Dead Man Running (3 page)

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Authors: Barry Davis

BOOK: Dead Man Running
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I told
to come over here.  What the hell made you bring her?
Elias point
toward the young woman, who
s backing away from the corpse.

Hey, you didn't tell me squat.  You just told me to get down here.  I thought you wanted to meet with Wiley. 
I thought Jan could help
picked her up on the way

You damn well know t
he only thing Wiley meets here is a warm pussy.  What the hell is on your mind?

Chi ignore
the question as he walk
over to the body.
What happened here?

What do you think?  The old man busted a nut and his heart at the same time.

What about the girl he was banging?

You don't want to know
Elias said. 
He approached Jan
.  The attractive woman, still dressed in her dark conservative church skirt and white silk top, was visibly shaking.

Listen, Jan, Reverend Wiley

Of natural causes.
  We just can't let the press or Mrs. Wiley find him here.  Will you help me?

The young woman nod
her head.

Good.  Just stand over here like a good little girl and I'll tell you when we need you.
"  He guided
the woman to stand in the corner. 

Meanwhile, Chi
stared at
the corpse

What the hell are you doing?
" Elias asked, his voice brimming with barely controlled anger.

They say your soul comes out through your eyes.


When you die, your soul comes out through your eyes.

That's crazy.
" He looked around the room at the still cowering Jan, the impatient
but not lifting a finger
Mookie.  "Am I the only one who wants to get this
out of this room?

You telling me you don't believe in life after death?

As Elias shook his head
Mookie raise
his hand.
I do
," he said.

Shut up, Mookie
," Elias said.  "We have to get his body out of here,
somewhere more appropriate."

I think it'd be cool if I could catch his soul before it left
said Chi.

Elias sighed.  Chi, his good hearted but slightly dim best friend, was trying his patience. 

Then what?
" Elias asked.

I don't know.  I'd find some white dude and sell it to him.

Yeah, Justin
or those guys from
The Big Bang Theory
Those boys could use some soul," Mookie said.

Shut up Mookie!
" Elias said.  "I don't want to hear any
more talk about souls."  He fixed his hard brown eyes on Chi.  "
We need to wrap the body up and take him out the back way.

Do you know how much this mother weighs?  The three of us can't carry him
said Chi.

Yeah, the two of you can't
," said Mookie.  He reached for his back and began to rub.

Too bad he can't walk out of here on his own
," Chi said with a smile.

Why don't we just get someone to put some voodoo on him and he can walk down the stairs by himself
," Elias offered
with a smile

Now you're talking, boss
," said Chi

Elias stare
at Chi.
I was joking, you idiot.

Too bad, I know just the man
," Mookie said.
  He stroked his hairless chin.

The man for what?
asked Elias.

His name's Hamid.  He's a sorcerer.

You been w
ipping and w
opping too much
man.  You're saying that you know somebody who can bring him back to life?
Elias asked.

Well, not life exactly, but close enough.

"And you know this how?"

Mookie looked away, around the room, anywhere but at Elias.

"Had him bring back one of my high earning girls. 
Managed to make a few more dollars off her until the smell got too much."

Long as he can walk down those stairs, I don't care.  I ain't lifting nobody.  I was a pall bearer
a while back
.  Man,
we got th
fat ass
stiff in the ground I felt like jumpin
in after him

My arms hurt real bad.
"  Chi rubbed his arms.

"You two done?"
Elias asked.  "
I can't believe you know somebody who does voodoo."

This is
, nigger's paradise.  There's somebody who does everything here.

A soft, sweet voice joined the conversation.  "
I think we need to
call Mrs. Wiley, let her know

The three men look
back toward the corner, where Jan
She deserves to know her husband is dead, doesn't she?

Elias pointed a
long slender
finger in Jan's direction. 
Listen, if I wanted your opinion,
little girl,
I would have asked for it.  Now, stay out of this and let the grownups

I was just saying...

Elias put his index finger to his mouth.
Shush.  The noise we are hearing is a little girl about to lose her job.

Chi stepped between Elias and Jan. 
Job?  What job?  Without Wiley, we're all out of work.  We were less than two weeks away from the election.  Damn, less than two weeks away from another two years in this sweet job.  Man.  If he could be brought back, that would save all our
  We can leave his dead ass on the ballot.  Who would know?

"You think a dead man can be elected to Congress?"  Elias asked.

"If he be black
, a Democrat
and running in
, damn straight he can," said Chi.

Elias walked away from the rest, stared at Wiley's corpse.
  If they
bring him back long enough to win the election, Elias could take over afterward.  He could either be the power behind the zombie on the throne or take the seat himself. 

Congressman Elias Turnbull.
  He liked the ring of that.  Intellectually he knew zombies didn't exist but his greed was willing him to give it a try.

"You know I'm right, E," said Chi.

He can
win if he's vertical
, just let me call my boy
said Mookie.

Silence filled the room.  It was abundantly clear that his lazy associates were not going to lift a finger to carry the
Wiley until this crazy idea was fully played out. 
it would work.  Stranger shit than zombies have found their way to
.  Think Al Sharpton.

e can do it?
" Elias
asked Mookie.

Sure can!

How much?

is standard for reanimation
  I thought everybody knew that."

"Apparently I've been traveling in the wrong circles. 
If he brings him back, tell him I'll give him t

Bet.  I'll call him ov


Another hour
Mookie, Elias, Chi and Jan
in the room. 
A sheet covered the dead body

s a knock at the door.  Mookie walk
over and look
in the peephole.

It's my boy
," he said
the door.  In walk
a bald, elderly man, with a long beard,
and slight buil
  Mookie quickly shut the door behind him.

What the hell is this?
" asked Elias.

This is my boy,

You're joking, right?

Nah, E.  He's the real deal. 
, the black arts, this man's the

Young man, you doubt my powers?

Yeah.  I was kind of expecting someone, you know, black. 
or some shit. 
Maybe wearing some chicken bones around their neck and holding a

The small man held his ground, his one good eye staring down his tormentor.  "
ou think black people are the only ones who know
the black arts

have been doing
  It was our magicians who faced off against Moses and the Hebrew God."

Elias sh
his head.
  "From what I heard, Moses won."

"The winners get to write the history, young man,"

"E, the man got a point," Mookie said.

Elias turned toward Mookie. 
If I let this man do his thing, will you help us carry him out

Yeah, but we won't need to carry him
Mookie replied.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," Elias thought.  He addressed
: "T
grand if you make this stiff walk, nothing if you don't." 
nodded and Elias found a wall and watched.

stood at the foot of the bed and raised his hands above his head.
  His lips mouthed spells silently spoken. 
He removed too vials from his jacket, opened Wiley's mouth and poured the fluid down his throat.  He stepped back and raised his arms again.  "
Rise, Ben Wiley.  Rise!

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