Dead Vampires Don't Date (21 page)

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Authors: Meredith Allen Conner

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Why would a demon lord know how to disguise a gravesite?





28. Gotta Love Me Some Demon.


Morgan walked out of the trees. Ivan's head dangled from her right hand, fingers knotted in his short white hair.

"Found it." She held it up in front of her. Like I might somehow miss the decapitated head she held. She tossed it casually in the air, caught it by the hairs again.

"Morgan!" I closed my eyes, my stomach heaved. I know death doesn't exactly bother vampires and Ivan's probably less than another, but still . . .

Morgan sniggered. Blood-thirsty permeates every aspect of her personality. Again, she is a vampire. It sort of goes hand in hand. I just don't often see it so literally.

"What do you plan to do with it?" I peeked an eye open. Ash stood in front of me, his massive body blocking my view. I would have to lean way to the side to see around him. I stayed put.

I waited for Morgan's answer. We all had a vested interest in the whereabouts of Ivan's remains. Both sections.

"I'm going to put him in the waste water facility."

"What about the explosion and fire part?" I know there are other things to consider. I do get it. Starting at the top of the list seemed logical.

"I don't think this will cause an explosion." I did not have to look around Ash to see her holding up the head. Probably wiggling it. I could imagine that quite easily. I pressed a hand over my stomach. Too easily.

"It's not big enough," she continued. I swallowed a few times. "I'm pretty sure once the sun hits it, it will burn up rapidly. I'll stay around just to make sure."

Yes, she definitely had a few issues she had not yet resolved with Ivan. Morgan would most likely kick him into the disgusting, stinky pond and then do a happy dance as she watched him burn. I'm not judging. I'd do one myself if I thought I could keep my stomach intact.

"What about the sun, Morgan?" There were no trees, or protective covering, around the facility.

"I've got some UVBGone at home. I'll be fine." If she was willing to use UVBGone, she'd probably bring her i-pod too, as a little musical accompaniment for added impact. She's quite thorough, my UDBF.

I found my broom leaning against the same tree I'd propped it on and we all headed out. At the edge of the woods, Morgan turned to Ash. She held out her hand. The one without the head.


"My pleasure."

"I'll call you tomorrow, Kate." Then she took off into the air.

I leaned on my broom, Ash put his arm around my waist and we watched her go. In seconds, she was out of sight.

"She's a good friend."

"The best," I agreed.

I should take off myself. I knew it. We'd killed Ivan, buried the body – bodies – and it was time to go home. I leaned a little more heavily into Ash. I didn't want to go.

We were far enough away from the grave for me to put a bit of emotional distance as well. And he'd come back.

I sighed.

"I have to go."

Damn it to hell.

"Why? Where do you have to go? What do you have to do?" He might not think that we were at that stage in our relationship, but I sure did. My top does not come off for everyone.

"I just have to go."

I straightened, pulled away. Fine. I had things to do myself. Places to be. And a clear takeoff in front of me.

"Well, maybe I'll see you around." I turned my back on him.

Ash encircled my upper arm with his big hand. He yanked me around. I slammed into his chest. He tugged my broom out of my hand and dropped it to the ground. I placed both hands on his hard chest and pushed. He wrapped one hand around my neck and cupped my ass with the other to pull me in close. I tried very hard not to notice the flexing of his muscles under my palms or the ever-increasing heat of his skin.

Little flames sparked over his shoulders, neck and down his upper chest.


"Cast a spell, Kate." He tilted my head up and kissed me. Hard.

I gasped. I couldn't cast a spell. I couldn't utter protective words with his tongue in my mouth. And I didn't want to. His hot tongue invaded my mouth like a conqueror in pursuit of a new realm. Ash sought out each and every place inside of my mouth, discovering, tasting, dominating.

He rubbed over my teeth, dueled with my tongue and then sucked hard. I rose up onto my tiptoes. Grabbed hold of his shoulders.

Fire scorched my palms.

I jerked back. He held me inches away. "Now, Kate." I watched fascinated as ruby tipped flames made their way down his entire chest. Lingered at his waist. He'd be consumed in fire in no time. For me.

"Kate," he growled my name. Urgent. Determined.

I cast my spell.

The last words barely left my lips when he yanked me up tight again. His hand under my ass pressed me into his hard erection. He nudged one thigh in between mine, settled me even closer in and ground against me. I ground right back.

