Dealing With the Dead (6 page)

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Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dealing With the Dead
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"So," his brother answered back a knowing glint in his eyes.

"We have a book to finish."

"So we do."

"Stop being an ass," he grunted at his brother.

Gray threw his head back and laughed, Noah

chuckling along with him.

"Let's do this," Gray said still mirthful.

Noah nodded and moved the table closer. Once he was happy with everything he sat down ready to go.

"Can you read me the last chapter so I can reacquaint myself with where I was up to?"

"No worries." Noah searched through the file until he came to the last chapter break and started to read.

Jayden was exhausted; the strain of what he had been doing was finally starting to take its toll on his body.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, his muscles were aching, and he could feel a throbbing at the base of his
skull. If he didn't cut his magic soon he would be in a world of hurt.

The sky was just starting to glow with the pre-dawn light; Noah and his brother had been at it for hours. It had been fascinating to watch Grayson's mind at work as he recited his book to his brother.

He had absolutely no idea how far they had gotten in the story or even how long the story had to be. But right now he didn't care. He needed to rest and recharge so he could do this all over again tomorrow night. Sighing, he shut off his phone. It was down to less than ten per cent of its battery. He would have to remember to bring a book or something else with him tomorrow—no, tonight.

Shoving the phone in his pocket he stood up and stretched, arms reaching for the sky, before his back bowed as his body relaxed into the moves. He waited patiently for a pause in the proceedings in front of him before clearing his throat.

Noah blinked several times before he finally seemed to focus on him. "I really hate to interrupt the flow but it'll be dawn soon and I need some rest so we can do this again tonight."

Noah looked startled as he checked his watch. "Shit, Jayden, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it was so late, or early
as the case may be. Crap. How are you feeling?" Noah reached out as if to touch him but must have realised he was still within the circle because he dropped his hand back down. Jayden's heart fluttered at the concern he clearly saw on Noah's face.

Jayden smiled at Noah to hopefully ease some of the man's guilt over losing track of time. "I'm okay, but I think ten hours is about my limit."

"You look exhausted," Noah murmured. Jayden just nodded. There was no reason to say anything else. It was more than likely written all over his face anyway.

"Thank you, Jayden, for allowing us this time."

Grayson moved until he was once more standing over his grave. "Brother, I can't begin to explain what it means to me that you are here trying to finish my work. Thank you.

Give my love to Bec and Nik. I'll see you again soon."

"You're welcome," Noah said in reply. His voice had grown quiet at Gray's goodbye.

Grayson turned to Jayden and nodded once. Jayden started to draw his magic back, watching as Grayson slowly sank back into the earth. "May you rest in peace," Jayden said softly as the last of his magic returned to him.

Jayden took a deep breath. His knees shook before his legs gave out from under him. He would have fallen if
not for the strong arms that circled his waist and drew him back against a hard chest. "Shhh. Just relax. I've got you."

Deep breath, in and out. Jayden stood there and just breathed for several minutes. When Jayden thought his body was finally under his control again, he let his head fall onto Noah's shoulder and tilted his chin up, wanting a kiss.

Noah caressed his cheek, thumb stroking across his bottom lip, his eyes never leaving Jayden's.

Jayden inhaled at the intensity of longing he saw in them. Then, Noah bent down and kissed him. Noah's tongue slowly pressed forward into Jayden's mouth, wrapping around his. There was no urgency to the kiss, no battle over who was in charge. Just a sweet, gentle, unhurried kiss filled with want and need.

Jayden turned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Noah's neck. With great reluctance he eventually broke the kiss. "We shouldn't be doing this here," he muttered even as he leaned forward to press their lips together again. Noah allowed the second kiss but didn't deepen it. His hands travelled the length of Jayden's back to rest on his ass.

"Come home with me?" Noah whispered in his ear as he bit down gently on his lobe. Jayden shivered. Noah tightened his grip and pulled him hard against his body.
Jayden's cock woke up and took notice of the hard ridge pulsing behind Noah's jeans.

"Yes," he whimpered at the thought of making love with his mate. He would have to explain things to Noah when they got back to his place, but right now he couldn't think.

