Deep Diving (10 page)

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Authors: Cate Ellink

BOOK: Deep Diving
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Languid from the lapping water, I only half notice Cooper toss his shorts towards the shore. It’s when his hands curve around my hips and he pulls me through the caressing sea to land against his naked strength, that I realise he’s starkers. His cock juts forward to meet me before bending against my thigh and snuggling into the natural groove between them. His hips cradle mine, his chest is the table for my breasts to fall upon. Our mouths meet, lock, explore. More moisture. The damp warmth of his lips is hot compared to the sea. The slow press of his tongue into my mouth reminiscent of the water’s press into my cunt.

We’re moving to the beat of the ocean, to the push and pull of the surf, to the ebb and flow. A slow sensuous dance.

When his cock presses against me, expecting entrance, I almost press down. I almost open to him in the hypnotic moment. Some part of my mind functions. I pull temptation away with a twitch of hips. The kiss goes on, the power of seduction stronger than my mind and again I’m wrapped around him, his cock begging for entry.

This time I twitch my whole body away, panting as I suck in air. ‘Condom,’ I manage to gasp. His eyes widen. ‘Shit.’ He runs both hands though his hair. He looks at me and shakes his head. ‘Sorry.’

I move a step closer and brush my fingertips across his deliciously swollen lips. ‘No need to apologise.’

He captures my hand and pulls it down into the water. For a moment I’m sure my hand will be pulled against him — his cock, his stomach — but his expression changes. His eyes gleam and his lips soften. A smile breaks across his face. ‘Come skinny dip with me.’

A frown tugs at my forehead. ‘Aren’t we already?’

‘We aren’t swimming,’ he says before he tugs me underwater with him.

Without having to speak, we race out further. Arms circling, legs pounding the water, heads rhythmically breaking the surface to breathe. His fingers brush mine mid-stroke and we both stop, treading water and breathing hard.

‘I’m glad something makes you pant.’

He winks. ‘It’s someone, not something.’

Laughing, and thinking I have a good chance, I yell, ‘Race you back to shore,’ before plunging forward and swimming as fast as I possibly can.

When I’m almost to the shore I see the couple walking along the beach heading right to where I need to exit. Damn. Although I’m a body length ahead of Cooper, I’m not going to be able to claim victory by crowing on the shore. Treading water, I catch his arm as he comes up beside me.

‘Seclusion’s over.’ I nod towards the people on the beach.

‘My boardies are there.’ He points to a lump moving in the shallows with each wave.

‘Let’s hope they aren’t here to collect rubbish.’ The grin on my face is quickly covered by Cooper’s hot mouth. His lips hold mine while his tongue slips inside.

I pull away. ‘Not here.’ I shouldn’t care; we’ve done more in public places before, but I saw the people. They won’t leave my mind. I can’t fall into Cooper’s caress knowing I’m naked, there are people watching, and our swimmers are virtually at their feet.

We swim out to deeper water, away from people and the shore, where we can make out without disturbance. Long deep kisses, entwined with each other, the water swirling, is decadent. When we separate, the water encircles and holds me. I float with a sunshine blanket, a water bed, and my hand held by Cooper’s. Bliss.

‘Have you ever done underwater photography?’ I give Cooper’s hand a squeeze as I ask.

‘No. You?’

‘No. I’ve always wanted to. Are you interested in trying?’

Cooper’s thumb strokes across my knuckles, another soothing movement in an ocean of them. ‘Do you think we could hire gear?’

‘We could ask tomorrow. I’m sure I saw a sign.’

‘Will you get a camera too?’ Cooper asks.

‘Yes, I think so. Or should we work together?’

‘Let’s see who can take the best photo each dive.’ Cooper’s grin is almost a smirk, as if he’s super confident that he’ll be winning. He shouldn’t be so sure.

‘You’re on.’

A kiss, and a lot of groping, seals the deal. Making out in the sea adds a fun dimension to sex but cools nothing. Together we’re dynamite. It’s a little disconcerting to find this in a holiday fling. He should be disposable, fun but non-threatening. Yet Cooper makes me think relationship, not fling. And if I think about that, I may drown.

When the kiss breaks I duck dive, needing the space underwater offers. Spreading the water with my hands, I push deeper, kicking hard. When my lungs start to hurt, I arch back and arrow to the surface, letting the water whoosh over my naked flesh. After Cooper’s wrapped warmth, the cool openness of the ocean is freeing.

