Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Elle James

Deadly Obsession (12 page)

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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He glided into her drenched channel, filling her with his length and girth, stretching her wonderfully.

Jillian wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her heels into his backside, urging him go deeper, to take more.

He pulled out and thrust hard.

Startled and thrilled, Jillian exclaimed, “Yes!”

Apparently encouraged, Chance slammed into her again and again, taking her long and hard.

Squeezing her thighs and calves, Jillian matched his rhythm and then dropped her heels to the bed, pushing up to meet him, their bodies coming together in an explosion of sensations.

Tingling started at her core and flared through her, spreading so fast she thought for certain it would burst out of the tips of her fingers and toes.

Chance drove in one more time, going deep. He held, his body tight, his jaw rigid and his eyes closed, his shaft throbbing against the walls of Jillian's channel. Finally he drew in a deep breath and lowered himself, twisting sideways to lie beside Jillian, taking her with him, never breaking their intimate connection.

She snuggled into him, pressing her cheek to his chest, feeling complete with him still inside her. Jillian lay awake for a long time, counting his heartbeats, her hand pressed to his chest.

Having only known this man for such a short time, she shouldn't have such deep feelings for him. So many questions flowed through her mind, questions only time and getting to know him would answer.

Did he have family somewhere? What was he like growing up? Was he mischievous? Did he get into trouble? Could he ride a bicycle? Were his parents still alive? What was his favorite color? Could he ever consider living in Cape Churn? Did he want children? Did he believe in love? For all Jillian knew, the man was a confirmed bachelor, willing to sleep with a woman but never settle down.

Her heart squeezed hard in her chest. Just because she had made love with this gorgeous man didn't mean they would be together forever. She couldn't expect him to declare his undying love based on such short acquaintance and sex. Hadn't he said he wasn't staying?

Closing her eyes, she lay still, willing herself to go back to sleep. Whatever the next day brought, at least she had that night and the connection they'd shared. She wouldn't ask for more. But if he were willing to give more...she'd consider it.

Chapter 12

ight pushed through the seams of Chance's closed eyes, nudging him from the deepest sleep he'd had in a very long time. He blinked and stared up at an antique light fixture. He lay still, trying to remember where he was.

A warm, soft hand slipped across his belly and lower to where his rock-hard erection tented the blanket.

He jerked awake and stared down at Jillian, her blond hair spread on the pillow beside him, her cheeks rosy, her lips swollen from kissing the night before.

Holy hell, after he'd discarded the condom, he'd been too tired and too comfortable to move. Telling himself he'd only be there for a few more minutes, he'd fallen to sleep, holding Jillian in his arms.

What a mistake—a huge mistake.

His heart raced and his pulse pounded against his ears. He could have had another one of his nightmares. Damn. He could have hurt or killed this woman who was coming to mean more to him than he ever wanted or expected. What had he been thinking?

That was it, he hadn't been thinking. Making love to Jillian had wiped all other thoughts or precautions from his mind. When his body was sated, he'd fallen asleep with her in his arms.

God. I could have hurt her.

As much as he wanted to stay, wrapped in the warm cocoon of her body and the blankets, he couldn't lead her on. He'd never intended to sleep with Jillian. She wasn't the kind of woman who would appreciate a one-night stand, and he wasn't the kind of man who would take advantage of her. Yet he had. The trouble was, he couldn't be anything more to her than a one-night stand. Sleeping with her on a regular basis would put her at too much risk.

Convinced she would be better off without him, Chance shifted his body in an attempt to leave the bed without waking her.

As soon as he moved, her hand pressed against his abdomen and she curved a leg over his, rubbing her naked sex on his thigh.

Chance swallowed a groan. This woman was sweet, sweet torture.

Jillian moved against him, her breasts nudging his side, her hand dropping lower, slender fingers wrapping around his jutting shaft.

He couldn't move now if the house was on fire. While his mind told him to leave, his body would have none of it. This was what he wanted. But he couldn't let her think he was in it for the long haul. That wasn't a possibility. At least not until the dreams went away. Who knew when that would happen?

Come to think of it, he hadn't dreamed at all with Jillian in his arms. One night of sleep wasn't enough to call it a cure. It had to have been a fluke.

“Jillian, what we're doing...” he started.

“Mmm?” Her eyes were still closed and she moved slowly as if still half-asleep.

“I can't make any promises.”

Her hand slid the length of his erection. “Not asking for any,” she said, her breath warm against his naked chest.

“I leave after the wedding.”

“I know.” She shifted and rose up to kiss his mouth, her eyes open. “I'm not asking for anything other than this morning.”

“I don't want to hurt you.”

