Read Deceptive Nights Online

Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #women, #suspense, #passion, #contemporary, #detroit, #urban, #sensual noir, #michigan, #sylvia hubbard, #city

Deceptive Nights (30 page)

BOOK: Deceptive Nights
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Skye had been involved in an illegal drug
experiment by her own doctor and Thaddeus had been asked by the
police to help go undercover and find out who was behind all of it,
which turned out to be a very powerful crime boss the police had
been trying to get for a very long time.

Once they greeted everyone, Patricia, who had
come in a separate car, pulled Phoebe aside to tell her that
somehow a patch of white powder was on the back of her dress. She
thanked her mother for saving her and excused herself to go to the
bathroom. There was someone in there, so she found the room that
Jacoby had mentioned, which had a small sink in there. She wet a
piece of tissue and turned slightly away from the door to wipe the
back of her dress.

She heard the door open and close. Assuming
it was Jacoby, she didn’t bother to look as she said, “I said we
were going to wait, Jacoby, until after the service is over, then
you can take care of me.”

The cold click of a .38 caliber seemed
overwhelmingly loud in the quietness of the room as it sent fear
chills down her back. Slowly, she turned around and couldn’t
believe her eyes.

I’m not your lover boy,
Phoebe, but you can bet your pretty ass I’m going to take care of
you,” Simon sneered, placing a silencer over the end of the gun and
aiming it back at her.

You really plan on killing
me and getting away with it, Simon?” she asked, trying to remain
calm and reasonable. “You are already going in for embezzlement.
Murder will certainly get you life.”

Shut up!” he screamed.
“I’m going to make sure no one knows I was here. No one's seen me
and no one will ever know.”

You don’t think they’re
going to suspect you?” she asked.

Footsteps could be heard coming to the
doorway and Simon moved around her and held the gun at her temple.
Jacoby appeared in the doorway with a look of disbelief on his

What the hell is wrong
with you?” he asked, looking directly at Phoebe as the door closed
behind him. He didn’t sound as upset as she felt he should be.
Matter of fact, he almost sounded as if he were about to laugh.
“Should I be worried you’re going to drive me insane like all these
nut cases you seem to attract?”

Phoebe chortled in incredulity. “You have got
to be joking. You think I do this to them?”

Two in one month, woman, I
have to wonder.”

Shut up!” Simon ordered.
“I have the gun and you need to hush up before any one else comes
this way.”

Does he really plan on
using that thing on anyone?” Jacoby asked Phoebe.

He says he is, but I told
him what the consequences were. He told me to shut up.”

Quit talking to me like
I’m not here!” Simon exclaimed.

Okay,” Jacoby said through
gritted teeth. “What were your plans now that you have both of

Simon looked very unsure of himself.

Suddenly, the pounding at the door startled
all of them, especially Phoebe who thought the gun had went off
against her skull. When she opened her eyes to see Jacoby still
standing in front of her and she didn’t see her brains on the wall,
she loosened up a little bit.

Dammit Jacoby, I know
you’re in there and you might as well put your clothes back on. You
are not about to make me late getting married for your erotic
insatiable needs!” Desmond yelled on the other side of the

Do I answer him?” Jacoby

Why are you asking me?”
Simon asked.

Because you have the gun,

Tell him not to come in,”
Simon ordered now very nervous.

Phoebe knew she would have a headache come
morning from how hard Simon was pressing the end of the gun into
her temple - if she made it to morning.

Don’t come in,” Jacoby
called out, but he knew Desmond would not listen.

The door slammed opened hard. Desmond and
Thaddeus were crowding the doorway as if they were coming to save

Who the hell is that?”
Thaddeus asked.

Phoebe could feel Simon shaking in fear.

Simon?” Desmond asked
assessing the situation. “What the hell are you doing with that

Didn’t I say don’t come
in?” Jacoby asked.

When do I ever listen to
you?” Desmond asked.

Is he going to use that
thing?” Thaddeus asked.

Everyone looked at Simon, except for Phoebe
who was in the grip of fear. It seemed the more men that showed up
at the doorway the more nervous Simon became and she was terrified
that he would really find the balls to pull the trigger.

There’s no way you can
kill us all, Simon,” Jacoby said calmly. “Just put the gun down and
I will allow you to walk out of here on your own two feet, but I
won’t promise I won’t beat the shit out your face.”

I’m damned if I do or
don’t, right pretty boy?” Simon asked. “I know what you’re
thinking. I’ll kill her if you touch me.”

I’ll touch you worse if
you kill her,” Jacoby promised.

Could we hurry this thing
up?” Lawrence asked now at the doorway.

He is right,” Desmond
said. “I would like to get married sometime today.”

This bitch isn’t going to
send me back to jail!” Simon said frantically. “I’m not going back

Jacoby took off his jacket saying, “Why don’t
I send you to hell, so you won’t have to worry about jail?”

Phoebe could see he was starting to get very
angry and knew then Jacoby had never really been upset with her
because she had never seen him with this frightening murderous
glaze in his eyes. A man his size should always have full control
of his own strength and emotions, but right now, Jacoby’s control
was slowly slipping away. If Simon didn’t do something fast, Jacoby
had intentions of taking it all in hand. Phoebe just prayed she
would live through it all, so she could hit Jacoby for scaring her
like this.

I’ve got an even better
idea,” Lawrence said, coming in standing next to Jacoby. “Simon,
why don’t you kill Jacoby for me?”

