Deep Autumn Heat (19 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Barrett

BOOK: Deep Autumn Heat
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It was all of these things, coupled with her vulnerability. She tried hard to hide it, but he could see it there, simmering just beneath the surface. She used her words like a shield—or like a
weapon—when he got too close. As protection. It was the combination of her strengths and weaknesses that drew him to her, just as he was certain that it was his own virtues and flaws that drew her to him.

His sexual appetite was sizeable, but he couldn’t remember the last time he had craved a woman this strongly. It made him course with need, made him constantly long to touch her, feel her, take her. He snorted. So much for getting her out of his system by sleeping with her. It was stupid to have even for a second contemplated that—now that he’d had her, he knew for certain that one time would never be enough. He could barely concentrate on anything else, feeling possessive in a way he hadn’t felt before. It made him want to claim her as his own. Permanently.

The thought both shocked and excited him.

Just then the water stopped. Seb heard Lexie step out of the shower. As she opened the bathroom door, a blast of warm, moist air surrounded him. It smelled like lavender. Light shone in a nimbus around her body, which was tightly wrapped in a towel.

Lexie saw him and froze, her mouth open in surprise.

She composed herself quickly, wiping the look from her face. “I didn’t realize you were awake,” she said smoothly, walking briskly to her dresser and turning her face away from him. “I folded your clothes. They’re on the chair. Your shoes are under the desk.” She busied herself by rummaging through a dresser drawer.

“Lexie,” he said softly, but loud enough for her to hear. She didn’t respond. Didn’t acknowledge he’d spoken. “Lexie, look at me,” he said.

She turned to him. Even in the dim light, he could see that her cheeks were flushed. A dark, damp curl fell over her eye and she pushed it back behind her ear. After staring at his face for a few long moments, she spoke. “Don’t think this changes anything between us,” she said, low and fierce.

“Come here.”

She hesitated before reluctantly moving toward him. When she was within arm’s reach,
he pulled her onto the bed. She resisted only slightly, and then gave in, allowing him to tug her under the covers.

Before she had a chance to protest, he took off her towel and threw it onto the floor. Her skin was warm from her shower and she smelled delectable. He caressed her smooth back and ran his fingers through her curled, damp hair.

Then he kissed her on the mouth. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about what we did. It was right. We both felt it.”

“I … I know. I just … I haven’t done this in a long time.”

“Why have you been hiding this beautiful body?” He skimmed a hand down her breast, making her shiver. “You were made for this.”
Made for me

Lexie’s eyes were downcast. He could tell she was thinking carefully about how to respond. “I don’t want to get hurt.” The word
was left unspoken.

Seb felt a flash of guilt combined with intense fury. The thought of someone—even himself—hurting Lexie made him physically sick. “It was Frank Doherty, wasn’t it?” he questioned. His gut clenched.

Lexie nodded.

“How?” he asked, barely restraining his anger. He needed to know.

If Lexie noticed the tension in his body, she didn’t respond to it. “Nothing physical. At least, not at first. He … he was my
.” Lexie said the word with disdain.

“What did he do?” Seb gritted out.

“Mind games. He completely manipulated me from day one. He built me up, flattered me, coaxed me, and pretended he was the most dutiful, devoted man ever. After we’d been dating for a couple of months, he slowly changed. He became more controlling. He’d say things like I wasn’t worthy enough to be with him. I was lucky he wanted me. I was lucky anyone wanted me.” Lexie shook her head, as if trying to lose the bad memories. “He was my first real relationship, and we were living together. I loved him. It took me too long to figure out what was going on. It took me even longer to leave him. But that didn’t end things.” Lexie shuddered, and
Seb stroked her arm. “He followed me. To school. To work. I couldn’t get rid of him, even after I got the restraining order. He violated it. Tried to force me. A friend …” She paused and swallowed. “A friend found him attacking me and pulled him off. He was arrested. I had to testify.”

“So you moved here to get away from him?” he asked, his voice still tight.

“Yeah. As far away as I could get,” she said softly.

“Is that why you’ve been so angry at me over these past two weeks?”

“I thought you were playing games with me. I’m through with that. I need to protect myself.” Lexie looked at him fiercely.

