Deadly Obsession (28 page)

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Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Romance, #Deadly Vices Book 1

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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“Sure. What do you need?”

“I don’t need anything. But you need a dress.”

She glanced down at her mid-thigh navy shorts and matching blue and white tank top. “What’s wrong with this?” But as she asked the question, she smacked her forehead in the universal sign for
“Oh, right. This is way too casual.” How could she have been so stupid? Of course Nic didn’t want to run around town with her dressed like a soccer mom.

Nic’s eyes widened. “Too casual to talk to Summer’s roommate?”

“To be seen with you.” She averted her eyes. “I should stay here and you go with Kaden.” After the flight to L.A., she didn’t have any money left to buy new clothes.

“There’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing.” His eyes lingered on her breasts. “In fact, I
like that tank top.”

She took a moment to feast her eyes on the man sitting in front of her. “I have to admit, I’m a big fan of your jeans.”

“These old things?” he said in a high-pitched voice.

She chuckled. “So,
do I need a dress?”

Nic sipped his coffee, then took her hand. “
, I’m attending a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation tomorrow night, and I’d like you to be my date.”

She pulled her hand out of his grasp. “An occasion like that would require a formal gown. But I can’t afford one right now.”

His mouth curved into a sexy lopsided smile. “You’re so freaking sweet. Don’t worry, it’s my treat.”

“I can’t let you do that.”

“Why not? You wouldn’t even need an evening gown if it weren’t for me.” He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed the inside of her wrist, making her pulse rage. “Say yes. Say you’ll go with me.”

The thought of being seen in public with him, schmoozing with the who’s who of Hollywood, had her practically shaking in her sandals. But this was part of being with someone like Nic, wasn’t it?

“Think of it as an investment in your career. You’ll get to meet a lot of potential clients.”

He was right. But even more than that, he really seemed to want her to go with him. “I’ll go. And I’ll let you buy me a dress, but that’s it.”

Before she’d even finished speaking, Nic bounded out of his chair and scooped her up in his arms. As she laughed, he twirled her around, grinning from ear to ear.

When he set her down on the counter, their gazes locked. The dancing lights in his eyes and the tiny laugh lines that surrounded them mesmerized her. He looked happy, really happy. Who would believe someone like him could be so easily pleased? Her heart full, she leaned into him, feathering small butterfly kisses along the seam of his lips. He hugged her close and deepened the kiss.

“Are you two at it again?” Kaden asked from the doorway to the kitchen.

Nic leaned his forehead against hers and grinned. “We probably should get going.”

“Yeah.” But the only place she wanted to go was to bed. With him.

Nic helped her off the counter. As they walked through the living room, she grabbed her purse. Earlier, she’d put her smaller point-and-shoot camera in it, along with a spare battery pack, and she had a couple extra flash cards in the pockets of her shorts. She smiled up at Nic; she was ready for anything.

Hand in hand they walked out while Kaden set the alarm and locked the door. They took the elevator to the garage. When they stepped out, she saw a Nissan convertible sports car and an Audi SUV. Neither was something she’d imagined Nic owning.

“We’ll take the SUV.” Nic unlocked the doors and helped her into the passenger seat while Kaden took the back.

“I expected your garage to be full of toys.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, heat rose to her cheeks. She adjusted the air conditioning vent to hit her full in the face.

Nic laughed. “I have better things to spend my money on.”

While Nic backed the car out and exited the garage, she wondered where he
spend all his money. It wasn’t on his home or his cars. They were nice, but not millions-of-dollars nice.

As they drove through Nic’s blue-collar neighborhood, she saw trucks double-parked as men with arms the size of her legs unloaded crates and ran them into the shops lining the streets. The sidewalks were crammed with harried moms and their small children rushing in and out of stores, arms loaded with purchases of meat, milk, and bread. Not a Gucci or Louis Vuitton in sight.

