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Authors: Alexa Grace

Deadly Relations (22 page)

BOOK: Deadly Relations
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Jennifer burst into the kitchen ready to launch herself into Blake’s arms, but stopped short, rooted to a spot on the tile floor. There were two people in her kitchen and the second one was female with long ebony hair and a body that was runway model thin. The woman was laughing, as if she and Blake had just shared a private joke and Jennifer’s other-woman radar went on alert. Her mind raced. What if Blake’s special guest was a fiancé he’d neglected to tell her about or worse a pregnant ex-lover, carrying his baby?

She cleared her throat to get their attention and stiffly accepted Blake’s hug.

Hello, Jennifer. I’m so glad to meet you. Blake’s told me a lot about you.” The woman said as she extended her hand.

Blake spoke next, “Jennifer, this is my sister, Carly.”

Sister? Blake has a sister? “Hi, Carly,” she said weakly as she grasped her hand and squeezed.

Dinner’s ready and we have a lot to talk about,” said Blake as he cut the lasagna into squares. He pulled the garlic bread out of the oven. “Why don’t you ladies sit in the dining room and I’ll serve dinner?”

I never pass up a chance to be served by a man,” joked Carly as she smiled at Jennifer.




In the kitchen, you thought I was Blake’s girlfriend,” Carly stated, staring at Jennifer with impenetrable dark eyes.

Jennifer just stared back, struggling to keep her expression blank.

Yeah, you did. I could tell by your deer-in-the-headlights expression.”

Blushing, Jennifer looked down at her lap as she unfolded her napkin. When she looked up she met Carly’s wide smile.

Don’t look so embarrassed. I’m delighted you care about my brother. He’s a pretty amazing guy.”

With a sheepish expression, Jennifer replied, “Sorry about that.”

No problem. Blake’s dated a lot of women. With his looks, he could have any woman he wanted. But you’re the first woman he’s ever talked about to me, so I knew you were special.”

Jennifer glanced at Carly and wondered why Blake had never confided to her about having a sister.

Blake never mentioned me, did he?”

Jennifer squirmed in her seat, then answered, “No.”

Not surprised. He’s always been ultra-private about his family. Did he tell you about our parents’ divorce?”

Jennifer nodded in the affirmative.

Then you know it was a hard time for us as children. Mom and Dad argued all the time, using us as bargaining chips. All we had was each other, so we became close. After the divorce, we lived with Mom, but she and Dad continued their war. It changes your perspective about relationships. I think it’s the reason Blake has, until now, avoided a serious relationship with a woman. It’s hard for him to trust.”

Jennifer secretly smiled. Blake was serious about her. Not that she didn’t already know that, but it was nice to have it confirmed. He hadn’t left her side since the hospital.

Blake walked in with a loaded plate for Carly and one for Jennifer. He returned with a plate for himself, as well as a bottle of red wine that he poured into each glass.

Tearing her garlic bread into pieces, Carly said, “Blake, remember the time when we told Mom and Dad we were both going into law enforcement. I thought Dad was going to have a coronary.”

Really?” asked Jennifer. Her father had reacted the same.

Dad assumed we’d work the family business. Can’t blame the guy,” said Blake. “He’d worked hard over the years to build a couple dozen condo and apartment complexes. I think Dad had planned from the day we were born that we would someday take over.”

Jennifer looked at Carly. “So you’re in law enforcement, too?”

Yes, I’m a special agent in the Criminal Investigation Division of the FBI division office in Tampa. Right now I’m on leave, so I’m available to help you and Blake with your case.”

Clearly surprised, Jennifer looked at Blake. “What?”

Your dad, Lane and I talked at the hospital. We think we have a serial killer on our hands and we need help. I knew Carly was on leave so I got your dad’s permission to bring her in on a consultant basis. She has experience with serials and has a good profiling background.”

Why didn’t you tell me?” She glared at him with burning, reproachful eyes.

Because your health is more important than this case, Jennifer. Your doctor said no stress.” He met her glare head-on, expecting her reaction, but he stood by his decision. How could she not realize how important she was to him? That she was much more than just a partner.

