Deadly Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Lily Harper Hart

BOOK: Deadly Christmas
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“Is that the only thing you wanted me for?”

“See, I’m scared to answer that because now I think you’re going to beat me up,” Grady said. “I thought I was doing the right thing.”

“You did the right thing,” James said, sighing. “I still want to go home to my wife. We’re not changing how we do things because Art is married to a … loose woman.”

“Loose woman?”

“You know what I mean,” James said. “This is Ava’s problem.”

“I’m good with that,” Grady said. “Before you go, though, I want you to be aware that we special ordered the crib for Finn and Emma for Christmas.”

“That’s good.”

“You owe me five hundred bucks.”

“Good grief,” James muttered. “Are you saying that crib cost two thousand dollars?”

Grady nodded.

“What about the rest of the stuff?” James asked.

“That comes to another five hundred.”

“I’ll transfer the funds into your account tomorrow,” James said. “I didn’t realize babies were so expensive. Maybe I should give Finn a raise.”

“Maybe you should give me a raise, too.”

“Don’t push me, Grady,” James said, moving back toward the door.

“Where are you going?” Grady asked, all faux innocence and light. “Don’t you want to hang out with me?”

“I have my own baby waiting for me at home,” James said. “I need to see her. Our happy reunion can wait until I’ve had my fill of her.”

“So … never?”

“Pretty much,” James said. “I’ll see you in a few days. Don’t bother me unless something is on fire.”

“Yes, sir.”

James ignored Grady’s mock salute and strode back out of his office. He was glad his brother made him aware of the situation, but he was fixated on Mandy now. He didn’t care about anything but his wife this weekend. That’s all he wanted to think about. Art’s problems were his own. James not only couldn’t solve them for him, but he also didn’t want to solve them for him.


“What do you think about this?” Ally reclined on the couch next to Mandy, the lingerie catalog spread out between them. “Do you think if I wore this Jake would be all ‘hey, man, I’ve got to have her’?”

Mandy pressed her lips together, trying hard not to laugh and dampen Ally’s enthusiasm. “Ally, I think Jake would be happy if you wore nothing and greeted him at the door buck naked every day.”

“James feels the same way and you buy lingerie for him,” Ally pointed out.

She had a point. “I wear lingerie because of the way I feel in it,” Mandy replied. “James’ reaction is just a side bonus. He would be happier if I wore garter belts and pencil skirts and pretended to type for him all day.”

“But garter belts
lingerie,” Ally pressed. “I … I want to get something special for Jake.”

“Is this about what I said the other day?” Mandy asked, already knowing the answer. “Do you think picking out the right piece of lingerie is going to make Jake propose?”

“I don’t care if he ever proposes,” Ally protested.

Mandy knew that wasn’t true. Ally had visions of a big wedding and children in her future – and she saw Jake at her side for both events. “Jake is going to propose, Ally,” she said. “I promise. If you start pressuring him, though, you’re not going to be happy with the outcome. I never pressured James to marry me.

“In fact, when he showed me the ring I was stunned because I didn’t realize he was thinking that way yet,” Mandy continued. “Let Jake move at his own pace. I think you’ll be happy with the outcome if you do.”

“I know you’re right,” Ally said. “It’s just … what if he never wants to marry me?”

“Who could not want to marry you?”

“That’s a good point,” Ally said, grinning. “I’m still buying lingerie. How do you think this one will make my boobs look?”

“Oh, no way,” James complained as he climbed the steps to the reading nook and found Ally and Mandy lounging around on the couch looking at half-naked women in a catalog. “This is going to completely ruin my day.”

“You’re the one who left your wife even though you say you missed her so very much,” Ally shot back.

“I did miss my wife,” James replied, unruffled. “That doesn’t mean I missed you. Move your butt. I’m home and I want to spend time with my wife. Your assistance is not required.”

Ally narrowed her eyes. She was used to dealing with her brothers and their antiquated views on her sex life. The only one who didn’t give her any grief was Finn, and that was because they were closest in age. “I’m not done picking out lingerie to pump up my boobs.”

James scowled. “As far as I’m concerned, you don’t have any boobs, little missy,” he snapped. “You’re … boobless.”

“That would make a great circus attraction,” Mandy teased, winking at Ally. She enjoyed watching her lifelong best friend irritate her husband.

