Deadly Justice (16 page)

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Authors: Kathy Ivan

BOOK: Deadly Justice
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“You're moving to New Orleans?”  Her voice sounded husky even to her own ears.

“It's been in the works for a while.  It's my home, my family has been there for generations.  I only left because I was hunting for Webster, and being in a metroplex like Dallas-Fort Worth made more sense, since Texas is Webster's favorite playground.” 

He leaned against the soft leather, and she noted how the tan color looked good against his blond hair.  She'd never been that attracted to blond men before, always preferring dark hair and light-colored eyes, but there was something about Carpenter that made all her hormones stand up and dance the cha-cha. 

“So this was planned even before the photo of Webster surfaced, showing him in New Orleans?”  She pulled her hand loose from his, and he let it go.  Why did she crave his touch so badly?  This wasn't normal—not for her anyway. 

“I never intended to stay gone this long.  About six months ago, I started renovations on the building, planning to make it the new headquarters for the security company.  Everything else can be run remotely, but I prefer to be hands on with the security aspect of my business.  I like my team—don't tell them that though.”  He grinned.  “I haven't really broached the subject of the relocation with them.  Figured I'd give them a chance to check things out and see if they're willing to relocate.  I'll keep a satellite office in Dallas, but I'm hopeful most of the team will relocate with me.” 

His hand reached forward and brushed her hair back behind her shoulder, and she inhaled sharply at the touch of his hand against the skin of her neck.  The breath caught in her throat as the heat in his gaze captured hers.  Every cell in her body came to attention, craving his touch. 


“Call me Samuel, or Sam.”  His whispered reply sounded beside her ear, and his warm breath tickled against her skin.  “I think we've moved past the last name phase.” 

“Samuel, this isn't a good idea.”

“Wrong.  This is the best idea I've had in a very long time.”  His hands quickly released her seatbelt and before she could blink, he'd tugged her onto his lap.  She gasped at the unexpected move, and he swooped in for a searing kiss.   He demanded, owning their kiss, and she responded, her desire overriding her common sense.  The feel of his lips on hers felt more right than anything in a very long time.  She'd turned off her sensual side a long time ago, but his kisses were reawakening feelings she'd thought long buried.

His kiss felt like coming home, and that thrilled and scared her at the same time.  She couldn't come to need him.  Want him—that was a given, because he was one hell of a sexy man, but she didn't
anybody.  Yet the pull she felt toward the enigmatic man was undeniable. 

With a sigh, she surrendered to the desire coursing through her and returned his kiss, nipping at his bottom lip and demanding entrance.  Tongues danced against each other in a rhythm older than time, the feeling new and exciting between two people who were learning their way to what each liked and desired.

She pulled back, breaking the kiss and gasped for breath.  Staring into his eyes she saw a reflection of her own need. 

“This is a really big mistake.”  As if they had a mind of their own, her fingers went to the front of his shirt, sliding the buttons free and parting the material, leaving his chest bare to her ravenous gaze.  Her eyes traveled over his chest like a starving woman presented with a juicy steak, and she feasted on the sight of his sculpted physique.  The ache of longing filled her.  She'd had that particular feeling before, but somehow this was different.  He made her feel things in ways she'd never imagined. 

His upper torso was a work of art.  His chest seemed hewn from solid rock.  A smattering of hair slightly darker than what was on his head covered his chest, trailing downward to disappear beneath the waist of his pants.  Six pack abs carved from granite were evident even seated.  He was every woman's fantasy come to life, and right here and right now he belonged to her. 

His hands made quick work of her shirt, pulling the stretchy material over her head and flinging it heaven only knew where, and she really didn't care.  Her breasts were cupped inside a powder blue brassiere edged with ecru lace, the mounds filled the cups and put her on display.  His eyes roamed over her exposed flesh and he slid one fingertip across the upper edge of the silk and lace, and her eyes closed at the sensations coursing through her.  He'd barely touched her skin and she felt moisture pooling between her thighs.   She was drowning in a myriad of sensations.  This was wrong on so many levels, but she didn't care.  Right now she needed him. 


