Read Dead Ringer Online

Authors: Mary Burton

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Romance, #Suspense, #Crime

Dead Ringer (25 page)

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hung up her coat in the closet. The coats inside had been covered with
and she realized Todd had taken the precaution to
protect the clothes from the dust when he'd been sanding. His attention to
detail was impressive.

Is anyone here?"

answer. She moved down the back hallway to the kitchen. The floor had been
sanded and the dust wiped from the walls and swept up from the floor. The walls
had been patched and primed and were ready for the new cabinets. She checked
the date on her watch. They were supposed to arrive today. No doubt he'd hit a
snag, an all too common occurrence with renovations.

only hoped Todd had left for the day and she could get some much-needed quiet
time. A cup of tea in the microwave and a few cookies and she'd be off to her
room to finish a book on photography she'd checked out from the library.

opened the refrigerator and dug out a tea bag from a plastic bin. Since the
renovations she'd taken to keeping a clean mug in the refrigerator as well. It
was the one place she could count on to find one. From the sink in the hallway
bathroom, she filled up her mug and then went back to the kitchen, where the
microwave sat on a chair and was plugged into the outlet.

she hit the two-minute button and the machine started to hum, she felt a sense
of accomplishment.
"Commando cooking."

thirty seconds had ticked off when the front doorbell rang. She was half
tempted not to answer it. But immediately she felt guilty. What if it was
Kendall and she'd forgotten her key?

her hand under her belly, she moved down the center hallway to the front door.
She clicked on the light and peered out the vertical window that ran by the
door. Dana Miller.

What the devil does

waved to her.

was no ignoring her. Nicole unlatched the chain lock and opened the door. She
managed a smile. "Dana."

hugged her fur coat under her chin. "Nicole. I was hoping I'd catch you in. You
left the party before I had a chance to talk to you again."

shivered against the cold. "Was there a problem with the pictures I delivered
to your office?"

no. They were fine. Can I come in?"

she wanted was her tea and a quiet evening. "Now is not really a good time."

I won't take long. Just give me five minutes. We need to talk."

it wait?"

inched toward the threshold. No wasn't a word she liked. "I promise to be
quick. You're not going to let me stand out here and freeze?"

stepped to the side and Dana hurried past her into the foyer. Nicole closed the
door. "What can I do for you?"

rubbed her manicured hands together. "You look great."

back ached. Impatience crept into her tone. "Thanks. Dana, can you make this
quick? It's been a long day."

frowned. "You work much too hard. It can't be good for you or the baby."

hand slid protectively to her belly. "We're fine."

gaze traveled the foyer. "Elegant. Smart.
Very Kendall."

didn't want to be rude. "She's got an eye for style."

she does." Her gaze skimmed a gilded mirror on the wall. "I didn't realize
until today that you two were roommates. How long have you been living here?"

hairs on the back of Nicole's neck rose. The sensation warned her to tread
carefully. But she dismissed the feeling. Her senses had been on overdrive
since she'd run from her husband.
"A while.
Dana, what
can I do for you?"

brushed a dark curl from her pale face. "I've heard you're thinking of putting
your baby up for adoption."

stiffened. "Who told you that?"

eyes hardened. "It doesn't matter who told me. Is it true?"

none of your business."

leaned an inch closer, as if they were conspirators. "You can tell me, Nicole.
I'm very discreet."

felt the color rise in her cheeks. "It's none of your business."

it can be my business."


want to adopt your baby."

shiver ricocheted down her spine. "

held up a hand. "Don't discount me before you've heard me speak. I've put a lot
of thought into what I need to say."

stared dumbfounded. What planet had this woman come from?

made a fortune in real estate and I've got a wonderful home on River Road. The
baby wouldn't lack for any material possession." Her smile was nervous,
brittle. "I spent my twenties and thirties making money and getting ahead. I
needed to prove to every man out there that no one could outsell me. And I did
just that. But now that I've hit my midforties, I realize that I want more. I
want a child."

can't have one?"

I tried several rounds of in vitro last year, but none of them took. The
hormone shots I took have caused premature menopause. There's no chance now
I'll ever conceive."


straightened her shoulders. "Don't tell me you're sorry. Tell me I can adopt
your child."

can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

if I choose to put the baby up for adoption, I want her placed with a married

brightened Dana's eyes. "Her? It's a girl?"