“I’ve been looking for a career change,” Ally said, brightening considerably.

“Have you really?” Mandy asked, surprised.

Ally nodded. “Let’s face it, being a law secretary isn’t the excitement it’s cracked up to be. I just don’t know what I want to do with my life.”

“Have you talked to Jake?”

Ally nodded. “He says I should do whatever I want,” she replied. “If I knew what I wanted to do I wouldn’t be asking him questions. Men are so dumb sometimes.”

“This is all very fascinating,” James said. “My problem is that you two could have spent the last two weeks discussing this. You don’t need to do it now. This is my time with my wife.”

“You’re the one who left,” Ally reminded him.

“I left because Grady had a problem at the office and there was something he had to show me,” James countered. “By the way, you owe him a thousand bucks for all that baby stuff.”

“I’ve already paid him,” Ally countered. “I’m not a deadbeat like you.”

“Whatever,” James shot back, rolling his eyes. “Get off the couch and leave me alone with my wife.”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I’m going to do what I want right in front of you and you’re never going to be the same,” James said. “Come on, Ally, I need you to go. I didn’t want to leave in the first place, but Grady freaked out when the video feed from the jewelry store in California showed the boss’ wife going at it with one of his employees in the middle of the store.”


“You should meet her,” James said. “She’s a horrible person. Now, come on. Do this for me.”

“You’re really desperate to spend some time with Mandy, aren’t you?”

James nodded.

“Okay, make her tell me what Jake got me for Christmas and I’ll leave you two to your naughty Christmas decorating,” Ally suggested.

James stilled. “Are you trying to shake me down?”

“Oh, don’t act all surprised,” Ally said. “Ever since I found out Mandy knows what Jake got me for Christmas I haven’t been able to think of anything else. Now … tell me.”

“I can’t,” Mandy protested.

“Yes, you can.”

“No, she can’t,” James broke in.

“And why not?” Ally asked, her hands landing on her hips.

Mandy was mildly curious to hear James’ reasoning herself so she fixed her husband with an expectant look.

“Because Mandy doesn’t know what you’re getting for Christmas,” James replied, smirking. “I lied to her and told her something else because I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut. I didn’t want Jake’s surprise ruined.”

Ally made a face, her eyes bouncing between James and Mandy. “Is that true?”

“I … .” Mandy looked betrayed. “How could you do that?”

“Don’t even start, wife,” James said. “I was testing you to see if you could be trusted to keep something big quiet from Ally. You failed.”

“But … I didn’t tell her.”

“You told her you knew,” James argued. “That’s the same thing as telling her because we both know she’s going to bug you until you give in. You can’t keep a secret from her.”

“Do you know?” Ally asked.

“Let it go, Ally,” James warned. “Jake is my friend and he told me because he wanted to make sure it was something you would like. You’re going to love it. Let him have his surprise.”

“But … .”

“Ally, he is so geeked to give you this gift and he’s massively excited,” James said, cutting his sister off. “Do you want to ruin Christmas for him?”

“No.” Ally looked pitiful. “I still want to know, though.”

“Well, I’m not telling you,” James said. “You need to go home now. I need time with my wife and you need to do something nice for Jake that isn’t sexual – because my mind cannot handle that right now – and make up for trying to goad your best friend into ruining his surprise.”

“Fine,” Ally said, pushing herself up from the couch and reaching for the catalog. “I still don’t know how you turned this around on me.”

“That’s what big brothers are for,” James said, snagging the catalog as she stalked past him. “We’re going to keep this and shop.”

“Fine,” Ally snapped. “I have another one at home.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow for shopping,” Mandy said.

“Try to figure out what Jake is getting me,” Ally ordered, heading for the stairs.

Mandy waited until she heard the front door shut and then turned to James with accusatory eyes. “You lied to me?”

“Of course I didn’t lie to you,” James replied, throwing himself on the couch next to his wife. “I lied to Ally. You were about to tell her what Jake got her and I didn’t want his surprise ruined.”

“So, wait … did you just make that up for Ally’s benefit?” Mandy was impressed.

“I know how to handle my sister, baby,” James said, opening the magazine. “Now, let’s shop for a Christmas gift for me and then we’ll have dinner – I picked up Lebanese, by the way – and then trim the tree naked. How does that sound?”

