Debut for a Spy (31 page)

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Authors: Harry Currie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #International Mystery & Crime, #Thrillers, #Spy Stories & Tales of Intrigue, #Espionage

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I realized how hungry I had become. I had barely started my breakfast when Marijke had appeared, and it was now nearly six in France. While many of the cafés on the terrace looked interesting, I wanted something off the beaten track where I would stand less chance of seeing anyone, especially Marijke.

I stayed on
as it rounded a bend past two lovely sheltered beaches. There were quite a few people swimming and sunbathing, as it was still hot and sultry. Eventually I came to
, and, debating which way to turn, saw a sign for
and headed straight for it. A charming place, it was decorated in a rural style with wooden beams. There was a charcoal fire in the center of the room on which the chef was grilling and flambéing.

Since this was not wine territory I ordered an excellent cider and
, a dish of area-raised roast lamb. When I commented on its incomparable flavor I was told that it was the result of grazing on the salt marshes. I finished with Camembert cheese to find that in its home it is a far cry from the packaged variety of the supermarket, and I had coffee and Calvados with the cheese, the latter being a potent apple spirit.

As I sipped my potables, the door opened and Marijke came in. She came straight to my table. I stood, but I could find no words to say until I mumbled for her to sit down. She did, and when I asked if she wanted anything she chose only coffee.

I could only stare at her.

I follow you from the ship.”

You've been outside all that time? Why?”

I don't spoil your dinner. I already spoil your breakfast.”

I don't know what there is to say, Marijke.”

I know this. I think about this the whole day. I want I tell you a story. I have hope you allow this. When I finish, I go away. I tell Nalishkin that I don't be your liaison. I change my cabin away from you. Then we don't see or speak again. Is it permissible with you?”

Yes… as you wish.” My heart was heavy.

She looked undecided, uncertain, then sighed and began.

“It is the year 1916. A boy named Josef and a girl named Maria have become in love. But there is a problem. Maria's mother is a cousin to Grand Duke Sergius, the brother of Czar Alexander. Josef is only son of cook and stable master. One day Maria will be at the court of Czar. Josef will only be stable master after his father.

They live outside Moscow at the estate of Grand Duke Sergius. It is called
. All their childhood Maria and Josef play together. He is very clever and bright, she is beautiful and happy. When Josef is ten he becomes a stable boy, and when he is fourteen he becomes a groom. When Maria goes riding, Josef rides too, as groom. Many times they stop and sit. Maria teaches Josef to read and to write, Josef teaches Maria about nature and animals.

“Now they are sixteen, and they are in love. They must hide this from everyone, or they will be separated. Riding becomes the only way of being together and alone, and they stay away for many hours every day it is possible. On one of these days they begin to make love, and very soon Maria becomes with child.

“Soon they are found out, and they must confess what has happened. There is much anger, but the Grand Duke says after she has baby it must be given to Josef's family. She will continue her training and forget about Josef and the child. Marriage is not permissible.

A baby girl is born in January, 1917. She is named Alix. She is taken away immediately to Josef's family, and Maria is never to see them again. But secretly, she visit them all the time, for her love for them is greater than anything else. They plan to run away to Germany, and then to America.

But the revolution begins in March, and it is too dangerous for travel, especially with the baby. For a year they wait, but the revolution grows stronger. Then in March, 1918, soldiers of the Red Army come to
and place the family of Grand Duke Sergius under arrest. They cannot leave the main house, and there are guards inside and outside all the time. Maria and Josef pass messages with Josef's mother, who comes to cook, but they do not see each other.

In the night of July 17, there are many gunshots from the house. Orders come from leaders of revolution to execute family of Grand Duke Sergius. They kill everyone – Maria, too, who is only distant cousin.

Josef swears he gets revenge, if it takes all his life. Maria was my grandmother. Josef is my grandfather. The baby Alix becomes my mother.”

I couldn't help but comment.

“But isn't your grandfather a very powerful man in the communist party?”

She sighed.

“Yes. It is part of plan which begins the day Maria is murdered. At that time he can do nothing. He will be murdered like Maria. So he pretends to believe, and joins party. He will fight against them from inside. For many years he works to get higher positions, and then, in 1937, he meets my father, Bren Templaars, who is with the Netherlands embassy. They have many meetings, they become friends, and one day Josef tells my father about Maria and his secret plan.

My father talks to someone in the Dutch government. It is arranged for my father to be contact. My grandfather will never meet with anyone else. Only one man in the Dutch government will know about this, and he is very high so there is no danger. Only information is passed, so my grandfather stays protected.

Then my father meets Josef's daughter Alix, and they are married. This is now perfect, for no one can question my grandfather being with his son-in-law. The liaison has begun. From then until now everything has been carefully planned to continue the fight against the communist regime.”

I had to mention what Hammond had told me.

“Was your father not expelled from Holland for spying?”

It is all arranged so my father can come to Russia again after the war. It is pretence for giving him credibility with Soviets. The Dutch official knows everything.

