Dearly Departed (20 page)

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Authors: Georgina Walker

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Not all psychics deliver their information in the same package.

I can get names, letters, dates and messages from the other side in a General/Futuristic reading. Each reading is individual and varies from one consultation to the next. Spirit has the say in what is to come through. I’m the vessel that receives, and then I interpret the information; just like a television is non-operational until connected to electricity and switched on to a particular channel for viewing. Sometimes there can be technical difficulties and the screen goes blank.

Sometimes the reception isn’t clear and needs to be fine-tuned.

The psychic or medium’s level of maturity, experience, practice and life skills have enormous impact on processing the data and giving interpretations. There are some brilliant psychics who deliver information in different formats. Don’t discard a psychic because they can’t give you all the information you may be seeking. Consider that maybe Spirit doesn’t want you to have this information at this time. Maybe they have delivered a health warning that’s far more relevant to your circumstances than what you came for. You can’t make a psychic give what they can’t get.

Timing can be more fluid

Don’t discard your recorded session if none of the consultation rings true—perhaps the events and information given on that day are to come, and you may not be able to relate to some of the predictions made until a later date. I had one lady contact me saying that after seventeen years a prediction had come true. She lived in outback Australia when I gave her the reading, telling her she would move to a coastal area and would work in the sugarcane industry. At that time in her life she thought the scenario to be impossible. However, seventeen years later, she moved states and worked in that industry.

Remember, Spirit doesn’t have a clock—it’s us humans who have developed the concept of time. That’s why so many people find that when a psychic gives a time frame, it may not eventuate precisely. Once I told a woman I could see the number five, and that she would be retrenched from her job. I felt that it was to be quite soon, perhaps five months. She rang me the following week and said, ‘Thanks Georgina, it was five days.’ I had the numeral from Spirit, but, humanly, I went with months. So now I always use this example to clients to help them understand timing and numerals, to assist them with their expectations of a reading.

Be aware of opposites

Ask the psychic if they see in black and white or in colour. ‘Negatives’, used in film photography, when held up to the light show an opposite image to the positive one that will appear when the film is processed. For example, a black and white negative will show a dark-haired person as fair-haired—reverse imaging. Some psychics actually see things like this. Also, numbers can be seen as mirror images; for example, if I see a 67, I make sure I tell the client that it may also be a 76.

If I’m working in clairsentient, or clear feeling mode, and receive a pain in a particular part of my body, it could well be the opposite side for the client. Perhaps we psychics are somewhat dyslexic in how we read and experience our senses.

Psychic mediums work in different parameters as well. Some see Spirit as a solid form standing next to the subject; they can feel its presence and hear what it says. Others ‘tune in’ to the other side. I can see physical form, hear and feel its presence. Just like you need a number when dialling the telephone, I find having a ‘tool’ such as a photo, age at time of death or something of the loved one to hold makes the connection quicker. A wonderful aspect of working in this area is that sometimes Spirit arrive in my home before their earthly loved one arrives for the consultation. What a bonus that is—they are obviously excited and are looking forward to the connection.

Talking to the other side Talking to the other side

I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.

Amy Tan

onversing with the other side is not like having a conversation with your best friend. It’s energetically draining for both parties. So for me Spirit use a code, giving information in songs, movies etc., and the client may need to research the message. They will hold up a flash card with a name or initial on it. Many believe their beloved will come through as angelic, happy and fun loving. Personalities don’t change once loved one go over to the other side, and if they were cranky and sharp, their personality will be the same in the delivery of a message. They can be critical, loving, humorous, but above all they wish to connect.

Do your homework

Sometimes clients need to do homework regarding information given at a session. Spirit can divulge facts from a time when the client was young, perhaps even before they were born and so they would not hold a memory. I always get excited when I receive an email or a letter from a client joyously confirming details, names or events given by their loved one. I recall one client came bringing a lock of hair from her infant child who died in utero. I kept hearing Spirit say, ‘He looks just like a China doll.’ Later the client told me the child’s father was Asian, and her son would indeed have looked like a little Chinese doll. It was such a wonderful relief for her to see Spirit acknowledge this baby’s soul.

Another woman brought a wristband belonging to her deceased child. Immediately an older gentleman in Spirit came through with the child, telling me his name was Charles. She couldn’t place the name. That night I received an email saying her husband’s grandfather was Carlos, and Charles had been the English name given to him. She told me how she and her husband cried with tears of joy knowing that their child was with family on the other side. Just as Carlos used the English version of his name, sometimes the departed who had minimal English conversational skills when they were alive are still able to impart a dramatic message with quite detailed information to their loved ones.

You will need much patience in your search for communication from your loved ones. As I have mentioned, different mediums have differing strengths and weaknesses and so do those dearly departed souls in the Spirit world. Some days they will be chatty, while others they may be quiet. You must have had a conversation with a relative or friend that was hard-going because they just didn’t feel like talking. It’s the same in the heavenly realms; personalities don’t change just because they have passed on. Your beloved may be busy overseeing another family member or working on a divine plan and not in the mood to be interrupted.

Children often come through very excited to catch up with their mum and dad, letting them know they had no pain making the transition and have met up with their grandparents and even some pets. Yet their actions and symbols are often far more impressive than their level of conversation. You won’t find a five-year-old child speaking with the same level of conversational skills as a 30-year-old adult. It may take several visits to a medium over a period of time to allow confidence, rapport and energy to build up to successfully get a total picture of what they wish to communicate with you. This is why it is essential that no matter who you see for a consultation, keep all your notes and recordings.

