
Read Dazz Online

Authors: Hannah Davenport

BOOK: Dazz
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Hannah Davenport



Copyright: July 2016 Hannah Davenport

Title: Dazz


The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

All characters and events in this book are not real and are a figment of my imagination.




I would like to thank my family for their continued support while I spent hours, days, even weeks pursuing my love of writing.  I also want to thank a special friend who does my editing.  She has taught me so much and just knowing her has been such an inspiration to me.

Next, I want to thank all of my fans!  I feel humbled by the reviews, and comments left via email.  Thank you for making Jakke a best seller in science fiction, and a great success!



The Tureis have attacked Earth, destroying all major cities while killing millions in the process.  The buildings lie in shambles while they rape Earth of it natural resources.  Humans are used as slaves, while the women are sold off planet in a black market.

Chloe, only daughter of an ex-Navy seal, has gotten tired of hiding.  She’s decided to take matters into her own hands and has been fighting back.  After taking one too many chances, she’s hit from behind while taking on a couple of Tureis and thrown into a cell on board their ship.

Dazz, Commander of the
, is on his way to the Dreama Sector to help his brother, Jakke.  Their younger brother, Takkeo, is missing and Dazz will do anything to get him back.

When a Tureis ship exits a wormhole, the
fires, disabling the enemy ship.   Searching the vessel, he finds an unknown species chained to the floor.  Little does he know that the mating fever has started!

To be together, Dazz and Chloe have many obstacles to overcome!


Chapter One



“Everyone to their stations!  Shields up!”  Dazz took a seat as his eyes watched the view screen.  A large vessel had just dropped out of warp as it exited the wormhole. Dazz’s blood boiled as he stared at his most hated enemy.

“Commander, it’s a Tureis ship,” Chasse supplied.  He knew that, he recognized it with just a glance.  Not too long ago, they’d attacked his planet and killed his mother.  Yes, he hated them!

“Fire when we’re in range.”  Dazz focused his full attention on the large ship in front of him.

“We are, Commander.  Firing now!”

The torpedo flew through space, leaving a stream of fire in its wake.  With satisfaction, he watched as the torpedo hit its mark.

“Damage to their shields; they’re returning fire!”  Kainn reported.

rocked slightly, “No damage, Commander!”

“Return fire!” he ordered, and Chasse fired again.  “Their shields are down!”

“Take out their warp drive!”  Chasse fired once more as they all watched the view screen.

“Their ship is disabled, Commander.”

Dazz stared at the silent, immobile hunk of metal in front of him with a look of triumph on his face.  Their ship was heavily damaged.

Not only had they killed his mother, but now his younger brother, Takkeo, had left his brother’s ship, the
, and disappeared on a small planet that was littered with the vile enemy.  When he’d received Jakke’s sub space message, fear and then determination filled his soul.  Dazz would do whatever it took, whatever the cost, to find his little brother.

“Commander, your orders?”

Dazz stood staring at the enemy ship while he weighed the options before him, and then said, “Kainn, Sakku, you’re with me.  Sakku, have a team meet us in the Cargo Bay.  Let’s see what’s on board that ship.  Chasse, you have the Bridge.”  The three of them started for the door.

As he turned to leave, Chasse stepped in front of him.  “Commander, this mission is too dangerous for you.  You should assign someone else the task.”

“Your objection is noted; now step aside.”  With Dazz’s intense stare, Chasse moved with little hesitation.  Dazz, along with Kainn, who was in charge of weapons and Sakku, his second in command, continued on to the Cargo Bay where they met ten other soldiers waiting to join them. 

Once in the Shuttlecraft, Sakku took the pilot’s seat while Dazz and Kainn took the two seats right behind him.  The rest of the males climbed in the back.  “What are we looking for, Commander?” Sakku asked, as he flew them out of the Cargo Bay toward the enemy ship.

“Takkeo, my younger brother, is missing from the
and I feel this strong need to search their ship.  If he’s not there, maybe we can find a clue to his whereabouts.”

Dazz kept his eye trained on the vessel as it came closer on the view screen, anticipation humming in his body.  He knew he’d find something there, but what, he didn’t know.  With any luck, it would be Takkeo, and he’d rejoice in delivering justice to the ones who took him.

Sakku flew the shuttlecraft without encountering any opposition.  The ride was smooth as he expertly landed in the Cargo Bay on the enemy ship after blasting the door open.

After they landed, they stepped out of the shuttlecraft, phasers at the ready, and started a room-to-room search after securing the Bridge, shooting anyone still left alive.

Dazz couldn’t feel bad for destroying a race that destroyed every world it came in contact with.  It raped each planet of everything valuable, its natural resources, its people, anything that could be sold for profit in the Quann Sector.  They had no concern for others, so he had no concern for them.

“Search everything!” Dazz commanded.

They stayed together in case they encountered Tureis, either singly or in a group, not taking anything for granted.  One by one, they searched and secured every room, killing every Tureis found alive.  It took time, but Dazz needed to make sure Takkeo wasn’t on board, hidden away in some cell.  No doubt the Tureis would torture his younger brother before trying to make a profit from him.  They were a lawless and uncaring society.

“Nothing here, Commander.”

“Keep searching!”  Dazz ordered as his eyes took in everything, not wanting to miss any place that they could hide…anything.