“Shh, sweetheart.  We won't go too far, I promise.  But I need to hold you, taste you.  Forget for a few minutes everything and everybody but us, and how you make me feel alive.” 

Samuel grasped Andrea's hips, spinning her around to face him.  Her tongue slid out, gliding along her bottom lip, wetting it in a seductive move that sent heat rippling through him.

Without conscious thought her hand rose, cupping the back of his head as he pulled her close for a kiss.  Her teeth nipped at him playfully.  There was no sign of fear or hesitation.  He leaned in closer, pulling her more-than-willing body against his.

Closing her eyes, she exhaled slowly and deliberately, clearing all thoughts from her mind.  Things in New Orleans would still be there when they arrived, but for this short period of time it was just her and Samuel.   

# # # # # #

Samuel wanted—no he needed—to do this right.  They didn't need to rush; the flight would take a while.  Leaning in, he brushed his lips along her jaw line, spreading soft kisses across her skin, breathing in the scent of her. 

An odd sense of tranquility settled over him, even as he felt a quiet sense of urgency he’d never felt before grip him.  Opening his eyes, he stood, and lifted Andrea in his arms and strode the few steps to the love seat, sitting with her sprawled across his lap.  The additional room of the spacious seat gave him more room to—explore. 

He pulled her body snug against him, rocking his hips against hers.  He wanted her closer than skin-to-skin, needed her more than his next breath, but he knew that it would be too much, too soon.  She needed time and he'd give it to her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do his damndest to get her into his bed—and into his life. 

His erection throbbed, rock hard as if it had a mind of its own and knew what lay ahead.  Lowering his head, he tilted her face up to brush an open-mouthed kiss against her pliant lips.  Felt her lips part for his seeking tongue.  He playfully nipped at her lower lip while his hand skimmed across her shoulder and down her front to mold her breast, plump and the perfect size to fill his hands. 

A sharp intake of breath and the dilation of her pupils showed him how much she relished his hands on her, though not as much as he wanted them on her, touching, kneading and stroking her boldly.

“Samuel.”  His name was a whispered sigh on her ruby lips.

Beneath the lace-edged bra, her nipples stood at peaked attention, puckered beneath the lacy fabric.  They begged for his lips and tongue.  

He couldn't contain his grin as he moved to the curve of her neck, spreading kisses along the sleek line, licking and sucking his way downward.  At her nape, he paused before sucking lightly on the skin, the suction of his mouth firm but gentle.  She arched her hips into him with a groan, her hands clutching at him, clinging to his shoulders.  Smiling, he noted the reddened skin, knew she’d wear his mark for the next few days, and the thought had him swelling harder.

His hands cupped her ass and squeezed, his actions eliciting another moan, though her eyes never opened under his wicked touch, her head thrown back as her wild hair shimmered past her shoulders. 

With a hunger he barely contained, he stared at the beauty displayed before him.  Clad only in a lacy bra, her breasts tempted him like a feast for a starving man.  

“Are you sure?”  His gravel-voiced question lodged in his throat but he forced the words out.  She could stop this any time she wanted with a single word.  The knot twisting around his gut loosened with the delicious smile that curved her kiss-swollen lips. 

“Don't stop.” 

He reached for the lapels of his open shirt and paused.  Delicate fingers impatiently pushed his hands aside and he grinned, allowing her free access.
Impatient.  I like it
.  Pink-tipped nails threaded through the hair across his chest, flitted from one nipple to the other, and she rolled and pinched until they stood at aroused attention before skimming downward, to follow the line of hair over his abdomen to where it disappeared beneath his waistband.

With a quick shake of his head, he grabbed her questing hands.  He'd explode if she continued with her sexual ministrations.

“Slow down, baby.”

She drew in a shuddering breath, her head bowed as pink spread across her chest and up into her cheeks, the flush of her skin beautiful and intoxicating to his senses.

Lifting her hands to his lips, he planted a kiss on each palm, before cuffing both of her hands in his.  He held them in place as he ran his lips along the curve of her jaw line, licking down the line of her neck, instinctively going to the place where her shoulder joined her neck, and trailed kisses to the edge of her ear.

