Deceived (24 page)

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Authors: Jerry B. Jenkins

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BOOK: Deceived
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“He's going to ride it?” Lionel said.

“That's why they drugged it,” Judd said. “Under normal conditions that pig would never let anyone on its back.”

Carpathia grabbed his robe, pulled it up to his knee, and got onto the pig's back. The crowd laughed and hooted as Carpathia jammed his feet in the stirrups and yanked on the rope, ordering the pig down the street.

“Why wouldn't they use a horse?” Lionel said.

“He's putting all religions in their place,” Sam said, “especially Jewish and Christian religions.”

“That's right. Jews don't eat pigs,” Lionel said.

“And since Christianity comes out of the Jewish faith, Carpathia offends two groups with one ride.”

Judd looked back at the gathering of dignitaries near the microphone and noticed that Leon Fortunato was still scratching.

Vicki ran a hand through her hair and checked the clock. It was a little after three in the morning. Making lifethreatening decisions with this little sleep was dangerous, but if Claudia was telling the truth, they had to help.

“Driving back there could be suicide,” Mark said.

“What if we find out where she is,” Darrion said, “and let someone who doesn't know her go in?”

Vicki heard someone move behind her and turned. Manny Aguilara waved sheepishly and said, “I'm sorry. I woke up and couldn't help hearing. Let me do it. Claudia doesn't know me.”

Vicki looked at Mark. “Let's talk. And, Darrion, write Claudia and ask her exactly where she is.”

As Darrion typed, Vicki took a breath and prayed for wisdom.

Judd followed Carpathia and was joined by Sam, Lionel, and thousands of spectators lining the Via Dolorosa. People sang and cheered Nicolae as the pig carried him along. Suddenly, the drugged animal pitched forward, its front legs buckling, and a few aides helped the potentate off.

The crowd became too thick to move through, and Sam suggested they go another route to Calvary. “I think he'll eventually go there.”

They arrived at the traditional site of Jesus' crucifixion and took their place at the base of the hill. Carpathia arrived a few minutes later, climbed to the edge of the Mount, and threw his arms out.

Leon Fortunato stepped beside Nicolae and imitated him, still scratching his rear. “Behold the lamb who takes away the sins of the world!” Fortunato roared.

Suddenly, the sky blackened and Judd felt a gust of wind. People murmured and looked for shelter, but Fortunato seemed to anticipate their movement. “You need not move if you are loyal to your risen ruler! I have been imbued with power from on high to call down fire on the enemies of the king of this world. Let the loyalists declare themselves!”

Thousands screamed and waved in support of Carpathia. Judd looked around for any other believers, wondering if Chaim Rosenzweig would stand to challenge the evil one.

The sky was black as night and Judd could only see Fortunato when lightning flashed. “Today you shall have opportunity to worship the image of your god! But now you have opportunity to praise him in person! All glory to the lover of your souls!”

People around Judd knelt and raised their arms in praise to Nicolae. Judd recognized what a dangerous position he and his friends were in. They were not about to bow the knee to Carpathia or his statue. Would they be struck dead?

“You think we ought to get out of here?” Judd whispered to Lionel and Sam.

Before either could answer, Fortunato yelled, “How many of you will receive the mark of loyalty even this day at the Temple Mount?”

The crowd rose as one to wave and cheer. Fortunato responded with, “My lord, the very god of this world, has granted me the power to know your hearts!”

“Is that true?” Lionel whispered.

Judd shook his head. “That's not what Tsion teaches. He says Satan doesn't know what we think. How could he tell Fortunato if he doesn't know himself?”

Lightning flashed and claps of thunder overwhelmed the crowd. “I know if your heart is deceitful!” Fortunato yelled. “You shall not be able to stand against the allseeing eye of your god or his servant!”

People began singing “Hail Carpathia” as Fortunato looked at the crowd with piercing eyes.

Suddenly, everyone fell deathly still as a woman a few yards from Judd screeched and pointed at Carpathia and Fortunato. “Liars!” she screamed. “Blasphemers! Antichrist! False Prophet!”