At that moment, Jennifer said nothing. She didn’t want to make Carly uncomfortable with a disagreement between Blake and her right then. As soon as she and Blake were alone, she’d have plenty to say, including the fact she was his partner and had a right to be clued in — concussion or not.



It had been another shit day at work. They’d had a department picnic and the whole boring gang of assholes was there. He suffered through it and couldn’t wait until quitting time.

Inside his cabin, he pulled two cans of beer out of the refrigerator then plopped in his favorite chair. He gulped the beer and crushed the can with his hand when it was empty. Picking up the remote control from the end table, he aimed it at the television and clicked the on button.

The Grace Cohn Program was on CSN and the bitch was blowing her mouth like usual, “This Indiana community can rest now that the serial killer in its midst is dead.”

Nice. Thanks to her the whole world thinks Evan Hendricks pulled off the unsolved murders of the century, as if the little prick had his cunning and forethought. It’d be a joke if it wasn’t so damn stupid. He may have to visit Grace Cohn after he took care of Jennifer Brennan.

He picked up the other can of beer and flushed it down his throat, not really enjoying the taste, but liking the buzz it gave him. Crushing this can, too, he tossed it on the table with the other one.

Restless, he wandered around his cabin until he reached the kitchen. The room was dismal with outdated appliances, Army-green painted cabinets, stained Formica countertops, and linoleum floor that had seen better days — maybe a century ago. What a dump. But it was free rent, so what the hell.

He did an inventory of his tools and lined them up on the kitchen counter: duct tape to secure prey to the table, leather belt, bath soap and towels. Opening the cabinet under the sink, he saw several gallons of bleach he’d need to wash down the table, the prey, and the room. He opened a drawer to reveal his stash of Rohypnol tablets and syringes. All items accounted for; he was ready for the next time he had one of his urges to troll for prey.

Going back to the living room, he sat back down in his chair and stared at the television. Grace Kohn had moved on to a story about a missing child in Louisiana. His mind wandered. He was almost sick to his stomach about his failure to kill Jennifer Brennan. But soon it would be a distant memory, he consoled himself, that would not be repeated. He was back on his game. Hell, when it came to his particular game, he was the master.

He wanted to kick it up a notch next time, and considered using one of Ted Bundy’s ruses. Good old Ted had some great ones, like the times he wore a cast on his arm. Bundy had looked so pathetic when he asked for help, those smart-ass college girls must have thought they were bestowing a random act of kindness on the poor guy — not knowing it would be their last random act of any kind.

He considered this trick, but discarded it. The cast on the arm could be cumbersome if the prey fought back. Maybe he’d use the disabled vehicle ruse on a country road. He’d used it successfully before. That might be fun.

The thoughts he was having about stalking and capturing prey resulted in some physical reactions that were all too familiar. His jaw clenched and he ground his teeth until pain radiated through his ears. Sweat trickled down his back, while a vein throbbed in his neck as he worked himself into a frenzy. The demons were back, clawing at his insides until the urges to kill emerged — relentless and overpowering.

Deep inside, the urge was so powerful that the thought of resisting didn’t enter his mind. He knew the longer he tried to ignore it, the stronger it got. He would track his prey soon, capture and torture her until she begged for mercy.



After her shift ended at the Sugar Creek Cafe, Brianna Hayden did what she did every day: she took her two Labrador Retrievers, Salt and Pepper, for a walk down the country road that ran in front of her parent’s home. Only two-years-old, the dogs were energetic and delighted to begin their daily adventure.

Brianna’s two-year-old daughter, Mandy, was taking a nap while Brianna’s mother fixed dinner, so it was the perfect time to get some exercise and still be back before dinner was served. What a day she’d had. It hadn’t slowed down since breakfast at the restaurant where she waitressed. There were a lot of reporters in town since Fred Thomas shot Evan Hendricks. The whole thing was horrible and made her sick. People were so wrapped up in the shooting drama that they seemed to have forgotten that two young women were tortured and murdered in their midst. Didn’t anyone care about the victims? All people could talk about was Evan’s shooting and how glad they were that the serial-killing bastard was dead.