“I didn’t mean to play games with you, Lexie. When I left you at your house that night, I was struggling with myself. I didn’t know how far I should let things go. After our cooking competition I was so turned on, but that ridiculous fire alarm went off and ruined everything.” He stroked her cheek and looked her dead in the eye. “And at the reception I had a huge hard-on and knew if I didn’t get you somewhere private I was going to push up your pretty little party dress and take you right there on that damned dance floor.”

Lexie looked slightly stunned by his words. She blinked and gave a brief laugh. “I suppose it
only a matter of time. We’ve been dancing around each other ever since you walked into my restaurant.”

He relaxed, his own protective anger about what had happened to her abating. “I’ve wanted you since the first morning I saw you. I think I made that fairly obvious, despite our hiccups.”

“I’ve wanted you, too,” she whispered. “Even though I was trying to fight it. But I don’t know that I’m ready for this.”

“Well, I have news for you, Lexie. This,” he said, gesturing between them with a large hand, “this does change everything. You’re mine now.”

“I’m no one’s,” Lexie said, her chin jerking up in defiance.

,” he repeated, one hand encircling her forearm. “And I take care of what’s
mine. I’m going to do my best not to hurt you, Spice.”

Lexie looked at him, as if she was weighing what he’d said. “I believe that,” she said slowly. “I also believe that it won’t be deliberate if you do hurt me. You’re not cruel, and you’re definitely not psychotic.”

Sebastian smiled at her. “No. I’m not psychotic. But it sounds like your ex is. I’m thinking that we shouldn’t air the footage of our throw-down. Call it a wild guess, but you probably don’t want him knowing where you are, and if you’re on national television, he’ll know exactly where you work.”

Lexie’s eyes widened. “I didn’t even think of that.” She paused for a long moment. “Yes. Let’s scrap the footage. Please.”

He nodded. “Done.”

She closed her eyes, and he stroked his hand up her arm to her shoulder, enjoying the way she shivered a little when he trailed it to her neck. She was so beautiful, so real. “Would you believe that I’m ready for you again?”

“Ready for me—?” Lexie gasped as the truth of what he was saying pressed long and hard against her stomach. Seb took Lexie’s hand from his chest and placed it on his shaft. Her small fingers curled around it and softly stroked as her lips curved into a smile.

This time he tried to be even more gentle. Their previous lovemaking had released the demons inside him that had been raging to break free. Now, he took the opportunity to tenderly but thoroughly explore her body.

He reveled in the taste of her, the smell of her, the essence of her. She was gorgeous, warm and oh-so-supple, her lovely fresh lavender scent intoxicating his senses.

She bloomed under his skillful touch, her body’s quivering his signal that she was ready for him. She still couldn’t voice what it was she wanted from him, what she needed from him, but he wasn’t concerned. That would come with time. For now, he was content that her physical response was as clear as any words.

He waited until he had her right where he wanted—wanting him, her dewy body moist
and welcoming. Then he positioned her hips to receive him and glided his length up and into her. She gasped loudly, then sighed.

They made love slowly, content to let the slide of their bodies do the work this time, instead of hurrying to the apex. Without prompting, Lexie wrapped her legs around Seb’s waist and moved her hips in time with his long thrusts. She tipped her head up to him and pressed her lips to his.

Her small tongue darted inside his mouth. She tasted like mint. He sucked her tongue gently into his mouth and began to stroke it with his own. She shivered beneath him and moved her hips to try to quicken his pace.

Seb refused to let her, keeping his leisurely, rhythmic movements just the way he wanted. This time, he wanted to show her how good waiting could be. How incredible the peak could feel when you’d worked your way up. He flexed his hips and slid in, feeling her slick channel cling to every inch of him. Then he flexed again and enjoyed the slow tug on his member as he pulled himself out.

After several long minutes of his slide and release, Lexie was growing frantic. She had abandoned the kissing and her head tossed from side to side. Her muscles clamped around him and her thighs began to quiver around his waist. Her nipples hit his chest in sharp little points, and despite his even thrusts, Lexie’s hips jerked back and forth of their own accord.