Tony drowned in the family’s swimming pool when he was four years old. Their pet labrador, Charlie, had alerted the family with his barking, but it was too late. His mum, Pru, found him at the bottom of the pool. On the second anniversary of Tony’s passing, she decided to have a reading. Tony came through immediately; he was holding a beach towel and a kick board in his hand, jumping up and down with excitement. Pru found this very distressing, why would he be so excited to go swimming when he died in a pool?

When I described the colours in the towel and the markings on the board, Pru covered her mouth in shock. ‘Georgina, we had bought those for Tony for Christmas, but he died two weeks before. The presents are still in his bedroom.’ Tony held up a painting. He pointed: ‘Mummy, Daddy, Chacha and Baby.’ Tony knew that he now had a little sister, Katie, who was just three months old. ‘Chacha’ was the name he called his dog Charlie.

Pru was comforted to know that Tony was indeed watching over them. When Katie was two, Pru decided she was ready for another session. I could sense Tony’s presence prior to her arrival. He was very vocal this time, chatting about the new baby boy and that he wanted him to have his bike and cars. He didn’t want the baby to have his name; he should be called Toby. Pru was as confused as I was, it didn’t make sense. Six months later Pru rang to say she had just given birth to a baby boy who she named Toby. She didn’t know at the time of the reading that she was pregnant, but Tony knew.

Some clients have very unrealistic expectations—sadly, there can be no guarantee that you can tap into a loved one. So if a psychic medium guarantees they can contact your loved one, a warning light should be flashing bright and red. Take this as a warning. A genuine psychic will tell you nothing is 100 per cent guaranteed from the Spirit world.

Some mediums will be able to distinguish how the person died, and may give you names of those they are with in Spirit; others may not. Many will be able to tell you about your loved one’s personality, likes, dislikes, pastimes and interests. It may seem trivial or inconsequential to you; nevertheless it is important to them.

Sometimes a person who you least expect will come through and give you a message, not the beloved who you were seeking. I understand this is frustrating for the client and also for the psychic medium, but there is nothing predictable about the afterlife.

Psychic protection Psychic protection

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.


ave you ever felt totally drained when you hang up the phone after talking to a friend, leaving you with a headache or completely depleted of energy? Have you walked into a shop and felt suddenly spaced out, only to find the sensation leaves when you walk out the door? Or do you feel nauseous or overwhelmingly tired when a certain family member visits? If so, what you experienced was ‘energy zapping’. People store negative, stagnant and polluted energy in their bodies, and unfortunately this remains with them until they drop off the energy onto someone else.

My client Frank was worried about his son Sebastian. Whenever Sebastian returned home from visiting a particular group of friends and walked past him, Frank became dizzy and drained of all energy. My guides told me Sebastian was experimenting with drugs which altered his energy field. His aura was leaking energy. Just like a creeping vine seeks out a stable object to latch onto to thrive, Sebastian’s leaking energy field was unconsciously reaching out to Frank’s powerhouse of energy, depleting his reserves and dumping negative energy on him. Frank needed to learn psychic protection.

Psychically protecting your aura and energies is essential on a daily basis. Prior to visiting a psychic or medium, imagine yourself surrounded in the most beautiful gold light. A qigong master once told me to symbolically paint my aura—the energy field surrounding the body from the top of the head to the souls of the feet—ten times with gold light. I imagine I’m in an eggshell and I see myself being dipped in beautiful gold paint ten times. I find this technique much quicker and more effective. Remember to redo the processes when you’ve left the session.

Before a client arrives for a Dearly Departed reading, I set aside quiet time where I meditate and pray that I will be used as a divine instrument to assist the client who is arriving for their session, and that the right information will be given for them that day. It is often at this time that the dearly departed will appear, as though they too are preparing for the session and are keen to have this opportunity to express through a medium what they have not been able to say since they passed over.

The way you approach a reading, and allow your loved one to communicate in general, is affected by your outlook and reactions.

It is only natural through grief that you may become obsessed in wanting to visit numerous mediums for proof and comfort of your loved one’s existence and presence. Consider how your beloved would cope with the continual interruption to their development on the other side. They too need time to refresh, adjust, catch up and learn where they’ve been and what will be expected for their soul’s development in the future.

The afterlife is a continuum of our earthly existence. Your beloved may be found in a ‘spirit hospital’, enjoying divine healing.

Then there are the reunions with loved ones already passed on— kindred spirits embrace those nearest and dearest, excited at the opportunity to meet up once more. Some eager souls enjoy the opportunity of learning from the great masters; while others keen to reincarnate are prepared to enter a stage of learning much like returning to school. There are moments of restfulness and times of great activity in the afterlife. You need to seek balance, both for the living and for the departed.

I find it easier to tap into the energy of the dearly departed when I have a name, or an item that belongs to the individual.

Many times in a General/Futuristic reading, Spirit manifests and cuts right through the predictive part of the reading to grab my attention to pass on a message for the client. I am a mental medium. I see things that pop into my head, feel pain or sensations in my body, and hear words, songs and inspirational notes.

It’s like going over your favourite song—you don’t actually hear the words, but you sense them.

There are some psychics whose strengths lie in clairaudience, or clear hearing. The famous English medium Doris Stokes was such a person. Her gift materialised through her hearing ability.

There are a small minority of exceptionally gifted mediums whose facial expressions and voices change as they deliver their messages.

A female medium may sound masculine and take on the physical attributes of male energy.

The many great spiritual masters we have had through the centuries possessed wonderful qualities of mediumship and the ability to alter their physical state or produce manifestational changes through their knowledge of matter. Jesus was able to multiply bread and fish to feed the masses; he could walk on water and change water into wine. This concept may shock and insult your personal concepts of biblical writings, yet you are investigating the afterlife. Jesus is a brilliant example of a messenger from God!

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