Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1 (20 page)

BOOK: Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1
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Erick slid off me.  Todd had grabbed three soapy washcloths and passed them out.  I slid off Trace and cleaned myself up.  I didn’t want to think about what had just happened.  My mind felt numb but my body was happy.  I slipped off the bed and went into the bathroom.  I washed more thoroughly in the shower.  After I had washed my hair all three joined me.

They soaped up and rinsed off.  They gave me a kiss as I stepped out of the shower.  I wrapped a towel around my body and handed them towels as they stepped out.  Erick was the first to step out.  He pulled me to him and held me.  He whispered, “Are you okay?”

I chuckled quietly. “Yeah, my mind’s a bit numb though.” 

Todd stepped out and I handed him a towel.  He wrapped it around his waist.  “That sure was something, Kat.”  I could feel the blush rising in my throat and pooling in my cheeks. 

“I liked it,” Trace said as he stepped out. 

I handed him a towel and he wrapped his waist.  “Can we not talk about it?”  They gave me masculine chuckles and nodded.  “Thank you.”

Todd lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bedroom.  He fell onto the bed with me still in his arms.  “I like your haircut, babe.” 

I was wondering when someone would notice.  “Thanks.”  He kissed me as his hands wound through my wet hair.

All four of us were on the bed now.  Trace and Erick were lying next to us.  I felt their hands on my arms and legs as Todd continued to kiss me. 

We spent the rest of the night in one position or another until we lay gasping on the bed.  We fell asleep cuddled into each other.

><                            ><

I woke up to kisses on my shoulders and back.  I sighed happily.  “It’s time to get up, Kat.” 

I turned my head to look at Todd, and mumbled, “A few more minutes.”  He chuckled and kissed my cheek.  He got off the bed and I fell back to sleep.

I was being shaken.  I groaned and swatted at the hands.  I opened an eye and looked at the person shaking me.  It was Trace.  “Kat.  We need to get going.”

“I don’t want to.  I like it here.”  I snuggled further under the blankets. 

Trace pulled the covers back.  “I know you want to sleep, Kat.  It’s five-thirty in the evening.  We need to put the plan into action.”  I groaned again and sat up. 

All of them were freshly showered and dressed.  They looked yummy.  I ran a hand through my hair and got out of bed.  I didn’t want to put the plan into action anymore.  I just wanted to stay here, away from everything.  I staggered into the bathroom and did the cleaning thing.  I finished and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.  I tossed a sweatshirt over my t-shirt and was ready to go.

I looked at them and felt sadness well into my throat.  I cleared my throat and tried to keep my thoughts on the end, when I’d be with them again.  I walked quickly to cut off the door.  I leaned against the door and looked at them.  My men.  My eyes filled with tears.  I sniffled and continued to look at them.  They came up to me and pulled me into their embrace.  I hugged them to me and breathed in their scents.  I wanted to keep this memory alive for as long as I could but I knew it would fade with time.

I stepped back and wiped my tears away.  I took a deep breath and held my head higher.  It was a defense mechanism, I always held my head a little higher when I didn’t like something but knew I had to do it. 

We walked out of the apartment, locking it behind us.  I would see the apartment in a little while here.  We took the elevator down and walked outside.  The valet ran off to get our car.  I tried to think of a way to cause an argument but I couldn’t.

The car came and we piled in.  Todd drove slowly to the house.  “Kat.  I’m going to start the argument.  Remember that I love you and the words I’m going to say aren’t true.”  He grasped my hand in his and kissed the knuckles. 

We arrived at the house.  I put on a brave face, at least I hoped.  We got out of the car and started to argue. 

Todd shouted, “I never wanted you with me on this, Katja.  You’re just an accident prone bitch who can’t deal with anything.” 

I stared at him in shock.  It took a couple moments for me to respond and when I did it wasn’t original.  “You’re an asshole.  How the hell could I have lived with you for this long?”  I stormed into the house, banging things, tossing knickknacks.

Trace and Erick decided that they were going to enter the argument.  Trace spoke loudly.  “I can’t believe you really thought that I loved you.  I just used you to get my company into the black.  You’re worthless.” 