Ah, Sweet Glinda, this demon just did it for me.

He melted my heart, my defenses and my body.

I couldn't get enough of him.

Ash twisted, moved forward and my back met a tree trunk. He pinned me there with his hips, pulled both my thighs open and looped them around his waist. He leaned in, his cock nudged my center, pressing, seeking - demanding. I moaned.

He cupped my breasts with his large palms. Fire danced from his flesh to mine. He gripped my tight nipples between fingers and thumb, and tugged. I arched into his touch.

His lips met mine again. Firm and wicked. He licked the seam of my lips. I parted them, allowing him entrance. He pressed deep, taking what he wanted. Giving me what I needed.

I shoved my fingers under his vest, searching for and finding his flat, masculine nipples. I rubbed my fingers over them, tracing their outlines before I pinched the small hard tips. His entire body tightened. He gasped. I did it again. He pulled away from my mouth and groaned.

I tilted my head down, smoothed the leather away and set my lips over one tense nub. I licked and kissed. His skin hot and smoky. I couldn't get enough of him, his texture, his taste. He growled, pressed my head tighter to him. I scraped my teeth ever so gently over him.

Ash moaned loudly. His fingers tensed in my hair before he yanked me away, lowered his head to mine. "You undo me," he whispered.

He thrust his hips into mine, tight enough that if our jeans were not in the way, he would have been inside me. Deep inside me.

I groaned. Pressed up into him. His heat. His hardness.

"Kate." He wrapped one large hand around my nape and pulled my head back. He rested his forehead against mine and sighed. His breath washed over my skin. Warm. Clean. Masculine.

"I will not take you here."

Frankly I thought this was as good as any place. And did that mean he planned to stop? Seriously?

He straightened, his hands still cupping my breasts. I watched his eyes as he looked at me, at his hands on me. Pure possession and something more, something deep and sweet and greedy and achingly gentle as well, filled his gaze. He looked at me as if he . . . cherished me.

He glanced up and met my gaze dead on. The look in his eyes didn't change. A little part of my heart became his right then.

"I have to leave, Kate." He rubbed his thumb over my cheek, brushed my curls away from my face. "I don't want to, but I have to."

I didn't understand and I knew he wasn't going to explain. Whatever his reasons. I didn't like it, but I couldn't do anything about it either.

I let my legs slide down. He gripped my waist, squeezed softly and stepped back. As if he regretted it, he moved forward, lifted me up and rubbed his face over my hair, inhaling. Then he set me down and stepped away.

"This isn't over." This time I took it to be what he meant. A promise. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He turned and walked away across the field. I watched him, studied him as he left. A big demon. Secretive and possibly dangerous. Who left me at the worst times and yet looked at me as if I mattered to him. He said I was more.

I pondered that as he got into a big truck parked in the field. He lowered the window. "Fly home, Kate. I don't want you to stay here by yourself."

I picked up my broom, hopped on and flew off. I even waved as I passed overhead. I'd see him tomorrow. That was enough for me right now.




He was waiting just inside the door when I got home. Neither one of said anything. My throat tightened and I swallowed several times. I was alive. I'd survived, Ivan hadn't, and Big Al sat two feet away. His brown, bulging, watery eyes staring up at me.

I slid slowly down the edge of the door, crossed my legs, covered my face with my hands and finally cried.

"Doll?" His cold little nose nudged the back of my hands.

I gulped and sobbed some more.

"Doll! I don't smell anything. Where are you hurt?" He ran around me in circles, sniffed at my clothes. I heard him mutter about the blood not being mine. Another set of clothes that I'd need to trash.

His little claws scratched gently at my hands. "Doll, please, tell me what it is. What do you need me to do?"

Bless him. I dropped my hands, scooped him up and buried my face against his fur.

"I love you, Al. I'm so happy to see you."

"You're not hurt?" He licked the tears from my cheeks.

"No. I'm not. It's all over."

His entire itty-bitty body stiffened in outrage. "Ya killed someone without me, didn't ya?"

I couldn't help it. I laughed and planted one right on his little doggy mouth. Crazy hit man Chihuahua.





Love Triumphs Over Pickiness.


Sandra White opened the door to my office and walked in. Today she wore a gorgeous, ruffled pink blouse with sparkly white buttons. A pink and white rhinestone studded belt circled her tiny waist. No glitter for this woman. A pair of fitted white jeans showcased her long legs to exquisite perfection along with four-inch, fuchsia, crisscrossed strapped heels. She turned to close the door and I noticed a tiny, hot pink bow with a single white rhinestone in the center capped the back of each heel.