Noah quickly kissed him again before letting him go and stepping away. Jayden felt bereft without Noah touching him, but he began packing his things away, concentrating on the fact that the sooner they left, the sooner he would get to feel Noah touch him again. When he finished, Jayden looked over to see Noah zipping up his duffle bag. Noah slung the heavy bag over his shoulder before he reached out and took Jayden's right hand in his free one.

Jayden smiled shyly at him as they made their way back through the cemetery to the entrance. He stumbled a couple of times on the way as his legs felt like they were made of jelly. If it hadn't been for the hold Noah had on him, he would have fallen. Happy to see the entrance and their cars just beyond Jayden willed his body to hold out.

Noah led him to his SUV and unlocked the car before he opened the passenger door and waited for Jayden to get in. "You're far too exhausted to drive. We'll go to my
place and since we'll be coming back here later, your car can stay here for now."

Jayden was too tired to argue, so he let Noah take his bag from him as he climbed into the SUV. He pulled his seatbelt on and settled back in the seat and closed his eyes.

Jayden distantly registered the sounds of the back opening and closing then Noah climbed into the driver's seat. He felt a gentle hand caress his face and Jayden moved into the touch. Noah leaned over and placed a soft kiss to his temple. "Sleep, sweetheart."

The sound of the engine starting and then the vibrations of the tires on bitumen lulled Jayden into a light sleep, until all too soon, the familiar noises stopped. Jayden tried desperately to drag himself out of sleep, but before he could, his door opened and warm air hit him. Jayden tried to open his eyes, he could feel his lashes fluttering, but he didn't think he was too successful. Partial images of Noah were all he got to let him know he was safe.

Jayden felt Noah lift his leaden arms and place them around his neck. Then Noah slid one of his arms around Jayden's back. Jayden sighed and cuddled in closer to the warmth surrounding him. The man smelled intoxicating.

Taking a deep sniff he relaxed against Noah's solid frame.

"Come on, Jay, let's get you upstairs and into bed,"
Noah murmured in his ear. Jayden barely heard him through the haze of the exhaustion he felt. But he tried his best to stumble along beside Noah. He enjoyed the feel of Noah next to him, his solid presence supporting him as they made their way to Noah's apartment.

The walk into the apartment was a blur; the next thing he knew Noah was undressing him, leaving only his underwear in place. Usually Jayden would be embarrassed at being naked in front of someone he barely knew, but with Noah he felt at ease.

The feeling of cool clean sheets and a soft mattress had him once again trying to claw his way to consciousness. Strong arms wrapped around his nearly-naked body and pulled him back against a warm, lightly furred, chest. Soft whispers in his ear were enough to let him know everything was fine. Jayden gave into his body's demands for rest and allowed the darkness to once again take him.


Jayden came back to consciousness slowly. His body felt heavy and was surrounded by a blanket of heat.

Blinking his eyes open, he took in his surroundings, trying to figure out where the hell he was. He looked over to the bedside drawers and noticed an alarm clock. He was surprised when his brain finally processed what he was seeing. How could he have possibly slept most of the day away? It was damn near five o'clock in the afternoon.

The arm wrapped around his chest slowly started petting him. "Shh, go back to sleep, Jay." The voice, tired and husky, was followed with a gentle kiss on the nape of his neck. Jayden's cock hardened immediately inside his boxer briefs before he reached for the hand currently rubbing circles on his belly.


His mate. Jayden finally remembered last night.

How utterly exhausted he had been after raising Noah's brother. He remembered snippets from the drive back. How Noah had helped him from the car to his apartment and put him to bed.

"Noah," he sighed.

"Mmm, morning." Noah stiffened against him for a
moment before he rose up enough for Jayden to see him.

"How are you?" Jayden didn't really understand the worried expression on Noah's face. Yes, he had been exhausted, but now he was fine.

"I'm fine, Noah. After a little food I'll be all set to go again tonight." Jayden rolled over on his back to make it easier to see him.

"No way." Noah's voice was firm and adamant.

Now Jayden was just confused. "What do you mean no way? I thought that was what you wanted?"

"Not if it leaves you screaming."