Brianna inhaled deeply, enjoying the cool country air, and laughed when she noticed that Pepper had picked up a stick and was prancing proudly with it wedged in his mouth.

It wasn’t that long ago that Catherine Thomas had followed her home from work when they were on the same shift, so that she could join Brianna on a walk. They’d discussed their day, their love lives, and their world in general. Catherine had been one of her few single friends, who seemed to enjoy hearing about the antics of her two-year-old. She missed Catherine, and there wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t think of her, trying hard to remember the Catherine who giggled at her jokes, and not the Catherine who spent the final hours of her life in a tortured hell.

Cal Fisher’s house was in her vision so she knew she’d completed a mile. Once they reached his property, Cal’s Jack Russell Terrier, Liz, let out a series of ear-piercing barks to protest the two Labradors that were encroaching upon her territory. Cal appeared at the picture window, waved at Brianna, then tried to distract Liz with a dog treat.

Brianna and her two dogs walked further until she could see what looked like a disabled Jeep at the side of the road. As they grew closer, she recognized the driver as the good-looking man she’d seen at the diner. He pulled a rag out of the back and then disappeared under the hood of the vehicle. Brianna’s dad was a whiz at car repair and had taught her at an early age how to fix anything that could go wrong under the hood. That’s why she decided to make this guy’s day and help him get his car back on the road. That he was tall, dark and handsome had nothing to do with it. Right.



Blake and Jennifer watched as a deputy helped Carly get into the front seat of his vehicle. He’d already put her suitcase in the trunk, and she was holding the thick double-murder case file in her arms. Carly had refused Jennifer’s offer to stay in her extra bedroom, explaining she was eager to dive into the case to start her analysis and she could do that better in the quiet of Blake’s empty condo.

Blake followed Jennifer into the dining room, where she stacked dirty plates, then took them into the kitchen. She opened the dishwasher door just as Blake came in with the wine glasses.

Jennifer cut him a glare and said, “You should have told me.”

You were pretty much unconscious when the decision was made, so that would have been a little difficult.”

Blake, I’ve been home for two days,” she accused.

I’ve been trying to keep your world as stress-free as possible, just like the doctor ordered.”

You’re not my nursemaid, you’re my partner!” Jennifer exclaimed.

Oh, really? I thought I meant a little more to you than that.” Blake shot back.

You do. I didn’t mean...”

Blake cut her off by yanking her against his chest and kissing her hard, like he’d wanted to for days. He tightened his arms around Jennifer, feeling her soft curves molding to the contours of his hard body. Raising his mouth from hers, he gazed into her eyes and saw a burning need matching his own. He kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat as she moaned with pleasure, then moved to nibble at her earlobe. “Honey, are you sure you’re up for this?”

Jennifer slid her hand down to the obvious evidence of his desire and whispered, “Just as much as you are.”



Blake was breathing hard as he pressed her against the refrigerator. He was turned on, hot and hard, kissing her until her senses reeled, as if short-circuited. One hand slid down her taut stomach to the swell of her hips, then her thighs, where he snagged the hem of her dress and pulled it off, throwing it across the kitchen. He eased the lacy cup of her bra aside so his lips could tease a hard pink nipple, then his tongue made a path down her ribs to her stomach, his fingers diving beneath her panties to search for her pleasure points. Jennifer gasped as he found her sensitive nub and began a sensual massage she wished would last forever. Instead of stopping, it went on and on, as she pulled at him and wrapped a long leg around him to pull him closer. Moaning softly, she closed her eyes, pressing her fingers into the muscles of his back. Finally, her body quaked, exploding in a downpour of fiery sensations. Jennifer’s knees gave. If his arms hadn’t been tightened around her she would have melted to the floor. She wanted him. God, how she wanted him, naked and inside her.

BOOK: Deadly Relations
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