Deceived and Enslaved (8 page)

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Authors: Leo Barton

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'Willingham looked over to me, closed his eyes momentarily, and then opened them. It seemed to me that he had come to a decision. "Everton," he said, "take your pleasure with her." Anna brought her hands together in a loud clap. I could see how excited she was at the prospect of taking me. She came to stand beside me, began to caress the side of my flushed cheek with the back of her hand. "Look, see how perfect she is. What a find, Lance! Look, the poor girl is trembling. She wants it too. I can always tell when they want it. I bet she is so wet."

'As Anna spoke Everton undressed, pulling down his cotton briefs last to unveil a big, thick cock. I gawked at the sight, feeling terribly teased as he began to move it up and down Sabrina's sex. The girl was still sprawled on the table, her legs still splayed although nobody held them any more. As Everton pushed into the juicy folds of flesh, he brought his nails down over the reddened skin where I had lashed her, occasionally pinching the girl hard over the welt marks that the whip had left. Her whoops of pain transmuted into gasps of pleasure as Everton penetrated her.

'That was all I could see. That was all I was allowed to see. Anna had roughly pulled my arms behind my back, twisting me by the wrist until I could feel a heavy ache. She was binding them together. I could not believe that this girl, the same girl that I had watched night after night on a TV soap was binding my wrists together in such a way. But there were other things to think about as I felt Willingham's sweaty hands brush against the nylon of my black tights, reaching up to the waistband.

'"Oh my dear, you are going to make me so happy. You want this don't you, my girl," Willingham said as his hand stroked my hips gently.'

'What did you say?' Lillian asked.

'What could I say? I was literally speechless. I was ashamed, so ashamed that I was finding the whole experience so exciting. I could hear the noise that Everton made as he fucked Sabrina, the initial gasps of pleasure she made crescendoing to whoops of sexual delight. I didn't know what to say. "You see she's such a naughty girl. Such a bad girl! She wants her punishment and she deserves her punishment. Isn't that true, maid?" Anna asked me. Again, I didn't answer. "Answer me!" she commanded. I nodded my head. My heart was beating with anticipation as I thought about what they might do to me, what rough pleasure they might take with me. "Yes," I managed to reply in little more than a whisper. "Delicious," Willingham said, and then with one firm yank he pulled down my tights and my panties together. I could feel the cooler air of the room brush my naked skin. I knew then, my arms tethered, my bottom exposed, that there was no turning back.'

Sonia stopped telling her tale and looked wistfully into Lillian's eyes.

'You seemed to find it difficult to believe that I would behave in such a way, that I would let these people have their way with me and do whatever they wanted to me. To be honest I had led a boring life up until then. The experience was like a catharsis to me. There were things I had hidden inside me, dreams I had repressed, but I knew in that moment that I wanted them to do precisely what they were going to do with me. I've watched you, Lillian. I can tell the difference between those girls who like to be treated in such a way and those girls that don't. Willingham knows too. He has had so much practice.'

'What do you mean?'

'Because you would like to be punished too.'

Lillian didn't want to think about that any more. The events that had happened to her seemed too momentous to consider, too close, too confusing. 'What happened next?'

Sonia smiled. 'Willingham pulled me across the room and Anna fetched one of the wooden dining chairs. "Kneel on the chair, my dear," Willingham instructed. Passively I knelt on the chair. Anna pulled me up roughly by my upper arms, so roughly that her nails dug into my skin. My eyes stared at her, got lost in her amazing beauty, seemingly all the more amazing for the cruelty that underlay it. I was now lying over the chair, Anna holding me in position by clasping her hands around my neck. Willingham pulled up the short black dress of my uniform, his hands roaming over my silky flesh. Then he spread my thighs so that he could gaze at my little bum-hole. "Oh, delightful!" he exclaimed, the coarse centre of his thumb tracing a line from the bottom of my spine, between my buttocks to the little tight knot of my anus. His thumb grazed the surface skin, before lightly pushing against the tiny hole, making me jolt nervously. He then trailed his fingers lower between my legs, feeling the moistness that slicked the labial lips of my sex.

'"You're right, Anna, she really is so wet."'

