Deciding Her Faete (Beyond the Veil Book 2) (15 page)

Read Deciding Her Faete (Beyond the Veil Book 2) Online

Authors: Maia Dylan,Sarah Marsh,Elena Kincaid

BOOK: Deciding Her Faete (Beyond the Veil Book 2)
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April shook her head and smiled at Erica. She then placed her hand on Erica’s thigh, and moments later, both of their injuries had healed.

Satisfied, Erica turned back to Ishaya. “Frederych died hard, then?”

Ishaya smiled, and his face shone with an almost boyish glee. “Yes, my Queen, he did. It was a long time coming, and my dear sister's soul can rest with the Goddess now knowing she has been avenged.”

Erica let out a tired chuckle as she moved to place her blade in the sheath she wore across her shoulders. “I am glad, Ishaya. Now Arethusa is avenged, and you can finally—”

Corrine gasped from behind her. “What dark magic is this?” Erica spun, drawing her sword in the same movement.

At first, Erica had expected to see some nasty resurrection of Kheelan, or somehow a trail of blood instead of ash, indicating that he somehow managed to escape as he had the last time, but all she saw was Corrine pointing at Frederych’s body. His entire torso had been torn open, and true to his word, Ishaya had removed his heart. It lay there unmoving beside the man’s body.

Corrine turned to look at Ishaya, her face pale and her eyes wide with shock. “He did not revert to ash in death in the human realm. How can this be? He is Fae.”

“Yes, he is,” Ishaya said with a shrug of his massive shoulders, “but he is Dark Fae.”


Chapter Twenty-Three


“And what did Corrine say to that?” Donovan asked as he used the towel he had in his hands to gently wipe the water off his mate’s soft skin. The three of them had shared a leisurely shower as soon as they’d gotten home. A shower filled with long kisses, lingering caresses and whispered words of affection.

“Well, she didn’t really say much,” April replied after a moment’s thought. “She seemed really shocked that they still existed. Before that though, the big guy, Ishaya, had said something about being a part of the Dark Fae, and that he was bound by the same secrecy, but didn’t elaborate any further. I heard him mutter something in another language that Erica had roughly translated to mean that the cat was out of the bag now. Then we heard Gabe yelling for any of Kheelan’s men who were alive to come out of hiding because he was getting sick of kicking aside piles of ash and he was looking for another fight.”

Jason chuckled from where he stood in the doorway to the bathroom. “Yeah, for a moment there it looked like he was reenacting that scene from that movie where Gene Kelly is kicking and playing in large puddles of water. Fucking ash was flying everywhere, and that shit hurts when you get it in your eye, and then it freaks you the fuck out when you realize it was once a person. Once the ground stopped rocking we were able to dispatch the rest pretty damn quickly.”

Donovan finished up drying their mate and lifted her into his arms, following Jason out of the bathroom. “I was so proud watching you tend to our pack mates. I knew you must have been tired. Jason and I could feel your fatigue, but you and Erica didn’t stop until every last one of us was healed.”

April sighed as she laid her head against Donovan’s shoulder and he pressed a kiss to her head. “And then you two played the part of cavemen and whisked me away and brought me home.”

Donovan laid her on the bed and moved to lie down next to her as Jason mirrored his move on her opposite side. “My wolf was screaming at me to bring you here and take care of you. We felt it when that bastard’s blade cut you, April. I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I was in that moment. My brain knew that Erica healed your wound, but I still
the shock of what happened. You could have been killed, and Jason and I were nowhere near you to protect you, fighting our own battle, unable to run to your side. I just needed to touch you for myself to make sure you were whole.”

April sighed again as she snuggled against him, and Jason groaned from behind her. “And we wanted to get you naked and feel your skin against ours. Fuck, baby, it was horrible fighting those bastards and not knowing where you were, or if you were safe.”

April wriggled until she was on her back, looking up at him and his brother. “I’m sorry you went through that, but I am not sorry that Erica, Corrine, and I did what needed to be done. I will
be sorry for being there when the monster who tortured Jason and robbed me of both my parents met his demise.”

Donovan gave her a slow smile, one he knew reflected his erotic intent. “I’m not going to insist that you apologize for that. I get that you needed that. But we
going to punish you for keeping us in the dark about your plan to confront him without us.”