I break the surface and stroke away from shore, needing more space. Arms circling, legs pumping, I hit a rhythm that settles my mind. Running may stop my mind functioning, swimming gives me space to sort thoughts. I need a lot of sorting.

I swim until the pull of the ocean strengthens and lets me know I’ve left the shelter of the bay. I retrace my path back to shore. Back to Cooper.

Chapter 6

Early morning sunlight touches my cheek, warming me. The lightest brush of fingertips stroke across my stomach. My body wakes, alive, tingling and warmed by the great bulk of muscles wrapped around me.

Stretching, a smile on my face, I open my eyes and my lips. ‘Good morning, Coop—’

His mouth devours mine, taking any words I would have said. After last night I’d have thought we’d have had enough of each other, but no. Last night seems to have only whet the appetite — both of ours, if this rampaging kiss is anything to go by.

It heats, quickly. In no time Cooper grabs a condom, sheathes himself and probes at my cunt. We’re side by side facing each other. One of my hands on his abdomen, the other encircling his cock. I lift my leg and pause.

‘We had sex like this last night.’ I squeeze my hand on his cock, my other hand stroking downward towards his balls.

Cooper looks at me, his eyebrow quirked in question.

‘Doesn’t it get boring doing it the same way all the time?’

‘Sam, nothing about you is boring. Are you bored?’

I need a brain transplant. I can’t believe I began this conversation, let alone started it poised on the brink of more incredible sex. ‘Never bored. You just spur me to greater things. I don’t think we should repeat an act. We need to challenge each other to new things every time.’ My hand cups his sac, weighing and lifting his balls, pulsing slowly against them.

Cooper’s head shakes as his lips part in a grin. ‘And you had to tell me this now?’ When I make no sound, he adds, ‘You’re a very naughty girl.’ His voice is full of cheek.

‘I just woke up. My brain’s not functioning.’

With a laugh, Cooper grabs both my wrists until I release him, then he flips me onto my stomach. ‘Different enough for you?’ He scoops my hips up and pulls me towards the edge of the bed. On my knees, head and hands against the bed, I turn to watch him, waiting to see what he’ll do.

He slides out of bed and stands behind me, his eyes shining with excitement. ‘Or do I need more inventiveness? Punishment, maybe?’

My heart jumps into my mouth. My backside is raised, at his mercy. And I’ve just said something ridiculous, which could deserve punishment. Would he? I lick my lips so I can open my dirt-dry mouth. ‘Are you going to smack me?’ Half scared, half excited, my voice quavers.

‘Do you think you deserve it?’ His tone is different. Sort of rough, a little harsh, thick with sexual promise.

I turn my head away from him and push my forehead into the mattress. How do I answer that? Yes, I deserve it for my timing. No, I don’t want to be hit. But yes, I do want to.

The anticipation of his touch is making me giddy. Will it hurt? Will his hand cover all of my buttock? Will he use all of his strength? Will he slap or pinch or lick or swat or stroke? Oh, God, it’s excruciating. ‘Yes.’

‘Yes what, Sam?’ His voice is thicker, rougher, sexier. My juices flow. My butt’s in the air, my legs apart, he’s watching. He can probably see me getting wetter as he questions and waits. It turns me on even more. Shit. I can hardly breathe.

‘Yes, I deserve to be smacked.’ That is so not my voice. It’s high pitched, breathy and almost a whisper. I’m no meek girl.

The air stirs, presses against my butt and then his palm connects. A sharp sting burns across my buttock, heat flares in the centre and spreads outwards. Before I can process the pain, the hurt, he’s slapped the other cheek. Feelings flood. Sting. Pain. Burn. Tingling heat. Deepening desire. Flooding cunt. Clenched clit.

‘Fuck, Cooper.’ There’s that meek breathy girl again.

His hand strokes from the tail of my spine upwards. ‘Do you deserve more, Sammy?’ His lips brush against the dip beneath my ear. His fingers curl through my hair, twisting it and lifting it from my neck. His tongue, wet and hot, slides across my nape. ‘Would you like me to spank you again?’

Would I? I’m torn. I want…what the hell do I want?

He rubs against me, his hard cock slides across my smarting skin.

‘Yes, please.’ It’s that breathy girl again and I’m surprised that I agree with her. I want to feel the sting of his flesh on me. And then I want him to fuck me hard. The breathy girl vanishes when he bites my neck. ‘After you punish me, you can reward yourself by plunging in and fucking me hard.’ That sounds more like me, sure and cocky.

Cooper laughs a deep rumble in his chest. ‘Can I just?’

