Read Deceiving Her Boss Online

Authors: Elizabeth Powers

Deceiving Her Boss (20 page)

BOOK: Deceiving Her Boss
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"Do you need me to write a check to cover anything, Allie?"

Allie shook her head.  "No.  I appreciate the offer, but I don't need
money from you."

"What do you need?"

Love, Allie wanted to say, looking up at the handsome, sexy man who stood in
her living room.  I need you to love me.  Instead, she lightly said,
"Dinner.  Did I not tell you that I'm hungry?"

Sean laughed.  "You did indeed.  OK, let's go."

Sean had made reservations at a Mediterranean tapas restaurant in the city, a
place that Allie had been to only once or twice, but loved.  They ordered a
variety of dishes, shared them all, and enjoyed a bottle of wine to go with
it.  It was a place where they could easily talk, so they ordered coffee when
they were done with dinner, and lingered while they talked.

Allie told Sean about her phone calls with her family, and he agreed that they
would need to visit them sooner than later.  He told her about his calls as
well, and how anxious his whole family was to meet her.  And while Allie
couldn't help but feel like her life was a fraud, she nodded and agreed that
she was looking forward to meeting them as well.

It was a nondescript evening, Allie thought.  While the dinner had been formal,
there had been nothing at all romantic about the night.  It was no different
from any other dinners they had shared together in the past, and while that was
comfortable, it also felt sad to Allie.  Here it was, one week before they were
tying their lives together, and their conversation was business-like,
ordinary.   She flirted more with the waiter than she did with her dinner
companion.  Her fiancé, she corrected herself.  So it was with a sense of
sadness that she rode home with Sean that evening.  Was this what their life together
would be like?  Was this the sum total of all they had learned about each

When they pulled up in front of Allie's home, she politely asked him in,
assuming that he'd plead exhaustion and head home.  So when he quietly agreed
that he'd like to join her for another cup of coffee, she was surprised.

"Have a seat," she offered.  "I'll put on the coffee."

But instead of heading to the living room, Sean placed his wallet and keys by
the door and followed her into the kitchen.  Leaning against the counter, he
watched as she measured and ground the coffee, added water to the machine, and
flicked the switch to start the brewing.  As she turned around to find a couple
of clean mugs, she ran right into Sean, who had moved directly behind her.  Placing
one arm on either side of her, and bracing against the countertop behind her,
Sean effectively held her loosely within his embrace.

"I need to..."  Allie started to say.

"Kiss me," Sean said hoarsely.  "You need to kiss me.  All
night, you've been the perfect little secretary.  The perfect assistant. 
Cool.  Collected."  Sean moved in closer to her, fitting his long lean
body against her own soft curves.  "I want to see you lose your cool,
Allie.  For me."  He lowered his head, still braced against the counter
behind Allie.  "Kiss me, Allie."

Allie looked up at Sean, his eyes burning into hers, his gaze direct, the need
he felt for her evident in his rigid posture, his uneven breaths.  But he held
still, waiting for Allie to make the move.  "I am the perfect assistant,
Mr. Greyson," she said quietly, her fingers reaching up to smooth over his
tie, to brush gently against his chest.  "And I always do what my boss
asks of me."  With that, she reached a hand up behind his neck to tug his
head down.  When his lips met hers, he held still, allowing her to take the
lead, though it was killing him.   She lightly nipped her lips over his,
smiling slightly at his shuddering response.  When she went back for more,
gently tugging his bottom lip between hers, Sean found himself struggling for
control, his mind trying to name the Super Bowl winners for the past few years
in an effort to prevent himself from grabbing her, stripping her naked, and
plunging himself into her.  Her kisses, as sweet and innocent at they might be,
were hotter than anything he'd experienced in years.

