Deceived and Enslaved (17 page)

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Authors: Leo Barton

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Her tongue flattened on his long shaft.

'That's right, miss, all the way down. Yes there too,' Everton said, plumping his heavy testicles in her face. 'Now open wide.'

Lillian automatically opened her mouth and Everton fed his thick cock inside her.

'Now, miss, I'm going to fuck your mouth.'

She was not even going to be allowed to give him a blowjob. She felt the handcuffs restraining her. He was going to use her mouth to masturbate in. He propelled her head backwards and forwards until she could feel the tip of his helmet pressing against the back of her throat. She found it difficult to breathe like that, as his cock thrust deeper and deeper inside her. Her eyes filled with tears that slid down her face and dropped onto his already well-lubricated tool.

It seemed to go on forever, Everton pulling her head harder and harder onto him, until at last she felt the throb and twitch of his member and then he shot his seed deep inside her.

'Now swallow every drop, miss. If you don't I'll beat you.'

Again more humiliation! He was going to make her swallow every drop of him.

'Now go to the bed and face towards it.'

She knew instinctively that she had to cross the floor again on her knees. Her head drooped onto the bed.

'Kneel straight, please.'

She heard him zip himself up and then a moment later lift her onto the bed. He reached behind her and unlocked her handcuffs. That at least was a relief. He turned her so that she lay on her back and then handcuffed her wrists to the bedpost. Her eyes stayed on him the whole time but she did not dare speak to him. He then took her legs and fastened them to the bedposts at the bottom of the bed. She felt more exposed before him now than she had done before.

He fastened the gag onto her, and then the blindfold. She felt his finger tracing along her sex, casually, stroking her as one might a cat or a dog. He laughed sinisterly.

'You know you are ours now, and that we can do whatever we want with you,' and then he closed the door behind him.

She closed her eyes and stared into the darkness of her mind. Everton was right, he was totally right. They could do whatever they wanted to her. She could still taste his seed on her lips. He was right. She was theirs, theirs to toy with for however long they wanted to, forever, if they wished, forever she would be their sexual prisoner.

Part Two
1: Cleaned and Shaved

No, Lillian could not believe how this could have happened to her when only a few days ago she had been a free woman, excited at the prospect of writing her biography of the supposedly kind and humane Hyde-Lee.

She drifted back off to sleep. There was that dream again, more torture, the figure of Willingham playing with her, spreading her bottom cheeks apart, asking her if she wanted to be hurt, and then the desire to scream 'no', but the word 'yes' emanating from her mouth.

She awoke again, not knowing whether it was hours or minutes later. Somebody was spreading her legs, soothing her burning skin, cleaning her body totally with some cream that smelled vaguely of coconut. The sensation was not unpleasant. She was aware of female hands. Sonia's hands? She tried to cry out from her gag for Sonia to release her, but no noise came from there. Sonia's hands glided along her body, cleaning her, between her legs, stroking her...

As Sonia cleaned Lillian's body Willingham looked on. The razor and the bowl of water rested on the bedside table. Willingham was there just to make sure that Sonia followed his instructions to the letter, even though he suspected she would have done anyway, having had such a beating from him and then having to spend the whole night chained up in the cellar, and most of the rest of the day as well. He had only let her out half an hour before.

Sonia gazed down at Lillian and felt terribly sorry for her. Even though she had suffered so much at the hands of Willingham she was used to it, and the deep submissive side to her had come to accept the punishment, but not Lillian. Sonia knew that the more Lillian fought against Willingham's authority the more she would be made to suffer.

Her body was beautiful too, Sonia thought as she soaked and sponged her voluptuous breasts. How much she had enjoyed lapping at them with her tongue and suckling on them as if she was a child.

Sonia reached the sponge between her legs, then lifted her body a little to first sponge her buttocks, and then oil them with the special preparation that Hyde-Lee had developed since his time in the Far East. There were no marks anyway. Everton was an expert with the belt, knowing how to inflict maximum pain but leave not a trace of a mark.

