ll leave you alone now, and the doctor will be in to see you shortly.

My top was off, and my
pants were still stretched down around my knees…

Colton was completely naked, and the sheet was down around his ankles…

,” I moaned. “You feel so good.” I knew I shouldn’t have made any noises, but I just couldn’t help it…

With the nurse on the other side of the curtain gone, back to her nurses station, it seemed like all the pressure and tension that had made the situation even hotter was released…but now that the tension was gone, the hotness of the situation wasn’t gone at all…and I simply couldn’t help letting out a moan.

“Is someone else here? Is someone else in the room?” said the man on the other side of the curtain.

,” I moaned, a way of answering him.

Colton looked briefly horrified, but I could see the perverse side of his bad boy
self taking
charge, and then I could see he began to enjoy the voyeuristic aspects of the situation himself. He let out a loud groan as he bucked his hips up from the mattress, drilling his cock even deeper inside me with a very, very hard push.

“Oh yeah, Colton,” I moaned, at full volume. “Fuck me, fuck me good, push your cock into me.”

“Wow,” said the man on the other side of the curtain. I could tell from the sound of his voice that he didn’t know what to make of the situation, but that he was a little turned on… I mean who wouldn’t be turned on by a couple fucking each others’ brains out in the very same room… I imagined that it was a very nice treat for this injured man… In lieu of sending flowers, at least…it was something I could do for him, in a sick and sexual way.

But my normal morality, my normal reserved self, had completely flown out the window.

This was the first time Colton and I had fucked since making eye contact in the rodeo, since each independently deciding that we loved each other from a distance.

Despite his injuries, Colton suddenly got out from under me…I didn’t even know he was about to do it.

He pulled his cock out of me and shot out from under my legs.

The next thing I knew, he was on top of me.

He had pushed me down into the mattress.

I was face down, and Colton was on top of me.

He pushed his cock deep inside me.

It went in easy…that’s how wet I was…his cock was simply swimming in my juices.

“Oh yeah, Colton,” I moaned. “Fuck me hard…fuck me hard…I need to cum with you inside me. I need your cum…Colton, oh yeah.”

I continued moaning like that loudly as Colton began pounding me form behind.

He started by keeping his body above mine, but slowly he lowered himself so that he was pressing his powerful and muscular torso against mine, pressing me into the mattress.

“Wow,” I heard the other patient in the room say again.

Despite the intensity of being fucked by Colton, I managed to hear the distinct sounds of the patient beginning to rub his own cock. The sound was so characteristic it could be distinguished between and among a host of other sounds, no matter how loud they were.

went the patient’s hand against his cock.

He was jerking himself off furiously to the sound of Colton fucking me hard.

It was hot…I had never been in a voyeuristic
situation like
this…and I have to say I liked it. Not only liked it, really, but loved it. Absolute loved it. It made everything feel more intense. It made every push by Colton’s cock more intense.

“Sounds like he’s getting off to us, baby?” I moaned to Colton.

“Yeah,” said Colton, grunting as he thrust his cock again and again deep inside me. “You like that, don’t you baby?”

“Yeah,” I moaned, loudly. “I like hearing him jerk off.”

The patient’s sounds only grew more intense. He was jerking off as if there was no tomorrow. His hand must have been moving too fast to see against his cock…he knew it was almost over, and wanted to cum while we were still fucking.

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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