Deadly Obsession (45 page)

Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Romance, #Deadly Vices Book 1

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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He stroked a hand through her hair and wrapped a curl around her ear. “Why?” he asked, his voice low. “Were things moving too fast?” After she’d joined him in L.A., their relationship had gone from zero to sixty, and he’d been helpless to slow it down.

Lauren shook her head. “That was part of it, but deep down, I was afraid to commit to someone I could lose.” She shifted on his lap so that they were face to face. When she ran a hand along his jaw, Nic leaned into her palm. “You’re gorgeous—” She laughed when he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “And rich and smart and funny. And I’m none of those things.”

As soon as he opened his mouth to object, she pressed her fingers to his lips, shushing him. “I was scared that things would turn out the same way they did with Todd.”

“I’m not going to die, Lauren. We’re going to grow old together.”

Lauren smiled, but he could still see a trace of disbelief in her expression. “Things with Todd went bad before he died. He’d already grown bored with me. The re-upping was just one sign.”

was the real problem. Why couldn’t he have been a poet? Then he could weave a web of words to convince her she was his world. Instead, he had to settle for raw honesty.

“Lauren, I love you. I always have and I always will. I had such a mad crush on that cute photographer in high school. On
. When we met again, I didn’t recognize you. But my heart did.” He smiled and slid his fingers through her curls. “My heart never forgot you.”

The uncertainly in her eyes disappeared, replaced with a glow that sent his blood pressure through the stratosphere. “My heart never forgot you either.” She kissed him, and when she drew back, tears glittered in her eyes. “I want to be with you, Nic. I want to grow old with you. Can you ever forgive me?”

A strange warmth erupted in his chest, growing until he thought he would burst. Lauren had come back to him, and not just for a while. They’d have their entire lives to get to know each other, and he’d have forever to prove he’d never tire of her. Nic cupped her cheeks with his hands and traced the softness of her lips with his thumbs. “There’s nothing to forgive,
,” he whispered.

She hooked her arms around his neck, pressing her mouth against his. He could feel relief and love in her kiss. Hope for the future filled him as his hands skimmed down her back to her ass. She squirmed, pressing against the growing bulge in his lap. Her soft moan made him harden even more. She raised her head and abruptly drew back.

“What?” he asked, as best he could given where he’d thought the kiss was going.

She blinked a few times. “Stars.”

Nic glanced over his shoulder to see what had captured her attention. Behind him was an entire wall of windows through which they could see a vast array of constellations against the clear night sky.

Lauren went to the windows. “They’re real.” When he said nothing, she turned to him and the tinkling sound of her laughter cascaded over him. How he’d missed that sound. “For a moment, I thought I was seeing stars… from your kisses.”

Nic stood up, grinning. If she gave him a few minutes, she would be seeing stars, and they wouldn’t be the ones outside. Hell, she might even see some fireworks.

As he took the few steps to join her at the window, she turned slowly and looked around. “This room is amazing.”

He had to agree. It was his refuge in the wilderness. The entire western wall consisted of bare six foot windows, covered with the same one-way privacy film he had at the loft. A fireplace sat across from the king bed, and above it hung a large flat-screen TV. Open beams stained to match the hardwood floor traversed the vaulted ceiling.

“I’m glad you like it.” His eyes fell to the bed and the mountain of multicolored cushions covering it. Ever since Lauren had shown up at the hospital, he’d been imagining her laying all pink, spread-eagle on this very bed, her brown hair fanned out on his cream colored sheets, her hips propped up by one of his many multi-hued pillows. His groin tightened at the image and a light sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead. Need clawed at him, making its demands known. He wanted to take her here, in his room, in his bed, in the moonlight, then again in the sunlight, over and over, until his was the only face she saw, until his was the only name she remembered.

She must have sensed the change in his mood, because her smile faded, and her darkened eyes and flushed cheeks reflected his own heat. Hard nipples jutted through the thin material of her T-shirt, beckoning him, begging him to relieve their tightness.