Wrapping his arm around her, his fingers clenched around her waist, he let her
kiss him.  He let her set the pace, let her slowly explore his lips, his mouth,
his tongue.  As she deepened the kiss, his body stiffened and his muscles
tightened, his embrace so powerful that breathing was difficult.  When she at
last move her mouth from his, taking a deep shuddering breath, Sean lost all
semblance of sanity.  His hands moved to the back of her head, finding the
right angle for his kiss, and he took full control.  His kiss was powerful,
sensual, full of need and want and desire.  His tongue plunged into her mouth,
met hers, and withdrew again.   With no effort at all, Sean reached around and
lifted Allie until she was sitting on the counter, her hips spread wide to
accept him between them, her mouth still pressed to his, his arms still clamped
around her.  Allie gasped as the juncture of her thighs encountered the hard
need that pressed against her.

Sean's mouth moved slowly down Allie's throat, and he moaned in frustration
when he encountered the fabric of her dress.  Reaching behind her, he slowly
unzipped the garment, allowing it to fall loosely around her waist, exposing
her satin-covered breasts to his view.  This time, his moan was one of
pleasure.   He slowly brushed his hands over her fabric-covered mounds,
watching as her nipples stiffened, and she pushed her full breasts into his
hands.  Bending down to kiss her again, he reached behind her and swiftly
unfastened her bra, then gently cupped her in his hands as he deepened the kiss

"Oh God, Sean," she gasped in pleasure, pushing herself against him,
wanting him closer, touching her everywhere, inside her.  She turned her head
aside, needing to breathe, and he immediately moved his mouth to her breasts,
kissing one, then the other.  He fastened his mouth over one nipple while his
hand moved over the other breast, and Allie pushed forward into both caresses,
needing more, needing something she couldn't define.

"Bedroom, Allie," Sean lifted his head to roughly demand.  "It's
there or right here on your kitchen counter."

Allie simply pointed down the hallway, not trusting her voice, and gasped again
when Sean lifted her into his arms with ease, carrying her to the bedroom. 
When they got there, he carefully lowered her to her feet, his hands lightly
framing her face.

"You are so beautiful, sweetheart," he said at last.  "So damn
beautiful.  I've wanted you for so long."

"Sean, please."

"Please what, sweetheart?" he asked gently.

"Please make love to me."

But Sean just looked down at her intently.  "Allie, do you remember what I
told you when we were on the beach together in Miami?"

Allie tried to remember, but it was so hard to think when she was nearly naked
in his arms.  Finally, she said, "I remember you telling me that you were
going to take me to bed someday.  I remember you telling me that you'd make
love to me." 

Sean nodded.  "I did.  And I also told you that when I did, you would
belong to me.  That you'd be mine."  He gently caressed her face with the
back of his hand.  "So be sure, Allie.  Be sure that this is what you

She looked up at him, then.  Sean, the man she loved.  The man she was marrying
in a week.  "I'm sure, Sean," she said quietly.

Allie trembled in his arms, her fingers moving slowly up to loosen his tie, to
unbutton his shirt, to begin pulling his clothes from him.  But Sean stood
rigid, his control wavering, but still in place.  Allie saw the telltale muscle
in his face twitch.  The muscle that told her that he was fighting to be in
command of his own actions.

"Allie, I'm going to try my damndest to be gentle with you, but I can't
promise.  I need you too badly. "

"I don't need you to be gentle, Sean.  Just love me," she said

With that, Sean pulled her back into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers.  Their
movements became more frantic as Allie struggled to remove Sean's clothes, even
as he was determined to pleasure her.  As she pulled off his pants and boxers,
Sean easily slid Allie's panties off and pushed her gently back onto the bed. 
Falling on top of her, he carefully supported his weight on his arms as he
looked down on her.

"You're mine, Allie," he said roughly, his voice gravelly with need. 
"Say it, sweetheart."

"Yes," she gasped, arching up against him in an instinctive motion. 
"Please, Sean."

