Read Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups Online
Authors: Richard Belzer,David Wayne
Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Political Science, #History & Theory, #Social Science, #Conspiracy Theories
It is duly noted that, as an American citizen, even Lyndon Johnson deserved his day in court. Here, however, is a glimpse of what that day would have looked like. Douglas Caddy, Esq., the attorney formally representing Billie Sol Estes, contacted the United States Attorney’s Office on August 9, 1984 informing them that his client had personal and direct knowledge of, and was willing to testify that, Lyndon Johnson was responsible for ordering the murders of:”
•Henry Marshall
•George Krutilek
•Harold Orr
•Coleman Wade
•Josefa Johnson
•John Kinser
•President John F. Kennedy
The statement to the U.S. Department of Justice included the following: “Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders.”
Adding further fuel to that same fire is another amazing fact. The fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy, were nowhere to be found at the so-called sniper’s nest in Dallas. But the fingerprint of another man was positively identified there, by a certified expert in that field, who determined a clear 14-point identification, exceeding the legal requirement of proof for a match. If you guessed that the name of the man whom that fingerprint belonged to was Mac Wallace, you are correct.
The Texas Connection:
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Craig I. Zirbel, 1991
A Texan Looks at Lyndon,
J. Evetts Haley, 1964
Politically Incorrect Guide to American History,
Thomas E. Woods, Jr., 2004
The Praetorian Guard:
The U.S. Role in the New World Order, John Stockwell, 1991
“George Krutilek”, John Simkin,
Spartacus Educational.
“LBJ and the Deaths of George Krutilek, Harold Orr & Coleman Wade”, John Simkin, February 4, 2006,
Education Forum.
http://educationforum. ipbhost. com/index.php?showtopic=6044
“Letter to Stephen S. Trott, U.S. Department of Justice”, Douglas Caddy, August 9,1984
“Interview with Douglas Caddy,” John Simkin, January 20, 2006
Convicted Swindler Billie Sol Estes . , David Hanners & George Kuempel, March 24, 1984, Dallas Morning News
Thomas E. Woods, Jr., The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, (Regnery, 2004)
John Stockwell, The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order, (South End Press, 1999)
John Simkin, “Douglas Caddy: Biography,” Spartacus Educational,
(accessed 12 May, 2012)
Alan Kent, et al., “Mac Wallace fingerprint?” The Education Forum,
(accessed 14 May 2012).
Marilyn Monroe – |
Public Domain
Cause of Death:
Acute barbiturate poisoning
Official Verdict:
SUICIDE—“a self-administered overdose of sedative drugs” (Deputy Medical Examiner penciled in the word “probable” on his report)
Actual Circumstances:
Marilyn Monroe had an affair with President Kennedy and also a brief relationship with his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy. On one occasion, while still in bed with the President, Marilyn Monroe placed a post-coital call to her masseur and he gave her and JFK advice on how to help his ailing back. In another confirmation, the head of the Medical-Legal Division at the District Attorney’s office was granted permission to listen to recordings of Marilyn’s private psychiatric sessions and concluded from the tapes that Marilyn had relationships with the President, and then the Attorney General: “It could be inferred almost conclusively from what she had to say about President Kennedy. It was specific as to Robert Kennedy.”
The relationships were also common knowledge in show business circles and even as a confidential matter among police departments. L.A. Police Chief Tom Reddin stated: “The Kennedy connection was a matter of common knowledge at the Police Department level I was at. The Kennedy—I should say Kennedys’— relationship with Marilyn Monroe was pretty generally accepted.”
Marilyn considered both relationships serious, not at all frivolous. Previously, she reportedly had an affair with Mob-linked Frank Sinatra and was good friends with Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli (also Chicago Mob), and others, amid what one writer has called “an astonishing array of indiscretions.”
But what set off alarm bells in U.S. intelligence was her friendship with Frederick Field and other known Soviet intelligence agents. Her phones were tapped and her home had listening devices, with eavesdropping conducted by the government and (independently) by the Mob. Her home was “sanitized,” i.e., swept of bugs and sensitive materials in the hours after her death, accounting for the “missing six hours” before anyone finally called the police.
1. No trace of tablets were found in her stomach or intestines, even though she had enough Nembutal and Chloral Hydrate in her bloodstream to kill an elephant. Computer analysis that compiled all the pharmaceutical data concluded that, to reach those levels, Marilyn would have had to swallow a total of 77 to 88 pills (60 to -70 Nembutal and 17 -to 18 Chloral Hydrate).