The Tureis ship was about half the size of the
, which held a crew of 1048, but it took time to go through every room, every closet.  Dazz had almost given up hope of possibly finding Takkeo, when Sakku waved him forward, “Commander, I’ve found something!” he said in low tones, not wanting to alert anyone to their current position.

Dazz, who was close behind, quickly caught up with Sakku, who stood in an open doorway.  The smell was horrific, and it had the three of them grimacing.

Dazz peered into the dark room, but couldn’t find the source of the smell.  “Someone shine a light.”

Two lights lit up the gloom, and in the far corner, something lay in a heap on the metal floor.

“What is it, Commander?” Kainn asked.

Dazz spared him a glance, and then said, “I’m not sure.” 

He walked further into the room and noticed mostly reddish-brown hair covering multicolored skin.  An arm was chained to the floor, keeping the creature in place.  The smell came from it.  How long had it been chained there?  Rage filled his body as he gritted out, “Someone hand me the atomic disrupter.” 

“Here it is, Commander,” Kainn said.

Dazz fired the atomic disrupter and melted the chain.  The other half dangled from the creature’s arm.

“What are you going to do?” Sakku asked as he watched Dazz kneel.

“We can’t leave it here.”  Dazz scooped the creature up in his arms and felt a surge of protectiveness.  Surprised by the feeling, he looked down at the unknown species.

The hair fell back and revealed a delicate black, blue, and yellow face.  The creature was clearly female.  Even more reason not to leave her with the cruel Tureis. 

“Have you searched everything?” Dazz asked absently, still gazing down at the odd female in his arms.

“We have.”

“Then let’s go.”  He reluctantly tore his eyes from her face before they headed silently back to the shuttlecraft.





Chloe lay on the cold metal floor as her body screamed in pain.  How things had changed from six months ago; hell, even a week ago! 

She’d spent a lot of time hiding out on Earth in a bunker her father had built, but hiding just pissed her off.  This was her planet!  Her dad was an ex-Navy seal and had made sure she knew how to fight and defend herself, teaching her several different fighting techniques.  He’d always wanted a boy, but ended up with her—an only child.  So he’d taught her to shoot and to fight.  No child of his would ever be left defenseless.

He’d always worried about wars---specifically, nuclear wars.  Chloe had thought he was paranoid, but she kept her comments to herself.  She watched as he built an underground bunker and stocked it with enough supplies to keep them alive for a couple of years.  Okay, she really didn’t pay any attention to how much stuff he’d stored, not until the aliens came.

When the bombings started, and the major cities were being destroyed, she headed straight for the bunker, thankful that her dad had built it.  She only wished he was with her, but he’d been killed in the first attacks while visiting her aunt in Washington, DC.

As time went on, she became brave, taking out the Tureis if she found one—sometimes two--- by themselves.

Her courage, and maybe her cockiness—she hated to admit it, but it was true—had gotten her captured.  She still fought even after they threw her into a dark, smelly cell.

She remembered the first and only time someone had opened the door to bring in food.

She waited patiently as the door slowly cracked open.  When the unlucky Tureis stepped inside, his eyes scanned the room.  She knew he was searching for her.  When his body turned to the side, his eyes collided with hers and widened in surprise, not expecting her to be so close.  No, asshole, I’m not cowering in the corner, she thought as the heel of her foot connected with his knee.  He dropped the tray of food and grabbed his injured leg.  This put his face at the perfect height for Chloe to deliver a hook, a move her dad had taught her.  He never saw it coming as she brought her right elbow around forcefully, connecting with his chin.  Perfect shot!  He fell like a sack of potatoes.  She stepped past him to freedom.  Except she wasn’t on Earth anymore, and the entire ship was filled with the enemy.  Crap!  After taking out a few more of the Tureis, several of them surrounded her, and as she fought them, they fought back!

Chloe’s face felt hot and painful; her eyes would barely open.  Her entire body hurt to move, and she knew she had a few broken bones.  Not that it had mattered to them; they’d still dragged her across the unforgiving floor and chained her by the wrist.  She tried to hold still, not to scream in agony. Even taking deep breaths caused her chest to hurt. So, she lay unmoving, fighting for consciousness as long as she could before losing the battle.

When she woke up, she could barely open one eye.  How long had she been there?  She didn’t know.  The only thing she knew was that nobody was coming to check on her.  They wouldn’t be offering her any food or water any time soon, and she would probably die right there.  She would more than likely die from the injuries she’d sustained.  This was it.  Her eyes closed again in resolve, welcoming death if that was to be her fate.

How much time had passed?  She didn’t know, but she was thirsty.  Surely, if they wanted her dead, they would have just killed her outright. 
Why hadn’t they killed her?
  Chloe was so tired…so tired…and darkness claimed her once again.

Was someone carrying her?
  She wanted to open her eyes and ask, but they refused to do her bidding.  She heard talking, but couldn’t understand anything they were saying.  Why couldn’t she open her eyes and see who it was? 
Oh, yeah, they’re swollen shut.

With every jostle, she wanted to scream at whoever carried her to put her down!  Every step was agony to her battered body.  She knew the Tureis were evil creatures, but she’d never known how ruthless they were until they continued to kick her even as she lay still, unable to fight back.

Pain overtook her once again, and she was lost in the sea of darkness.


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