Dead of Winter (33 page)

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Authors: P. J. Parrish

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Dead of Winter
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“Sit down,” Louis said.


Louis reached over and grabbed Cole’s shoulder. The boy tensed but allowed himself to be set back down in the chair. Louis pulled a metal chair from the wall and sat down across the table from Cole.

“We want to ask you about your father,” Louis said.

“Haven’t seen him,” Cole mumbled.

“Don’t lie to us.”

“Fuck you.”

Louis leaned across the table. “Look, Cole, your father is wanted for the murder of two police officers. We tend to take things like that rather personal, you understand me?”

Cole lowered his head. His nape was red from the fresh scrape of a razor haircut. “I don’t know nothing about that.”

Louis slapped one of Cole’s letters on the table. “Look at me,” he said.

Cole eyed the letter then lifted his eyes. “That’s private stuff. You got no right to it.”

“You want to tell us what you and your dad talked about during his visits?”

Cole’s eyes drifted away.

Louis sat back, drawing in a breath. “I’m going to explain something to you, Cole, and I want you to listen very carefully. This thing with your father is going to end one of two ways. One, you tell us where your old man is, we arrest him and when you get out of here you can go visit him because he’ll still be alive.”

Cole’s eyes flicked up to Jesse, who was standing behind Louis, and then down to the table.

Louis tapped Cole’s face, just light enough to get his attention. Cole’s jaw twitched as he stared at Louis.

“Or two, we can hunt your father down like a dog,” Louis went on, “and when you get out of here five years from now you can plant flowers on his grave.”

“I don’t know nothing.”

“Okay, then let me tell you what
know,” Louis said. “We know your dad told you what he was going to do. We know he didn’t live around here and that you did. We know
know where he is now.”

Cole glared at him. “I’m not telling you guys shit.”

“This is no time to go brain-dead, Cole,” Louis said slowly, unable to hide his growing anger. “We
find your father. If we have to hunt day and night, ass deep in snow, we will bust open every damn cabin door, look behind every fucking tree and under every fucking rock. Because he killed two cops, Cole. You have any idea what that does to another cop’s mind?”

“Ask me if I care,” Cole muttered.

“You care about your father’s life?”

Cole gave a laugh of derision. “Yeah, sure. I
man. I care so much my heart is fucking breaking.”

Louis glanced back at Jesse, who was standing motionless, arms folded over his chest, staring at Cole with undisguised contempt.

“Okay, well, maybe you care about saving your own skin then,” Louis said, looking back to Cole.

“You can’t do anything to me,” Cole said.

“Wanna bet? The law says you get out of here when you’re twenty-one,” Louis said. “If we find out you know something about these murders we’re going to charge you with everything we can. That means next time you’ll be tried as an adult and do you know where you go then?”

“You can’t connect me to this shit,” Cole spat out.

“You ever been to Jackson State Penitentiary?”

Cole laughed. “Sure, right. Now you’re gonna take me on one of those scared-straight tours? Huh? Are ya?”

Louis rose slowly. Cole watched him, the smirk slowly sliding off his face. He pressed himself back into the folding chair.

Louis came around the table and stood in front of Cole. “You want a tour, asshole?” Louis asked.

Cole tried to muster another smirk but it came out as a grimace. “Yeah, give me a tour, nigger,” he said, the last word dying to a whisper.

“What did you say?”

Cole wouldn’t look up. He stuck his thin legs out, extending them toward Louis’s feet. Louis kicked them. The chair scraped the floor, nearly folding. Cole grabbed the table for support but ran smack into Louis’s face.

“Listen to me, you little piece of shit,” Louis whispered between clenched teeth. “We’re pissed. And when cops get pissed, they don’t care if assholes like you die.”

Louis could feel Cole’s breath on his face and could see something in the kid’s eyes. The kid knew where Lacey was. He knew, damn it.

“You gonna hit me?” Cole said, trying to smile.

Louis grabbed Cole’s chin. “Look, you little prick. You like it here? You like this place? Five years is a long time. How’d you like to make it two?”

“What?” Cole croaked.

“You tell us where your old man is and you walk out of here on your eighteenth birthday.”

Cole’s eyes flicked form Louis to Jesse and back to Louis. Louis could almost see the wheels turning in the kid’s brain. Cole pulled his face away, rubbing his chin.

Louis took a step back, folding his arms over his chest. “Offer expires in ten seconds,” he said. He had no authority to make such a deal but Cole didn’t know that.

“Why should I tell you anything?” Cole said.

“Five seconds.”

“I ain’t giving you my old man.”

“You’re stupid, Cole,” Louis said.

A slow grin came over Cole’s face. “Yeah? Who’s stupid, man? You had him and let him go.”

Louis lunged, grabbing Cole’s shirt. He jerked him from the chair, shoved him backward and slammed him against the wall. Cole threw up his hands, a mixture of fear and anger glazing his eyes. “You fucking pig!” he squealed. “Get your hands off me!”

Louis’s hand tightened around Cole’s throat. “Talk to me!”

Cole glared, his nostrils flaring. “Fuck you!”

Louis drew back a fist.  His eyes flicked back to Jesse, who had moved forward, his face tight with shock. Louis looked back at Cole then at his hand, inches from Cole’s face.

A tear had squeezed out of Cole’s eye. “Go ahead,” he whimpered. “I don’t care. I don’t fucking care.”

Louis’s hand began to tremble. For a moment, no one moved. Then with a violent shove Louis sent Cole reeling back into the chair. It folded with a loud clang, sending Cole sprawling to the floor. Cole’s legs pedaled against the linoleum until he had pushed himself back against the wall. He had bitten his lip and a trickle of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. He ignored it, wiping angrily at the tear on his cheek.