My father is still the only contact. He works through Dutch embassy. My grandfather must be careful what he gives away in case it is traced back to him, but he passes much. My father hears that many NATO countries get this information, but they don't know how it gets out of Russia.

If ever they are caught, they will be tortured, and they die in a terrible way. It might happen to my mother and to me, too. But we all work to end communist regime and for memory of Maria, my grandmother.”

There were still many unanswered questions.

“Why are you telling me this?”

When I am in school in Holland I am told by my father about this. He tells me so I will not believe what they say in public that he is traitor. Later, when we are in Russia, I hear all of the story. I know how much it affects our family, and I know what risks they take. I decide to help – to be a part of this. This is the best way I can use my life.”

Did your grandfather help get you a job with the KGB?”

No. It is harder because of him. No one believes I want to do real work. They think I am looking for easy job because of my grandfather. I find out only way to prove I want real job is to do something most cannot or will not do. There are very few chances for this, coming from outside KGB.

I hear about school where are trained people for using in sex traps. Not many can do this. Females are mainly prostitutes who earn extra money. For volunteer from outside who has university there are many opportunities, and it is a way to learn many secrets of KGB.

I talk this over with my parents and grandfather. They don't like it. But I make them see this is my sacrifice for what they believe. They give their lives if they are caught. I give nothing comparing to this. Finally they agree. They know that if I do this I am accepted by KGB.

But my grandfather has warnings for me. He cannot make my life easier if I do this. If he interferes they dismiss me. They will think I am not serious. He also warns me that his rivals in KGB will make my training even harder. They will try to make granddaughter of Josef Dmitrienko run away, and say I am too soft for work like this.

He is right. My first night at school two men come to my room. They ask me am I able to do this, or do I run to my grandfather. I tell them I don't complain. They tell me to take off my clothes. Then they touch me and make me do things to them. They use me for sex all night. They don't care I am virgin.”

I was disgusted, and yet fascinated. I had heard about this school where they trained females called 'swallows' and males called 'ravens', but I had thought it was hearsay until now. Though my conscious mind was affronted by these revelations, there was something dark inside me which wanted to wallow in the depravity. It was a frightening revelation.

“How did you stand it?”

I close off my mind. I have a purpose. I must survive for this purpose. If I am there for fun, like some women, or for money, like some others, then I am so disgusted I will leave. But I am there for other reason, and they cannot break my will. Even when they tell us it is necessary to break down all… inhibitions? I think is the word, and that we must expect sex at any time, in front of any persons, and with many people, male and female. They tell us if we can't do this, we must leave.

Many leave after one week. We are made to have sex in classroom in front of class, sometimes with people from class, sometimes with strangers who come in. Many who think they have strength for this do not. This is what KGB wants. Only the strongest can survive this.

I force myself to do this, like athlete who trains for Olympics. I become a sex athlete – I train my body for sex, but my mind is another place. I am not involved with the sex, only with using my body. I know I work for something more. My body – for me it is only a tool.

We learn to seduce men. We go to hotels for assignment, pretend to be prostitutes. We pick up men, make them want sex, and make them pay as much as we can get. This is how they mark our success, how much we make the men pay. We keep money – they think it make us work harder.

We learn to find out sexual desires of men, then to tease, and then give them what they want. This way we control them, make them give us things, even secrets. We learn about sex instruments, about… bondage? About wearing some kinds of sex garments, and how to use pain with sex, allowing men to beat us. There is nothing we are not taught and made to practice.”

I was shaking, both inside and out. It was nerves, but there was an element of shock as well.

“And you could do this, submit to all of it?”

It is hard for me with large groups. With one or two it finishes soon enough. With groups it is maybe hours. Then I am full of disgust for everything.

Twice I nearly leave after group sex. But I hold on. I am told it is not so bad when really working as in school. I think some instructors at school do this because they like strange sex, and because they rape if they want. They control us. I don't think so much sex is necessary at the school, and often it is made horrible.”

How long were you at the school?”

Eight months. Then I am given first assignment in Moscow. I meet men from foreign embassies and use everything I learn to trap them. Sometimes it takes many weeks to do it carefully. When I am successful, KGB shows them photographs and threatens them. Then most of them pass information to KGB and become informants.”

I don't see how this is a help to your father and grandfather.”

If foreign diplomat becomes trapped and passes information to the Soviets, I tell who it is to my father. This man's country is told through Netherlands government and NATO, and he is left alone if he agrees to become double agent, passing only what he is told to pass. If he does not co-operate he is arrested. In this way I give names of seven people, four from me and three I know about from others.”

I was quiet, and looking at this beautiful woman my mind was a torment of emotion. I knew I had to know it all. I had to reach bottom before I could even face this demon.

“Is there more, Marijke?”

I don't like to tell you this. You will have more disgust and hate than now.”

You've told me this much. Finish it, please.” She stared at the table silently, then continued, though she didn't want to.

Sometimes we put on sex shows for people to watch. Whatever they want. This way we get information too.”

Like in the 'playroom'?”


You have been in the playroom?”

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