The people around her moved away quickly, and the woman was left alone. As Judd listened, he thought her voice sounded familiar.

“Woe unto you who would take the place of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” the woman continued. “You shall not prevail against the God of heaven!”

Lightning flashed and Lionel grabbed Judd's arm. “That's Hattie Durham!”

Lionel was right. It
Hattie! Judd had first seen the woman on an airplane over the Atlantic the night of the disappearances. Though she had spent some time working for Nicolae, she was now a member of the Tribulation Force.

“I have spoken!” Fortunato spat back.

“Yours is the empty, vain tongue of the condemned!” Hattie yelled. She pointed to heaven and said, “As he is my witness, there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus!”

Judd was so captivated by Hattie's words that he didn't see Fortunato's movements. He heard a ghastly sound behind him and instinctively ducked as a ball of fire roared from the sky, lighting the whole area.

Hattie Durham didn't have time to react. She burst into flames and Judd fell to the ground, shaking, screaming, scared out of his mind. Sam and Lionel huddled close, their eyes covered. Judd wondered if they would be next.

Judd peeked at Hattie once more and saw fire engulfing her body. She seemed to melt in the white-hot heat, her body shrinking to the ground. The sun appeared again, chasing the darkness. A soft breeze blew Hattie over, and Judd noticed her shadow imprinted on the ground.

The crowd focused on Fortunato. “Marvel not that I say unto you, all power has been given to me in heaven and on the earth!” he said.

Carpathia slowly led the procession away from the area. Some people in the crowd kicked at Hattie's ashes or spit on her remains. When most of the crowd was gone, Judd knelt beside Hattie and thanked God for a courageous woman who dared stand up to the most evil ruler the world had ever seen.


caught his breath and told Sam how he had met Hattie. He wished there was something he could do for her.

“Do you want to go back to Yitzhak's house?” Sam said.

Judd nodded. “I think I'd better. Seeing that happen to someone you know …”

Lionel put a hand on his shoulder. “We understand. We'll give you a full report when we get back.”

As Judd walked through the oncoming crowd, he wondered about Operation Eagle and when Rayford Steele and the other pilots would airlift believers and Jews out of Jerusalem. What a massive job that had to be. And with an enemy like Carpathia, it was vital that they get these people out before Carpathia killed them.

Lionel and Sam moved with the crowd toward the Garden Tomb. By the time they arrived, Supreme Commander Walter Moon was speaking.

“Oh, he's better than all right, judging by his performance at Golgotha,” Moon said.

“Who's he talking about?” Lionel said.

“Shhh,” an older woman in front of Lionel said. “Reverend Father Fortunato has gone ahead for preparations. Please be quiet.”

Sam looked at Lionel and frowned. “Everything's ready at the Temple Mount. Why would he leave?”

Vicki explained Claudia's situation to Manny and he perked up. “I might be able to help.”

“How?” Vicki said.

“There may be someone in the gang who could do this for us, but you have to understand that the people we're dealing with don't think like you. We'll have to motivate them.”

“Give them something?” Vicki said.


Vicki looked at Darrion. “How much money do we have left?”

“A few hundred Nicks,” Darrion said.

“Is there anybody inside the gang who owes you?” Mark said.

Manny bit his lip. “There is one person. His name is Hector.”

“Call him as soon as we hear where Claudia is,” Mark said.

Judd sat heavily on a couch in Yitzhak's basement. Mr. Stein and the other witnesses were spread out in Jerusalem. The images of Hattie Durham flashed through Judd's mind. He dialed Chang, but there was no answer.

A few minutes later Chang called back. “I was on another call, and you will not believe what I have found.”

“You won't believe what I've just seen,” Judd said. He detailed the episode at Calvary and what had happened to Hattie.

Chang said he had seen the event on the live GC feed. “I was on the phone with Mr. Williams. He is there in Jerusalem with Chaim. We've just discovered top secret information about Fortunato. He is being treated by one of the palace doctors for some kind of rash. They report that it looks like boils erupting from his skin.”

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