Days of Rage (92 page)

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Authors: Bryan Burrough

Tags: #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Radicalism

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Weatherman financed by, 142–43, 161
League for Industrial Democracy, 57
Leary, Howard, 129
Leary, Rosemary, 143, 147
Leary, Timothy, 143–49, 236
Lee, Anthony J., 495
Lee, Willie, 500
Lefcourt, Gerald, 234
Lenart, Pat, 485–87
Lenin, V. I., 61, 62, 272, 274, 365
Lennon, Brian, 506–8
Lerner, Jonathan, 76, 78, 81, 88, 93, 160, 315, 363, 365, 368, 369, 546
Letters from Attica
(Melville), 24
“Letter to the New Left” (Mills), 58
Levasseur, Carmen, 429, 513, 521, 525, 534–36
Levasseur, Jeanette, 409, 410
Levasseur, Ray, 407–24, 425–43, 492, 513–36, 537, 539, 542, 544
anger of, 413, 415, 417
as antiwar activist, 415
arrests of, 412, 423–24
bank robberies by, 427–28, 435, 438–40, 523–24, 526, 527
blacks and, 411, 413–14
capture of, 535
CBS Evening News
and, 526
character and appearance of, 409
childhood of, 409–10
false identities of, 435, 437, 515–16
FBI and, 433, 434, 437, 520–21, 526–36
Guevara admired by, 411, 414–17
Laaman and, 514–15, 521–24
Lamonaco killing and, 518–21, 523
manhunt for, 520, 528–29
prisons and, 409, 413–17, 432, 434
radicalization of, 411–12, 414, 416–17
storage facility of, 529–30
store robbed by, 421–22
Red Star North Bookstore of, 419–22
Statewide Correctional Alliance for Reform and, 416–20
Stoddard and, 514
at University of Maine, 415
in Vietnam, 411, 413, 415
Levasseur, Rosa, 443, 525, 534–36
Levasseur, Simone, 440, 521, 535–36
Lever House, 318
Levi, Edward, 375, 377
Lewis, Minnie, 297–300
Lewis, Paul, 427–28
Lewis, Timmy, 298
Lewis, Tony, 300, 301
Liberated Guardian,
90, 158
Liberation News Service, 17
35, 40
Lincoln Detox, 448, 450–53, 455, 465–68
Lincoln Hospital, 449–50, 466–67
Lindsay, John, 130, 197, 212–13, 243, 244
Little, Earl, 31–32
Little, Reginald, 32
Little, Russell (“Osceola”), 276, 277, 282, 290, 334–36
Long, Gerry, 77–78
López, José, 332, 386–88, 392, 396, 403, 405
López, Juan, 405
López, Oscar, 385–89, 391, 392, 396, 397, 402, 464, 479–84, 486–91, 540, 542, 545
capture of, 490–91
López de Victoria, Tomás, 319
Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground, and Beyond
(Gilbert), 127
Lowndes County, Ala., 37–38, 42
Lumumba, Patrice, 34
Lynaugh, Joseph, 466–67
Machtinger, Howard, 27, 64, 66, 67, 73, 82, 92–97, 123, 124, 127, 150, 311, 313, 315, 365, 371, 373, 545, 546
dismissed from Weatherman, 127
at summit meeting, 120, 121
Mack, Larry, 454, 456–57, 468–69
Madison, Wisc., 148–49, 155
Madison Square Garden, 316, 317, 320, 390, 480
Magee, Ruchell, 267–68
Mailer, Norman, 260
Maine, 409
Portland Police Department, 420
prisons in, 416
Maine Sunday–Telegram,
Makoutz, Harry, 119
Malcolm X, vii, 31–38, 41, 43, 45–47, 59, 176, 181, 192, 238, 264, 272, 387, 450, 451, 454, 457
assassination of, 36–37, 181
The Autobiography of Malcolm X,
37, 262
background of, 31–32
Detroit speech of, 35, 36
in Nation of Islam, 32–33, 35–36
Odinga and, 180
Shakurs and, 179–80
Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Center, 537
Malone, John, 20, 21, 376
Manning, Carol, 418, 430, 431, 434, 436–39, 441, 443, 513–14, 516–18, 520, 523, 524, 526, 534, 536, 544
Manning, Jeremy, 418, 437, 514, 520
Manning, Jonathan, 518, 519