“Samuel…”  Her sharp gasp of breath made him smile. He loved the little noises she made when need spiraled within her, the way her body writhed beneath him in pleasure with every nibble and long lick as he stroked and tasted her skin.  

She bucked against him, arching her back as his lips trailed across the mound of her breast, and he caught the edge of her bra in his teeth before pulling it down beneath the nipple.  He swirled and suckled, lapping at the pointed nubbin of exposed flesh, watched it harden with desire.  The whimpering moan emerging from her lips evidenced her body enjoying the ministrations of his lips and teeth.


“Shh, honey,” Samuel whispered against her skin.  “Let me take care of you.”  With her still seated on his lap facing him, his fingers unsnapped the front closure of the scrap of lacy fabric, sliding it down her arms and he tossed it over his shoulder, exposing both breasts to his questing hand and lips.  Her body jolted and rocked under his as he kissed his way downward.  Releasing her hands, his fingers trailed across her stomach, which quivered beneath his touch. 

The back of his fingers slid along the cloth-covered flesh of her inner thighs, massaged gently toward her core yet never touched where he most wanted to touch, savoring the moment and prolonging her excitement.  The musky scent of her arousal perfumed the air, hardening him to the point of exploding. 

He steeled himself, forcing himself to go slower, make this last.  Make it special.  Make it the most memorable moment in her life.

If things were different, he'd freeze time, and make this moment last forever. 

His mouth encircled her distended nipple, sucking it deeper and she squirmed against his growing erection, her movements eliciting a moan.  From above, he heard her muffled scream and she buried her face in his nape.  He chuckled around her breast, the vibrations of his laugh eliciting yet another moan.  A long slow lick of his tongue rasped against her, and his hand moved against her mound, cupping her gently.  Wishing he could strip her bare, and plunge deep within her, he knew this moment had to be for her.   Damned if he'd be a selfish bastard—not yet anyway. 

Her legs tightened around him and she squeezed, his hand pressed firmly against her, heard her breathing coming faster and knew she was close.  With jerky movements, he slid down the zipper, and plunged his hand between her thighs, smiling at the wetness he found.  His fingers slid deeper, stroking into her, driving her nearer and nearer the edge. 

Awash in the look of sheer pleasure his hands and mouth brought, her muscles tightened around the fingers thrusting inside her.   Her body bucked wildly against his hand. 

She ground her pelvis against him, and he rubbed her clit.  Her sweetness coated his fingers and he worked them deep into her, surging in with a move that caused her to moan.  Her muscles clenched around his hand, and he groaned.  When she squeezed as he pulled back, he repeated the motion, pulling nearly all the way out before pushing his fingers back in again.  She bucked wildly against him, undulating her hips, her head flung back.  Watching her come apart in his arms was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. 

There had never been a more breathtaking sight than Andrea in the throes of passion, and he meant to see her face again, with that glow in her eyes as she came while he was buried deep within her. 

Once her breathing had slowed, she leaned forward and captured his mouth with hers.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, burrowed her face in his shoulder.  Brushing the hair out of her face, Samuel leaned back in the seat, wondering what the hell just happened. 

It wasn’t just sex; it was more.  Heartbeats slowed.  The sweat dried on both their bodies, and he ran his hand along her bare spine, feeling the chill bumps rising from the cool air in the cabin.  Lifting her in his arms, he stood and placed her back into her seat and reached into the overhead bin and pulled out a blanket, spreading it across her with tender care. 

Her lips curled up in a satisfied smile when he picked her up once more and settled her on his lap, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close, and letting her snuggle.  He tucked the blanket around her and smoothed down her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

Thank goodness he'd told the stewardess not to disturb them until it was time to land, otherwise, she'd have gotten an eyeful. 

Her fingers tangled in the line of hair sprinkled across his chest, her head cuddled against his shoulder.  A sense of contentment eased through him, a feeling he'd never felt before.  She felt right held in his arms, as if she'd been made just for him.  But getting too attached to Andrea was a big no-no.  Because his gut told him she was still hiding something, and until he had all the answers he couldn't trust her—not completely. 

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