All of a sudden, she kissed him passionately, then bit his lower lip in a frenzy. The bite inflamed him, and he grew even harder with need. Not able to hold on to his own rising passion any longer, Seb finally gave her what she was tacitly begging for.

He groaned into her neck, and then stroked faster and faster, harder and harder, crushing her into the mattress as he pumped his body into hers. Lexie gasped with relief. She thrust her hips against him equally hard, lifting them off the bed with her desire.

It didn’t take long before they both shattered together in what was for Sebastian a mind-blowing orgasm. Just as he achieved his own satisfaction, Lexie’s back arched and she cried out.

He collapsed on top of her, but mindful of his large size, he rolled off her within seconds.

That was all he had the strength to do. Before he could even cover himself with the sheets, he fell into a sound sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Seb awoke in Lexie’s bed. He was laid out on his back to his full length—a luxury that he wasn’t used to in any bed that wasn’t his. He moved to stretch and realized his right arm was pinioned. He looked down. Lexie was curled up on his right side, her head resting in the crook of his arm, one small hand clutching his bicep, the other on his bare chest. Her warm, golden-brown curls were strewn everywhere. They spilled atop the pillow, laid over his arm, and rested on her slim shoulder just peeking out above the covers.

He pushed a swath of the dark mass back to see her better. She was still asleep, a gentle, peaceful expression on her face. Lexie’s long, dark eyelashes made half-moons on her lovely cheeks. Her skin was a creamy ivory, unsullied by the near-constant blush she wore when they were together. Her lush lips looked a shade darker than usual, no doubt due to the night of lovemaking they’d spent together.

Seb kissed her on the forehead and stretched as much as he could. He felt refreshed and renewed. And something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. What was it? Well, whatever it was, it was better than he’d felt in ages. He moved his body slightly, causing Lexie to shift against him. She moaned softly and tried to nestle further into his side.

He couldn’t help but grin. This little spitfire of a woman was a pussycat when it came to morning snuggling. She looked so sweet and soft lying there. With his free hand, he stroked one of her curls, and was rewarded when it gently bounced back into place.

A surge of protectiveness flashed through him, coupled with one of contentment.

Contentment. That was the feeling he didn’t recognize. Why now? Why with this woman? Seb didn’t have an answer. The morning sunlight was filtering softly through the filmy gauze curtains. Hazy light framed her room, making it look like something out of a movie scene.

Lexie shifted. When he looked down again, she was awake, watching him with wary eyes. Gone was the openness she’d shown him a glimpse of last night. In its place was her typical guarded expression. How was she going to handle him in her bed this morning? There was only one way to find out.

“Good morning, Lexie,” he said in his deep, low voice. “Did you sleep well?”

She stiffened slightly and looked cautiously at him. “Ah, um, yes, I did,” she responded, her voice still thick with sleep. She delicately tried to clear her throat. “How long have you been awake?”

“A bit.” He gave her a sensual smile. “I watched you while you were sleeping. You’re beautiful, Spice, you know that?”

Lexie blushed and tried to move away from him, but he caught her by the shoulder and pulled her back to him. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. In an instant, his throbbing arousal made him painfully aware of the fact that they were both naked. “Don’t go,” he said, the words coming out more huskily than he’d imagined they would. “The room is cold and it’s warm in bed.”

“I.…” Lexie swallowed, as if trying to moisten her mouth. “I have to get to work.”

“Do you have to leave right now?” He deepened his voice suggestively.

Lexie nodded. “Yes. I … I’m afraid so.” Her voice was nearly a whisper.

“Ah,” he said ruefully. “Another time then.”

Lexie stared at him for another long moment, as if dealing with some internal struggle. Then she pulled away from him.

Reluctantly, he let her slip from his grasp. He watched as she gracefully slid from the bed, pulling a blanket behind her to provide some modest coverage. She padded into the bathroom and shut the door. Soon he heard the water running in the shower, but not for long. In a few minutes, she emerged.

Seb sat up in bed. “Are you hungry? I could make us some food.”

Lexie turned back to look at him. Her gaze slipped down to his lap. He hadn’t bothered to
pull up the sheets when he’d sat up, but he wasn’t exposed. He looked at her questioningly. She blushed anew.

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