Death of a Kitchen Diva (Hayley Powell Food and Cocktail Mysteries)

BOOK: Death of a Kitchen Diva (Hayley Powell Food and Cocktail Mysteries)
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Hayley crawled to her knees. What had she tripped over? She didn’t know where the switch to the overhead lighting was, so she opened the oven door. The light inside came to life and illuminated a body sprawled out on the floor.
Hayley gasped.
It was a woman’s body.
Hayley shook the left shoulder. “Karen, is that you? Are you okay?”
Then she remembered the wet and sticky substance on her hand.
Dear God. Please let it not be blood.
But it wasn’t. It was milky and white. She smelled her palm. It was clam chowder.
Hayley placed her palm down on the stovetop and pulled herself up to her feet. The light from the oven was bright enough so that she could see the light switch next to the range. She reached over and snapped it on. A blinding light flooded the room and Hayley, squinting, stepped back away from the body.
She recognized Karen Applebaum instantly.
Even though the poor woman was facedown in a turquoise-colored porcelain bowl of New England clam chowder ...
A Hayley Powell
Food & Cocktails Mystery
Death of a Kitchen Diva
Lee Hollis
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
Chapter 1
Hayley Powell stood at the stove in her tiny, cramped kitchen, which would embarrass any self-respecting chef, stirring her homemade mushroom Bolognese sauce with a wooden ladle, and wondering where the time had gone. It was three years to the day since her divorce was finalized. And the thought of dating again had never even crossed her mind. Until now.
Hayley had decided to take a chance and accept an invitation to dinner from a strapping six-foot-two, deep-voiced hunk of man who had been pursuing her. She had been dragging her heels, making up excuses like she wasn’t emotionally ready, or work was too busy, or there was something going on with one of her kids. She had basically exhausted her supply of reasons to avoid going out with him.
So when her admirer kept pushing the issue, she finally gave up, threw her hands up in the air, and uttered that one dreaded word. “Yes.”
And then she immediately agonized over it. Why did she have to say something so stupid as “Yes”? Especially when “No” was so much easier. If she had just said “No,” right now she would be curled up on her couch, petting Leroy, her dirty white Shih Tzu with a pronounced underbite, and sipping a Lemon Drop Martini, while settling in for a cheesy yet addictive Lifetime TV movie starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.
She turned the heat up on the burner and reached for a package of pasta shells to pour into another pot of boiling water, when the sauce bubbled up and splashed on her dress. Hayley stared numbly at the dripping stain for a moment. She refused to let this minor catastrophe get the best of her. No, Hayley thought to herself, she was going to remain calm and collected and solve this.
Think, Hayley, think. Club soda. There had to be some club soda in the fridge to blot out the stain. She crossed the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door just as her thirteen-year-old son, Dustin, strolled by, swigging down the last of the club soda and tossing the empty bottle into the recycle bin out on the porch of their small two-story house on a quiet neighborhood street.
“When’s dinner? I’m star ving,” Dustin said, his eyes drooping as he scratched his blond hair, before wandering back into the living room to finish watching a rerun of
Family Guy
“Five minutes,” Hayley said, desperately rearranging the items in the fridge to get a good look at everything, her hopes fading that she would find another bottle of club soda.
It was time to try something else. She hurried into the laundry room, only to find a giant pile of clothes on the washer, stacked so high her son’s Superman T-shirt on top nearly touched the ceiling. She hadn’t done a load in almost a week so finding another outfit that didn’t smell like dirty socks and was not covered in dog hair was completely out of the question. Maybe she should cancel the date until she could get it cleaned.
Yes. That’s what she would do.
Hayley looked up at the clock above the washer/ dryer. It was already a quarter to seven. Her date was due to arrive in fifteen minutes. How rude would that be, canceling at the last minute? He’d just have to understand.
“Mom! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?” Hayley’s fifteen-year-old daughter, Gemma, said as she burst through the front door just as Hayley hurried out of the laundry room.
“Is the stain that noticeable?”
Gemma glanced at the front of her mother’s dress. “Yes. But I’m talking about your makeup. Did you let Jessica at the salon do your face again? You know she makes you look like a two-dollar hooker.”
Gemma, still in her soccer uniform, her long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, followed her mother into the kitchen and set her knapsack down on the counter. She opened it and pulled out a hand mirror and shoved it into Hayley’s hand.
Hayley didn’t want to see the damage. She knew it was going to be bad. But it was like coming upon a car wreck. You just can’t help but look.
“Jesus wept!” Hayley cried. Her face was so caked with makeup she looked like something from Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. The mascara was so dark it appeared she hadn’t slept in weeks. And the Strawberry Frost lipstick Jessica had raved about made her lips look so big and fat, her date would probably be accused of punching her in the mouth before they were even seated at the restaurant.
“You’re right, I can’t go out looking like this.” Suddenly the sauce stain on her dress seemed like an afterthought as she grabbed a dishrag from the counter and started furiously wiping the gunk off her face.
Gemma, who was fit and statuesque and already taller than her mother, steered her toward the staircase. “I’ll finish making dinner. You go find something in my closet to wear.”
“Your closet? I can’t go out looking like a Gossip Girl,” Hayley wailed.
Hayley hadn’t gotten up three steps when a commercial came on the TV and Dustin, who never ever took his eyes off the television, happened to glance out the window.