Louis stared at the boy. Then slowly his eyes dropped to his hand, still curled into a fist. His heart was pounding and he suddenly felt very hot. He walked woodenly to the wall. He leaned heavily against it, wiping a hand over his brow.

Jesus, what am I doing?

Louis glanced at Jesse as if suddenly aware he was in the room. Jesse was rooted by the door, his face clouded with confusion and something else, something that Louis recognized, with a sick feeling, as approval.

Louis moved to the door and banged on it. Haynes appeared, his eyes moving from Louis to Cole and back. “He give you trouble, officer?” he asked, his hand moving to his baton.

Cole stood up slowly, his eyes flashing new confidence in the presence of Haynes. “Always my fucking fault, isn’t it, Haynes?” he said.

“Watch your mouth, Lacey.”

Haynes reached out and grabbed Cole by the neck of his shirt. “Let’s go,” he said, shoving him toward the door.

At the door, Cole twisted to look back at Louis.

“You are dead, man,” Cole said softly. His hard eyes took in Jesse. “You’re both dead motherfuckers.”




They stepped out into the cold sleet, pausing to zip their jackets.

“Give me the keys,” Jesse said.

“No,” Louis said.

“Give me the fucking keys.”

Louis dug them out and almost threw them at Jesse. He walked briskly to the cruiser, jerked open the passenger door and got in. Jesse got in but made no move to start the car. Louis stared out at the windshield. Finally he looked over at Jesse.

“You going to start this thing?”

“Not until you tell me what that was all about.”

“Just start the damn car.”

Jesse rubbed the orange rabbit’s foot. “Look, Louis, I need to know. What the hell happened back there?”


“Don’t tell me ‘nothing.’ The man I saw in there is not the same man I know.”

“What do you mean?”

Jesse shrugged. “It’s just not you. I mean, it’s not bad but it’s just not you.”

“Start the car, Jess.”

Jesse sighed. “Gonna be a long ride home.”

They pulled out of the lot and headed back to the interstate. Louis dropped his head back against the seat. He was glad Jesse had let it go. If he hadn’t he would have probably been forced to admit that he didn’t know what had happened in that room with Cole Lacey.

He closed his eyes. Jesse was right. That wasn’t him back there. Or was it? He had felt something back there, something foreign and dark, something that had crawled up from deep inside him. Standing there over that stupid kid, giving him shit, making him shake, it had felt...

“What we going to tell the chief about this?” Jesse asked, breaking into his thoughts.

“Tell him whatever you want,” Louis said.

He closed his eyes again, letting the hum of the tires take him back down into his thoughts. He could, he knew, rationalize his behavior. Cole knew where Lacey was and they had every right to get that information out of him. He could have made it really hard on the kid. But coerced testimony was illegal and wouldn’t hold up in court. And it was wrong.

Jesse suggested they stop at the White Castle to pick up lunch but Louis said he wanted to go right back to the station. He wanted to get the report done on Cole. Jesse dropped him off and Louis went right to his desk, pulling a blank report from his drawer.

He paused, pen over paper. What the hell did he write? Subject uncooperative and belligerent? Interrogation failed due to officer’s lack of control?

“You get anything out of Cole?” Dale asked.

“No. The kid’s cold as the damn lake,” Louis answered without looking up.

After thirty minutes, he sat back and read what he had written. His usually straight handwriting had an unmistakable angry slant to it. He was always careful not to let his emotions color a report but this thing with Cole had pushed him into a different state of mind.

Louis crumpled the report and tossed it in the trash. No way would Gibralter accept this. He liked his reports ice cold, just like his own damn blood.

The door opened and Jesse came in. He walked to Louis and dropped a greasy White Castle bag on the desk.

“I brought you some anyway. No pickles, no onions.”

Louis mumbled a thank-you. A second later, a door banged against the wall and Louis looked up to see Gibralter emerge from his office, wearing his parka. Louis’s eyes followed Gibralter as he went to Dale and held out a paper.

“New assignments. Post it. I’m going home,” Gibralter said.

Louis bent back over the report. The smell of the hamburgers in the bag at his elbow was making him feel sick and he pushed it away.

He felt someone standing behind him and looked up. Jesse was holding a piece of paper, a pained looked on his face.

“Now what?” Louis asked.

“He’s splitting us up,” Jesse said.

Louis took the paper from Jesse and stared at the new schedule in disbelief. Shit, he was going on swing shift with Ollie.








One drink before he went in. The bottle was cold in his hand but the Jack Daniel’s was hot on his tongue. Jesse twisted the cap back on, set the bottle on the seat of the Bronco and stared at the front door to the chief’s house.

A light went on in the living room. Jesse drew in a deep breath and popped open the car door, knowing that his courage was fading faster than the dying daylight. He had to do it. He had to talk to the man, find out what was going on. Why had the chief split him and Louis up?

His shoes scrunched on the hardened snow as he moved up the walk. He rang the bell and heard the chimes echo through the house. The door opened, silhouetting the chief’s wife, Jean, in a golden light. She frowned slightly then seemed to recognize him and switched on the porch light.

“Jess. What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to the chief. He here?”

“Of course. Come in.”

She stood aside, holding the storm door. Jesse stepped inside, stomping his boots on the throw rug near the door. He glanced at the white carpet and stomped again.

“You haven’t been over in a long time, Jess,” Jean said, taking his coat and hanging it on the hall coat tree.

“I know. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“Of course not,” she said with a smile.

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