'And all the time Everton was still...?'

'Yes, he seemed quite inexhaustible. Just as Sabrina's moans of pleasure seemed to crescendo to orgasm, he would stop, and then start again.

'Anyway, Willingham continued his intimate inspection of me. "The girl really is so wet, Anna," he kept on saying as two fingers spread out on my labia, pressing against it loosely. His finger returned to my anus and without warning he jabbed hard into my most intimate place. It was such a shock to me. It seemed to be so hard and vicious and quite out of keeping with his jokey tone. "There, there, my dear, isn't that nice? Isn't that so nice to have an old man's finger jabbed up inside your little bottom like that?''

'I looked into Anna's eyes. She had beautiful dark brown eyes. I can't tell you how beautiful this woman was, Lillian. What a contrast, to stare into a beautiful woman's eyes, a woman that you had seen a thousand times before on the television, a woman who represented glamour and success and in Anna's case a kind of girl-next-door innocence, and there she looked at me with such cruelty as Willingham continued to prod inside me with his old, rigid fingers.

'"Now, now maid, don't make such a fuss," Anna said as her hands reached down inside the top of my pinafore and under the cotton of my bra to feel the thick nipples of my breasts. She tweaked them hard between her finger and thumb.

'"Anna, I think it is your turn," Willingham said. They really were like children sharing a toy, playing with me. They had the greedy smiles of spoilt children.'

'This is such an incredible story, Sonia,' Lillian said.

'Now to me it doesn't seem so. I have seen so many things since then, but at the time it was the most amazing thing that had happened in my life. I was so confused. I had always been so frightened of pain, had always run away from it. The same with enclosed places. I hated being restricted in any way. I told you about my bastard stepfather. I could not believe that I had been bound by my employer, that I was treated in such a way, having so much pain inflicted on me and enjoying it, for I was enjoying it. To people who don't know it seems incredible, but you know Lillian, you know the special pleasure that can reside in the heart of pain.'

This is what Lillian could not concede even to herself.

'Be careful Lillian, be very careful or they will make a slave of you. You see that you are such a challenge to them. You are like a wild horse. You teeter on the brink of it all. Something inside you rejects all this, rejects your desire for it, and for them that is such a temptation, they will so much want to prove your own nature to you. It adds piquancy. It is so much more exciting for them than the normal girls who are studied in sexual subservience as Sabrina was. But I was like you, tentative, unsure. I was their great challenge.'

'But you didn't challenge them, Sonia, you let them do exactly what they wanted to do with you.'

'Yes that is true, but they didn't know that at the time. They really didn't. This was the tension that was in the air for them. This is what Anna and Willingham told me later when they said how much they had enjoyed me.'

'And how long did all this go on for?'

'It's been going on ever since, Lillian,' Sonia smiled.

'No, I mean that night.'

'Oh, quite a long time.'

'And what did they do to you?'

'Well as Willingham continued to ram his fingers inside me, Anna removed her clothes. I knew straight away what she wanted me to do. She spread her legs and pushed her sex in my face. She had a beautiful body, her breasts were full, her nipples delightfully upturned, her stomach was flat, and her sex, it was so beautiful that I think most women, even ones who believe they have no sexual interest in other women, would have been tempted to take those soft thick lips in their mouth, to taste her delicious juice. I furled my tongue around her clitoris, flicking it with the tip, then I flattened it along the ridge of her engorged pussy lips. I stroked her with my tongue, each contact I made on her made her jerk with delight.'

'And what was Willingham doing at this stage,' Lillian asked.

'Willingham had withdrawn his fingers from me. I mean I had no idea. I didn't think his cock would be so hard and stiff. He moistened the bulbous dome of his hard meat on the wetness between my legs and then slid inside me. It was so strange, such a contrast, a beautiful young woman's body before me, and an old man's cock penetrating me, his sweaty, ancient hands pulling my hips onto his hard cock.'

'Lillian winced at the thought. Didn't you, I mean didn't you find the idea a little disgusting?'