You’d like that you son of
a bitch, wouldn’t you?” Jacoby sneered, now looking at

Hell yes, because until
the day I die, I will always know Phoebe didn’t give a flying fig
about her feelings for you until I stepped into her

And I’m suppose to show
you some gratitude?” Jacoby asked in abhorrence. “You’ve got nerve,
you son of a bitch?”

Lawrence swung at Jacoby, but Jacoby ducked
his fist and delivered two jabs to Lawrence’s stomach.

Simon screeched in madness and turned the gun
away from Phoebe’s head to aim at Jacoby. Jacoby’s movement was
like thunder striking, as he was close enough to grab Simon’s arm
and aimed the gun up at the ceiling at the same time it went off.
The bullet hit somewhere above the doorway of the room as Jacoby’s
rock hard fist struck Simon’s face dead center, and Jacoby’s other
fist slammed into Simon’s chest knocking the breath out the smaller
man. Simon fell to the ground, along with the gun.

Phoebe only stood there shivering in fear,
eyes as wide as saucers not believing she was still alive. She was
still frozen in fear as Thaddeus used a handkerchief to pick up the
gun and left out to call the police, while Desmond and Lawrence
dragged Simon’s unconscious body out the room.

Thanks for the
distraction, Lawrence,” Jacoby said gratefully.

You didn’t have to fucking
hit me so hard and twice.”

Yes, I did because I’d
probably killed Simon if I hadn’t expended the energy on

Lawrence’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Glad I
could be so fucking helpful.”

Laughing in relief, Jacoby turned to Phoebe
to see that she was still standing there gripped in fear.
Immediately he moved to her and held her. As his large arms wrapped
around her, she collapsed against him weeping almost

He whispered comforting words to her until
she calmed down. Jacoby lightly planted kisses on her tear stained
cheek and neck. Phoebe started to forget her near death experience
as she became aroused to his kisses.

Desmond cleared his voice at the doorway.
“The police are here. They said they can wait until after the
ceremony to ask questions. Is that okay?”

Phoebe drew partially away from Jacoby
blushing hard. “That’s fine.”

I’ll give you a minute to
gather yourself and then we’ll start,” Desmond said. “Did you hear
me, Jacoby, I said a minute?”

I heard you,” Jacoby
growled, turning around to face Desmond. “I can tell

I know how you are,”
Desmond said suspiciously.

Then it won’t surprise you
when I do this,” Jacoby said, slamming the door and locking

Phoebe giggled as Jacoby drew her in his arms
again kissing her amorously.

He’s going to be highly
upset. The wedding, Jacoby!” she insisted as he buried his lips in
her neck.

He said a minute,” Jacoby
said moving her dress up way past her hips. “I’ll just blame you
when it’s all over.”

Why me?” she

Because you know I can’t
get enough of you, April.”

She laughed, remembering the name she had
given him that first night.

His mouth encompassed hers, making her
breathless and filled with a wantonness to have him as much as he
wanted her.

Say it, Phoebe. Let me
hear those sweet words, please,” he begged in her ear.

I love you, Jacoby. I love
you so much.”

He groaned in mercy as he moved to his knees
and Phoebe’s back pressed against the door.

Before Phoebe could protest again, Jacoby was
sending her into the heavens with his wonderful mouth, as they both
ignored the incessant knocking Desmond was doing on the other side
of the door.




Author’s Addendum

If you’re reading this message then I’m
hoping you enjoyed yourself and that you’re interested in reading
more of my work. I should give you an inside on this book. I
correlate books to each other by characters. Though this book is a
standalone story, Dreams of Reality, one of my first books I
published, also has characters you’ve met in this book. Also,
Thaddeus Newman and his wife Skye make small appearances in other
books, etc: The Other Side of Love.

Please feel free to go to my website and
check out more of my literary endeavors, sign up for updates and
find out more works that I’m coming out with.

Your author, Sylvia Hubbard


Writing since she was six years old, Sylvia
Hubbard finished her first book in late 1999.But when she realized
her book just wasn’t selling, disappointment set it. Enter 2001 and
a late night informercial about the successes of selling books
online and that was her “ah ha” moment. After quick research and
lots of trial and error, Hubbard has been a wiz at internet sales
and marketing ever since. She has independently published more than
four paperback books and over 10 e-books. Her foundation genre is
romance, but she has ventured into suspense, erotic, mystery,
paranormal and Interracial Relationships. Always urban and
contemporary styled, her writing is enjoyed all over the world, by
all nationalities (thanks to the Internet). Additionally, she has
published Internet Marketing for Writers and Businesses.

Hubbard’s goal is imparting a love of
reading and writing to as many people as possible. To foster this
love, she has founded several literary organizations, which include
the Motown Writers Network, the Michigan Literary Network and the
African American Electronic Literary Network. She annually hosts
the Essence of Motown Literary Jam and Conference that offers
opportunities for authors to discuss and sell their work as well as
hear from industry professionals to advance their craft, and offers
an outlet for readers to take advantage of the books available on
site. She also operates HubBooks Literary Service, assisting
writers in the many tasks that go along with the job.

With all her interests and the busy life she
embraces, Hubbard is also a divorced mother of three children
living in Detroit, Michigan. She owes her successful parenting to
her own mother, who gave her the much-needed advice in order to be
the mother she is today. Her outlook on personal happiness,
organizing one’s busy life and relationships as a single parent are
the center of her blog, How To Love A Black Woman.

Hubbard has a Bachelors Degree in
Marketing/Management and minored in journalism and broadcasting
from Specs Howard in Southfield, Michigan. She’s received
certificates from workshops in drama, HTML programming and


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For information address:


Sylvia Hubbard

PO Box 43439, Detroit, MI 48239


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