Her hair flowed loosely around her shoulders, perfectly straight and gleaming. She'd wrapped a rose scarf over her head so it sat in the center with her blonde hair contrasting beautifully in the front and behind it. It was tied simply on the right side and the long ends hung elegantly over her shoulder.

Barbie never looked this good.

"Hello, Kate. It's nice to see you again." She held out her raspberry-tipped hand. "I can't tell you how excited I am."

I shook her hand, smiled and sent up a small prayer. I'd done my work. Cast my spells twice and yet I was still nervous. I'd gone out on a limb and I was afraid it would snap under me before she gave it a chance.

"He should be here any time now." I stuck my hand in the back pocket of my blue jeans. In anticipation of Barbie's match, I'd gone all out. I wore a red t-shirt and dangly, sparkly, crimson earrings. They kept getting caught in my curls.

"I'm really happy with your match." I smiled brightly. "He's well-educated, works out regularly, and owns his own business." I knew it would work. If she gave it a chance, I'd seen the outcome of . . .

A soft rumble vibrated down the street.

"That will be him. Why don't we go outside?" I widened my smile. A tiny frown appeared between Barbie's eyes. I quickly opened the door and held it wide. "After you." I waved her through.

The rumble turned into a loud roar. Barbie's blue eyes enlarged into little saucers of horror. "He's perfect." I kept my voice calm and cheerful, allowing no hint of my mounting panic to intrude.

Please give him a chance.

"You two are perfect for each other." I beckoned her with my fingers. If she didn't move, I was going to have to drag her outside.

The bell above my door began to ding as the vibration of the motor drew closer. Barbie paled. I stretched my smile until my mouth hurt. "He's great. Come on." I waved cheerfully at the black hog slowing next to the sidewalk.

Barbie wobbled on her stilettos. I lunged forward and snagged her wrist before she could attempt to flee. "You are going to love him." I used my best cheerleading rah-rah voice and kept up a string of nonsense as I eased her out of my office.

I did not drag her. Honest. I don't abuse my clients. However, I am a matchmaker. There is very little I won't do for love. And I knew this was a perfect match. I just had to get Barbie to keep an open mind.

I also had my wand stuck in my back pocket. Just in case.

Barbie grabbed hold of the doorframe. I stopped and maintained my grip on her wrist. I'd gotten her this far. So far, so good.

He halted the big Harley in front of us. Set down the bike rests and turned off the engine. Dead silence filled the air. Barbie let out a low moan. I ignored it.

He reached up, gripped his helmet and tugged it off. Barbie's moan turned into a breathless gasp. I relaxed my grip slightly.

Spike hung his helmet over one handle grip, swung his leg over the bike and stood in front of us. His dirty blond hair was mussed from his helmet. His sea-blue eyes glued on Barbie.

"Hello, Spike. It's nice to see you again." I beamed. His eyes didn't wander. "This is Sandra White. Sandra, this is Spike Harrison." I tugged gently. She took a cautious step forward.

Spike approached us rapidly. His black leather jacket stretched tightly over his broad shoulders, his blue jeans were a newer, darker blue, and his black boots were clean and well polished. He held out one large hand toward Sandra. She tentatively stretched out her much smaller, delicate hand.

I whispered my spell and watched closely. The moment their skin touched I saw it. Tiny sparkles of fairy glitter floated in the air above their clasped hands. I sighed. I'd thought so, but it isn't often I get to see it.

True Love.

"Spike?" Sandra asked.

"It's Jake actually, but I've gone by Spike since grade school." His fingers rubbed over her skin. More glitter twinkled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sandra."

His voice dropped several notches, lingering over pleasure and her name. Sandra and I both sighed.

I let go of her wrist.

"I would love to take you out for lunch." He smiled, his dimple flashed. "Will you join me?"

A soft blush flooded her cheeks. Sandra smiled. "I would like that."

"I've got a spare helmet." Spike unbuttoned one of the studded leather side bags and pulled out a black helmet. Sandra didn't even wince at the non-coordinating color as Spike slid the helmet carefully over her head.

He smoothed her hair and scarf then tightened and snapped the chinstrap closed. He smiled at her. "Just hold onto me and you'll do fine."

