Deadly Intent (49 page)

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Authors: Lynda La Plante

Tags: #Thriller, #Mystery

BOOK: Deadly Intent
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Anna smiled, and shook her head. "There was a major cock-up somewhere?"
"You can say that again." He turned back to face the windscreen. "How many boxes do you reckon were stored at the warehouse?"
"I don't know. The security guy saw just the one being carried out, but there could have been more in the Range Rover."
Langton made the same gesture with his hands as Framer the security guard had done. "Two foot by two foot; easily placed into the back of the Range Rover, right?"
"Yes, from what he said."
Langton grunted, then went into one of his silences.
Not until they were in front of the team, giving their update, did he add that they would have to work backward. "Fitzpatrick, we know,
was short of cash. He put the pressure on Julia Brandon to get four million out from Rushton; he also killed him, because he wanted access to every cent she had squirreled away. We know he has now started to funnel it into various accounts. I surmise that he is not in this deal alone. We've gone with the assumption that these two heavies were used by Julia Brandon to act as bodyguards." He paused. "What if they were something more? What if this shipment was also theirs? Fitzpatrick had done some kind of deal to ship it in, and they would control the dealers. As far as I can tell, Fitzpatrick has been out of the game too long to have these contacts in the UK; it could be he was paid to organize the paperwork, for a cut of the profits."
Everyone was attentive, as Langton appeared to be thinking out loud; he clicked his fingers, as if he couldn't quite get to the conclusion of his theory. He paced up and down along the incident-room board, and then stopped. He jabbed his finger at Julius D'Anton's photograph.
Gordon came forward. Via CCTV footage they had traced the white van from Gatwick. It was hired from a "Rent a Van" company a week prior to the collection. The medical logo could easily have been made up and stuck over the sides. Gordon said the hire of the van was done via the Internet; the company was paid in cash, by a Mr. Rodney Fuller, on collection. He had the van for three days before it was returned to their yard, the keys left in their overnight letter box. Langton doubted they would discover any new evidence, as the van had been hired out twelve times since. However, Fuller was described as being very tall, and well spoken ... Gordon was sent to the hire company to see if they had any more information.
Anna had the unpleasant job of returning to Sandra D'Anton's house with Phil to give the builder the bad news. They would also ask for more details about the men who came and searched, and ask whether Sandra had said anything else that would help their inquiry. Meanwhile the team, along with Langton, had begun the marathon task of working backward through the entire data collected for the case. Still Langton held off from picking up Honour and Damien Nolan. The surveillance team were still present and had reported noth-tng unusual or suspicious.
By the time Anna returned, there was hardly a desk or office not brimming with statements and files. Langton was in her small office files piled either side of him.
"We didn't get anything from D Anton's house; her boyfriend was in a state of shock, so it was impossible to question him for a while. Outcome was, Sandra had said nothing that he could recall that made him concerned. She said the men were searching for a painting on which her husband had put a down payment, which was why she agreed to take them to the warehouse. It appeared that D'Anton had a habit of putting down payments on antiques, and not paying off the debt, but reselling the items."
Langton looked glum as he pressed a pencil into Anna's desk, making small dents with the point. "I don't know which way to move," he said.
Anna still could not understand why Langton hadn't brought the Nolans in. "Any sighting of the children?"
"Nope, nor our two goons. They could be anywhere, right?"
"With two children plus an au pair, somebody has got to have seen them."
"Or know where they are," he said flatly. He swiveled in her chair, then picked up the last file he was studying. He sighed and then began to jab with the pencil again.
Phil knocked on the door. "Boss, I've got something that's not quite kosher; it's connected to the Mitsubishi."
"Well, we know it was reported stolen, before it was taken to Stanley Leymore's. Next we know that Frank Brandon was driving it with, as . far as we know, Alexander Fitzpatrick on board. Then we get it sighted in Oxfordshire, this time with Julius D'Anton driving it ..."
Langton sprang to his feet. "No, no! Julius D'Anton was driving it
Frank visited the drug squat—then we discovered the body of Donny Petrozzo in the back—right, Anna?"
"Shit!" Both Phil and Anna looked to Langton, who was bending forward, rubbing his knee; jumping up out of the chair had made it
throb with pain. He hobbled to the door and walked out. "I never got to gi
him the nitty-gritty," Phil complained."Which is what?" Anna demanded.
"There's no trace of the guy who reported it missing. We have an address, right, but we're getting a dead phone signal. We've contacted the local police to see if they can help us."
Anna hurried into the incident room. The Mitsubishi had been reported stolen by a man called Adrian Summers; his address was one of the elegant houses in Hove with direct views of the pebbled beach. The house had been rented on a short lease and, as far as the locals could ascertain, the renter had not been in residence for months.
Adrian Summers, aged twenty-two, worked as an odd-job man for holiday rentals. The Mitsubishi was registered in his name, and he had reported it stolen. It had been parked on the forecourt of the property. It didn't help that there had been a spate of car thefts over the past year; although the Mitsubishi had been reported stolen, the police had had no success in tracking it down.
Langton fired off orders for a team to get over to the house. He wanted it dusted from top to bottom for prints, and for them to remove anything that gave them a clue as to who had rented it. The owners were contacted in the Bahamas; they gave an address and name of the management company.The rental contract didn't help: it had been taken out in Adrian Summers's name, and the rent paid in cash for six months; they had also been left a substantial deposit, which remained unclaimed.