“You’re really devious.”

“I really love you and wanted Ally gone,” James countered. “Now, how do we feel about these garters? I’m thinking they look perfect to wear without underwear and if you insist on returning to your job, you need to do it without underwear at least once a week so I have something to fantasize about.”

Mandy snickered. “I love you, James Hardy.”

“Right back at you.”


believe we’re finally doing this,” Mandy gushed, clapping as James carried the ornament bin down from the basement and set it down in the middle of the living room floor.

“You could have brought the ornaments down,” James said. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”

Mandy stilled. “I … .”

“What?” James regarded his wife with a worried expression. “Is something wrong?”

“Ever since we had to go through the attic to get out of the house when those guys broke in after the honeymoon, well … .”

“You’re scared of the attic,” James finished, furrowing his brow. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“What are you going to do? Are you going to rip the top of the house off and get rid of the attic?”

“Since that’s what is keeping you warm with all that expensive insulation I added right now, no,” James replied. “We could have moved the decorations into the garage, though. That whole back corner is empty. We can put shelves up in one afternoon. That way you never have to go into the attic.”


James made a face. “When something is bugging you, wife, you need to tell me,” he said. “Moving the Christmas decorations is an easy fix.”

“I’m sorry,” Mandy said, contrite. “I didn’t want you to think I was being a baby.”

James slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her so she was flush with his chest. “You’re my baby. I like taking care of you. I’m not sure how manly moving the Christmas decorations is going to make me feel, but you don’t need to put on a brave face around me.”

Mandy nodded.

“Good.” James kissed her forehead and then turned to the two bins. “What should we do first? You’ve already strung the lights.”

“I bought new tinsel and a new topper,” Mandy said, turning toward the kitchen. “I put the bag in the pantry.”

“Because you were scared of the attic?”

“Because it’s not like I cook and we weren’t using that spot in the pantry,” Mandy shot back.

“Good recovery, baby,” James deadpanned. “Grab a bottle of wine while you’re in there, please.”

Mandy returned a few minutes later and James uncorked the wine and poured it into two glasses as he watched Mandy rummage through the big bag. “It looks like you bought more than a tree topper and tinsel,” he said after a few minutes. “What’s in there?”

“Well … .” Mandy pressed her lips together.

“Is something for me in that bag?” James asked, intrigued. He knew she’d been shopping like a maniac. Unlike her, though, he wasn’t one to snoop to find out what he was getting. He was perfectly happy waiting for the surprise on Christmas morning. Her present, on the other hand, was a big one and he’d locked it up in the safe at the office and changed the combination to be sure she couldn’t get inside. He’d also bought her several smaller things so she had plenty to open on Christmas morning. He wanted their first Christmas as a married couple to be legendary.

“There is something for you in this bag, but it’s not what you’re thinking,” Mandy said. “I forgot I bought it. I was going to put it in your stocking Christmas Eve and then thought we could play with it Christmas morning.”

Now James was definitely interested. “Is it something … sexy?”


“You have to show it to me, baby. I need to know.”

“You told Ally to suck it up and let Jake surprise her Christmas morning,” Mandy reminded him. “Shouldn’t you take your own advice?”

“Is this my big gift?”


“Did you spend hours picking it out for me?”


“Is this something fun you bought on a whim?” James asked.

Mandy sighed. “Yes.”

“Then we can treat it as an early Christmas gift for both of us – kind of like your little outfit last night,” James said. “Come on, baby, I’m dying here.”

Mandy was resigned. She reached into the bag and pulled out the can of candy cane flavored whipped cream and handed it to him. James took the canister and read the label, a wide grin splitting his face.

“I have an idea,” James said, arching an eyebrow. “Why don’t you take your clothes off … and I’ll take my clothes off … and then we’ll make a game of decorating the tree. How does that sound?”

“How are you going to make a game with the whipped cream?” Mandy was confused.

“I can make a game out of just about anything,” James said.

Mandy reached into the bag again and withdrew another can. James took it so he could study it.

“You have gingerbread flavored, too? Good choice, baby. Now we can really play the game I have in mind. Here are the rules … .”

James paused when Mandy reached into the bag again. This time the canister she brought out boasted a hot chocolate flavor.

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