April’s eyes widened. “Punish me?” Her voice was slightly higher than normal, and she sounded breathless.

“In the most delicious way,” Donovan promised as he slid down the bed a little and rolled onto his back, tugging her up and over him, and encouraging her to move up towards his mouth. He inhaled deeply taking the intoxicating scent of her arousal deep into his lungs. “Fuck, you smell delicious. I need to get my mouth on you. Jason’s going to prepare you a little while I make you feel good, mate.”

“Prepare me?” his mate asked as he settled her over him.

“Lean forward, sweetness,” Jason said from behind April, “and spread those knees wide. Give Donovan something to work with, and I am sure he’ll make it more than worth your while.”

April smiled as she moved to comply, spreading her knees and bringing Donovan’s deliciously pink treat closer to his mouth. With a groan, he gripped the firm globes of her ass in both hands and latched onto her pussy with his mouth.

“Oh, Goddess!” April squealed, pushing her knees out further and giving Donovan more access to the soft flesh he was quickly becoming addicted to. He set into a rhythm, swirling his tongue through the rapidly swelling folds of her pussy, before flicking the very tip up and over her engorged clit. He listened to the increasing sounds of pleasure she made, taking his cue from her reactions to his oral ministrations.

When she tensed slightly above him, he knew that Jason was preparing her ass to take one of them, making sure that she would feel nothing but pleasure. Whatever he was doing, their mate approved of, if the flood of hot cream that exploded in his mouth was anything to go by. With a growl, he took everything she had to give and settled his tongue over her clit. He was determined to drive her up and over the edge of sanity and into pleasure quickly.

April groaned, her body beginning to shake violently above him. “Donovan, that feels so damn good, and Jason … I never knew. It’s too much. Oh, Gods, I’m gonna come!”

Donovan thrust his tongue into her pussy as it clenched and her body shook with the force of the orgasm that crashed through her. He stayed with her through the throes of her pleasure until her body slumped against him. With one last kiss to her swollen pussy, he slid out from beneath her. His heart was pounding, and his dick was harder than it had ever been before. Tonight, he and Jason would take their mate at the same time, and claim her fully. His wolf howled in approval within him.

It is about damn time!


Jason had stared at the glory of his mate as she came for them. By the Goddess, it had been miraculous to see her in such throes of passion for them. They had come so close to losing her today, but she was a warrior and she was a survivor just as she had always been.

“That was beautiful, baby,” Jason murmured into her neck as he pulled her head down and kissed her deeply. “I can’t wait to be deep inside of you when you come this time.”

“Top or bottom, brother?” Donovan asked before he stole April’s lips for himself.

“Mmm, bottom,” he answered, lying back against the pillows on their large bed. “I want to see every feeling flashing across our mate’s face as she comes for us again.”

Jason grabbed his aching shaft and stroked up and down, spreading the pre-cum that emerged when April’s hungry eyes followed his movements and she licked her lips. “Baby, I could come right now just from the way you are looking at me. Why don’t you climb on up here and help me out with this?”

“Don’t mind if I do,” she answered with a sexy smile as she threw one leg over his waist and rested her sweet ass over his thighs. “Why don’t you let me do that?”

Jason groaned as she replaced his hand with her own, working his cock in long, tight strokes. When she moved her hips up so that he could feel the wetness of her pussy against his balls, he lost his patience. She squeaked when he grabbed her hips and lifted her just enough.

“Put me inside of you, baby. I can’t wait another second.”

“Oh yes…” They both groaned as she sank down on top of him.

He looked up at his brother and knew exactly what Donovan had in mind for their delectable little mate. She was promised a punishment, and Jason’s dick twitched inside of her just thinking about how she would react to what was coming. He moved her hips back and forth a fraction, just enough to give her a tease, and then he slid his hand around her neck and pulled her down for a kiss.

“Lean forward a bit more, baby,” Donovan instructed as he reached over to the night table and grabbed the tube of lube. “Just try to relax.”

Jason chuckled as he felt April tense up from the butt plug that Donovan had just inserted. He felt it through the thin wall that separated his cock from it. She felt even tighter around him, making Jason even more grateful that they had purchased it for her.

He tried to soothe her as he leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and drawing on her until she finally moaned and collapsed against him.

“Good girl. We’ll leave that in for a bit to stretch you while I deliver your punishment,” Donovan said.

