Dead Shifter Walking (30 page)

Read Dead Shifter Walking Online

Authors: Kim Schubert

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #mystery, #fantasy, #paranormal, #supernatural, #shifters, #succubus, #supernaturalromance

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“No one does well with lies and attempts to
please; show them the truth, that you can stop when you want and
don’t hurt me,” I said again, ignoring the yelling happening behind

He was silent for a moment before he agreed,
stepping behind me. “If Blake asks, this was your idea.”

“Fine,” I said as the crowd grew silent.

Tipping my head to the side, I gave him full
access, watching the crowd as they waited with all the anticipation
of an audience at a magic show.

Slowly he lowered his head so I could feel his
breath before his fangs descended. At least, I assumed they did
based on the crowds united gasp. “I hope you’re right about his,”
he warned before breaking my skin. Instantly the contentment and
safety of his bite overwhelmed my senses, and I pushed that emotion
out to all those present, visibly relaxing my body against him.

“It doesn’t hurt,” someone gasped.

“It almost looks pleasant,” said another,

Finishing, Tate sealed my wounds, seductively
licking his bite for the audience. “Any other takers?” he asked.
Hands flashed up from the audience as Tate smiled. “I should really
make you head of PR,” he murmured, pleased.

“Not on your undead life, buddy,” I said,
slipping my jacket back on.

Passing by Grams, shaking her head, I shrugged.
“I got it done.”

“Yes, and by what means?” she asked,

“By whatever means necessary to overcome their
fear,” I answered, leaving the press conference.

I threw my bag down in Gram’s study disgusted,
annoyed, and frustrated with a world I didn’t much enjoy or like
right now, and let’s not forget I just busted my ass to save.

“Blasted humans,” Kass said, plopping into the
red modern chair I hated before digging into her purse for

Settling down on the slanted arm next to her, I
reached for her candy. “Hey, back off the pregnant lady’s stash,”
she warned.

I laughed, popping the dark chocolate in my
mouth as Gram’s walked in, stretching her shoulders.

Chapter 28

My mouth wouldn’t stay shut as Kass and I
accidently spied on Grams and Mercer involved in a low conversation
at Luigi’s. I was shocked when Grams laughed, her eyes dancing with
mirth as Mercer leaned forward covering her hand with his own
larger one.

“When the fuck did this happen?” I asked, still
staring in shock.

Kass sipped on her lemonade before shrugging and
smiling broadly. “Sometime around when you went missing; he stopped
by the manor to look for you and found Grams instead.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about this,” I said,
meaning every word.

“Oh stop,” Kass chided me. “She’s a woman who
has her own wants and needs.” She finished heavily, emphasizing

I made a face. “She has never had those…” I
floundered for the right word before borrowing Kass’s “needs until

Kass crossed her arms, regarding me with brown
depths. “How would you know? This is the longest you’ve been back
that I can remember.”

“Really, you are really going to start with
that?” I asked, instantly annoyed, as I drained my wine glass.

She shrugged before adding. “You are not the
only executioner, Olivia.”

“True, but I am the best,” I answered hotly,
annoyed as my work ethic was dragged into question yet again.

She said nothing to that, smiling as Blake and
Darren approached. I never would have imagined myself double dating
before. Kass’s comment stung as I realized Blake might also have a
problem with how often I worked away from home, and a longing for
being single again instantly flooded me. Life was so much

Kissing me on the cheek, he whispered, “What’s

“Just found Mercer and Grams out together,” I
said, shifting my worry.

“Is that a bad thing?” Blake asked, accepting a
menu he wouldn’t need from the waiter.

“I don’t know,” I answered with a sigh.

Dinner went well, and, afterwards, Blake and I
headed back to his place. His fangs had fully regenerated, thanks
to a life-altering dose of my blood.

Lying in bed with him, as he stroked my hip
after a passionate lovemaking session, I told him. “I have to leave
tomorrow. Something is sucking humans and shifters alike off the
radar in Kentucky.”

I lacked the nerve to look him in the eyes.

“When will you be back?” he asked, nuzzling my

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

“Promise you will come back to me,” he asked,
his hand sliding lower.

“I promise,” I whispered breathily.

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