“Who says I won't hurt you?” She winked.

“Sweetheart, I believe you could.” He thrust upward in the circle of her fingers. “But I can't imagine you doing it intentionally.”

She moved her hand up and down, the warmth and friction bringing him quickly to the peak.

Placing a hand over hers, he stopped her. “It doesn't take much to send me over the edge in the morning.”

“Good.” She reached for the last foil packet on the nightstand, tore it open and rolled it down over him. Then she straddled him, positioning her entrance over him.

The chill air made her nipples taut.

Chance covered her breasts with his hands as she lowered herself, taking him into her. Her chest rose as she drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Oh, yes. I remember this from last night.”

He slipped his hands from her breasts to her hips. “You feel amazing.”

“I was going to say that.” She rose up and lowered herself again, her eyes opening, her hands resting on his chest. “Do you want me to go faster?” She rose up again.

“Yes.” She felt so good, he could hardly breathe. Her tight channel encased him like a hot, slick glove, squeezing gently around him. He tightened his hands on her hips and brought her down, guiding the pace, making it faster, harder.

The bedsprings squeaked with the force of their coupling, making it even sexier.

Chance thrust hard and held Jillian down over him, his shaft locked inside her as he shuddered and throbbed to the end.

Jillian smiled and lay down on him, a slight shiver shaking her body.

“Are you cold?” he said, pulling at the covers, dragging them up over both of them.

“A little, but this feels too good to move,” she said, her lips finding one of his hard brown nipples and kissing him there.

For a long time, they lay entwined, the sun peeking through the curtains. Chance had no desire to move, and every desire to remain with Jillian for a very long time.

* * *

Jillian could have stayed burrowed in the bed with Chance forever. She'd never felt more protected, cared for and—

A knock on the door jerked her out of her euphoric cocoon.

“Jillian?” Molly's voice said through the wood panel. “Will you be coming down for breakfast? I'm about to put everything away and want to make sure you don't go hungry.”

Jillian clutched the quilt to her bare breasts, as if Molly might see through the door and catch her in bed with Chance. “I'm...uh...not hungry, but thank you.”

“I could save a plate for you in the refrigerator, if you change your mind,” Molly persisted.

“Oh, okay.”

Chance swept his hand along her side at her most ticklish spot, making Jillian giggle. “Stop,” she whispered.

“Are you feeling okay?” Molly asked.

“I'm fine.” Chance tickled her again. Jillian swallowed hard on a full-on laugh.

“I could bring your breakfast up to you, if you like.”

Choking now on her laughter, Jillian could barely get out, “ I'll be down soon.” She swatted Chance and leaned over to kiss him on the mouth. “You're a menace.”

“I'll take that as a compliment.” He kissed her and hugged her close.

Molly's footsteps could be heard moving down the hallway.

A knock on the next door made Jillian lose it and laugh out loud.


In a voice loud enough to be heard through the door and down the hall, Chance said, “Save me a plate, too. I'll be down with Jillian, and I'm starving.”

From the hallway, Molly said, “Oh. Well, then. I'll save two plates. Take your time.” Her footsteps faded away.

Jillian frowned up at Chance. “Now you've done it. Molly will be beside herself until we go downstairs.”

“Molly's a grown woman with a wedding less than a week away. I'll bet she doesn't have time to worry about all of her houseguests.”

Jillian rolled her eyes and sat up, letting the sheet drop to her waist. Hell, he'd seen all of her, having left the light on all night. Being in bed naked with Chance made her feel more sensual than she'd ever felt in her life. But Molly was waiting and Jillian had a ton of things to do that day. “Get up.”

Chance crossed his arms behind his head. “I'm on vacation. I think I'll spend today in bed. Care to join me?”

“I would, but Molly is expecting Nova's family today, and I should clear out so she can make room for them.”

A frown formed on his brow, making him even sexier in a brooding way. Jillian couldn't stop herself from kissing the lines forming on his forehead. “Stop frowning. If all goes well and on schedule, I should have running water in my house today. Which means I can move in.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed with the intention of getting up.

An arm around her middle pulled her back against Chance and he fondled a breast. “If you're worried about clearing a room, you can move next door with me. Or vice versa. I could sleep on one of the chairs.”

Chair, hell. Tempted to take the offer, Jillian chewed on her bottom lip. She came back to the fact she could get too used to this man in her bed, all too quickly. And then what? He'd be gone. “Much as I appreciate the sacrifice, I want to get used to living in my own house as soon as possible. It's the first house I've ever owned. I want it to be home. Besides, my staying here would only add to the burden of the B and B. One more mouth to feed.” Jillian hugged him again and tried again to leave the bed.