Slowly, they moved toward each other, closing the distance until they stood toe to toe. As if by mutual agreement, they kept their arms tightly by their sides. Eyes locked on hers, Nic leaned forward. His lips hovering above hers, he breathed in her scent. A tremor shook her body and her tongue darted out to swipe his lips. Nic moaned and pressed his forehead to hers, breathing hard.

“We need to go downstairs,” she panted.


A shadow darkened her eyes. “I have something to show you and Kaden. Rachel and Rémi should see it too. It can’t wait.”


Her breath feathered his lips, and he couldn’t hold back a groan.

“Later,” he growled.

“Later,” she purred.



When Lauren entered the living room with Nic, Kaden and Jake were sprawled on one couch, while Rémi sat in an armchair beside a woman in a wheelchair. She had both feet on the footrests, one leg in a sort of open cast. The woman had to be Rachel, but hadn’t Nic said she could walk with a brace and crutches? And why was her leg in a cast? A glance at Nic’s face showed only his own excitement. Okay, so this wasn’t a new development. Thank God. One less thing to deal with today.

When they took note of her, all three men stood up. Lauren deposited her laptop bag beside the empty couch and let Nic lead her over to the woman. Nic beamed at her then said, “Rachel, I’d like to introduce you to someone very special to me. This is Lauren James.”

“Lauren. I’m so happy to finally meet you.” Rachel held out her hand. Lauren had no idea if she was supposed to shake it or kiss Rachel on the cheeks.

But she needn’t have feared. Rachel tugged Lauren down so she could hug and kiss her. “The pleasure is mine,” Lauren said, smiling.

“Everyone, have a seat. Would you care for anything to drink? Tea, coffee, beer?” offered Rachel. Lauren shot a teasing glance at Kaden, wondering if he’d once again choose tea over coffee or beer.

“I’ll have tea, Earl Grey if you have it,” he said, eyes on Lauren, as if daring her to say something. When Jake smothered a laugh, Kaden pinned him with a look. “Jake, too. We’re on the clock.”

A slight widening of her eyes was the only sign of Rachel’s surprise. “
-kay. Rémi, I imagine you want another beer?” When he nodded, she turned to Nic and Lauren.

“I’ll have a beer as well. But not a
Fin du monde
this time.” He grinned widely.

Rémi and Rachel both laughed, and Lauren vowed that first thing Monday, she’d purchase one of those Berlitz DVD sets to learn French.

“I’ll have tea as well,” Lauren said. “But, please, let me help.”

Kaden elbowed Jake and said, “Lauren, stay here. Jake will help Miss Lamoureux.” Jake looked startled for a moment, but rose from his seat and waited for Rachel to lead the way.

“Thank you, Jake. We’ll be back in a few minutes.” As she prepared to roll herself into the kitchen, Jake stepped behind the chair.

“May I?”

Nic stiffened at the question but relaxed when Rachel nodded. Jake took hold of the handles and wheeled her out to the kitchen.

While they waited for Rachel and Jake to return, the conversation turned to sports. Lauren laughed as Nic and Rémi exchanged good natured barbs. With his tall lanky build, copper skin and high cheekbones, Rémi looked typically Native American. But the brilliant emerald eyes that caught her gaze screamed of a mixed heritage.

Rémi wagged his eyebrows. When she blushed, he grinned. “I hear you’re working for
Vanity Fair

Nic sat up, looking startled. “Shit. Weren’t you attending a four-day workshop?”

Lauren shrugged. “You were more important.”

Nic flashed her a grin before sobering again. “You didn’t quit, did you?”

Rachel rolled back into the living room with Jake close behind in time to catch Nic’s question. “Please say you didn’t.
Vanity Fair
is such a great opportunity.”

“No, I didn’t even tell them I was leaving. I have to call Ms. Combs later.” The concern on Nic’s face warmed her heart. “It’s okay, Nic. I’ll tell them I had an emergency, and if they let me go, then so be it.”

Nic shook his head. “You’d give up your dream job for me?”

She took his hand and smiled. “I’d do anything for you.”

