Read Deeds: Broken Deeds MC Online

Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

Deeds: Broken Deeds MC (13 page)

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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Standing up, I reach for the remote and press pause. The screen freezes with Deeds in profile while he points a finger at the parents, confirming a question he just asked them. When I look back at Depay, I see him wipe his mouth as if he can rub away any response that might come out of it.

He mumbles from behind his hand, “Fucking hell, smart little bitch.”

My mind is racing and I need to calm the fuck down and focus. I walk into the kitchen and start checking every cupboard and shelf, searching for some booze. I need tequila and fast. Reaching inside my pocket, I speed dial Blue. She picks up on the second ring.

“Emergency. I need you and tequila. Get your ass here
. And don’t forget the Tequila. Please don't forget the Tequila. I don’t even need lime or salt. Shit, bring two bottles so we don’t even need glasses.”

I don’t even give her a chance to reply before hanging up. She needs to deal and get here. Knowing my best friend, she will be here with lightning speed and a bug up her ass. I walk back to the couch and press play. I need a distraction and I need those little boys saved right the fuck now.

Chapter 12


When I glance over at Depay, I notice he’s texting and I don’t even need three guesses for who is on the other end. Yeah, it figures he’s fucking warning the big boss. The sound of crying brings my attention back to the television. Those poor parents. The mother is explaining through her tears how her son just turned seven. They had celebrated his birthday at a restaurant just three days before he disappeared.

One solid connection is their age. They all just turned seven and there’s something significant there, I just know it. Just a few days to a few weeks, with the oldest one turning seven about two months ago.

My phone buzzes, indicating I’ve got a message. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see I actually have two. One from Blue, letting me know she’ll be there in twenty minutes. Apparently Zack is gonna drop her off since he needs to talk to Deeds. Great, just fucking great. Deeds needs to stay the fuck away from me right now if he knows what’s good for him.

With Depay not denying shit, I know this MC is connected to the government. The cases they take, how they handle it and shit, the info they all have... yeah, if Deeds walks in right now I might kick his ass. I don’t think my chances are gonna be worth the effort but I still need some space. He needs to stay the fuck away from me.

Reading the other message, I see it’s from Deeds.


Deeds: Sounds like we need to talk. I’ve got church for another hour or so. Be home after.

Me: Stay the fuck away.

Deeds: Be there in 45 minutes

Me: Fuck. Off.

Deeds: 30 minutes

Me: That’s a countdown for my foot up your ass. Stay. Away.

Deeds: Coming over RIGHT NOW.


Releasing a little scream, I throw my phone on the couch cushions. Like the damn thing is going to detonate. Fuck! He’s gonna be all alpha cavemen, I just know it. Why the hell don’t we have tequila in this freaking house? Turning to Depay, I decide to let off some steam.

“You fucking run and tattle on me and then have the balls to still sit on my couch, asshole? Why the fuck did you update your Prez? What’s wrong with you, huh? Do you really need to see me kick your Prez’s ass? Is that it? Fucker!”

Walking away before he can reply, I lock myself in the bedroom. I need time to think, time to prepare. I can’t fucking talk to Deeds. I need Blue to get here, like now. I reach in my pocket for my phone. Fuck! It’s still on the couch. As I reach for the door I hear the front door open and Deeds’ voice asking Depay where I am. Shit!

Footsteps come closer and then there’s a knock on the door. I suck in my breath and quietly step away from the door.

“Open up, Hotlips.”

I shake my head even though I know he can’t see me. I’m trying to make a point here. He needs to leave.

“Open up or I’m kicking the door down.”

Yeah, right. His own door, he’s not gonna…

“Right now. Count to ten in your head. Be sure to open before you get to eight or else you better back the fuck away from the goddamn door because I will kick it down when I get to ten.”

The anger in his voice is the same as the one flaming inside me. I step away from the door instead of going to it.

Folding my arms across my chest, I count to ten. I must be counting fast because I’m up to twelve when I hear him take a few steps back followed by a loud thud. He’s kicking in his own freaking door! His second attempt breaks the lock and splits the fucking door.

He’s clearly furious when he bursts into the room, past the door that is barely hanging off its hinges. Before he can say anything, I lay into him. “What the fuck did you just do? You fucking idiot! I told you to stay the fuck away! Why don’t you ever fucking listen, huh? And why the fuck did you count to twelve instead of ten? Or are you always that slow?”

