Debbie Mazzuca Bundle (65 page)

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Authors: Debbie Mazzuca

BOOK: Debbie Mazzuca Bundle
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He needed her.
The Fae needed her.
If Magnus was able to break Uscias and gain his secrets for conjuring magickal weapons as powerful as the Sword of Nuada, the Fae of the Enchanted Isles would be decimated.
Aurora’s hands slid from Evangeline’s face. The natural color of the child’s eyes returned and she blinked up at Evangeline. Pushing the prophecy to the dark recesses of her mind, Evangeline rose unsteadily to her feet. Helping Aurora to hers, she reminded herself that never had the child remembered the words she uttered when in a trance.
For now, Evangeline’s secret was safe.
Chapter 3
Certain word of Morfessa’s charges against her had reached the Fae of the Enchanted Isles, Evangeline squared her shoulders as she entered the palace with Aurora. Lachlan’s servants stopped what they were doing to regard her with a mixture of fear and unbridled loathing. She lifted her chin. If they thought to wound her with their contemptuous looks, they’d be sorely disappointed.
“Where is your king?” she demanded, adding a touch of disdain to her voice.
After a brief hesitation, three of the women turned their backs on her and went about their business. Two of the younger maids, who appeared ready to provide an answer to her question, snapped their mouths closed when one of the older women shot a silencing glare over her shoulder.
Evangeline bit back a frustrated oath. She had no time for their petty machinations. With a flick of her fingers, she filmed the white marble floor beneath them with a thin coat of ice. The women’s outraged shrieks bounced off the glass-domed ceiling as they slid across the floor in a frenzy of pinwheeling arms and legs. Trying to regain their balance by holding on to one another, they only succeeded in pulling each other down into an ever-growing heap on the floor.
“Now, answer my question.”
From the bottom of the pile, the older woman pushed her head out from beneath upturned skirts and flailing legs. “He’s in the State Room.”
Evangeline shuddered at the memory of what Arwan had used the State Room for when he’d ruled the Enchanted Isles. If the son was anything like the father, she would not be taking Aurora into that den of iniquity.
Evangeline felt the child’s gaze upon her as she hustled her up the marble staircase. “Maybe if you didn’t play tricks on them they would like you better, Evangeline.”
“No, Aurora, I’m afraid no matter what I do, they shall never like me.” Her answer appeared to sadden the child, and she gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, I’ve grown accustomed to their enmity. It doesn’t bother me anymore.”
For the most part it was the truth. If Evangeline wanted companionship, she went to the Mortal realm and spent time with Syrena. Although, since her best friend was now the mother of a two-year-old and soon to deliver another child, they didn’t spend as much time together as Evangeline would’ve liked. This was partially due to the fact Evangeline did not do well with small children. They didn’t seem to like her, and if she was honest, she didn’t like them very much either. Their incessant crying and whining got on her nerves, and more often than not they were dirty and smelt bad.
If she did on occasion feel the need for female companionship in the Fae realm, she could always seek out Fallyn and her sisters. Having fled the kingdom of the Welsh Fae on the eve of Fallyn’s nuptials to King Broderick, the women had taken refuge in the Enchanted Isles when it was under Syrena and Morgana’s rule. The three sisters had formed a lasting friendship with Syrena, assuming prominent roles in her army of women warriors. Since Evangeline had been forced to flee the Enchanted Isles when Morgana had accused her of killing Arwan, she’d been glad Fallyn and her sisters had been there for Syrena when she couldn’t be. But with Syrena now residing in the Mortal realm, the women looked to Evangeline to take her place. Not that Evangeline had much time for friendship; she was too busy honing her magick and dealing with matters at the Seelie Court.
“I like you, Evangeline,” Aurora said, closing her small fingers around Evangeline’s.
“Oh ... thank you. I ... I like you, too, Aurora.” Evangeline was surprised to find she spoke the truth. At eight, Aurora was much easier to manage than babies; like an adult, only smaller.
