Decker's Dilemma (25 page)

Read Decker's Dilemma Online

Authors: Jack Ambraw

Tags: #mystery, #military, #Subic Bay, #navy, #black market

BOOK: Decker's Dilemma
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2035, Saturday, March 1

Hack jostled his way through the throng of sailors, street walkers, food vendors, and unfortunate Olongapo residents who had to fight their way through similar crowds each day. He walked briskly, wondering what it could be that was so important.
Maybe she just misses me
, he smiled to himself.

Hack thought about taking a trike the short trip to the gate, but decided against it. He knew he didn't have anything smaller than a one hundred peso bill on him. He crossed the bridge and slowed to show his ID to the Marine guard who smartly waved him through. He made a left past the gate and walked towards the taxi stand where Filipino drivers stood in a circle next to their vehicles, talking and smoking and laughing. One man, the driver of the lead car, noticed Hack and threw his cigarette to the ground, stepped on it, and climbed in the driver's side.

Hack was ten feet from the taxi when he first noticed them. “What the hell do you guys want?” he said, showing his irritation.

“We don't want anything,” Biff said. “Where you headed?”

“Nowhere,” Hack replied, nervously.

“We need a taxi, too,” Dave said.

Hack pointed to the line of cars. “There's plenty of them here tonight.”

“Maybe we can share one,” said Biff.

Hack looked at Biff, standing directly in front of him. Dave was to his right, blocking his path to the taxi. “I don't know who you guys are or what you want with me, but I'm in a hurry. Now get out of my way.”

“Come on,” Dave said. “It'll be on us.”

“No thanks,” Hack said as politely as he could under the circumstances. He took two steps toward to the taxis. Biff and Dave closed ranks.

“Let's share a taxi,” Dave said. “We want to have a talk.”

Hack slumped his shoulders and nodded. “Okay,” he said. “But hang on a minute. I need to check how much money I have on me.”

Hack reached for his wallet as Biff and Dave relaxed their postures. In one swift motion Hack lunged at Biff, pushing him with all his might. Biff stumbled and fell backwards on the sidewalk, cursing as he hit the pavement. Before Dave could react, Hack turned and kneed him in the ribs, sending him tumbling backwards off the curb against the trunk of a car.

Hack jumped into the waiting taxi. “Suppy depot as quickly as you can!”

“Sure thing, boss,” the driver said, stepping on the gas and racing down the street. The taxi arrived at the depot's main entrance in under two minutes.

“Three dollars, forty-eight cents,” the driver said.

Hack took out his wallet and thumbed through his bills. Twenty-eight dollars and a few pesos.

“Here you go,” Hack said, handing the driver all of his money. “Don't tell anyone about my little incident back there. Say you didn't see anything, okay?”

“See what?” the driver said, smiling as Hack closed the door and ran for the entrance of the depot.


2040, Saturday, march 1

“What the hell's the rush?” Mo panted, as he lagged behind Decker and Vega jogging towards base. “We'll never catch up with Hack. Let's wait for him to get back from the depot.”

“I'll fill you in later,” Decker said, urgently.

A half block from the nightclub, Mo grabbed Decker's shoulder to slow his stride. “You're walking too fast,” Mo huffed. “Let's get a ride.”

“It's only a couple more blocks,” said Vega, pointing to the main gate in the distance.

“Then I'll catch up with you,” Mo said, struggling to catch his breath.

Decker looked at the night sky, slowly exhaling. “Alright, let's get a trike.”

The trio turned left at the corner of Gordon and spotted Rusty standing next to his bike, mingling with the other drivers. He saw Decker and Mo as they approached. “Need a ride, fellas?” he asked, moving to get on his bike.

“Yes, and we're in a hurry,” Decker said.

“Sure thing,
” Rusty said, kick starting his bike.

Decker climbed in the sidecar. Vega sat on his lap. “Get on back,” he said, motioning to Mo who sighed and found a spot behind Rusty.

“Where we going?” Rusty asked.

“The base,” said Decker.