"A girl.
I would love her and give her everything. I've
already picked out names, if you can believe it. Elise. How do you like that

felt backed into a corner. Her husband had been an expert at forcing her into
corners and of making decisions for her. She'd vowed last year when she'd left
him with only a couple hundred dollars in her pocket that no one would ever
corner her again. "I want my baby to have a mother and a father."

silly. I can give the baby more than any couple ever could. My daughter would
have my undivided attention." Desperation darkened her eyes.

thought about the fact that she was alone in the house with Dana, and that
thought began to worry her. "Dana, you need to leave."

we've not decided anything. We need to figure out what's best for the baby."

temper rose. "We don't need to do anything. This is

best for that baby. You should see that."

is not for you to decide."

deepened the lines on Dana's face. Whatever kindness had been there was gone.
"I haven't made it as far as I have by accepting no."

woman would be the last person on the planet to get her baby. "You need to

didn't move. "We need to talk this through. You aren't seeing clearly right now."
She drew in a deep breath. "It's the hormones, isn't it? I've heard they can
make pregnant women a little unreasonable."

patience vanished. "I've never been more certain of anything." She brushed past
Dana and opened the front door. Cold hair rushed into the foyer. "You need to

shook her head. "You're making a mistake, Nicole."

I'm not."

baby needs me."

set her jaw. "You will never adopt this baby. Now leave."

grabbed Nicole's wrist, her hold tight to the point of bruising. "Close the

glanced out the front door and down the long concrete steps. She jerked her arm
free and stepped out on the front porch.

followed. "Get back inside."

thought about her cell phone, which was in her coat pocket in the closet. She
glanced up and down the street. A few streetlights burned but there wasn't
another person in sight. What was she going to do? "Leave me alone, Dana, or
I'm calling the police."

be so dramatic." She looked smug.

edged toward the first step and glanced down the seven concrete steps. She
could barely walk, but now knew she might have to run to get away from Dana.

sounded in the hallway behind them. "There a problem here?"

glanced into the house and saw the silhouette of a man. "Todd?"

moved out onto the front porch to stand within inches of Dana. He towered over
her and his hands were clenched as if he was ready for a brawl. He kept his
gaze on Dana. "There a problem, Nicole?"

had the good sense to step back. "There's no problem. Nicole and I were just
having a talk."

reached around Dana and took Nicole's elbow in his hand. He gently tugged her
around Dana so that she stood behind him. "You shouldn't be out in the cold. It's
not good for the baby."

breath puffed from her nostrils. "I should get back inside."

glared at Dana. "You were finished talking, weren't you?"

Nicole said.

eyes narrowed. "Maybe we can talk another time, Nicole."

said all I need to say. Stay away from me."

looked as if she'd argue, but when her gaze tipped to Todd's face she held her
comment. She turned and walked down the stairs, her high heels clicking. She
crossed the street and slid behind the wheel of a deep blue Mercedes.

didn't release her breath until the car's tail-lights vanished around the
corner. "Thank you, Todd."

guided her inside and closed the front door.


foyer's warmth warmed her chilled skin. Now that Dana was gone her mind
sharpened. "What are you doing here?"

forgot my toolbox.
Left it in the kitchen."

nodded. "I saw it."

used the key Ms. Shaw gave me and let myself in. I figured I'd be in and out
before anyone knew it. I heard that lady's voice. It sounded odd."

"More than odd."

I can do?"

I'm fine now." She turned and locked the front door's dead bolt and for extra
measure slipped the chain in place."

sure I can't do anything for you? I could call Ms. Shaw."

smiled, grateful good guys still existed. "No, no. Please don't bother her. I'm

all right. I'll just get my toolbox then and head on home."

glad you came by."

nodded knowingly. "That lady is part barracuda. You be sure to stay clear of


smile was quick and genuine. "Get yourself to bed. You look beat."

followed him to the kitchen. "That sounds like a perfect plan."

picked up his toolbox and opened the back door. "Sorry about the cabinets. The
supplier was delayed. They'll be in tomorrow."


night to you."

you tomorrow."

can count on it."

left and she double locked this door as well. She shut off the hall light. The
microwave in the kitchen dinged, a reminder that her tea was waiting. She opened
the microwave door. The tea was lukewarm now. And she realized she no longer
had a taste for it.

poured the tea down the bathroom sink and rinsed out the mug before replacing
it in the refrigerator. Then she headed down the hallway and went up the
stairs. The top step creaked, as it always did. But tonight it sent a chill
down her spine. She glanced over her shoulder toward the long vertical windows
by the front door, searching for any signs that Dana had returned.

heart hammered and instinct had her cupping her belly. No one was there. "Dana
is gone."

deep in her gut she had the feeling that Dana wasn't finished with her. Dana
was the kind of woman who didn't stop until she had exactly what she wanted.

what she wanted was Nicole's child.