Within minutes, Nic parked the car in front of a low-rise building, and Lauren realized that he and Summer were practically neighbors. She put on a brave face and got out of the SUV.

Inside the lobby, Nic pressed the button to ring Summer’s apartment. A moment later, they heard a buzz, and Kaden opened the security door. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, and Nic led the way to a door at the end of the hall and knocked. A tall brunette flung the door open, her squeals filling the hall. “Oh my God! It’s really you.”

Nic inclined his head. “You must be Tammy.”

“Come in.” With her hand, she indicated the living room.

Once they were all settled, Nic made the introductions. “I need to ask Summer a few questions, and I’m hoping you know where she is.”

Tammy’s hands went to her mouth and for a moment she looked stricken. “I heard what happened on TV. I can’t believe Summer would do something like that.”

“Have you spoken to her recently?”

“No. I’ve been out of town on a movie shoot. I just got back last night.”

“Did she call you last Thursday night?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t spoken to her in… hmm, let me see. It was a few days after the footprint ceremony. She told me she went with you and had a great time at the after party. Then the two of you—”

Nic cut her off. “Do you have any idea where she might be? At a friend’s? Family? Her parents’?”

“The police asked me that, too.” Tammy sighed and looked down at her hands. “I know she’s not with her parents because the police already checked. And a couple of her friends have called me asking if I’d heard from her lately.”

“Any boyfriends?” Kaden asked.

Amused, Lauren watched as Tammy became aware of Kaden. Her features brightened and her gaze traveled the length of him. “Nic’s the only boyfriend she’s ever mentioned.”

Nic started coughing, and Lauren’s head snapped back in his direction. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. Once he’d regained his breath, he asked in a strangled voice, “She said I was her

“Yeah, after the ceremony, when we talked on the phone. She told me you two were dating.”

Now it was Lauren’s turn to experience some respiratory issues. Her chest felt like a boa constrictor was wrapped around it. Squeezing, preparing her for its next meal. With a finger, Nic turned her face until they were eye to eye. “I was
Summer’s boyfriend.”

She stared into his intense blue eyes. He held her gaze, unwavering. And she felt it. Deep in her heart, she knew he was telling the truth. But God, this whole situation was giving her the creeps. She nodded, and then flicked her eyes to the door, praying he’d get the hint.

“Listen, Tammy. We’ve got to run. If Summer contacts you, please let us know.” He gave her Kaden’s number, and they made a quick exit.

“I’m so sorry, Nic,” Lauren said as they were getting back in the car. “I needed to get out of there. Hearing how Summer spoke about you….” She let her voice fade, unable to complete the thought.

Nic covered her knee with his hand, the warmth soothing her rattled nerves. “Tell me about it. The hair on the back of my neck is still standing up. The woman who jumped me at the footprint ceremony said the same thing.”

“At least now we know Summer didn’t call Tammy that night. Our best bet is getting her phone records.”

Nic glanced at Kaden in the rearview mirror. “Any luck with that?”

“Not yet. I’m waiting for a text with the info.”

“Okay, so for now, we concentrate on more enjoyable things.”

Kaden leaned forward. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

Lauren smiled at Kaden over her shoulder. “We’re going dress shopping.” If she hadn’t been staring at him, she would have missed the tortured look in his eyes. As Jason would say, this was going to be



As Nic drove along Wilshire Boulevard, he remembered the first time he’d come to Beverly Hills. The architecture, the vegetation, even the people had seemed so different from anything he’d known before. Like most tourists, he’d expected to see a star on every corner. People forgot that places like Beverly Hills and Hollywood weren’t just cities on a movie set; they were real towns where real people lived their lives.

“Oh my God, Nic.” Lauren pointed to the left. “That’s the hotel in
Pretty Woman


“So, this is…” She trailed off when he turned right. “You’re taking me shopping on Rodeo Drive?” Nic had to smile. She sounded excited and terrified at the same time.

“Where did you think I’d take you? You can’t visit L.A. and not shop here.” She shot him a small smile, her eyes as round as quarters.