“It's only a block,” Rusty said, nodding in the direction of the gate.

Decker pointed to Mo. “I know, but we had trouble walking fast.”

Rusty smiled and put the bike in gear, speeding towards the Shit River Bridge.

Mo leaned into the side car. “Hey, let's stop and get something to eat along the way.”

“You just left your dinner at Cal Jam,” Decker said, annoyed. “Can this thing going any faster?” he yelled to Rusty.

,” Rusty said, tilting his head backwards to point at Mo sitting behind him.

“What did he say?” Mo asked.

“He said you're a fat ass,” Vega giggled.

“Great,” Mo grunted.

Rusty dropped them off a hundred yards from base. They jogged across the bridge to the main gate, passed through security as quickly as they could, and headed for the taxi stand.

“We still have time to catch up with him,” Decker said. “I'm assuming he walked to base.”

“I hope so,” Mo said, trying desperately to catch his breath as they hurried down the sidewalk. “You sure we can't—”

“Hold up,” Decker said, stopping in his tracks at the sight of the taxi stand. “I don't believe it.”

“They're taxis,” Mo said. “What's not to believe?,” He bent over, hands on his knees and breathing heavily. “I don't see Hack anywhere so let's slow down.”

“I know those guys,” Decker whispered, pointing to two men in front of them. One was kneeling, cursing. The other was leaning against a car holding the kneeling man's shoulder.

The man standing turned towards the sailors and Vega. “Hey, what's up with your friend?”

“You're Biff and Dave,” Decker said.


“Biff and Dave,” Decker repeated.

“Who are you talking about?” the younger man said. “We tried to talk to your friend. But he took us by surprise and got us pretty good. Do you know where…?”

“First of all, who are you guys?” Decker interrupted. “If you want anything from us, you'd better tell me who you are and what you want right now.”


2052, Saturday, March 1

Hack sprinted to the main entrance of Lee's building and tried the door. Locked. He ran to a side entrance on the west side of the building, the door sailors and Filipino workers used as a shortcut to the mess hall and coffee shop. He hesitated at the doorway and turned the knob. It opened effortlessly. The office Lee worked in was located at the south end. A faint light appeared through the windows even with the shades drawn. He made his way cautiously through the dark warehouse to the office door. He knocked loudly, calling her name.

“Hack? Is that you?” asked Lee.

A wave of relief rushed over him as he recognized her voice. He opened the door and Lee came over and hugged him. “Thanks for coming out here. You could've just called.”

“I tried,” Hack said. “Three times. You said it was important and I got worried.”

Lee held him tightly. “It's just something I discovered a little while ago. It got me a little worried. He promised me he'd end it.”

“What's wrong?” Hack asked. “And who are you talking about?”

She handed him a computer printout. “Look at this.”

Hack studied the document for a moment. “It's a requisition list from my ship. What's the big deal?”

Lee pointed to the date and time. “It's from today, early this afternoon.”

“I still don't see what the big deal is,” Hack said, puzzled.

Lee handed Hack a folder with previous
requisitions. “You asked me to print out
requisitions, but I didn't want to help Decker. And I didn't want him to drag you into anything dangerous.”

“I remember,” Hack nodded.

“But I did it a few hours ago out of curiosity. That's when I saw two requisitions from earlier today and I noticed these parts,” Lee said, pointing to several high-priced items listed on the sheet of paper.”

“What about them?”

“They were the exact same parts he's, I mean someone on the
has ordered over the past few months. They aren't parts we typically keep in stock. I had to call the manufacturer directly. And they're important enough that the navy tracks who, when, and how many of them are ordered.”

“You mean they're classified?”

“Not exactly,” Lee said. “But they're sensitive enough that the navy wants to know when they're being used. They're called ‘depot level repairable' items. You should know what that means.”

“I vaguely remember learning about that in supply school. So what are you saying? We know Chief was probably involved in the black market. I'm sure he placed these orders.”

Lee grabbed hold of Hack's arm. “Don't you get it? Chief didn't place the ones today. He died Thursday.”