She and Aurora spent a frustrating fifteen minutes traversing the maze of corridors. Due to the heightened tensions in the Fae realm, Uscias had recently warded the palace, rendering her attempts at transportation useless. By the time they reached the gleaming double doors of the State Room, Evangeline’s anger at Lachlan’s incompetence and her concern over Uscias’s well-being had reached the boiling point. The two guards took one look at her and waved them through.
She held Aurora back. Until she’d satisfied herself the child would not be scarred by what went on in the room, she had no intention of letting her inside. As Evangeline stepped into the dimly lit interior, the heady scent of roses tickled her nostrils and she sneezed into the sleeve of her robes. Her eyes had not entirely adjusted to the subdued lighting when Aurora tugged on her sleeve.
Recalling the little girl’s propensity for mischief, Evangeline decided it would be best if she took her with her. “Close your eyes.”
To their right, several men and women frolicked in a pool. Noting the slick sheen of white bodies, she was grateful the water was deep. Once more she cautioned Aurora to keep her eyes closed. The tinkling of feminine laughter drew her attention to a far corner at the back of the hall. She recognized the deep chuckle that accompanied the women’s high-pitched giggles and scowled. Gritting her teeth, she locked on the object of her fury lolling amongst the jeweled-toned pillows while being hand fed by a bevy of voluptuous blondes. She set off in his direction, thinking what she’d like to do with the iced cake the woman held to his lips, only to be brought to a halt by her unmoving charge.
She turned to Aurora. Groaning, she placed a hand over the child’s wide-eyed gaze. “I told you to keep your eyes closed.” With her free hand, Evangeline dressed the man climbing naked from the pool in a robe. She met his disgruntled look with one of her own then pointed to Aurora.
Aurora tugged at her hand, and with a sigh, Evangeline removed it. Taking the child by the shoulders, she firmly pointed her in the king’s direction. The lazy grin Lachlan bestowed on the woman running her fingers through his golden mane faded the moment he spied Evangeline stalking toward him. His companion, uncaring she had an audience, ran her hands over his broad chest in a suggestive manner while another massaged his shoulders. Her barely concealed breasts pressed to his cheek.
As though realizing the image he presented, Lachlan grimaced and waved his harem away. Ignoring their simpering protests, he came to his feet with leonine grace. “To what do I owe the
of your visit, Evangeline?”
The women shot her waspish looks as they sauntered past with an exaggerated sway to their hips. Evangeline rolled her eyes, then returned her attention to Lachlan, opening her mouth to answer. The sight of him in cream-colored robes trimmed with gold left her speechless. When he came to court, he dressed in trews and a tunic, the same as in the Mortal realm, although there he sometimes wore his highland garb.
He was a big man, bigger than most of the Fae, but it was not the outline of his wide shoulders, muscled arms and thighs that rendered her speechless; it was the resemblance to his father, King Arwan. She took an unconscious step backward and he frowned.
She fought back a wave of nausea at the memory of his father’s brutal hands upon her, his cruel mouth ...
“I ken my bonny looks can be distractin’ but if ye doona mind, ye’re keepin’ me from my ... duties.”
His sarcastic tone snapped her back to the present. Thinking of Uscias in Magnus’s hands, the disturbing images from the past burned away in the heat of her anger.
Standing beside her, Aurora giggled. Lachlan winked at the child.
Was there not a female born who was immune to his charms? Of course there was—her.
She balled her hands into fists to keep from wiping the cocky smile from his face. No doubt what she was about to tell him would serve the same purpose. “Do you know where Uscias is?”
He drew his attention from Aurora, brow furrowed. “Aye, he’s at his cottage.”
“No, he is not,” she bit out between clenched teeth.
He rubbed his hand over the darkened stubble on his jaw, then lifted his shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. “I’m no’ his keeper, but I’m sure he’ll return shortly. Ye should go to his cottage and wait fer him there.”
At his obvious attempt to be rid of her, Evangeline’s temper spiked. She closed the distance between them, thumping his broad chest with her finger. “No, he won’t be back
While you cavorted with your ... your ...” She sputtered, waving her hand contemptuously at the women who kept a vigilant eye on her. “Magnus kidnapped Uscias, ransacked his cottage, and drugged Aurora, leaving her chained in irons.”