"Umm… Huh?" Jayden had no idea what Noah was on about. They were both at the same gravesite last night, weren't they? Jayden didn't remember any such thing. Even though he would have loved to have screamed at his brothers. He had a feeling, though that wasn't what Noah was talking about.

It was Noah's turn to look confused now. "You don't remember do you?" he asked

"Remember what? What are you talking about Noah?"

"You woke up four times crying out last night. You just kept mumbling my name and Grayson's, over and over.

It was all I could do to calm you down and get you to go
back to sleep. I've never seen anything like it, and I've got to tell you the fact that I'm responsible for it, is killing me."

"Huh. I don't remember anything." Jayden searched his memories to confirm he was telling the truth. "The last thing I remember is you undressing me and putting me to bed. Then I woke up this afternoon. Nothing in between."

"Well I'll never forget it that's for sure. And if you helping me has this sort of side effect I don't want to continue." Jayden could see the worry in Noah's eyes, clear as day.

"Noah," Jayden said as he reached up and cupped his cheek. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine.

I'm the only one who can help you. Maybe I just overdid it last night. After all, I've never used my powers for ten straight hours before."

"I don't want you hurt," Noah said tenderly.

Jayden thought for a moment. He really didn't remember what Noah was talking about, but he couldn't deny the fact that Noah being so adamant about him not getting hurt made him light up inside with warmth.

"I'm not going to just give up, Noah. We'll take it easier, no more ten hour nights and let's see how we go."

"Fine, but any more nights you wake up screaming, we'll call this whole thing off. You're more important than
finishing my brother's manuscript."

Jayden's heart leapt at the confession, but he knew he could not let Noah do that. Finishing this book was too important to too many people. "I can't promise that, it may take a couple of nights for us to find a good balance for my powers." Jayden watched fascinated as Noah thought about what he had said. He could practically see his thoughts flashing across his face.

Noah's tense expression relaxed as he nodded. "I'll give you three days. After that if your powers are still causing you to have nightmares then it's just not worth it.

You might not remember the details now, but trust me…

whatever you were dreaming about last night must have been scary as hell for you to make the noises you were."

"Okay, deal."

Jayden continued to look Noah in the eyes as Noah pushed his hair back off his face. "You look good in my bed," Noah said, his voice low and husky now that it seemed his worry had been assuaged.

"I feel good in your bed," Jayden said cheekily as he made himself more comfortable. He gave Noah his most impish grin.

"Brat." Noah laughed.

"I'm going to kiss you now," Noah said.

"Who said I'm going to let you?" Jayden asked innocently.

"Oh you'll let me…" Oh hell yeah, he would, but Noah didn't need to know that.

"You're very sure of yourself aren't you?"


Noah's fingers curled around the back of his head and pulled him up slightly as he leant down. Their lips came together in a fury of passion. Noah's tongue demanded entrance to his mouth and Jayden wasn't about to deny him access. So the man was right. Sue him. The feel of Noah's early morning stubble had Jayden's cock leaking.

Jayden could feel the hard length of Noah's cock against his hip. Jayden gently rocked his hips, wanting Noah's hands on his body more than anything. Finally Noah pressed against Jayden's straining erection. Jayden was ready to scream when Noah started to lightly run his fingers up and down his length outside his underwear.

Moaning, Jayden closed his eyes and, even though he was desperate to get Noah's hands on his bare flesh, he thought he'd never felt anything so wonderful in his life. He wasn't a virgin, but he also didn't have a great deal of experience either.
Before he knew what was happening, Noah broke

the kiss and settled on top of him. Jayden found himself making happy little noises as Noah's chest rubbed against his own. He then realised Noah was deliberately holding his lower half above him and he whimpered. Jayden wanted desperately to feel Noah's cock against his own, even if they were still wearing underwear.

His soon to be lover looked back at him with so much want that Jayden caught his breath. Noah caressed his cheek before he joined their lips again. Jayden threaded his fingers through Noah's short hair then he wrapped his arms around Noah's neck and pulled him closer as Jayden opened his mouth to Noah's kiss. Finally, Noah lowered his body and Jayden cried out into Noah's mouth as he got the first feel of Noah's hard length rubbing against his own.

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