Deadly Vision (8 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Vision
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Trevor motioned to the chairs at the side of his desk before taking his seat. “It appears your serial killer has decided to add a new twist to his game. He’s called in the last two killings.”

“What!” Gil stomped to his feet, anger twisting his fists at his side. “The bastard’s called the centre and you’re just telling us now!”

Trevor waved his hand in the air and calmly stood up. “He didn’t call the centre, Gil, or we would’ve notified you sooner.”

“So who the hell did he call?”


Gil turned towards Fallon, her soft voice drawing him to her. He looked into her eyes, nearly buckling at the pain and fear he saw in them. “What? Fallon…”

Fallon stopped him with a wave of her hand. “Look. I don’t know how or why, but he’s called my cell twice now. I think he believes he’s calling 9-1-1, but I don’t see how that’s possible. All I can tell you is that he calls me whenever he’s…finished.”

Gil watched her face pale, a glassy film covering her eyes. He moved closer, not really sure why, but needing her to know he was there for her, even if he couldn’t say it. “What did he say?”

“Just that he’s
The Priest,
and that he thinks he’s saving the women he kills. He said he purifies them.” She shook her head and stared down at the floor. “He wouldn’t tell me anything else, just rattled off their location.”

“So why didn’t you call us sooner?” asked Wade, stepping up beside Gil.

“I tried calling in the first location to the centre, but either he messed up the address or I did. It came back as a beauty salon, so I thought maybe I’d dreamt the whole thing. But after he called again…”

“But some passer-by called that one in,” interrupted Wade. “Why did you wait so long?”

Fallon looked up at them and Gil saw the nervousness in her expression. “I wasn’t able to call right away and it was too late when I finally got the chance…but I’m here now and isn’t that what matters?”

Wade shot him a puzzled look before nodding his head. “I suppose so,” he said.

“Okay, Fallon,” said Gil. “Let’s sit down. I want you to tell us everything he said, and with as much detail as you can remember. Mention everything, no matter how insignificant you might think it is.”

Fallon nodded and sat down. She spoke slowly and quietly, as if the sound of her voice might hurt her somehow. Gil watched her closely, noting every shift in her eyes, every twitch of her lips. She kept her hands clasped firmly in her lap, her eyes diverted to the side. She seemed more than frightened, and he couldn’t help but think there was more to her story than what she was telling them.

“Did he give you any hint as to who might be his next target?” asked Wade, looking up from his notepad.

“No. Just what I told you.”

Wade sighed and closed the book. “Well, at least we have a connection. Fallon? Would you mind if I took a look at your cell?”

Fallon shook her head and dug through her purse, finally handing the small unit over to Wade. “I’ve already checked. His number doesn’t even register on my phone. That’s why I thought maybe I’d imagined it that first time. I don’t understand how he can call without leaving any trace at all.”

“Maybe he’s got something on his end that blocks it,” suggested Wade. “I’ll check it out.”

“What if he calls again?” she asked. “He might get upset if I don’t answer.”

“Do you think he’s targeting you?” asked Trevor. “I can post a unit outside your house if you’re worried.”

Fallon shook her head. “No, I don’t think it’s like that. He feels comfortable talking to me. I just think I might be able to get more out of him if I get the chance.”

“I’ll return your phone later today,” said Gil. “He never strikes during the day.”

He watched Fallon’s face pale. “I’m going riding. I won’t be by the house ‘til later.”

Gil smiled at her. “I know how to find you. I’ll make sure you have it, one way or another.”

Fallon sighed and stood up, turning towards Trevor. “Thanks, Trevor.”

“No problem. I’ll see you out.”

She nodded and turned back towards Gil. “I suppose I’ll see you later. Nice meeting you, Wade.”

Wade gave her another charming smile as she brushed past both men. She tensed as her shoulder raked Gil’s chest. He barely contained his groan at the heat that passed between them. Despite everything, they still had a connection neither could deny. He wondered just how far he’d delve into it.


“I’m sorry,” said Trevor. “If I’d known Gil was on the team…”

“You’d have played it the same way,” she interrupted.

Trevor sighed and touched her on the shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?”

“He’s heading the investigation. I don’t see how I can be any other way. Besides, with any luck, the bastard won’t call again, and I can bow out.” She smiled at Trevor’s nervous twitch. “I’m a big girl, Trevor. I’ll be fine.”

Trevor patted her shoulder as she turned and headed for her Jeep. She walked quickly, hoping her anxiousness was hidden in her stride. It wasn’t until she was seated behind the wheel she released the tight rein she had on her emotions, allowing the stray tears to tumble to her cheek. Six months of putting Gil behind her ruined by one look into his eyes. He was just like she remembered. Thick dark hair, stunning blue eyes and a smile that could make her knees weak. His hands were just as firm as they’d held her close to his chest, his fingers locked around her waist. His muscles were firm and tight, and she thought he’d been spending more time at the gym. His shoulders were slightly broader, his chest more pronounced. But his hips. Damn, they were just as lean, just as tight as when they’d last made love. She’d nearly melted into a puddle at his feet when she’d felt his cock harden against her stomach. Even through two layers of fabric she’d sensed it flaring in response, and she knew, if she’d pulled away the clothing, a shinny bead of seminal essence would have been covering the thin slit on his crown.

Fallon felt her body heat even further. She’d been in an instant state of arousal the moment their bodies had collided, gushing the silky cream from her body until the slide of juices had dampened her panties. She’d tried to keep her distance, hoping Gil wouldn’t catch her scent, but had cringed when he’d glanced at her and given her body a long, slow sweep. The man was more than dangerous, and if she didn’t watch her step, she’d lose more than her heart this time.

“Stop it. Just stop it!”

