Dear Old Dead (11 page)

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Authors: Jane Haddam

BOOK: Dear Old Dead
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“You going down to see the great detective?” Kanistra asked.

“Something like that.”

“Sister Joan Kennedy was up here a while ago saying that Rosalie was downstairs having a fit.”

Michael smiled wanly and continued down the stairs. He passed four without stopping. He stopped on three just long enough to make sure that his own and all the other offices were empty. He stopped on two to check out the room of one Carmelita Gomez, who had given birth the night before under what could only be described as seriously bizarre conditions. Her grandmother—a full-blown schizophrenic who was just cunning enough to appear placid any time she got in front of a social worker—had decided that the baby was taking too long, it was bottled up in there, they had to release it. Then she had gotten a great big kitchen knife and stabbed Carmelita in the top of the abdomen.

Carmelita wasn’t in her room. She was supposed to go in for a new set of x-rays today. Maybe she was down there. Michael stopped at the nursery and saw that Carmelita’s baby was well and sleeping comfortably. Amazingly enough, it had not been damaged at all, at least that he could see, by the insane circumstances surrounding its delivery. The baby was a boy, whom Carmelita had named Juan, after her grandmother. Carmelita’s grandmother’s name was Juanita.

There’s really no way I’m going to be able to get out of this, Michael thought. I’m going to have to go down there and do something about it. Augie and Eamon Donleavy did their best to shield him from annoyances. They meant well and they often did him a service by affording him protection. Sometimes they were attempting the impossible. And much as he didn’t like the idea, he was going to have to meet the Cardinal’s private detective eventually. No, Michael didn’t like that idea at all. Ever since he’d first heard Demarkian was coming, he’d been having a very difficult time calming down. It was a bad idea, bringing a man like that to a place like this. It was an especially bad idea to bring a man like that into a life like his. Michael Pride had no illusions about himself. Other people called him a saint. He knew he was a fanatic with a socially approved obsession. His other obsessions weren’t socially approved at all.

As soon as he got to the first floor, he could hear it: the breaking of glass; the sound of voices coming from his office, raised in anger. The stairs rose against the back wall of the building. When these buildings had originally been built, they had each had another set of stairs at the front, off the little vestibule with the mailboxes in it. In the east building, these stairs were still standing. In this building, they had been removed to provide space for one of the elevators. Michael’s office was at the center of the floor along the east side, near the main emergency examining rooms and only a step or two from the elevators. It was one of the smallest rooms on the floor, but also one of the most conveniently located. The door to Michael’s office was open. Staff people were spilling out of it—or maybe crowded into it would be a better description. Patients were indulging their curiosity, too. A man with his arm in a sling edged closer and closer to the back of the crowd in the door even as Michael watched him. A very pregnant young woman was sitting on a gurney swinging her legs in the air, taking in every word.

Michael went up to the two women at the very back of the crowd—Sarah Cavanieri and Judy Hedge, both nurses—and nudged them aside. They both blushed bright red when they recognized him. Judy Hedge tapped the woman in front of her. The woman was not somebody Michael knew, but she was somebody who knew him. She blushed too and moved aside just as quickly as the other two had. This was what it meant to have charisma, Michael decided. You could part crowds the way God parted the Red Sea.

Up at the front, the principals were much too interested in Rosalie van Straadt’s fit to take any notice of Michael. Michael stopped one layer of people short of the front to take it all in. There was Eamon Donleavy in his damned orange T-shirt, furious. There was Sister Augustine, proving once again that being a nun had less to do with what you wore than with what you were. Bright red sweatsuit notwithstanding, Augie was radiating all the authority of the Reverend Mothers of Michael’s dim childhood memory. He’d always thanked God and the devil that he hadn’t been born Catholic whenever he ran into one of those Reverend Mothers. The tall, heavy man in the suit and sweater Michael thought must be Gregor Demarkian. He had seen pictures of Gregor Demarkian in newspapers and magazines, but those didn’t count. Michael could never recognize people from magazine photographs. He had once stood next to Christie Brinkley for fifteen minutes in the Pasta and Cheese on East Sixty-first Street and not known who she was. Gregor Demarkian did not look formidable, but Michael wasn’t fooled by that. Stephen Hawking did not look formidable. Niels Bohr had been a small round man whom strangers often mistook for a shoe salesman. Michael wondered for a moment if this Demarkian man wasn’t hot—why the sweater?—and turned his attention to Rosalie.