Spike swung his leg over the seat, held out his hand for Sandra while she hopped on behind him and stretched her hands tightly around his waist. He grabbed his helmet before he remembered.


I waved him off. I'd done my part. It was up to them now.

"Have fun!" I beamed at them.

Spike held his hand out toward me. I shook it once. "Enjoy your date."

"Thank you." His blue eyes sparkled with a life that hadn't been there before.

"Yes. Thank you," Sandra echoed. She had the same love-struck gleam in her eyes.

"It's my pleasure." And it is. It always has been.

Spike tugged on his helmet, squeezed Sandra's hand and started up his bike. The engine roared to life. Sandra laid her head on his back and off they went.

"So, what do you see for them? They gonna make it?" Al asked. I looked down to where he stood near my ankle watching Spike and Sandra as they rode away. He'd been as good as his word and waited until they'd left to come out of my office.

"I see forever for them, Al." Spike slowed at the corner and turned. They disappeared from view, but the deep rumble of his motor continued to linger.

"Ya sure, Doll?" Al tilted his head up at me. "They don't look like a great match to me."

"I'm positive, Al. They're perfect for each. They're everything they want and didn't know they needed." I blinked rapidly, cleared my throat. "It's True Love."

"True Love?" Al sat down abruptly. "I didn't know that actually existed."

I sighed and turned to go back into my office. Al followed. "I don't see it very often, but it does exist." I locked the door. "How about manicotti for lunch? Let's get it to go and eat it on my balcony." I grabbed my purse and his leash. "I feel like celebrating."

Al didn't complain when I bent to clip on his leash. He turned his head, looked me in the eye. "True Love, huh?"

"Yeah, but don't get any ideas." I scratched him between the ears.

He sighed. "That's really nice."

"Yes. It is." I stood up, opened my door and we walked out.

Just as I locked the door, I saw him rub his little head discreetly against his shoulder, getting rid of the teary evidence. I smiled. I knew it. He's a secret romantic, hit man Chihuahua.




I picked up my glass of Chianti and silently toasted my latest match. Big Al snoozed on my lap. He'd channeled away after the last bite of lunch, and I'd enjoyed a little snuggle time with the Chihuahua.

I leaned back against the cushion in my wicker chair and picked up my cell phone. It rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello dear."

"Hi, Aunt Tabs."

"How did the match go today?"

"It's True Love, Aunt Tabs." I hadn't shared that part when I'd mentioned the match to her before. I knew Spike would be perfect for Sandra the moment I met him. Good manners beats coordinated clothing any day.

I'd snapped a quick photo with my phone before I'd left Spike's and printed it off. I'd had a strong feeling about the two of them, but even I was a little shocked when I cast my spell over their pictures. You just don't see True Love all that often these days.

"True Love? Are you sure?"

That's always a rhetorical question with a witch, but I understood. "I saw the fairy glitter myself."

Fairies really have all but disappeared. That's not a myth. I know many of them left due to the lack of belief in magic. I have a hard time with that one myself. Quite a few just got bored. Fairies are more fickle than Sandra White could ever hope to be.

So when a love fairy comes out to add her own blessing to a match, you know it's True Love.

"That's wonderful, Kate." Aunt Tabs sighed. I'd been doing quite a bit of that ever since I saw Spike and Sandra off. True Love is totally sigh-worthy.

Not to mention a huge bonus for my matchmaking record. They don't like to admit it, but the HC are every bit as hopeful as the humans when it comes to love. Once word got out that I'd scored the Big One with my latest match, I knew there would be several members of the HC who'd overlook my half mortal status.

"I know." I peeked on Big Al. He had all four paws tucked under him with his head snuggled into the crook of my arm. "Al shed a tear," I whispered.

Aunt Tabs laughed. "I knew it. He's a total romantic, isn't he?"

"Yes, the big faker."

"And how is Ash? Have you seen him recently?"

I choked on my sip of wine. "Wow. Look at the time. I've got to go, Aunt Tabs. I'm meeting Morgan tonight and I've got to get ready."

"It's eight hours till sunset, dear."

"I want to take a shower. Wash my hair." I had nothing and I knew she knew it. But I wasn't ready to have this discussion quite yet. I needed to get my relationship with Ash figured out in my own mind first.

"Gotta run, Aunt Tabs. Love you."

I heard the words to her truth spell as I pressed the end button. I'm not sure I shut the connection off in time.




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