Hack sat back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. “Maybe it

“Pinto?” Lee laughed. “Why do you think that?”

“One of Agana's men said his name when Decker and me went there. Or we think we heard him say Pinto. And that's not all.”

Lee looked at Hack, worried. “What else?”

“I saw Biff and Dave on my way here. They tried to stop me at the taxi stand by the main gate.”


“I don't who they are. Just two guys who I've seen following me before. I call them Biff and Dave.”


Hack shook his head. “No, Americans. I should've told you about them, but I didn't want you to worry.”

“Well, I know it wasn't Pinto,” Lee said.

“How do you know that?”

“I just do.”

“He must be the one,” Hack urged. “I have to go tell Decker.”

“Hold on,” Lee said. “I know it's not Pinto. Trust me.”

“You keep saying that. What's going on?”

Lee breathed deeply and let her eyes drift to the floor. “Look, there's nothing going on anymore between Pinto and me. Not that there was ever anything serious. Like I told you, we went out a couple times and that was that. It's not like we hate each other, though. He just wasn't my type. Anyway, he came out here today.”

“To see you?” asked Hack.

“Yeah, and I don't know why. He just showed up around 1300. I was going to eat so he had lunch with me in the cafeteria. He stayed about an hour and then left.”

“Why did he come here to see you if nothing's going on?”

Lee shrugged. “I don't know. I don't think he has many friends. He just showed up and I had no idea he was coming here until I saw him. Honest.”

Hack reached over and took hold of her hands. “I believe you. I don't like that he did that, but I believe you. But why does that rule out Pinto?”

Lee gave him a peck on the cheek and squeezed his hand, then.let go and picked up the
requisitions. “See, this first requisition was sent at 0514 Zulu. Then the second one five minutes later at 0519 Zulu.”

“I don't know Zulu time,” Hack said. “I have no idea what time that is.”

“The first one was sent 1314 local time,” Lee said. “The second one was 1319. Which means it couldn't have been Pinto. He was having lunch with me.”

Hack leaned back in his chair. “Then who sent them?”

Lee looked around the office, her eyes beginning to tear. “He promised me he'd stop.”

“You keep saying that. Who are you talking about?”

“It's complicated,” Lee said. She grabbed the phonebook on her desk. “Let's call the investigator who you said came to the ship.”

“I have no idea what his number is. I lost the business card he gave me.” Hack walked over and knelt in front of Lee. “What's going on? You're beginning to scare me.”

Lee ignored the question. “Okay, let me call my supervisor. He needs to know about the requisitions anyway.”

“You sure it's okay to call him at home?”

“I have before,” Lee said. “He doesn't mind if it's important and this is important.” She picked up the phone and paused before dialing and turned to Hack. “I also have other news.”

“What is it?”

“I got my official orders today. I'm leaving in three months.”

Hack stood and kissed her. “Let's not think about it now. We still have three months to be together.”

Lee put her hand on Hack's face. “Okay, I just wanted you to be the first to know.” She turned to the phone. “Now let me make the call. He'll be interested to know that the
of these parts today. It'll raise some huge red flags.”

“It won't raise anything,” a voice behind them announced. They turned and saw Commander Doerr standing in the doorway holding a .45 pistol in his right hand. “Put the phone down, Lee, and back away, Wilson. I hate to have to do this. You're good sailors, but I've recently become aware of the black market scheme you're running.”

“You're crazy, Bob” Lee said. “Don't point that thing at me.”

The commander shook his head. “I have all the evidence. Bogus requisition messages. Lists of missing parts. Eyewitness accounts of your boyfriend visiting known black market operators in Olongapo.”

“You'll never get away with it,” Hack said. “The police know about you.”

“I don't believe you,” the commander said. He pointed the barrel of the gun towards the office door. “Now we're going out the back way. Lee, honey, you go first since you know the way. I'll be right behind you with a gun on you guys in case you think of trying anything stupid.”