Kaden sighed loudly and Rémi burst out laughing. Rachel shook her finger at them. “You guys are just jealous.” Then she turned to Lauren and said, “Nic is lucky to have you.”

Lauren blushed as everyone stared at her. For a moment, she’d forgotten she and Nic weren’t alone. “I’m the lucky one.”

Nic took her hand and kissed her fingers. His warm lips on her skin sent a sizzle up her spine. A slow sexy grin spread on his face. He knew exactly how his kisses affected her. She busied herself with handing everyone beverages from the tray Jake had placed on the table. The sooner they got on with the business at hand, the sooner she and Nic could go upstairs and—

Stop right there

She swallowed a sip of tea, then looked up at the assembled group. “Jake and I came here tonight because we found something in one of the photos the stalker sent Nic. We didn’t call first because I was concerned our phones had been tampered with.”

Turning to Nic to ask him a question, she was transfixed by the sight of his throat working as he swallowed a sip of his beer. She lifted her gaze to his lips now glistening from the drink, and that was almost worse. “I assume you’ve told everyone what we know so far?”

Nic nodded. “Yes. There’s been a new development. The LAPD called in the FBI to search security footage from the Walmarts where the phones were purchased.”

Setting her cup on the table, she reached for her laptop. “That’s good news. The FBI will confirm what I’ve found.” Nic regarded her, his expression closed. She turned the laptop so everyone could see the image she’d modified. “Tell me who you see.”

Rachel inhaled sharply.

Rémi cursed.

Kaden sucked in a breath.

Nic remained silent, his eyes glued to the screen. She placed her hand on his arm. After a few moments, he turned and met her gaze. The misery in his eyes would be forever burned into her brain. As long as she lived, she never wanted to see that again.

“Fuck!” He closed his eyes, and dropped his head into his hands. “I can’t believe she’d do this to me.” Lauren scooted closer and rubbed his back.

Several long minutes passed, during which no one dared even take a breath. Nic raised his head and scrubbed his face. “I have to talk to her.” He shook his head, as if trying to shake off a nightmare. “Before I turn her in to the police, I need to hear her admit it.”

“That’s too dangerous,” Kaden said, his tone curt.

Yes, it was. But Vivian was Nic’s friend, his mentor. They’d supported each other through the worst and the best life had to offer. The photo wasn’t absolutely clear. There was an outside possibility that the woman reflected in the Plexiglas was someone who resembled Vivian. Nic needed to be sure.

Over Nic’s head, Lauren met everyone’s gaze, one by one. “Nic wants to do this. So, let’s come up with a plan to get the evidence and keep him safe.” She kept her voice firm. This wasn’t up for negotiation.

Nic blew out a long breath and leaned back against the couch. After taking her hand in his, he cast her a brilliant smile. Rémi grabbed a pad and pen from a side table. “Let’s brainstorm. Anyone have an idea?”

Rachel took a sip of her tea. “Well, before we start, I think we need to have clear goals.”

“Spoken like a true business major,” Nic said. She flushed when he smiled proudly at her.

“She needs to confess to stalking you,” Rachel said to Nic.

“And to killing Summer,” he added. Lauren shivered, and Nic pulled her against his side. His warmth helped her forget that she was next on Vivian’s hit list.

“We want the confession on tape, preferably video,” Kaden said. “It may or may not be admissible in court, but it will definitely be useful to the police.”

“I’ll borrow some video equipment from the guys in my old unit,” Rémi said.

“I can help set it up,” Lauren volunteered. Nic squeezed her arm and smiled.

Rémi looked up from his notes. “Great. Now location. Where do we want the big confession to happen?”

Everyone mulled that over. Rachel sat up straighter. “In the stable. Lauren can hide the video cameras and set up some photography equipment as a decoy. If Vivian asks, Nic can tell her it’s picture week for the kids.”

Lauren nodded. “That could work. But how will Nic get her there?”

Jake set his untouched cup of tea on the side table and piped up for the first time. “Ask her to go for a ride.”

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