Before I can blink I’m being thrown on the bed. My hands are pinned above my head and Deeds’ is towering over me as he straddles my hips.

“As you should know by now, my every move is well calculated. Slow when needed and fucking fast enough you’d never see me coming. You got me, Hotlips?”

He lowers his head, his nose less than an inch from mine. Before he can be all sweet and snuggly, I snap my teeth at him and all the fucker does is chuckle. While he’s holding my wrists with one hand, his head drops lower. His other hand grabs one of my tits as he bites down on it through my shirt and bra. Fuck! I bet that’s gonna leave a fucking mark for days.

Distracted by the heat of pleasure licking through my body, I have to fight hard to focus. I’m still pissed at him for not coming clean and being open about things. I know that’s not something they can tell outsiders, but fuck! I’m supposed to be his ol'lady.  Haven’t I proven that I’m trustworthy?

Doesn’t he see that I was taught loyalty since I was a baby? It’s a lack of respect. It's like I'm not fully accepted or some shit. I’m making a point here. Just like his dick is. Fuck, I need to get a grip on my body before I….

A moan leaves my traitorous mouth while my hips meet his, grinding against one another. Shit! I’m still mad, I need to make a… His lips meet mine and he pushes his tongue inside my mouth, stroking as he tries to dominate me. Giving him a good fight, he bites down on my tongue and pulls back.

His hand leaves my wrist as he throws off his leather cut and grabs the back of his shirt to pull it off. When I try to slide my arms back he grabs one wrist with his hands and ties his shirt around it. Grabs my other wrist and ties it to the other while bringing it up to the bars of the headboard, he ties me up. Just as I’m about to go full crazy ass on him for tying me up, he leans down, his mouth to my ear.

“This is about trust, love. You need this as much as I do. I ain’t gonna fucking hold back any longer. You had my trust the second I knew who you were. Fuck! The moment I heard your voice and the weeks of texting that followed. I knew I had to own you. Just like you own me. Completely, Hotlips. Now, we’re gonna fuck this out like normal people. Agreed?”

My eyes stay locked on his. I ain’t gonna answer his caveman rant. Let him answer that himself since he’s taking all my options away and seems to know everything there is to fucking know. My lips will stay sealed.

His eyes drop to my lips when his hand goes to my left breast pinching my nipple through my shirt. “Let’s see if I can make you beg.” Rolling my eyes since… yeah, like that will ever happen. Might as well wait for hell to freeze… fuck! His hands slide down my body, grab the hem of my shirt and pull it up behind my head. His hands find their way back to my breasts, pushing the bra up so my tits are stuck beneath it, exposing what he wants. After flicking my nipple with his tongue, his mouth closes around it. I feel the nip of his teeth while excitement builds inside me.

When he bites down hard, I want to kick him in the balls. Ignoring the intense pleasure that follows from the tender lick he swiftly adds. Needing more, I arch my back and feel his mouth leave my body.

“Want my mouth on you, Hotlips?”

Letting my head fall to the side, I decide to ignore him. One finger slowly trails up my belly, heading up to my breast. Circling around the edge of my bra then delicately touching my nipple. The feeling is torturous, the very opposite of the sting from his mouth.

Suddenly the bed shifts. Stepping off he goes to the door.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

He turns, one side of his mouth tipped up in a smug smile.

“Leaving, Hotlips. You’re not answering or giving me your trust. One won’t work without the other.”

Motherfucker! “You come back here and untie me so I can kick your fucking ass!”

Taking a few steps back to the bed, he leans in close. “You do know I’m a former MMA champ, right? Kicking my ass will never happen. Not unless I want you to, that is.”

I can only growl out my frustration since yeah, he’s right. Doesn’t make me wanna kick his ass any less, though. Besides, he’s gotta sleep sometime.

He chuckles as he says,

“Still wanna kick my ass, huh? Now, do you want my mouth on you?”

“Yes.” I answer through gritted teeth, totally answering the still wanna kick his ass question. I’m sure he knows it by the size of his smile. He turns and heads for the door. “Where the fuck are you going?”