While the team set about tracing Summers and visiting the property, Langton sat in front of the board. Dates, dates—how many times had he asked for the chronological order of events from Travis? It all hinged °n this bloody jeep; was it stolen to order by Stanley Leymore? Did he have a string of kids stealing for him, driving the vehicles to his garage and respraying, repairing, replacing the plates? It was doubtful he would he stealing cars for himself; they knew he had sold Donny Petrozzo his Mercedes, so the cars would have been upmarket vehicles that he knew he could move. Brighton police confirmed a spate of upmarket vehicle thefts a while back, but nothing recently.Somehow the Mitsubishi was moved from Brighton to Leymore's garage. Langton began a list of names: he marked only those who had a direct link to the jeep. First up was this boy Adrian Summers, who had bought the jeep, new, from a Brighton dealer; paid cash. It was next reported stolen, and surfaced:
At the drug squat with Alexander Fitzpatrick aboard, plus Frank Brandon
At the farmhouse, driven by Julius D Anton
With Donny Petrozzo s body in the back, in the garage at Wimbledon
Langton began shifting the dates around. At the same time, he had the team double-checking the times of death for Petrozzo and for D Anton. Due to the latter being some time in the water, they were not able to give the exact date. Donny Petrozzo's body was also very well wrapped and preserved. The time frame in which they both had died was therefore, loosely, a three-week period.
Langton then drew an arrow to link each man. Donny Petrozzo knew Frank Brandon; he also knew Stanley Leymore, the car dealer. Did Frank arrange with him to take the Mitsubishi? They had no record of exactly how long he had been driving it; the insurance certificates they had taken from Julia Brandons, along with other papers, were for her car and his only. Lastly, he underlined the now-infamous name: Alexander Fitzpatrick. Just as he had half completed his arrow making, there was contact from Brighton.
It appeared someone had made a fast getaway. Food was still in the fridge, beds were unmade, and, though they were removing trash from the wastebaskets, the main garbage had last been collected weeks ago. When shown the picture of Alexander Fitzpatrick, neighbors either side of the property were certain that he had been in residence. The sheets were bundled up to be tested for DNA at the lab, but it looked as if whoever left in a hurry also did a cleanup job: rubber gloves were found along with disinfectant and window-cleaning sprays.
There was still no sighting of Adrian Summers, but the neighbors
had said he was a familiar sight around all their houses; he did part-time gardening, window cleaning, and car washing. He appeared to be a pleasant young man, who was studying part-time at the local college for a master's degree in graphic art. They would have to check out if Adrian Summers had made up the insignia for the hired white van.
His parents had been contacted; they lived locally in Hove, but they had not seen him for seven or eight months. They were not too concerned, as it was usual for their son to go off without contacting them, but they changed their minds when told he had not been at college for the same period of time.
They now had photographs of the young man. Sussex police had agreed to begin trying to locate him. Langton glanced uneasily at the fair-haired boy as he pinned his picture up along with everyone else's.
Langton had been moving arrows and dates around the board, as if he was playing chess. His theory that there were no coincidences was being proved with a vengeance; the more he had tried to calculate the time frames, the more bizarre were the coincidences that must have occurred.
"As you know, from early on I have been requesting some kind of time frame; we are still surmising that this or that happened, so I am coming up with something else. Let's go back to the report of the missing Mitsubishi."
In his opinion, for Alexander Fitzpatrick—even via Adrian Summers—to report a vehicle stolen would be a huge risk. He was still trying to fathom out the pickup of the drug haul from Gatwick. Going by the dates on the customs certificates, this occurred before the theft of the jeep. But they still had no idea where the drugs were taken afterward.
"Now," Langton continued, "it is my belief that, when the jeep was stolen, on board was maybe one box of the drugs. Stanley Leymore now has this box of drugs; he's unsure what they are. As soon as Fitzpatrick sees Frank Brandon with his fucking jeep, he has to want to know where he got it from. So, that leads him back to Leymore. What if—and I am grasping at straws here—but what if Leymore contacted Donny
Petrozzo, a known small-time drug dealer? He takes
the drugs, and tries to do a deal with our two punks at the Chalk Farm squat, but being cautious only gives maybe a few vials of it."
The team all had quizzical expressions, trying to follow Langton as he walked up and down in front of the board.
"Frank drives Fitzpatrick to the drug squat," Langton went on, "and there all hell breaks loose, as Frank is recognized by the two dealers, and the shoot-out goes down. The dealers had paid Leymore for the drugs; we know they have admitted killing him, and there is a time gap between them making a run for it from the squat and killing Leymore. In that time gap, I think DAnton got hold of the drugs— not the mother lode, but a box containing some of the Fentanyl. Is everyone with me?"
There was a low murmur, and a few jokes that they were trying to keep up. Anna sat quietly, watching Langton at work. He was, as he always had been, an extraordinary man; his mind ticking over so fast, he spoke in short sharp sentences as he tried to work out his theory. She knew he was treading water, though, as so much depended on the very thing he always detested: coincidences.
"Now!" Langton paused. He explained that
Fitzpatrick had possibly been injured in the shooting. He couldn't return to his rented house in Brighton and, with Frank Brandon's murder, he couldn't stay at Julia's, so he needed a place to hide out.
Langton printed in large letters:
. He then stepped back and gave a soft laugh. "Okay, I am hoofing it now but, around the same time—remember, this is all taking place within twenty-four hours of the murder of Frank Brandon ..." Langton brought up the note found in the glove compartment of the Mitsubishi, with directions to the farmhouse. Did Fitzpatrick call and ask how to get there? Did he drive to the farmhouse? And did he stash the box of drugs in the Mitsubishi? He jotted down the dates of the antiques fair; again, this crossed their time frame. "Julius D'Anton: junkie, loser, desperate for money, rams his own rundown van into the ditch, no more than a mile from the farmhouse. Coincidentally," he said, looking to Anna with a grin, "Julius
D'Anton walks along the footpath. We know from Travis that the couple never use their front door, but what if Julius does try the doorbell first. It doesn't work—right, Travis?"

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