His easygoing demeanor vanished. His amber eyes darkened, his expression turned fierce. As though she weighed no more than a feather, he lifted her out of his way to crouch in front of Aurora. “Are ye all right, angel?”
Aurora nodded. Her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears. “They took Uscias. I couldn’t stop them. I tried, but they ...” She sniffled, rubbing her eyes.
“It’s your king’s job to protect his subjects, Aurora, not yours.”
Lachlan came slowly to his feet. He turned to her, standing so close she could feel the heat of his anger. “Ye blame me fer this?”
Tipping her chin, Evangeline met his narrowed gaze head-on. Danger, the fiery glint in his golden eyes seemed to warn, but she refused to be intimidated. “Of course I do. You rejected his sister’s hand in marriage and instead of spending time shoring up your defenses, I find you seeing to your pleasure. I knew something like this was going to happen with you as their king. I just knew it,” she said, as angry at herself as she was with him.
She’d failed in her mission to protect the Fae. A heavy weight settled over her at the thought. No, she refused to succumb to despair, and the best way to avoid doing so was to take action. She would leave now for the Far North. She pivoted on her heel. Her forward motion was brought to an abrupt halt by Lachlan, who took hold of her arm and spun her around to face him.
“Where the bloody hell do ye think ye’re goin’?”
“To rescue Uscias. Now unhand me.” She attempted to peel his powerful fingers from her arm.
“Of all the fool things I’ve heard in my life, nothin’ compares to ye thinkin’ ye can go off on yer own to retrieve Uscias.” He raked his fingers through the golden waves of his luxurious head of hair. “Besides that, ’tis no concern of yers. I’ll be goin’ to the Far North and ye’ll be remainin’ here to see to the bairn’s care.”
Vexed beyond belief, her rebuttal came out in an incoherent sputter.
Lachlan was furious. He couldn’t believe Magnus had gotten past his defenses. No matter Evangeline’s charge, the Enchanted Isles had been well guarded. The bloody king of the Far North had simply managed to outmaneuver him. It wouldn’t happen again.
He raised his gaze from the woman spouting gibberish in front of him to Erwn and Bana, who sauntered in his direction. “What is this about Uscias?” Bana asked as he and his brother approached them.
Evangeline couldn’t have hurled her accusations at him in a civil tone, oh, nay, she’d practically shouted them at him in that husky voice of hers, making sure not only Bana and Erwn heard her, but the rest of the Fae gathered in the room. “It seems Magnus kidnapped him. I will be leavin’ immediately.”
Lachlan caught the furtive look Bana slanted his brother. They were mistaken if they thought he missed their silent exchange. Since Evangeline’s accusation that the two men had conspired against him, he’d paid close attention to his father’s most trusted advisors and had to admit, much to his chagrin, she was right. Bana and Erwn were up to something.
“Of course, you must go at once, Your Highness. My brother and I will see to the matters of state while you are—”
Evangeline snarled at the two men. “No. Fallyn and her sisters will oversee the business at court while his majesty deals with Magnus.”
He’d never been more tempted to strangle a woman than he was at that very moment. “Evangeline, if you doona mind, I’ll speak fer myself.” Did she truly believe he was fool enough to leave his kingdom in Bana and Erwn’s grasping hands? If the condescending look in her eyes was anything to go by, she did.
“You can’t mean to—”
Seeing Evangeline open her mouth, Lachlan stopped Bana midstream. “Excuse us fer a moment.” He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out of earshot. Backing her into a corner, he forced his gaze from the heaving bounty of her breasts straining against her magenta robes. He pressed his palms to the cool white marble on either side of her head and drew in a deep breath to regain control. Then he gave his head a shake in hopes of ridding himself of the intoxicating feminine scent he’d just inhaled. She ran the tip of her pink tongue over her lips and he jerked his gaze back to her eyes before he gave in to the urge to kiss her, to ravish her berry-red mouth with his.

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