Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series)
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"Oh God!" She screams, her back arches and I feel her tightening around me as her head goes back in another orgasm.  I follow using my hands on her hips to guide her into my climax. 

Falling back on the bed in each other's arms, I knew right then that she was the one. 


              I slept like I have never slept before that night with Heidi tucked into my arms.  Waking up the next morning to what felt like the most amazing dream.  Seeing her head resting peacefully on my chest, I can't help but smile to myself. 

I kiss the top of her head and she stirs letting out the cutest little sleepy sigh.  Her eyes finally flutter open and she fixes them on me.  The smile she gives me is like sunshine.  I feel on top of the world and want nothing more than to wake up to this smile every morning for the rest of my life.

"Hey you," she says sitting up, resting on one elbow looking timid almost.

"Hey yourself." I laugh at her shyness.

"What?" She asks at my laughter.

"Nothing, you seem like you are shy with me. I find that amusing after last night."  I answer her.

"Just....well...I've never," she stutters.

"What?"  I push.

"I've never felt like this before and...." She looks down her eyes focused on something at the end of the bed. 

"Heidi?  Just tell me."

"I guess your reputation and all...I just kind of figured you wouldn't be here when I woke up.  So I don't know, I'm kind of happy you are."  Her voice is soft, and she's still not looking at me. I put my finger under her chin and move her face so I can see her eyes.

"I've never felt like this before either."  I tell her with all seriousness.  "I've never chased a woman halfway around the world before." 

"No just across the country."  Her words are harsh, even though I don't think she meant it to sound the way it did.  I wince at the statement, because she is right.  How can she know, how do I tell her?

"I'm sorry. You don't owe me an explanation.  I shouldn't have said that."  She apologizes immediately from the look on my face.  "Just forget I said that. Do you want to get something to eat?"  She asks getting out of bed and covering her gorgeous body with her silk robe. 

Fuck! I scramble out of bed chasing after her buck naked.  Grabbing her hips I pull her to me.  Her back pressed to my front.  She relaxes into me and I wrap my arms around her waist.  Kissing the side of her head, I hold her for a second just enjoying the feel of her in my arms.

"I want to tell you everything, and I will tell you everything.  It's not what you think, or at least what I think you are thinking."  I say and she laughs turning in my arms to look up at me. 

"I don't know why I do, and every part of my brain is telling me not to, but I believe you."  She looks into my eyes.  "I feel like you have the potential to really break my heart, Rex Olsen, but for some reason I don't think you will."  Her words are like sweet candy, because they are true.  I would rather die than not be with this amazing, gorgeous woman. 

I wrap my hand around the back of her head pulling her to me.  She is the perfect height that her head rests just under my chin.  It's like she was made to fit in this spot.  Since I woke up with her in my arms I've had a massive chubby, and now with her next to me it's twitching against her stomach. 

She looks up at me with a smile before she reaches for my head pulling me down to her lips.  She is frantically kissing me deeply, her tongue urgent in my mouth.  She starts pushing me back toward the bedroom and I walk backwards as we kiss.  Hitting the bed with the back of my legs, she pushes on my chest releasing her lips from mine. 

"I don't have much time before I have to be on set," she says, her lips red from the hard kissing as she takes in a frantic breath.  It's like she is trying to decide if she has enough time for sex.  I make the decision for her wrapping my arm around her waist I lift her with ease.  Climbing on the bed, I position her under me.  Opening her robe, I smile down at her.  She is breathing heavy looking shocked at the way I just man handled her into this position.

"Do you need to go?"  I give her my best half smile. 

"No, I'm the star, they'll wait."  She giggles, grasping the back of my head and pulling me down to her waiting lips.  I move my hands over her breasts and follow with my mouth.  Kissing her nipples before I lightly bite down, I make her let out a sexy moan.  I almost come right there.  Jesus, how does she do this to me? 

She pushes on my chest so she can move on top of me.  Sweet girl likes to be in control.  I'm alright with that.

"Condom?" She says sitting up from kissing my chest. 

"In my jeans."

She hops of the bed with a huge smile on her face grabbing my jeans.  Reaching her hands in one of the pockets she pulls out her panties I had pocketed last night. She holds them up one eyebrow raised.

"Those are mine, put them back."  I tell her firmly as she laughs at me. 

"I could have you arrested," she says shoving them back in the pocket, then finding the condom she crawls back on the bed holding the foil packet between her teeth.

"For what, sweet girl?  Grand theft underwear?"  I laugh, grabbing her arms when she gets closer to pull her to me. 

"Oh, witty!"  She says with the condom still between her teeth.  I am holding her arms down not letting her move, as her breasts are crushed up against me.  "You going to let me put this on you?"  She mumbles trying to not let the condom fall out.  I can't help but laugh at how fucking cute she is. 