Chance sat up and gripped her arms. “You can't stay in that house alone. It's too dangerous.”

She stiffened. “It's my house. I will be living there alone for a very long time. The sooner I get used to it, the better.” She cupped his cheek. “Thank you for worrying about me, but I've lived alone for a long time. I can take care of myself.”

“In all the time you lived on your own, how many times has someone physically attacked you or vandalized your place?”

Damn. The man had a point. “I do own a gun. I'll keep it in the nightstand.” She looked him square in the eye. “I'll be okay.”

Chance let go of her arms and she got out of bed. She grabbed a robe and slipped it over her shoulders before she turned to face him. “I want you to know, last night was great, but you're under no obligation to keep me entertained.”

“I don't expect to entertain you.” He rose and stood in front of her, naked

Jillian swallowed hard and tried to make herself clear. “I mean you're not responsible for me or my happiness. I won't make any demands of you. I know you're leaving when the wedding's over.” Jillian realized she was babbling and she didn't know how to stop. “I just wanted you to know last night was fun, but I'm a big girl and don't expect what happened last night to mean anything.”

He crossed the room, parted the robe and circled her naked waist with his big, warm hands, making her knees weak. “Shh.”

“I know what I got myself into.”

He kissed her lips. “You're not staying in your house by yourself. At least not while I'm here.”

She frowned. “I don't need a babysitter.”

“Darlin', I think of you in a lot of ways, but baby isn't one of them.” He bent, hooked the back of her thighs in his arms and lifted, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Do you think Molly would mind if we were a little longer going down for breakfast?” he said, nudging her entrance with his hardened erection, still encased in a condom.

Jillian captured his cheeks between her hands and pressed her lips to his. “Molly who?”

* * *

An hour later, after making love again, a shower together and dressing in work clothes, Jillian led the way down the stairs to the kitchen.

“About time you two showed up. Nova's parents, aunt and uncle called from the airport. They're on their way and I have a ton of things to do to get ready.” Molly studied Jillian's temple and gave her a sly smile. “I take it the bump on your head didn't slow you down.”

Heat rose up Jillian's neck and into her cheeks. “Never felt better.”

Molly's grin spread wide. “Glad to hear it. Your breakfast is in the refrigerator. You can help yourselves.”

“Thank you,” Jillian said. “Don't let us get in your way. I packed my things and stripped the sheets. I expect my electricity and water to be on today.”

Molly frowned. “And if they aren't?”

Jillian shrugged. “I'll make other arrangements. You need the room for your in-laws.”

Molly touched Jillian's arm. “I don't like the idea of you living in that house with someone trying to hurt you or vandalizing the place.”

“I'll be okay. I have a handgun.”

“And I'll be staying with her.” Chance slid an arm around Jillian's waist and pulled her back against him. “Until we find out who's behind the attacks, I don't think she should be alone,” he said, his warm breath stirring her hair.

Jillian leaned into him for a moment, loving the way he made her feel safe and protected. Though he wasn't going to be around forever, dare she enjoy him for now?

Molly's brows rose. “Are you sure? I hate to reassign your room if you're going to need it. Nova's sister decided to come after all, and I wasn't sure where we'd put her.”

“Let her have my room,” Chance insisted. “I can camp out with Jillian.”

“Okay.” Molly beamed. “I'm glad you two are getting along so well. Hopefully this ugly business with the attacks will clear up before the end of the week.”

Jillian hugged her friend. “Don't you worry about me. You have a wedding to enjoy. This week is all about you and Nova. Which reminds me, I need to stop by the florist and the party rental places for a final verification. I'll do that on my way through town.”

“You should run by your insurance adjuster and report the hit-and-run,” Molly advised. “Oh, Nova brought your Jeep to the B and B, though it's pretty banged up. If you like, you can use my SUV.”

“Was the Jeep drivable?”

“Yes, but getting in and out of the passenger side is difficult.”

“Comes with having to pry you out with the Jaws of Life.” Chance frowned, remembering how helpless he'd felt.

“We can take the Jeep for now, and switch with Chance's rental at the house,” Jillian said. “I'll take the kittens off your hands when I get settled in.”

“Don't worry about Jack and Jill. Nova likes playing with them, and you have too many workers traipsing in and out during the day. I'll keep them until the wedding.”

“Great.” No wonder she loved Molly so much. The woman would do anything for a friend.

Molly left the kitchen, headed for the upstairs bedrooms to prepare them for the influx of Nova's family.

Jillian removed the two plates from the fridge and popped one in the microwave. She and Chance sat across the kitchen table, eating fluffy scrambled eggs, sausage and biscuits like a couple, the silence between them comfortable.

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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