Friday, January 18, midnight

couldn't shake the feeling of dread. It had stalked her since she'd left the
party at the Women's Center earlier this afternoon. Maybe talking to Jacob had
spurred her fears. Detailing The Dream out loud made it all the more real and
underscored the fact that she knew nothing about her past before the age of
three. Maybe something terrible had happened to her.

thought about the search forms she'd filled out for Carnie. She'd sent them by
courier to the social worker and had called Carnie. The social worker hadn't
made any promises.

reality was she might not ever know the truth about her past.

slowed the car as she approached her garage. She'd enjoyed sparring with Jacob
tonight. He had a way of churning up her insides, pissing her off, and making
her feel alive all at once.

then he'd leaned toward her and wanted to kiss her.

Lord, but she'd wanted to kiss him. She didn't care someone might see them.
She'd not felt such desire in so long she'd nearly forgotten what it felt like.
Jacob Warwick would no doubt make her body sing in bed.

at the last second she'd backed away. It was what she did. When people got too
close she backed away. Nicole had been right when she'd said Kendall always
expected people to quit on her.

still she couldn't resist wondering what it would be like with Jacob.

parked the car, got out, and headed across the frozen backyard to her back
door. She tried her key in the lock but the door didn't budge. It took her a
second to realize that Nicole had locked the dead bolt. She slid her key into
the second lock and pushed the door open. She double locked the door behind

twenty minutes, she was climbing out of the shower. Her face was freshly
washed. She dried the water droplets from her skin and slid into the nightgown
she kept on a hook mounted on the bathroom door.

in the bedroom, she slid under the covers. The sheets were cold and she
burrowed deep, trying to get warm. After several minutes the heat of her body
warmed the bed and she relaxed. Soon after, she was asleep.

Kendall stood in the shower savoring the water as it beaded on her skin.
She dunked her head under the spray, savoring the warmth. She heard the door to
her shower open and close. She smiled, knowing it was him.

Strong hands encircled her narrow waist and pulled her back against a
muscled chest. A jolt of desire shot through her body as those hands moved up
to her breasts and cupped them.

"What took you so long?" Her voice sounded throaty.

He kissed her ear, nibbling the lobe with his teeth. "Good question."

Brushing the hair off her face, she turned and looked up into Jacob's
gray eyes, now dark with desire. She wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him hard. His erection pressed against her belly and she anticipated his

He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pressed her
back against the shower wall. Desire throbbed inside her as the water washed
over them.

Kendall didn't question if this was smart or not. There was only need
and want.

She wanted him inside her more than she could say. She waited for him.
But he made no move to enter her. The warm water stopped. Suddenly she was

She opened her eyes. Jacob was gone. And she was no longer in the

Kendall was in a dark closet. She reached for the door handle and
discovered it was locked. Desperation grew. She knew she needed to get out.

The air grew thick and hot. The walls seemed to close in around her. In
the distance, the cries of a baby mingled with a woman's screams.

For the love of God, don't!" Fear etched the
unknown woman's frantic voice.

Desperate, Kendall started to rattle the door handle. "Let me out! Please
let me out!"

The infant's cries grew louder and this time when Kendall glanced down
she saw the child at her feet. It kicked and
its tiny hands as it wailed. The baby, like her, sensed the evil around them.

The woman screamed louder. And then there was silence.

Kendall's heart thrummed in her chest. Instinct told her to be quiet.
She gathered up the infant and held it close to her chest as she pressed her
back against the wall.

Seconds passed and the silence stretched. The baby wailed.

Footsteps sounded on a hardwood floor. Slow and deliberate, they moved
toward the closet.

"Kendall." The voice was eerily calm. "Come out, come out wherever you
are," it sang.

The lock on the door clicked open. And the doorknob started to turn.

woke with a start. She sat up in bed. Her body was drenched in sweat. Her hand
shook as she threaded it through her thick hair.

moistened dry lips. "Enough."

snatched up her phone and dialed information. What was the name of that doctor
Jacob had suggested?
Two first names.
Erica. Erica
Christopher. She gave the name to the automated operator, waited for the
number, and scribbled it down on scratch paper. She dialed the number and
waited for an answering machine. "Dr. Christopher, I need to make an appointment
with you." She detailed her information and ended the call.

climbed back under the covers and lay back down against the pillows. But she
didn't fall asleep for fear the dream would return.

was nearly one
. Jacob was
alone in the police headquarters conference room. He'd returned to the office
to read through the e-mails Kendall had received. But at this late hour his
eyes itched and he'd been forced to take a break.

he sat on the table, his arms folded over his chest as he stared at the
dry-erase board in front of him. Mounted on the left were pictures of Jackie
White--both alive and dead. On the right were similar pictures of Vicky Draper.
He had also tacked up a picture of Kendall.

sent Zack home an hour ago and should have gone home himself then. But he
couldn't let the case go. So far all the leads hadn't produced anything.

door to the conference room opened. He craned his neck toward the door.