Nudging her legs apart, Sean settled his hips between them, his need pressed
directly against her.  Her hands reached up, clutching his shoulders to pull
him closer.  His mouth covered hers, his tongue plunging inside hers, demanding
her response.  Allie felt her core go liquid, her need for him growing with
every gentle thrust against her that he made.  When he moved his hand to her
breast, he circled her nipple with his fingers, then gently rolled the peak
between his finger and thumb.  Allie arched up into him, needing him, needing
his closeness, needing his hardness against her.  When he lowered his mouth to
her breast, she moaned at the sensation, pressing up into him.  Her hands
feathered over him, clutching him one moment, moving to caress him the next. 
She wanted him.  Wanted him with a strength she'd never known before.  His
mouth moving back to hers, Sean slid one hand gently down her stomach, his
fingers touching her, feeling how ready she was for him.

Rolling off of her, Sean reached for his trousers, looking for the condom he
had placed in his back pocket earlier that evening.  He skillfully rolled it on
as she watched him, her eyes big as she took in his size and his obvious need
for her.  When he moved back to her, he lifted her legs slightly to find a
better angle for entry, and slowly slid into her.  She was wet, her entry
tight, and she felt amazing.  He began to push further into her, until he was
completely inside, her velvety softness surrounding him.  As he gently nipped
at her breast with his teeth, he felt her insides clench around him.  And that
was enough to tip him over the edge.

Positioning himself carefully over her so that he wasn't crushing her, he began
to move within her.  His gaze held hers, his jaw clenched with his effort to
maintain some semblance of control.  He wanted this woman, but he didn't want
this to be over too soon.  It felt too good.

He eased out of her, then pushed back in to the hilt, her grip around him tight
and her eyes closing with need.  He increased his pace, each thrust bringing
with it more pleasure and more need.  In and out, in and out, his rhythm
growing more and more rapid, as he felt the shudders deep within her start to
spread.  As she cried out with pleasure, he gave one more forceful thrust deep
within her and they came together.

They lay together, silent, as they came back down to earth.  Sean rolled off
her, but kept the connection firm, stroking her hair gently and kissing her
softly as their breathing slowly returned to normal.

"That was incredible," Allie whispered at last.  "I had no

Sean kissed her again, his gaze on her intense.  "That's what I meant when
I said you'd be mine, Allie.  I'm not going to be able to let you go."

"I'm not going to want you to," she murmured.

"Sleep, sweetheart," he said as he pulled out of her.  "I'll be
right back."

After taking care of the condom in Allie's bathroom, he moved back into the
bedroom and looked at Allie.  She was already asleep, curled up on one side of
the bed, the covers pulled up and tucked under her chin.  He leaned against the
door frame.  Normally, this is when he'd quietly pick up his clothes and go. 
He'd leave a note, send flowers in the morning perhaps, or have Allie do it,
and then he'd call later in the week to schedule another evening together.  But
he had no desire to leave tonight.  He wanted to curl in next to Allie, pull
her into his arms, and fall asleep with her.

The only problem was, he wouldn't want to sleep.  Which reminded him -- he had
another condom in his wallet.  He decided that he'd better go get it now, since
he was very likely to want it later.

Pulling on his boxers, he moved down the hall and into the kitchen.  Moving
over to the full but abandoned coffee pot, he turned it off, then walked to the
table where he had set his wallet.

"Please tell me that you are not leaving here in only your boxers,"
he heard from behind him, and he turned to see Allie standing sleepily in the
doorway, knotting the belt of her bathrobe.

Sean shook his head and held up the condom with a sheepish smile.  "No. 
Not by a long shot.  I just thought we might want this later.  Are you OK if I
stay, sweetheart?" he asked.

Allie just looked at him, pushing her hair back behind her ears.  "You
want to stay?" she asked, not sure she had heard him right.

"You're damn right I want to stay," Sean said emphatically.  "If
you'll let me."

"Of course," Allie said.  Looking into the kitchen, she smiled
ruefully.  "We forgot all about the coffee.  I blame you."

BOOK: Deceiving Her Boss
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