My answer is given when he tries to put the door back in place. He walks to the small dresser that’s against the wall and shoves it in front of the door. Well shit, is that for keeping the zombies out or for keeping me the fuck in? He turns back to face me

“We’re working on building trust. I don’t need a fucking audience for that shit. Since I heard you’ve called in the cavalry, I figure we only have like fifteen minutes. Just enough for you to beg and for me to give you three orgasms.”

“Why the fuck only three? You sure you’ll live up to your own expectations?” Like I have ever had three fucking orgasms in a row, but what does he know? He kicks his boots off while he shoves his pants down. Walking to the bed naked, Deeds grabs my pants and yanks, leaving me in just my bra and shirt twisted up at the back of my head.

Spreading my legs with his hands, his knees go in between them. Deeds leans over me, his gaze catching mine as I feel his fingers slide over my pussy. With the third slide, he presses two fingers deep inside, his eyes are locked with mine. Curling his fingers he slides them out and adds one more on the way back in. My head falls back as my eyes close.

His fingers disappear and my eyes flash open in question. He leaves the bed and looks at me. I’m not saying anything because I know he’s fucking testing me. Just like the rest of his fucking buddies and it’s pissing me off. He smiles and steps back on the bed, taking the exact same pose as before. Looking right at me when he says. “Good Girl.”

His hands go to the back of my head. When I think he’s about to set my hands free I feel him slipping my shirt over my head, leaving it to cover my eyes so I can’t see a fucking thing.

Panic slightly washes over me. I can’t move and I can’t see shit. The mattress dips and I feel his mouth on my belly, nipping from one place to the next. My unease switches to full blown desire. Not knowing where his teeth will sink into next shoots flaming heat through my body. Without him even touching my pussy I feel my orgasm build. When his fingers find my clit and stroke it, I light up, screaming his name.

“Fuck, yeah. That’s one, love. Now… since I’m the one who took my time counting the last time, I’ll be leading this one too. Yes?”

“Mmhmmm” Is the only response I’m able to give in my post-orgasm-time.

The heat of his breath washes over my pussy when he chuckles. The touch of his tongue licking his way over my clit makes my hips buck. Still very sensitive from the orgasm he just gave me, I try to wriggle away. But his strong hands slide under me and he grabs my ass in a grip that will leave his handprints on my skin.

Feeling his mouth cover my pussy, he sucks and flicks his tongue at the same time. It only takes seconds to win round two of this race he seems to be having. Before I can ride this one out, I feel his dick at my entrance.

Deeds drives himself deep within me in one hard stroke while my pussy still spasms from my second orgasm. He stills his hips and I hear him ask. “Need
this one
to get you off again, love?” He pushes a bit deeper with his cock while mentioning
this one

Without even thinking for one second, I reply. “Give it to me. Fuck me, Deeds, give me everything, I dare you.”

He freezes above me. His dick is twitching inside me as he growls, “Wrong words, Hotlips. Try again.”

Fucking hell, why does he need to complicate things? With the pleasure fading fast from those two orgasms and the fullness his dick is giving me, I need him to move and fuck me. I want that release only he has given me in all these years that I’ve walked this fucking earth.

He’s fucking right but I’m never, ever gonna let him know this. I need to trust him. He’s been there for me, knows what I need, and gives me exactly what I want. Plus he supports me, I know he does. I bet he even wanted to tell me everything, which is why he gave me the file on the case they’re working on. Fuck! I need to focus, I have a dick inside me and I need those hips of his to start thrusting.

Knowing he can’t see my face, I close my eyes. Not as a sign of defeat, but more as a surrender to the truth. Giving him the trust he deserves, letting him take care of me, while I take care of him. Building, united a fucking partnership, connecting. Just like his dick is connected to my body right now.

“Please, Deeds. Fuck me. I need you, please.”

His hips move back and slam forward. Digging my head deeper into the pillow, I feel his hand go to the shirt that has my eyes covered, throwing it back behind my neck to uncover my face. He leans over me with his face inches from mine while he keeps pumping inside me.

His breathing picks up, just as mine does. So close, I feel my third orgasm building fast. I feel his cock thicken, pumping deeper with every stroke. He ignites and sprays his cum deep inside of me.

“Fucking love you.” His voice is filled with emotion.

Gasping for my next breath since I’m still in the middle of my fucking orgasm I can’t even reply before he smashes his mouth on mine. Kissing me hard while one hand slides to my hip to keep me in place while he slides his half-erect cock in and out, milking out every last drop.

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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