'Yes, I did, Lillian. It was a terribly disgusting idea to have such an old man inside me, taking his pleasure in whatever way he wanted and with me being unable to do anything at all about it. But that was the point. Yes it was disgusting, but something inside me liked the idea of being fucked in such a disgusting way. It made me feel very excited. It was especially exciting because there seemed to be so much of him. I mean, Lillian, he was really so big. I could hear his rasping breath above me, mingling with Anna's sated sighs, and beyond that, I heard Sabrina's wild orgasmic shriek as Everton ejaculated inside her.

'Soon Willingham came inside me too, shooting his jism deep within me. The idea of such an old man fucking me must have excited Anna too, as I could feel her legs tensing around my tongue as I settled into a steady rhythm concentrating my attention on her engorged clitoris. She came with an almighty scream.'

'Was that the end of it?'

'I thought it would be, but once Willingham had caught his breath, and Anna had recovered from her climax, she looked at me mischievously and said, "Now my dear, it is you who must be satisfied." "Oh, yes of course," Willingham added. "Where is it?" Anna asked. "In the usual place," Willingham answered, before lifting me up by the neck and planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

'"You are going to enjoy this more than anything else that has ever happened to you before, but first maybe we should have a little spot of what we might call Sabrina's revenge."

'Sabrina now having recovered from her own orgasm was holding the riding crop. It all seemed to happen so quickly. It startled me. The lash came down on my exposed bottom, hard, much harder than I imagined my lash on her had been. Maybe Willingham was right; maybe revenge was exactly what Sabrina was after. After all I had no idea, Sabrina being paid for such activities whether she actually enjoyed them, and whether she might indeed enjoy hurting others in a much more ruthless way than in the realms of a sexual game. She certainly wasn't holding back. She whipped me with expertise. Even though I couldn't see her, her arm must have been raised very high, and held very straight. The pain was very satisfying indeed. A delicious pain, the sharp violent lash, then the glow. My heart, which had been pounding throughout the evening, seemed to race even more as Sabrina lashed me again and again until I could tell that she was becoming physically exhausted from her exertions.

'There came a point when I thought I wanted it to stop, but the moment it did something inside me craved for more, as the whip was passed from Sabrina to Everton under Willingham's command. He could see that Sabrina was becoming tired. Everton lashed me with all the ferocity that Sabrina had done, catching me in the plump centre of my buttocks and below the arch of my bottom on the top of my legs. The pain was exquisite. Everton, if he is anything, is a professional about such matters.

'"The blindfold!" Willingham said to Everton, before taking the whip from him and lashing me a couple of times more for good measure, my hips bucking with every blow. It seemed to me an even more tantalizing experience now I had lost the power of sight. I could feel each lash more intensely, feel the stinging lash transmute to the burning glow.

'I felt another cock. It must have been the insatiable Everton, being plunged into my mouth and then, my god I hadn't realized. I don't even think I had known that such a thing was possible, that such a practice existed. Something cold and metallic was prodding at me, but not where Lord Willingham's cock had been, but where his fingers had initially jabbed into me. I felt Anna's small hands gripping me by the hips. I felt her body push against me, against the stinging flesh of my bottom. She must have been wearing some kind of contraption. I had no idea then that such things as dildoes existed. I told you I was a girl from the country and a very innocent girl at that. I was being fucked by Anna. I saw her do the same trick with many others later. A large, an almost impossibly large metallic dildo. I watched later to see how she had first thrust into me, thrusting her pelvis, her hips banging against me, her nails digging into my flesh.

'I could feel an orgasm building inside me. It surprised me by its strength, by its sheer force. It was as if it came from nowhere. One minute I seemed to be in such a state of shocked pain being penetrated in such a way, as well as at the same time trying to concentrate on sucking on Everton's slimed cock, and then the next, I was being totally overpowered by the force of my climax. Suffice to say I never thought a woman could climax in that way.'

'Sonia, have you ever heard of The Order of Janus?'

'Oh that nonsense!'

'What do you mean, that nonsense?'

'It's an excuse for Willingham to get up to his tricks. He is the leader. That is why he has the privilege of training all those girls.'

'What do you mean, training?'

'Girls are sent here, and it is Willingham's job to turn them into subservient creatures. I am absolutely sure that is what he would like to do to you.'

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