Rosalie was quicker than the rest of them. In Michael’s experience, Rosalie always was. She had made a royal mess of the office—at least, Michael assumed it was she who had made it—and she was now intent on making that mess ever more magnificent. All Michael’s lab beakers were shards of glass on the floor. Fortunately, he only used the lab beakers to grow oregano in when he had the time, and he hadn’t had the time for months now. She had overturned his looseleaf desk calendar and scattered the pages on top of the glass shards. She had dumped the ancient brown liquid in his coffeemaker onto his carpet. She had a tray of surgical equipment in her hands and was about to send it crashing to the floor. Unlike everybody else in the room, however, she was paying attention.

Michael caught the moment when Rosalie recognized him. Her gaze was roving back and forth across the crowd, checking out her audience. Sister Augustine was talking to her, but Rosalie was paying no attention. Rosalie’s eyes kept darting back in the direction of Gregor Demarkian, as if he were the one member of the crowd she had to convince. Michael wondered what it was Rosalie was intent on convincing them all of, this time. Then Rosalie’s head swung in his direction, and stopped. She was holding the tray of surgical equipment above her head. She froze it there. Then her beautiful eyes widened and she began to smile.

“Well,” she said. “If it isn’t the son of a bitch.”

That was when she did what Michael had been expecting her to do, ever since she got that tray into her hands. She raised it just a notch higher in the air. Then she whirled around and brought the tray down on the edge of his desk, so hard it clanged like a monster gong. Surgical instruments jumped into the air and flew everywhere. A scalpel stuck point-first into the side of his desk and stayed embedded there. Rosalie whirled around, crossed her arms over her chest and stuck out her chin.

“You son of a bitch,” she said again. “I’ve had the police in my apartment all week and it would never have had to have happened if you’d had the simple honesty to do what you ought to do and confess.”


, the day had started to get rotten as soon as she opened her eyes. Either her alarm clock was on the blink or she had forgotten to set it. Whatever the reason, she hadn’t made it out of bed until after ten o’clock. That was a disaster. She’d had an important appointment at the bank at nine. She didn’t like the idea of making her bankers upset with her. She’d had to reschedule the appointment, and that had been embarrassing. She’d apologized to Harry Stratford himself, but even over the phone she had picked up the dry coldness of disapproval in Harry’s voice. She could hardly blame him. Her head ached and she wanted to smoke. She had quit smoking nearly six years ago.

The day got worse when she got her copy of the New York
from the hall outside her apartment door and saw the headline. It was the same headline the paper had had since four days after Grandfather had died, and it was maddening.

POLICE STUMPED: Still No Break in van Straadt Murder.

Well, that was true enough. All the news had been no news for most of the last two weeks. So what? The other tabloids had moved on to fresher stories.
The New York Times
restricted itself to publishing tempered speculations on the future of Van Straadt Publications in the business section. Why did the
have to go on and on like this, killing its own circulation?

That was when Rosalie had decided to get away from it all, and picked up the phone to call her old friend Sharon Leigh. Halfway through dialing the number, she stopped. The last time Rosalie had talked to Sharon Leigh, just a few days ago, the conversation hadn’t gone too well. Sharon had seemed… distant, somehow. Standoffish. Sharon had been willing enough to talk. At points during that call, Rosalie had even suspected that Sharon was keeping her on the phone as long as possible. What Sharon hadn’t been willing to do was meet. Rosalie had suggested lunch at the Hard Rock Café. Sharon had given an excuse that had sounded lame even at the time. Thinking back on it, it sounded lamer. Rosalie had hung up and stared at the push-button dial. Over the headline on the
was one of those red banners.


it said.


Father’s Day, for God’s sake.
Father’s Day.
Rosalie had despised her own father with every cell in her body. Grandfather had despised him, too. Fortunately, he had smashed himself up at the age of forty-two. Rosalie had been ten at the time. Rosalie’s mother had been distraught. Rosalie’s mother had always been distraught. She had been a complete bimbo. Maybe she still was. Rosalie had minimal family feeling, and what she had had to do with money.