Sonia could feel herself becoming moist as she continued to smooth oil into Lillian's bottom cheeks. She could also see that Lillian, for all that she was constricted, was a little excited too, her sex lips glistening.

As if Willingham noticed, he silently pressed the razor into the maid's hand...

There was another sensation now. Lillian could feel a rougher male hand on her, rubbing some kind of lather into her pubic hair. Surely they weren't going to shave her? Yes, she could feel and hear the scraping of a blade across her skin. She felt herself beginning to cry again. She remembered the other night when she had seduced or been seduced by Sonia, the surprise of finding her bare. She had assumed that it was Sonia's choice and she had liked the touch of her skin as she flicked her tongue over her mound before delving between her legs.

It all seemed so long ago now, when she had been free to choose her sexual partners, even free to decide to submit to somebody's will, not like now when she must do whatever it was that Willingham and Everton decided.

She could feel herself being washed down, and then the cool air from the breeze coming in from the window on her now hairless mound.

2: Lord Willingham Takes His Pleasure

When she woke up again there were people present. She could hear their breathing. There were three separate human odours, two were soapy and male, another was perfumed. It was the maid, Sonia again. She recognised the fresh smell of violets she had noticed when she had been shaved.

They must be standing over her. The perfume seemed to be emanating from her right side. The left must be where the two men were standing, their breathing was deeper, a slight wheeze that she recognised as coming from Willingham.

Yes, it was Willingham.

'She's ready. She's perfect, look at her. Look at those beautiful full breasts. And what nipples she has. Look how erect they are. And that glorious flat stomach,' Willingham said. 'My dear, you really are quite beautiful. Just like an angel.'

She flicked her head from side to side.

'You know you don't want to struggle, that there is no purpose to it. You know that you want us to enjoy your body. It's obvious.'

She felt a gloved hand glide down over the flat of her stomach, pass over her hairless mound, then lower down to the parted labial lips. The finger glided down over her.

'My dear, you are so wet.'

She was terrified. This is what Everton and later Sonia had prepared her for. She was objectified under their collective gaze, a toy, a thing of pleasure. What would they do to her?

'You see, my dear, I am a connoisseur of this kind of thing. I can tell how excited it makes you. If you don't, Lillian, my dear, just tell us, just say.'

How could she? How could she express anything with a gag across her mouth and tethered hopelessly to the bed? She moaned through the gag.

'Just say, my dear. I'm giving you a chance. Just say you want us to untie and leave you and we will go and never touch you again.'

It was Willingham's idea of a joke, a very cruel one Lillian thought.

'Very well, my dear. Everton, Sonia, it's time.'

She felt two mouths on her, starting at the base of her neck, lips sweeping down the swell of her breasts, a delicate sensation. No pain, only pleasure. The warm lips, and then two tongues, Sonia on one breast, the lips fuller, the tongue smaller, but furling around the rubbery tips of her breasts, moistening them, increasing the pleasure by flicking on the same spot, over and over again, as she had done the other night when they made love to each other. Everton on the other side, licking her in exactly the same way, his tongue longer, the tip thicker. She could feel her nipples extending under their touch. No other part of her body was touched, only her nipples, but there was the growing anticipation that every part of her was about to be explored.

'Oh, my dear, they are good aren't they? Experts at this kind of thing. Such a sensual girl as yourself could not resist two mouths on you like that.'

The feeling in her breasts spoke of warmth and tenderness, but the voice grated.

Sonia's lips were now tracing lightly the contours of her intimate flesh, brushing so deftly along the already moist ridge of her sex. Everton had moved position so that he was now exploring the tender flesh of her inner thighs, but her mind was concentrated on Sonia, her gloved hand now bunching up her lips between her fingers, her tongue flicking her in long, rhythmic strokes. It was enough to make her want to come. It was shameful given her present circumstances. She understood again what they were doing. How, by making her desirous, they were again trying to further humiliate her. However, the burning heat of her sex was increasing in its intensity, spreading through her body like fire.

'Stop,' Willingham commanded his cohorts.