Manning, Tom, 418–23, 425, 427, 428, 430, 431, 433–36, 438–41, 443, 513–14, 516–20, 523, 524, 526, 534, 536, 542, 544
FBI and, 520, 521
Lamonaco killing and, 518
Manson, Charles, 85, 86
Mao Zedong, 27, 43, 61, 62, 69, 84, 260, 272, 273, 290, 312, 417
MAPA, 326
Margolis, Jeremy, 488–89
Marighella, Carlos, 63, 260, 274, 423, 434, 442, 476
Marin County Courthouse, 150
Marine Midland Bank, 16–17, 18, 317
Markey, John, 527
Markoff, Pete, 293
Martin, Frank, 379
Marxism, 68, 130, 261, 262, 272, 273, 290, 325, 327, 364, 365, 370, 419, 451
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 224
Matos, Adolfo, 488
May 19 Communist Organization, 457–58, 467, 504
McCartin, Bob, 249
McClain, James, 267–68
McCreary, Thomas “Blood,” 183, 194, 200, 201, 204, 207–10, 215–17
McDermott, Bob, 109–10
McDonnell, Brian, 96, 542
McMillan, Alex, 490, 498
“Me” Decade, 156
media, 541
Symbionese Liberation Army and, 286–87, 293, 305, 307
Melendez, Mickey, 450, 467
Mellen, Jim, 66, 67, 81, 82, 88
Mellis, Delia, 226–29
Mellis, Miranda, 227, 228
Mellis, Mona, 225–29, 310, 373, 546
Mellon Bank, 455–56
Melville, Sam, 7, 9–25, 89, 103, 110, 122, 157, 233, 311, 340
arrest and imprisonment of, 23–25
background of, 11
bombings by, 10, 12, 14–24, 27, 317
Canadian terrorists and, 12–14
death of, 24–25
FBI and, 20–24
name of, 11
Mendez, Freddie, 479–81, 484, 486, 487, 489, 491
Meredith, James, 38
Metesky, George, 12
Meyers, Errol, 251
Meyers, Twymon Ford, 201–2, 204–5, 207, 210, 211, 214–17, 237, 240–41, 243–45, 249, 251, 253–54
death of, 254, 259, 279, 454
Miller, Edward S., 234, 235, 379, 495–97
Miller, O. G., 264
Mills, C. Wright, 58
Mills, John, 265
Milwaukee, Wisc., 118–19
Milwaukee Journal,
Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla
(Marighella), 63, 423
Minton, Maureen, 355–60
MIRA (Armed Revolutionary Independence Movement), 5–6, 326–27, 331, 381, 389
Miranda, Pablo, 474
Mitchell, John, 114, 136, 150, 196–97
Soltysik, Patricia
Mobil Oil, 398–402, 441–42, 488, 513
Mondale, Walter, 483
Montreal Stock Exchange, 13
Moore, Paul, 393
Moore, Richard “Dhoruba” (Dhoruba bin-Wahad), 188–90, 192, 195, 197–98, 200–203, 209, 238, 264, 450, 494, 542
Morales, Guillermo “Willie,” 395, 460–65, 469–70, 479–80, 483, 484, 487–90, 541
FBI and, 395, 461–64, 471–73, 544–45
jailbreak of, 471–74, 483, 492
Morgan, Dennis, 358
Morgan, Paul, 95
Morgan, Tom, 213
Moroney, William, 499–501
Morrison, Mattie, 300
Moscone, George, 348, 352
Motherway, James, 240–41
Movement, 12, 19, 24, 29, 40, 42, 47, 52, 58–64, 67, 81, 89, 90, 130, 149, 156, 236, 274
black inmates and, 262
change within, 121
dissolution of, 156–57, 309
resistance and, 59–60
revolution and, 61–65
violence and, 60
Weatherman’s inversion plan and, 361–62, 372
Weatherman’s request for support from, 157–58
Muhammad, Elijah, 32, 33, 35–36, 261
Muhammad Speaks,
Muntaquim, Jalil (Anthony Bottom), 203, 542
Murphy, Jim, 249–51
Murphy, Patrick, 197, 212, 214, 217, 242–43, 489
Murtagh, John, 100–101, 174
Muskie, Edmund, 213
NAACP, 28, 30, 38, 39
Napier, Sam, 190–91, 494
Narine, Edmund, 408, 432, 544
National Commission on Hispanic Affairs (NCHA), 385, 391–92, 394, 395, 464
National Committee to Combat Fascism, 189
National Council of Churches, 396
National Guard, 3, 21, 40, 150, 404, 405, 433, 443, 481
at Kent State, 121
National Lawyers Club, 142
National Mobilization Committee, 73

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