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Authors: Stel Pavlou

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“Spellbinding mainstream science-fiction spectacular.”
Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)
“A rocketing adventure …Stel Pavlou's debut novel bursts with marvels of scientific chitchat and towers above most recent science fiction.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer
“If Michael Crichton isn't nervous, he should be. Not only has Stel Pavlou written a scientific thriller as tautly plotted a roller-coaster ride as anything Crichton's ever written, but he's done so using intelligent characters, and a clever, synergistic premise. The weaving of scientific detail with imagination is superb and unparalleled.”
“Few debuts are as ambitious as
Exhilaratingly imaginative.”
Sunday Times
“It will satisfy anyone … . Written by someone who knows what they're talking about.”
—Mail on Sunday
“A genuinely exciting scientific thriller conceived on an epic scale.”
“Deep, smart, and well researched.”
It has come from its beginning to its end, like that which was found in the writing.
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This book required a lot of research, and as a result I have a number of people to thank. I present here a list of names in no particular order and thank them for all the help they afforded me. It is very much appreciated.
Needless to say, any mistakes are purely my own.
The U.S. Geological Survey, the crew of the
Polar Star
, the United States Coast Guard and the United States Navy. Such is the way of things in the 21 st century, I never actually met a single one of you, but a bombardment of e-mails from myself were all answered without exception and I am truly grateful for all your efforts. Rochester and Chatham Public Libraries—with special thanks to Chris Davis in particular. Eric Aitala, Ph.D., the real Dr. Jon Hackett and the only man I know to state at the bottom of his webpage—
This site was made entirely from recycled electrons
. Angela Wheelan, Gary Payne, James and David Hooper, Jeff and Gene Colburn. Martine Brewster for taking the trouble to interrupt a business trip to do some research for me at the United Nations in Geneva and CERN. Alexandra Franke—my very own archeology chick. Rowland Wells, James Sprules, Rachel Phillips, John “Cheesey” Cheeseman, Ziad Munson, “Handy” Andy Hayes and Marsha Levin for her help on Jewish Folklore. Thanks also to Linda Seifert, Ed Hughes, Jeff Graup and Alex Goldstone, Sophie Hicks, John Jarrold, my editor, Ian Chapman, for taking a chance, and all the fine folks at Simon & Schuster UK.
Obviously special thanks go to my family. Mum, Maureen, my brother Louis and my sister Christina. Sadly, just three months before I sold this novel—my first, as it happens—my father, Paul, passed away and isn't here to see it all happen. It's particularly unfair since he knew the struggle I had had to write it over the preceding five years. Some people have asked me why I didn't dedicate the book to him. Well, this book was always meant to be dedicated to my daughter, Dad knew this and he would have wanted it to remain that way. And besides, the next book is dedicated to Dad—and
the reasons for that will all become clear when that novel arrives.
Thanks again to everyone, oh, and before I forget, special thanks to the guy at my local Chinese takeaway who helped me with the Cantonese. I hope you weren't swearing at me because it's in the book now … .

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