'Sonia and Everton removed their mouths from her body as Lillian's desire to orgasm was thwarted.

'We can't have the girl too excited too soon.'

The room returned to its previous stillness and the only sensation Lillian felt behind the deep itching of her sex and the still throbbing ache of her nipples, was the sensation of being controlled, of being totally in the power of others. All spontaneity from her position was not to be allowed. She would climax, if at all, not when she wanted to, but when they allowed her to.

She felt Willingham's fingers touching her, pushing against the opening of her vulva.

'You see, my dear, I told you that you'd enjoy this. You can't fool somebody like me. I told you, I am an expert.'

Where before she had felt the dark surge of orgasmic desire suffuse to a lustful itch, now she felt a sharp sting of pain as something fine and metallic was attached to her labial lips. It pinched her so hard that the pain seared through her sex, making her body jolt upright. It wouldn't have been so bad if she could have screamed or thrashed her body against the pain, but she could barely move. Some kind of small metal clamp had been attached to her labial lips making them pulse with a sharp incisive pain.

Another clamp was placed on the opposite labial lip. Again her body felt prey to an involuntary spasm as its force pierced through the soft, velvet fold of labial flesh. The pressure so intense she clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth.

'My dear, isn't it delightful,' Willingham said, the same demonic chuckle laughing in the face of her distress. Two more clamps were simultaneously placed in a similar position.

Again there was that feeling that the pain would overwhelm her, but she could feel her mind steadying over it, knowing that she could bear it, knowing that part of her was savouring it, clinging on to it, because she had to face it. It was only by confronting it that it shrank from its immensity, became manageable.

'You are so sweet, my dear, so beautiful. If I were but a younger man I would marry you tomorrow. Take them off!'

The clips were removed. Sonia moved close beside her and removed her gag.

'What are you doing?' she bellowed once the material fell away from her face.

'Don't talk, my dear. If you talk we will make it all so much harder for you. We can see that you like your little bit of torment, but you are still a novice. We don't want to overload you. You are such a natural submissive, but you don't know you're limit yet. Be quiet, it is best for you, my dear, believe me.'

Lillian didn't know how to respond, whether to scream her dismay, although in such a big house and it being so isolated she knew that nobody would hear, so that her indignation was futile, or whether it was best for her just to maintain silence.

She was left with little choice however when she felt Everton push his cock between her parted lips for a second time. He had levered her neck up so that his meat could gain easier access inside her. His cock was long if still flaccid, although as he pushed inside her and she accommodated him by moving her tongue along the thick helmet, she could feel him growing in her mouth.

'Fellatio, my dear. You seem a rare expert. It's all necessary, of course, for you can't expect Everton to give you a good rogering unless you make him stiff first.'

In other circumstances Lillian would have found Everton's cock inside her quite pleasant. She liked long cocks with thick bulbous domes and a fresh salty taste, as she had always liked fellatio. But before she had always been in control. It had been a pleasure to manipulate a man, slide down the slicked shaft or nibble on the purple tip. She liked to pleasure men in such circumstances. But now it seemed that Everton was not being pleasured as much as taking his pleasure. She was the passive one. She had no alternative but to slide her mouth down him. It was Everton who controlled the rhythm and the pace, levering her neck onto him with the back of his hand as he pushed inside her with such vigour she felt the tip touch the back of her raw throat as she had done when he made her kneel between his legs earlier.

'Come on, Everton, fuck the girl,' Willingham instructed.

Everton pulled out of her mouth, but a moment after he had done so Lillian had the surprise of feeling Sonia's luscious quim placed onto her lips. Sonia had a different musky taste. Lillian knew precisely where to spread her tongue on the velvet folds of her flesh, flattening it onto the hard knot of her clitoris before beginning to flick it with her teeth.

As she did so, Sonia spread her now naked body over Lillian so that her big round breasts flattened on the top of Lillian's thighs. She slid her fingers into the bound girl's vulva and twisted her fingers around, making Lillian squirm with involuntary delight as she felt Sonia's fingers stimulate the walls of her cunny muscles.

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