She shouted the words, hoping the sound of them would bring some sanity back to her head. He was only there on business, nothing more. And it didn’t take a psychic to sense the walls he’d built around himself. The same walls he’d use to hide from her after the shooting.

“Damn.” She let her breath whisper out in a long sigh as she laid her head against the steering wheel. There was no way she’d be able to spend any amount of time with him without wanting more. He may have left their home, but it was clear he still held her heart.

Fallon cursed and started the Jeep, slamming the small stick into gear. At least she’d had the good sense to strap her bike on the back before she’d left. A few hours of grinding her frustrations away on a trail was her only hope right now. Gil could wait until she was good and ready to give her back her cell.
I know how to find you, Fallon.
Damn, he was arrogant. Let him drive around trying to find her for a while and he’d see just how easy it was to track her down. A sly smile touched the corners of her mouth as she pulled into traffic and headed for the hills.


* * * *


Gil stood in Trevor’s office, listening to the man escort Fallon down the hall. He tried to ignore how her voice had changed as soon as she’d left the room, the tension easing from her shoulders once she’d brushed by him. He curbed his need to growl, directing his anger inwards.

“So,” said Wade. “That was interesting. Didn’t realise I’d be the odd man out here.”

Gil looked over at him, his brow pulled into a distinct vee. “What the hell are you whining about?”

“Oh nothing. Just because you all seem to be fast friends didn’t bother me any, especially since I’m only your

Gil huffed out his breath, shifting his hand through his hair again. “You knew Trevor and I were friends before we arrived. And technically speaking, the Bureau doesn’t use the term

“Maybe they don’t, but every other agent does, so it wouldn’t kill you to use it every once and a while. Besides, I had no idea you knew that lovely creature sleeping on the couch.” Wade raised his eyebrow. “How long were you two lovers?”

Gil sneered at the man. He’d obviously heard every word Fallon had mumbled. “Nearly two years. But it’s over.”

Wade laughed, not even bothering to hide the cocky smile Gil immediately wanted to smack off his face. “If you believe for one second there’s nothing between you two, then you’re a worse investigator than I thought. You
here when she practically drooled all over your shoes, weren’t you? And you weren’t much better. I heard you growl… twice.” Wade’s smile widened. “Besides, the girl must be spoken for when she didn’t even give me one ‘
baby come here’

“Maybe not every girl is lured by your charm, Junior,” countered Gil. “Or maybe she belongs to someone else,” he said, hating the sound of the words the moment they left his lips.

“Oh, it wasn’t my charm she was preoccupied with,
. It was your body, or didn’t you notice her physical reaction to you. Man, if my girlfriend had nipples like that, I’d never leave the damn house.”

Another growl trembled through his body before Gil had the sense to stop it. Wade merely smiled at him. “I burned too many bridges to get her back. Besides, now isn’t the time to get distracted.”

“Buddy. When a lady looks that fine, anytime is a good time to get…distracted.”

Gil chuckled. “Just do us both a favour and get up to the communication’s centre. Get Jane to show you which phone she called Fallon on. It must be the key to why she’s getting the phone calls. I’ll go over to the medical examiner’s office and see if there’s anything new on our latest victim. I’ll be back in two hours to get Fallon’s cell back.”

“I’ll have it ready, not that you’re anxious to see her again, or anything.”

“Just figure out the connection, Wade. This might be the one lucky break that blows this case apart.”

“Or at least ends up with Fallon blowing you,” he teased. “Either way, it’s a win-win scenario.”

Chapter Six




Fallon ripped down the trail, skipping over logs and dodging trees as if the bike were an extension of her body. She’d never felt so in tune with her surroundings, and almost wished today had been the race. She’d already conquered two sections of the run that normally threw her to the ground, and she was quickly edging up on the third.

“Son of a bitch. Thinks he can waltz into my life and look at me like some victorious predator…” she skidded across some rocks, spraying a layer of mud across the path. “Well, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I give him so much as a fucking smile.”

She barrelled forward, cursing Gil with every breath. “Who needs him to fulfil my fantasies? I can get laid any time of the week if I so desire. Who says I haven’t moved on?”

Fallon felt the bike hit the lip of the jump and pulled up the wheel without even thinking. It shuddered through the air, dropping her several feet down the trail, nearly shaking her against a tree. She veered right, skimming the bark with her arm as she skidded to a halt. “Damn it!” She looked back up the trail. She’d never tried the drop before and was stunned she’d gone over it without even thinking. “See. I’m way out of his league,” she snapped. “He never would’ve taken that jump.”

She pressed forward, stopping once she’d reached a clearing near the bottom of the ride. It was her favourite spot to regroup and rest before the drive home. The air was thick and cool, the promise of rain gathering in the clouds. She could feel the charge building on her skin and knew they were in for another storm. A familiar shiver danced along her spine. It’d been raining the last two times the bastard had called, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d strike again. If the storm didn’t set him off somehow?

“Doesn’t matter. Gil still has my phone, so I won’t be the one answering it this time.”

The words sounded promising, but a part of her refused to believe Gil would let her off that easily, not when she was connected to his case. She nodded, knowing he’d do whatever was necessary to solve the case, even if it meant being around her. “A sacrifice I’m sure,” she sneered, tossing her helmet on the ground. “As long as I’m not the only one suffering.” She forced a smile and braced her foot against a large boulder just as someone grabbed her from behind and knocked her to the ground.


* * * *


Gil pulled into the gravel lot, eyeing the red Jeep parked beside a stand of trees. This hadn’t been his first stop, but it also hadn’t been as hard as he’d hoped to find her. Seems she hadn’t made that many changes in her life since he’d left, which made him wonder if Wade had been right. Was Fallon still in love with him as much as he was with her?

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