"Yes, please."  I let her go and put my arms under my head so I can watch her as she moves down my body.  Her hair falls forward tickling my skin and she looks up at me through her eyelashes.  "Damn you are beautiful."  I groan watching her sheath me. 

"You aren't so bad yourself, cowboy," she says as she moves to position herself on top of me.  Slowly and tortuously she lowers herself on me, like she is teasing me, she takes me in just a little then back out.  There is mischief in her eyes as she does this.  Over and over she gives me a little and then takes it out. 

Groaning at the torture, I sit up wrapping my arm around her waist and throw her down on the bed.  I move on top of her looking into her eyes. I want to impale her so hard and so deep.  I want her more than anything, but I need her permission.  I need her to want it as bad as me.

"Rex please!" She is serious now staring at me. 

"Please what?"  I beg her with my eyes to say what I want her to say.

"Fuck me!"  She cries, and with that I thrust into her deep.  Her eyes roll back and she screams, "Oh my God, yes!" 

"You feel so good."  I moan as I move in and out of her sweet pussy.  I feel like I never want to be inside another woman.  That this is the only woman I will ever want to have sex with ever.  "God, you are so amazing."

She bucks her hips in time with my thrusts making me go just that much deeper inside.  Her head goes back, arching her back she yells, "I'm coming, Rex, oh God I'm coming!"  With one last thrust, I release into her.  Falling on top of her, I hold myself up enough to not crush her and kiss her sweaty neck, licking and sucking up to her ear. 

"Fuck, you are heaven," I whisper in her ear. 


              I stayed in Ireland with Heidi for a week.  One of the worst things about falling in love, yes you heard right, I was head over heels in love with this angel.  Anyway, one of the worst things was she was an in demand actress, especially for chick flicks, which meant love stories, which meant kissing scenes. I was banished from the set of her movie in Ireland after I punched her costar after a kissing scene.  He had one hell of a black eye and screwed up the whole schedule.  Hey, what can I say?  I know it's acting, but he looked like he was enjoying it a little too much.  Let's just say that the world knew then that Heidi Dean was my girl. 



Bonus Epilogue


As a Hollywood couple in the spotlight, we didn't do too bad.  She knew my deep dark secret a month after that first night. Her and Aubrey became friends, good friends actually.

Four months later I got down on one knee.  She was afraid of the curse, the one where famous people get married too fast only to end up in divorce.  So I waited. 

Now five years later, yes five years later, I'm waiting in a little room they put the groom and his best men in while they wait for their cue.  Can you believe that Ian Brady is standing next to me as my best man?  A lot changes as time goes on.  He and Sam are standing up with me.  Our little group become really close when we bought a second home in North Carolina, right on the very beach as Aubrey and Ian, and Sam and Miry.  Jackson, standing tall next to his daddy, was just about to turn six.  He loved his uncle Rex. I mean, who could blame him?

"Can I come in?" The sweet voice of my baby girl says opening the door a crack. 

"Of course." 

Walking through the door in her light green Maid of Honor dress that goes perfectly with her creamy white skin, is my baby girl holding the cutest little girl you ever would see on her hip.  Elizabeth Miry Brady is just about two now and is the spitting image of her mamma. 

"Come here munchkin," Ian says, taking his daughter from his wife's arm.  "Let's give mommy and Uncle Rexy a minute." 

"Untle Resy!" Lizzy yells laughing as I make a silly face at her.

"I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I have to say you have a very beautiful bride waiting to marry you," Aubrey says fixing my tie. 

"Yeah, she's pretty, huh?" I raise my eyebrows knowing full well that the woman waiting to marry me is the most gorgeous woman in the world.  I cannot wait to make her Mrs. Rex Olsen, have gorgeous little babies with her, and spend the rest of my life loving her.

"You could say that."  Aubrey laughs.  "Also I wanted to tell you that Miry has been making eyes at her, so you might want to watch her tonight.  Miry has a thing about weddings."  She laughs. 

"There's a threesome I could get into."  I joke and Aubrey smacks my arm.  "Hey, you know you are welcome to join."  Another smack.

"Come here, baby girl." I hold out my arms and she goes into them.

"I'm so happy for you, Rex." I see a tear well in her eye. 

"There's no crying today, so just stop it."  I wipe the tear with my thumb.  "I love you." I say, leaning down to kiss her cheek. 

"I love you too.  Now get your ass out there and marry that gorgeous woman," she says, linking her arm in mine as we walk into the church. 


The End.


A special thanks to my editor,  Tara the Word Wench.  For her awesome services she can be contacted @  [email protected].



Other books by this Author:

Unbreakable, Cypress Grove Series.

Deep Blue Impact

Deep Blue Hold



© Copyright. Amie Nichols. 2013. All rights reserved.



















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