Digestion stops at death, therefore, victims who swallowed pills always have undigested tablets and refractive crystals (the active ingredient of any drug) in their stomach. So there should have been substantial residue, and there are always refractive crystals in an oral overdose. But none were found, even using a polarized microscope.
Medical Examiner Thomas Noguchi:
“I found absolutely no visual evidence of pills in the stomach or the small intestine. No residue. No refractile crystals.”
2. No refractile crystals means she
could not
have swallowed the pills—period. The Coroner’s Report states:
“A smear made from the gastric contents and examined under the polarized microscope shows no refractile crystals.”
Dr. Sidney S. Weinberg, Chief Medical Examiner, Suffolk County, NY:
“It would have been impossible for her to have taken the barbiturates orally and not have some residue turn up in the stomach. The evidence points to all the classic features of a homicide, much more so than suicide—and certainly not an accidental death.”
3. In addition to the huge amounts of Chloral Hydrate (known colloquially as “knockout drops” or “Mickey Finns”) and Nembutal (a strong barbiturate) in her bloodstream, Marilyn also had 2.88 times that much Nembutal in her liver, per the two toxicologists attached to the autopsy (we don’t know how much Chloral Hydrate was in her liver because her organs literally
before that could be tested. Dr. Noguchi rerequested the additional toxicology tests on her organs to establish with certainty
the drugs had been introduced, and he was told that the organs could not be located!). That’s enough drugs to kill an elephant— literally. Yet
of the drugs were in her stomach.
4. Dr. Noguchi also stated that her stomach was almost completely empty. She had not eaten on her last day, nor had she consumed any alcohol. The fact that the stomach was virtually empty leads to the logically necessary conclusion that Marilyn was given a drug-laced enema. Her body was fully examined for needle marks or puncture wounds; injection of the drugs was eliminated as a possibility. John Miner, who was head of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Medical-Legal Section and attended Monroe’s autopsy, concluded that the vehicle of entry was an enema:
“Noguchi and I were convinced this was absolutely the route of admitting the fatal dose.”
The original Medical Examiner, the highly respected Thomas Noguchi, later called for a new official investigation, citing the strong possibility of murder:
Dr. Noguchi: “She had a bruise, on her back or near the hip that has never been fully explained, There is no explanation for it, and it is a sign of violence.”
Interviewer: “Murder?”
Dr. Noguchi: “Could be.”
5. Her body was found lying face down, however, secondary lividity marks on her back and posterior aspects of the arms and legs indicate that at some point during the first four hours after death (when lividity occurs) her body was moved onto its back for a considerable period of time (evidenced by strong secondary lividity marks) and then placed back in the face down position before police arrived. Lividity doesn’t lie— it is ”fixed” four hours after death and does not change afterward—and that’s what the markings clearly indicate.
6. Cyanosis (turning blue) was present, a medical indication that her death may have occurred very quickly. This correlates with the timeline in which people spoke to her on the phone near the time of her death and stated that she seemed normal; indicating that death may have been very sudden, which is inconsistent with typical sedative ingestion.
7. The first officer at the death scene (LAPD Watch Commander Jack Clemmons) concluded that the death scene had been cleaned up and staged and that Monroe had actually been murdered. He said there was a major cover-up at LAPD and publicly disputed the official findings:
“It was the most obviously staged death scene I have ever seen.”
Forensic expert, Dr. Sidney S. Weinberg, explains:
“People who have died as a result of excessive ingestion by mouth of barbiturates, in their agonal stages, as they’re dying, they throw up. They have regurgitation and this regurgitated material comes out onto the pillow cases or whatever they’re resting on.”
8. There is a gap of over six hours between the time that she died and the time at which authorities were finally called. Combined with official observations, this gap is highly indicative of a “clean-up”; when Sgt. Clemmons arrived, he noticed that everything was too clean and that the maid was already doing her third load of laundry at 4:45 AM
9. Although Marilyn was a dramatic person in a dramatic profession, there was no suicide note.
10. Victim was reported by witnesses to have been “in good spirits” on both the day and the evening of her death. Witnesses who spoke to her on the phone shortly before her death testified that she sounded “normal.” Marilyn had very specific plans for her future and was demonstrably excited about those prospects. The tape-recordings of her sessions with her psychiatrist prompted a member of the L.A. District Attorney’s office to conclude that “there was no possible way this woman could have killed herself. She had very specific plans for her future. She knew exactly what she wanted to do.”