“Somebody just pulled into the driveway,” he said, then picked up the remote and started channel surfing.
“No, this isn’t happening. He’s early.”
“By the way, it just started raining,” Dustin said, cracking a smile.
“It’s not funny. You know my hair frizzes when it rains,” Hayley said.
Dustin nodded and then burst out laughing. “Yeah. You look like a Chia Pet!”
“You’re so close to being grounded. Show some respect,” Hayley warned but she knew it was pointless. Dustin was already doubled over, his face red, guffawing.
Gemma rushed out of the kitchen with two plates of shells and sauce sprinkled with some grated Parmesan cheese and handed one to her brother.
“Here’s your dinner. Now scram and give Mom some space,” Gemma said, grabbing the remote away from him with her free hand and shutting off the television. “And take Leroy.”
The Shih Tzu had already sensed a car in the driveway and was yapping with all his might and running around in circles. Leroy talked a good game but he was a tiny wimp and could probably be taken out by a large Maine Coon cat.
Dustin reached down and scooped him up, then barreled past his mother with his dinner and disappeared upstairs to his room.
Gemma saw the panicked look on her mother’s face and put down her plate on the coffee table and gave her a hug. “You look beautiful. Honest. You do.”
Hayley wasn’t quite ready to believe her.
Gemma smiled. “He didn’t ask out your dress or your hair or your makeup. He asked
out. And you’re great. So there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Stop it,” Hayley said. “You’ll make me cry.”
“Good. Maybe it’ll wash away some of that crap on your face,” Gemma said as she picked up her dinner plate and bounded up the stairs.
“Tomorrow night we do a family dinner, just the three of us, at the dining room table. No more eating in your rooms and chatting with friends on the computer.”
“Yes, Mother dear,” Gemma said with her usual sarcastic tone as she slammed the door to her bedroom shut.
Hayley took a deep breath. She heard footsteps walking onto the front porch. She sucked her thumb and futilely tried to rub the stain out of her dress. No go. That sauce was there to stay. Her date would just have to deal with her disastrous appearance.
Of course, of all the men she could have gone out with, it would have to be Lex Bansfield.
Lex was tall, dark, sexy, and had a good job as a caretaker at one of the large sprawling seaside estates in the coastal tourist town of Bar Harbor, Maine, where they lived. He had only moved to the island four years ago, so he was still considered fresh meat by all the unattached women in town. And a few of the attached ones, too.
Hayley and Lex were planning to dine at Havana, an upscale Cuban restaurant at the end of Main Street, where the Obamas had dined when they vacationed in town one summer. Hayley and Lex would surely be spotted there by a few locals so she knew the whole town would be buzzing.
Hayley put on her brightest smile and opened the door. But Lex wasn’t standing there for her to greet. It was two uniformed police officers. Both were young, no more than twenty-five, one tall and lanky, the other shorter and bald with a goatee. She instantly recognized both of them.
“Hi, Donnie. Hi, Earl,” Hayley said, her smile replaced with a look of confusion. “How can I help you?”
Hayley used to babysit both of them when they were little boys and she was a teenager. She couldn’t believe how fast they had grown up. And she couldn’t help but be surprised by the fact that both of them had become cops. Mostly because they were hell-raisers and a handful when she was put in charge of them—and she had expected them to both wind up in prison someday.
Donnie, the taller one, couldn’t look Hayley in the eye. She noticed he was shaking a little bit. “We’re here ...”
He couldn’t bring himself to say it.
“I’m in a bit of a rush so if you could just spit it out, please?” Hayley said.
Earl, the shorter one, cleared his throat and stepped forward. “We’re here to place you under arrest, Mrs. Powell.”
Hayley laughed. “I’m sorry, what?”
Earl unlatched some handcuffs from his belt. “You’re under arrest.”
Hayley still thought it was some kind of joke. “For what?”
“Murder,” Donnie piped in, finally getting a little braver.
There was a stunned silence as Hayley processed what was happening. “This isn’t funny, you guys.”
“No, ma’am, it isn’t,” Donnie said as he gently turned her around. “Place your hands behind your back please, Mrs. Powell.”
“You have the right to remain silent,” Earl said as he snapped the handcuffs on Hayley. “You have the right to an attorney ...”
Earl turned to Donnie. “Is that right? Is
“Yes, I think so,” Donnie answered.
Hayley thought of her kids. She didn’t want them to see their mother being carted off in handcuffs. She called out, “I’m leaving now! I won’t be too late!”
She heard muffled grunts and replies from upstairs. They weren’t really paying attention, and Hayley decided for once that was a good thing.
Donnie and Earl escorted Hayley toward a squad car, and she noticed a couple of neighbors peering out their windows, engrossed in all the action happening in her driveway. She thought it couldn’t get any more humiliating.
And that’s when Lex Bansfield pulled into the driveway in his jeep. He was wearing a nice blue dress shirt with a white T-shirt underneath, khaki pants, and shiny black shoes, a far cry from his usual Eddie Bauer work boots. He looked so handsome, and as he stepped out of the jeep with a shocked look on his face, Hayley noticed he was gripping a beautiful bouquet of red roses in his fist.
Hayley offered up her best smile. “Lex, would you mind if we postponed our date?”
Lex nodded, a little too stunned by the scene to reply.
“At least until I can make bail.”
And with that, Officers Donnie and Earl stuffed Hayley into the back of their police cruiser and shut the door.

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