After making another right, he headed into the parking garage underneath Two Rodeo. As soon as he stopped the car beside a valet, Lauren opened her door and jumped out. Kaden laughed. “You chose the right place, Nic. She’s already got her camera out.” Nic grinned.

Lauren leaned in through the open door. “Are you guys going to sit here all day? Come on.”

“We’re coming.” Outside the car, Nic said to Kaden in a low voice, “While we’re here, Lauren’s your top priority. Don’t let anything happen to her, not even a catty comment from a salesperson. Got it?” Lauren’s earlier comment about
Pretty Woman
had brought to mind some potentially uncomfortable scenarios.

“No one will get the chance to even look at her the wrong way.”

Nic nodded, satisfied. In full bodyguard mode, Kaden was a force of nature. “Let’s go before she starts bouncing off the walls.”

They caught up with Lauren in front of the brass elevator that would take them up to street level. She shifted her weight from leg to leg until the door opened. She caught him with one hand and Kaden with the other and, like a tugboat pulling a cruise ship into port, dragged them into the small space. Immediately, she began jabbing buttons on the control panel. “Finally,” she sighed when the doors began to close. Nic bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud.

Seconds later, the doors opened and she hurried out. Behind her back, he motioned to Kaden to get in front and tugged on her arm to slow her down. “Where do you want to start,
? Rodeo Drive proper or Via Rodeo?”

She looked at him blankly. “I have no idea.”

He pointed up Via Rodeo. “This section is Two Rodeo. Versace and Tiffany are here. Over there,” he said, pointing east, “is Rodeo Drive.”

Her eyes widened. “Versace?”

“Do you prefer Valentino? That’s just up the block.”

Lauren grabbed his arm and spun her head around. “I need to sit down for a minute.”

Worried, he led her to a bench in front of Tiffany’s and knelt in front of her. “What’s wrong? Do you need water or something?”

She took a deep breath. “A shopping spree for me is buying a pair of jeans at American Eagle instead of Kohl’s.” She offered him a shaky smile. “I’m a little overwhelmed.”

He sat beside her. “Why don’t we window shop for a while? If you see anything interesting, we’ll go inside. Sound good?”

“Really good.” She leaned forward to kiss him, but before their lips met, she pulled back.

“Why’d you stop?” he growled. Now that she had teased him with the promise of her lips, he couldn’t think of anything else.

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you lay out the rules for me?”


“You know, the rules about PDAs, what I should wear, what I should say. All that. Vivian would kill me if I did anything to tarnish your image.”

His chest felt pinched. Their relationship was so new, so fragile. Maybe she wasn’t ready for the pressure yet. He needed to make this as easy for her as possible. “
, there are no rules. You can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, wear whatever you want. I like you just the way you are. If you don’t want to buy a gown or if you don’t want to come with me tomorrow night, that’s okay.”

Lauren smiled. “Really? I can go to this party in my cargo shorts and kiss you madly on top of a table?”

Nic considered the idea. It had definite possibilities. “Absolutely.”

She laughed. “You’re so full of it. But seriously, you don’t mind if I kiss you right now, right here?”

He wrapped his hand around her neck, pulled her forward and whispered, “Not only don’t I mind, I think I might die if you don’t.”

Her gaze fell to his lips. He tugged her the few remaining inches until their mouths met. He kept the kiss light even though he wanted to push her down on the bench and—

No, this was for her, to reassure her.

She raised her head and said softly, “Thank you. That meant a lot. You mean a lot.”

“You mean a lot too.” He took a deep breath, willing away the stiffness in his jeans. “Feeling better?”

She bounded off the bench. “Yep, let’s go.” Laughing, he steered her toward Rodeo Drive. If she agreed, he’d love to see her in a slinky Valentino gown and heels. And, of course, he owed her some new panties.
, could he get through seeing Lauren trying on sexy lingerie without backing her into a corner?

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