“Honey?” Hack looked at Lee, but she just turned and walked quietly out of the office, leading the trio single file through the maze of pallets and boxes of supplies arranged in orderly rows.

“It's dark in here,” Hack said. “I hope you know where we're going.”

“I usually have the lights on,” Lee whispered.

“Shut up, you two,” the commander ordered.

They continued walking through the aisle, cautiously making their way across the deserted warehouse. A few feet from the end of a row of supplies stacked nearly to the ceiling on pallets, the commander stopped abruptly. “Hold up. And be quiet.”

They listened intently. Only the sound of a distant crane moving along a pier broke the silence of the warehouse.

“It's just your imagination,” Lee whispered. “Or a rat running wild in the building.”

The commander exhaled. “You're probably right. Keep walking.”

When they reached the end of the aisle, the commander halted in a spot that was lit by pole lights shining through the windows. He pointed the gun directly at Hack. “The way I see it, I have two choices,” Suppo said. “One, I could turn you guys in. It will be obvious you were the ones behind the black market business. Who are they going to believe? A commander or junior enlisted sailors? Or, two, I could shoot both of you right now. Either way I'd be in the clear.” He pulled a small revolver out of his back pocket. “I'll plant this gun on you. I'll tell the police I knew you were involved. I came here looking for you. You threatened me. ‘I had to shoot, sir. It was self defense.' They would all believe me.”

Through the dim light, Hack watched as the commander began laughing nervously, dropping the gun to his side. Hack saw an opening. He lunged towards the commander who instinctively put his shoulder into the sailor, knocking him to ground. The commander smiled at Lee and then at Hack on the deck, pointing the gun at Hack's chest, his finger slowly squeezing the trigger. “I told you to cooperate, but you didn't listen.”

The instant the flash of explosives erupted from the gun, a large beast shot out from behind the pallets to the left of the commander. Suppo caught a glimpse of the figure in his peripheral vision and flinched a half step to his right. Mo hit the deck with a thud, a perfectly executed belly flop on the concrete pavement.

Vega instinctively sprang into action. She sidestepped Decker and sprinted towards the commander, lunging towards him while he stared at Mo prone on the deck. She drove the full force of her weight into Suppo's left side, sending his weapon careening across the floor.

The commander recovered from the body blow and kneed Vega in the ribs. She dropped to her hands and knees gasping for breath and crawling towards the weapon. Decker sprinted and slid face down across the concrete, desperately reaching for the gun. But Suppo was too quick. He pulled his spare revolver from his pocket a split second before Decker could grab the pistol.

“Don't move,” the commander said, slowly standing, surveying the surroundings. He looked at Lee giving first aid to Hack. “Get away from him, sweetheart.”

“He needs help!”

“Just back away from him.”

Lee inched away, keeping her focus on Hack, while the supply officer aimed his pistol at her.

“Drop the gun,” a voice behind the commander ordered.

Suppo wheeled around. He stared at Biff and Dave with their guns drawn.

“Drop it,” Biff commanded. “You have no way to escape. The building's surrounded. Put the gun down now!”

A stillness enveloped the warehouse. Everyone waiting on the commander's next move. He started to drop his weapon, but instead turned towards Biff and the Dave, his gun still raised.

Two shots pierced the silence. The supply officer stumbled backwards three steps and fell to the deck with a thud.

Lee rushed to Hack's side, kneeling to begin first aid.

“How's he doing?” Biff asked, removing a small walkie-talkie from his pocket to call for an ambulance.

“I put pressure on the bleeding.” She lowered her head to Hack's face. “And he's still breathing.”

“Okay, good. We'll take over first aid from here. You guys wait in the office,” Biff said. “We'll get your friend to the hospital. Don't go anywhere. Don't call anyone. Wait for us.”

“Yes, sir,” Decker said, standing to look at Lee, Vega, and Mo. The three friends took one last survey of the scene, and then slowly walked down the aisle towards the office. Vega put an arm around a sobbing Lee.

“Looks like it's going to be a long night,” Decker said.

Mo shook his head. “Great.”

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