My heart clenched at his words.  “I don’t know why I even kept your company on retainer, it freakin’ sucks.”  Slam, bang.

Erick spoke less loudly but more hurtful.  “You raised me not to help kill Antreas but to be your whore.  That’s all I am to you and I’m tired of being with you and having you force me to do things that I don’t want to do.”  My mouth fell open.  I couldn’t speak.  Everyone came out of their rooms.  Tears sprang to my eyes at their words. 

I took a breath and hoped that Erick would forgive me.  “You suck as a whore, Erick.  You couldn’t even last long enough.  You can’t even get someone off if you tried.”  His mouth fell open.  He knew it was a lie.  He was damn good at what he did and he knew it.

“I’m leaving you assholes.  Don’t try to call me or find me because you won’t be able to.”  I stormed off and went into the bedroom.  I took out a suitcase and threw clothes into it. 

Charles walked into the room.  “Mistress?”

“What is it, Charles?” I yelled. 

He bowed his head.  “You cannot leave.  What will happen if you do?”

“I don’t freakin’ care anymore.  I’m done with this whole stupid mess.  Just leave me alone.”  He turned.  “Charles, wait.  Have Sven pack.  I’m taking him with me.”  He nodded and left the room.  I finished packing and zipped my suitcase.  I pulled it to the floor and rolled it through the house. 

I found my men in the sitting room.  I spoke loudly at them.  “I’m taking Sven since you guys are such assholes.”  Their mouths fell open. 

Todd spoke quietly, holding back anger.  “You’ve always wanted him.  He’s lesser than me and yet you want
.”  He spat out the last word. 

“He’s more of a gentleman then you guys will ever be.”  I walked out of the room.  I heard them follow. 

“Sven isn’t going with you, Katja.”

“The hell he’s not.  I need someone to protect me and you guys can’t even do that.”  Sven walked up to me.  His eyes flicked between us.  I still had tears running down my face and the guys looked angry.  I turned on my heel and called, “See ya.” 

Sven caught up to me.  “What happened?” 

I looked at him and shook my head.  “Not now.  I’m too upset to talk about it.” 

He nodded, opened the door of the Malibu, and gently ushered me in.  I looked out the window and saw my men standing there, hands on hips.  I pursed my lips at them and then we were off. 

Sven drove around for a little bit. 

I calmed down as we drove farther away from the house.  “I want to thank you for helping me.”  Sven tilted his head.  “I mean for coming with me and being my bodyguard.”

“You’re most welcome.  I’m sorry that you and your men had a falling out.”  He actually seemed sincere. 

“I think we should get some sleep,” I said and tried to think of some place to sleep. 

“Did you have any place in mind?” 

I shook my head.  “I don’t know where I can go.  I suppose to a hotel.” 

He turned left at the next light and drove us out of town to a hotel chain.  He parked the car and got out, then opened my door, and we walked into the lobby arm in arm.

We got a room.  It wasn’t perfect but it was a place to sleep away the afternoon and evening.  Sven took the key from the receptionist and guided me to the room.  I rolled my suitcase to the closet and left it standing there.  I had to keep up the act but it was hard when Sven was looking at me.  I had a brilliant idea, and when I say brilliant, I mean stupid.  “Do you wanna get a drink?”

“I don’t think you should be drinking after something like this.”

My mouth fell open.  “What are you, the alcohol police or something?  If you don’t want a drink, I’m going out anyway.”  I walked to the door.  Sven was there.  He placed his hand on mine and stayed me from opening the door.  “Let me go.  I’m going out whether you like it or not.” 

He sighed.  “Okay.  I’ll go with you.”  He took my hand in his and opened the door. 

We left the hotel and found a restaurant-bar.  The restaurant was closed but the bar side was open.  It was dimly lit so you couldn’t see the floor or the stains on the bar seats.  Sven snagged us a back table.  He guided me into the chair and ordered whiskey straight. 

The whiskey arrived and I tossed it back.  I breathed fire for a minute while the whiskey travelled down my stomach, warming me. 