Kier poked her head in. "I heard you were still here."

nodded. No secrets here.

moved into the conference room, letting the door close behind her. She had long
and large breasts for a woman with such an
athletic build. Dark hair framed her oval face and she had bright eyes that
were so much like her brother's.
"Zack still here?"

sent him home an hour ago. He should be home with his wife."

nodded. "I'm glad. She was exhausted after today's opening."

doing all right?" He didn't begrudge the time Zack's wife needed. If he were
honest, he was a touch jealous. He talked a mean game about not needing family,
but there were more and more moments when he was sorry he had no one.

sick to her stomach every morning. But otherwise she's doing well."


moved beside him and sat on the table. She stared at the board in front of
them. Her shoulder brushed his. "Any leads on the case?"

one. Not one." He swallowed an expletive. "The killer doesn't want to be

brow knitted as she stared at the photos. "What's Kendall's picture doing up

don't know.
Just a hunch."


We first thought the case was domestic. Then
when the second victim was found and we discovered her record, we thought it
was all drug related. But both wore those damn charms."

"Ruth and Judith.
C.C. thinks it's a religious

killer sees something in them that we don't."

narrowed her gaze. "They do look alike. In fact, they look like Kendall."

didn't like hearing his worst fear spoken out loud. "I know."

got any obsessed fans?"

rubbed the back of his neck. "She's got a strong following, but there's no sign
of any nuts stalking her. The station saves all her fan e-mails and copied the
backlog to me. New ones are being forwarded here. I've been going through them.
Lots of folks admire her. A few didn't like some of the stories she did, but
none have made any threats."

"Any repeaters?
Fans who e-mailed or wrote
her excessively?"

gripped the table, his frustration palpable. "Three. We're
their e-mails and we plan to visit them if we can find them." His gaze bore
into the eyes of the first victim. "Who the hell would do something like this?"

laid her hand over his tense fingers. "Jacob, you need to take a break, if only
for a few hours. You're not going to figure out anything if you don't get some

can't sleep."

lips curled into a seductive smile. "Maybe we could find something more
interesting to do."

gaze dropped to her long, warm fingers draped over his hand. Her thumb drew
small circles on his wrist. He thought about Kendall and realized he wished it
were her touching him now.

could go back to my place," Tess said.

a moment the words hung in the air. "I'm not sure what to say about that."

"How about yes?"

ego liked the attention. "Sleeping with you could lead to a lot of

shrugged. "I'm a big girl. My brother stopped worrying about whom I dated a
long time ago."

count on it."

rose and moved in front of him. She laid her hands on his shoulders. Her thigh
rubbed his. He felt the first stirring of desire. Still, he held himself at

Kier was a warm, seductive woman. And he sensed making love to her would be
pleasurable. Without warning, Kendall's face flashed in his mind. His erection
pulsed hard. It frustrated him that the woman had invaded his thoughts. He
didn't owe her anything. Hell, she'd rejected him.

needed to prove that Kendall didn't hold anything over him, so he grabbed Tess
by the wrist. He pulled her between his legs and his hands settled on her
narrow hips.

she dipped her head, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him hard on the
lips. Her sweet taste intrigued him. Her firm breasts pressed against his
chest. She smelled of clean soap and a hint of roses clung to her hair.

scent wasn't right. It wasn't Kendall's.

thrust his tongue into her mouth and savored the feel of the soft contours. A
soft moan rumbled in her chest. She matched him thrust for thrust.

had tried to kiss Kendall, but she'd pulled away from him. He was a fool to
think he and Kendall had any kind of chance. She moved in different circles,
different worlds.

with his thoughts, he broke the kiss. For a long moment, he stared into Tess's
eyes, wishing they were Kendall's eyes. "Thanks, but no."

abruptness cooled the desire in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

not you.
Just bad timing."

kissed me like you wanted me."

gaze wavered.

in that instant she seemed to read him. "It's not me that you want."

didn't speak.

released a weary smile.


shook her head. "Don't be. Believe it or not, I do understand."

male ego absorbed the punch. She had another man on her mind. "Who is he?"

laughter rumbled inside her. "I'll tell if you tell."

shook his head.
"Point taken."

moved away. "Better get back to work."

He shoved his hand through his hair, relieved
she wasn't angry. "Thanks."

her head, she reached for the door.
"Any time."

moved back to the pile of e-mails. A few minutes passed before he could really
concentrate again. When his mind and libido calmed, the words came into focus.
He'd read six more e-mails when he lifted his gaze to her picture on the
dry-erase board. Smiling eyes stared back at him.

woman had gotten under his skin. "Damn it."

was late Friday night when Allen returned to Rachel's apartment building. He
parked, got out, and stood in the shadows and stared up at her window. Light
peeked through the edges of the curtain that covered the window. She was home,
as he expected. Now all he had to do was
someone opened the locked apartment building door and he could slip inside.

BOOK: Dead Ringer
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