On the square marking next Thursday on the wall calendar in Rosalie’s kitchen were two exclamation marks and the words
the lawyers
in purple felt-tip pen. Other than that, there was nothing on the wall calendar at all. Of course, Rosalie had work to do. She had investments she managed and charities she supported. She put a lot of time into the Smith College Alumnae Association. Still, if something didn’t happen soon, what would she do? This could go on forever. She was as sure as she could be that Michael Pride had murdered her grandfather. She was just as sure that nobody would arrest him for it unless they had to, because nobody at all wanted to see Michael Pride arrested. That was how he’d gotten out from under that raid he’d been caught in the day or so before grandfather died. Rosalie had thought she’d had it all set up, and it had done nothing for her at all. And now—

Now she sat down on the edge of Michael Pride’s desk and looked around the office. It was just as much of a mess as she had hoped she was making it. The witnesses were numerous and shocked. Rosalie didn’t care that Eamon Donleavy was furious or that Sister Augustine was exasperated. She did care that Michael Pride seemed to be amused, but she shoved that to the back of her brain. What Michael Pride felt or thought or did mattered not at all in this case. Rosalie had her eye on Gregor Demarkian, and in that direction she thought she had made a hit. She knew who Gregor Demarkian was because she had read about him in
magazine. She knew what he was doing here because there had been rumors about his coming for a week. It was impossible to keep anything secret in the center from anyone who really wanted to find out. Eamon Donleavy had been talking about Demarkian with the Cardinal for Rosalie didn’t know how long. It hadn’t occurred to Rosalie that Demarkian might actually be here when she showed up. She thought it was a very good thing for her that he was.

He was supposed to be an independent investigator. He would have to take her seriously.

Rosalie was wearing a little black dress today, instead of her customary slacks and turtleneck. It was too hot for slacks and turtleneck. In this dress she couldn’t tuck her legs up under her without showing off her underwear. That was a scenario with possibilities—Michael wouldn’t care, but Eamon Donleavy would spit—but Rosalie was afraid it would also make Gregor Demarkian think she was a jerk.

Rosalie crossed her legs at the ankle instead. She said, “Well, now. Are all of you people willing to listen to what I have to say for once?”

For a moment Rosalie thought Eamon Donleavy was going to lunge at her. She even flinched. He moved only to flex the muscles on his arms. “No,” he said. “Nobody is willing to listen to what you have to say.”

Farther away, Gregor Demarkian coughed. “Excuse me,” he said. “My name is—”

“Gregor Demarkian. I know. I’m glad you’re here. I’m Rosalie van Straadt.”

“I understood that, yes,” Demarkian said.

“It was my grandfather that was murdered,” Rosalie said. “And of course they’re all trying to cover it up. That’s why I’m here.”

“That’s not why you’re here,” Michael said.

Rosalie ignored him. It was true, of course, but everything she had to say was true, too. That was the point.

Michael came fully out of the crowd and crossed to Gregor Demarkian. He held out his hand.

“How do you do, Mr. Demarkian. I’m Michael Pride. Welcome to the Sojourner Truth Health Center.”

“Thank you,” Gregor Demarkian said.

Sister Augustine hissed. “Rosalie, get down off that desk. What will Mr. Demarkian think of us?”

Rosalie had no intention of getting down off the desk. She wasn’t very tall. She would be swallowed up by the crowd. She started to swing her legs in the air instead.

“They are covering it all up,” she said, in as reasonable a tone as possible. “They’ve been covering it up since it happened, just as they cover up everything else Michael does. Did you know that the strychnine my grandfather swallowed came from the medical cabinet in this very office?”

“Yes,” Demarkian said.

“Did you know that the cabinet was locked? And that only Michael and Sister Augustine had keys?”

“I knew that, too. Yes.”

“Well, they’ve been much more forthcoming than I thought they’d be. But I bet there’s something you don’t know. I bet you don’t know that Michael was arrested two days before my grandfather died. Arrested on a morals charge.”

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