Sven pushed his glass over to me and asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?  It’s over.  I can’t go back.  I’m done with this mess.”  I sipped at the second glass of whiskey.  I didn’t want to get too plastered but I had been truthful when I had asked to get a drink. 

“You know Todd didn’t want me to go and yet you asked if I would.”

I chuckled.  “Yeah.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Do you not want to be here?  I figured out of anyone you’d be happy to be with me in my time of need.”  Maybe I pushed it a little but he seemed to think about it. 

“I am happy that you chose me to be with you.  I’ve wanted this moment for a while now.  It seems a whole lifetime ago that I first tasted you.”  I gulped and swallowed the rest of the whiskey.  I waved my hand. 

The waitress came over, a tall bleached blonde with big breasts that stretched her t-shirt to the breaking point.  She gave Sven the once over and wiped at her mouth.  I ordered two more whiskeys and a bottle of beer.  She barely registered what I said since she was staring at Sven.  He wasn’t even paying attention to her.  Sven didn’t look at her but kept his eyes on me as he said, “Get the lady her drinks.”  The waitress flicked angry eyes at me and sauntered off. 

“If I remember, you tasted me when I needed you calm.”  I blushed at the memory.  It wasn’t even that embarrassing considering what I’d done not but four or five hours ago.  The waitress came back and brushed against Sven with her big boobs as she set the drinks on the table. 

When he ignored the touch she whispered something in his ear.  He scooted his chair back and looked at her.  “Can’t you see I’m with my wife?”

She looked at me and then back to him.  “I don’t see any ring, baby.”  My eyes widened.  I was sitting right there. 

“Just because I don’t wear a ring,
, doesn’t mean I want to fuck you.”  She leaned away from him and licked her oversized lips.  “Leave now or I’ll get your manager.”  Sven spoke quietly but the way he said it caused even me to gulp in fear.  Fear finally entered her eyes.  I guess she didn’t want to lose her job.  Sven waved his hand at her and she turned on her heel, her blonde hair swishing his face.

He didn’t even watch her leave.  He held out his hand to me.  I looked at it.  “Why won’t you hold my hand?” 

Oh, right.  I was supposed to be the pathetic loser who had a fight with her boyfriends.  “I guess I haven’t gotten over the fact that it’s truly over with them.”  I hoped the lie worked.  “By the way, I won’t be able to get any more alcohol from here.”  He lifted an eyebrow.  “You pissed off the waitress.  From the look I got from her, I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t jump me in a dark alley.”

“If she does, I’ll be there to protect you.”  He winked at me and moved his hand closer to me.  “Just take my hand, Katja.  I won’t bite, promise.” 

Instead of grabbing his hand, I grabbed the beer.  I tossed back a couple swallows and then gripped his hand.  His hand was cool to the touch and made me shiver.  “You’re cold.”

“I haven’t had anything to eat in a while.  Sorry,” he said but made no move to take his hand away.  I finished my beer.

I could feel the alcohol hit me.  “I need to use the little girl’s room,” I slurred out. 

I stood up and almost tripped over the chair beside me.  I held out my hand to catch my fall but Sven was there with his arms wrapped around my waist.  He righted me and brushed his lips against mine.  I pulled back, mumbled a ‘thanks’, and walked away from him.

I walked into the bathroom and found a clean enough stall.  I really didn’t have to go.  I had used it as an excuse to text Todd.  I pulled out my backup cell phone and told Todd about what had happened.  A moment later I got a ring back.  “Don’t ever fucking call me again,” I said after he said my name.  I texted him not to call my phone since Sven was in the other room and could hear us. 

I waited for a minute and then I really did have to pee.  I finished and washed my hands.  By then I got the text.  Our plan was in good standing.  Thorn had been released now that I wasn’t anywhere near him.  Beatrice was happy to have her vampire back.  Life was good. 

I deleted the messages even though I wanted to save them.  I missed them so much and it’d only been a couple hours.  I stumbled out of the bathroom.  Sven looked at me with relief.  I tottered on my heels as I plopped down in my seat.  “What happened?” I asked.

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