He lifts from me, no longer connected. And this is what kills me. How do I know when he’ll touch me? How do I know how much force he’ll use? How do I know when to move to avoid it? Do I want to avoid it? Hell, this spanking has my brain confused. I want it, I don’t. I trust him, I don’t. I want it to hurt, I don’t.

His palm cracks against my buttock loudly and flooding shame, joy, relief, horror, hurt and pleasure fills me. ‘Argh!’ It’s everything I love and everything I hate.

His palm cracks against me again. ‘Fuck!’ Sharp, stinging, cracking. Setting my flesh on fire. The heat spreads, turns to pleasure. My cunt oozes, clenching in spasms.

His hands grasp my hips and with one hard thrust he fills me. We both emit a sound of part sigh, part burst of happiness. He holds still a few moments. Seconds where pleasure rockets through me.

He pulls back then impales me in one long deep thrust. I arch and push against him. Being filled is incredible but it’s the marks on my buttocks that hold my attention. The stinging has moved to a deeper, dull throb that’s filling my body. A beat I can’t ignore. My hips roll and Cooper takes up the movement. His huge hands hold and direct as I move with him. His cock thrusts, his balls slapping lightly against my clit and pushing the air to move against it. Everything’s screaming for release. Now.

My hand slips down my body so I can stroke my clit. The first touch has me jolt and Cooper nips against my shoulder blade.

‘Yes, Sam. Make yourself come.’

Circling and flicking my clit, to my rhythm, while Cooper thrusts into me, is exhilarating. Every fibre of my being is caught in this push to orgasm. I rub gently and then harder, circling, stroking, flicking. Cooper’s mouth on my back, lips kissing, tongue lapping, teeth nipping. His cock thrusting harder and faster.

With a squeeze of my clit between thumb and forefinger, I buck. Copper bites on the soft flesh between neck and shoulder and I scream. Pushing back against him, I convulse on orgasm. It fills my body. On and on. My finger keeps it going far past the usual release. My orgasm pulses; waves of pleasure, intense and dull, intense and dull, burst through me.

And then Cooper’s cock pumps hard inside. And my orgasm flares. The intensity swamping me. Flooding me. I bite the bed sheets, clenching my jaw as wave after wave of heat fills me.

And then I’m sprawled across the bed. Feet hanging off. Collapsed in ruin. Gasping for breath, for sanity. Gasping to keep going, to keep riding the joy.

Cooper is over me, held up by arms bulging with muscles. Still filling me. Cock still twitching inside.

Neither of us says anything for the longest time. Neither of us moves. I’m incapable of thinking. I’ve been reduced to my basest self and I love it.

Eventually there’s movement but I’ve no idea who moves first. Cooper strips off and disposes of the condom. I drag myself onto the bed fully, lying on my back with my head on the pillows. Cooper joins me. Without need for words, he holds me in his arms. Our breathing matches. I close my hands over his. Secure in his arms, I snuggle against him.

Next thing I know, strong sunlight wakes me and a sound I can’t identify. Cooper stirs beside me and then his eyes spring open. Dark chocolate pools. His lips break into a smile to rival the best sunrise. He kisses me lightly.

‘I’ll get rid of room service.’ He slips from bed, drags on a robe and opens the door. A muffled conversation is background noise. My eyes are glued to the clock. Eleven, oh, eight. My mind can’t make sense of the numbers. I lift myself up on an elbow and stare at the clock harder.

It’s 11:08 a.m. And I just woke up? Scratching my head, I still can’t process. I never sleep late. Eight o’clock is a sleep-in. Has been for as far back as I can remember.

Cooper returns. ‘Breakfast is here if you’re hungry. As usual, I’m starving now I’m awake.’

I blink a couple of times before I can get words from my mouth. ‘It’s after eleven.’ The words come out sounding like a question even though I meant it as a statement. Or maybe not. I am questioning it, along with my sanity.

‘Lucky we have an afternoon dive today.’ Cooper’s grin is pure mischief. One that speaks of sated male, a night of great sex, and a morning of adventure.

I pull myself from the bed. ‘I never sleep this late.’

Catching my hand in his, Cooper walks me towards him until I’m snug against his chest with his arms loosely around me. He kisses me lightly. ‘Sweetheart. Until after six this morning, there was precious little sleep.’ While his grin slides more towards gloating, heat slips from my chest up my neck and across my face. Why? I have no idea. I loved every minute of it. I have never spent such a decadent night, and maybe that’s the reason for my tinge of shame.

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