Jason had a second to see April’s eyes go wide with alarm before the crack of Donovan’s hand across her perfect ass rang out in the room.

She stilled above him. The second smack had her closing her eyes, and when Jason resumed sucking and biting her nipples, she let out a soft moan. Donovan continued on with the spanking, delivering slap after slap, rubbing her ass in between. When Jason looked back up at her face, her eyes were open and he could see the look of confusion on her face. At the same time, he could also feel the ripple of her muscles and the wetness around where he was buried deep inside of her.

“Oh! How can that feel so good?” she whispered. She gyrated her hips, trying to move over him, reaching for her pleasure. “I need to come … please.”

“You took your punishment beautifully, baby. You deserve a reward.”

Jason felt Donovan remove the plug from her ass, and they both laughed at her disappointed grunt. He knew, though, that her disappointment would be very short lived as he watched his brother add lube to himself and then some more to April’s ass. It was time for all three of them to get their reward.


The anticipation was killing her. Jason felt rock hard inside of her and all she wanted to do was move, but they held her still. Didn’t they get how much she needed the both of them as well? She’d almost lost them to Kheelan’s wretched poison, and she could have lost them again in battle, though they both fought valiantly even in their weakened states. All she wanted now was to be connected to them both at the same time, to feel them with her, inside her, and all around her. That and she was horny as hell, sporting a serious case of the female equivalent of blue balls. Her newfound wolf mentally chuffed in agreement.

Donovan leaned over her back and whispered in her ear. “You can tell your wolf to pipe down now.” With that, he slowly pushed inside of her, he and Jason filling her completely.

April closed her eyes as the sensation of total fullness ran through her body. There wasn’t any part of her that wasn’t connected to them at that moment. As Jason and Donovan began moving in sync with her sandwiched in between them, she felt herself building to what she was sure would be an earth-shattering orgasm. Sparks of desire streaked through her entire body, finally settling in her lower belly.

When she opened her eyes again, Jason was staring at her with what she could only describe as pure love and adoration. He cupped her breasts and moved forward to suck on her nipples. Donovan held onto her hips, driving their movements, while he sporadically landed kisses to her shoulder blades and the back of her neck.

“You feel so good around my cock, angel,” he whispered in her ear again. “Gods, you’re amazing.”

“Mmm, and she tastes so fucking delicious,” Jason added. “I’ll never get enough of these sweet berries or her honey-flavored cream.”

“Ugh,” she groaned successively. Their words only drove her desire further as they pushed in and pulled almost all the way out alternatively. She thought she would physically combust when they began to move even faster.

“Feels good, baby?” Jason asked when his mouth was free of her nipples.

“So good! I want to come so badly. Please…” She was at the brink now as they hit spots inside of her she didn’t even know she had. She stood at the edge of a cliff, waiting for that final push, and then finally, gloriously, it came when Jason pushed up deep inside of her and held still, just as Donovan did the same on his end.

She collapsed on top of Jason, her ass still in the air, and she fisted the sheets on either side of his head while crying out her release, over and over again. Spasm after spasm ripped through her as Jason and Donovan both spilled inside of her. Their loud panting breaths and moans filled the otherwise silent room until all three had exhausted themselves completely.

April could barely breathe, let alone move after how her orgasm ravaged her body. Donovan pulled out first and collapsed on his stomach beside her still on top of Jason. Jason lifted her hips slightly and pulled out as well. He wrapped his arms around her as if to hold her in place, but she had no plans of moving off of him just yet anyway. Especially after Donovan threw his arm over her and she had that feeling of being completely connected to both her men again. And none of them it seemed could form a single word.

She had no idea that any time had passed when she opened up her eyes. As a matter of fact, she could not recall shutting them in the first place. It turned out that they had all fallen asleep right where they lay for a good two hours. The sky had turned dark in the interim, and she had no desire to get out of bed until the next morning … or perhaps afternoon … or perhaps what she and her mates needed was to spend the week shut in to catch up for all of their lost time. In any case, that was something for tomorrow to figure out. As Jason and Donovan quickly cleaned her and themselves up with some wet washcloths, all she wanted to do was close her eyes again and fall asleep snuggled in between them.

“I love you both so much,” she told them when they crawled back into bed. Donovan threw the covers over them.

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