Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Well, you’ve done so much to help already, there must be
I can do to repay you,” she suggested hopefully.

“What do you guys like?” Becky chimed in before Lisa could make a drunken fool of herself. “Between the two of us, we can get you just about anything you’d want. Sports or concert tickets, you name it, it’s yours. Both of you,” she added with a smile at Jesse.

“Hey, our girl here was stranded along with you two. So basically we were bailing Maggie out of a jam, and you two benefitted from it.”

It took a few more minutes before either Becky or Lisa were willing to give up, but they finally capitulated, and the five of them piled back into Alex’s SUV for the ride back to their office building and underground parking garage.

* * * *

“I’ll drive Lisa home,” Maggie volunteered, “since it’s on my way, and Becky lives in the opposite direction.”

Wishing Becky good night, they dropped her at her car, and Alex waited until her engine turned over and she had started to back out of her parking spot before he proceeded down two more levels where Maggie’s Nissan was parked.

Again, the guys waited for Maggie to back out of her spot before they followed her out of the garage and to the interstate on-ramp.

“You’ve got great roommates,” Lisa remarked again as Maggie tooted her horn as she took the exit leading to Lisa’s place, and Alex flashed his lights as he drove on toward their home.

“Yeah, I do. I love the two of them so much.”

“I don’t think I could keep them a secret at the office, though,” Lisa remarked thoughtfully. “I think I would want some of those bitches at work to be eaten up with envy.”

“You’re evil.” Maggie laughed.

“Yeah, but come on. Sheila? I mean, really. I think she’s screwed every guy on the eleventh floor and is starting in on the twelfth. Yet still she insists on playing coy even though she has to know that everyone knows. ‘
Oh, you mean my
Alan. Giggle, giggle
.’” She mimicked Sheila’s voice. “Who does she think she’s kidding?”

“Herself, obviously,” Maggie replied with a laugh. “Did you know that Becky told me that she had actually thought she was a dyke when she first met her? She says she still reminds her of one even though she’s married with a couple of kids. But since she’s so masculine acting, every time she pictures a lesbian in her mind, it’s Sheila that she sees.”

Lisa burst out laughing. “That is so true,” she agreed. “And the way she’s built! She has absolutely no curves and is so flat chested she doesn’t even have to wear a bra. So what the hell do the guys in our building see in her?”

“Probably the fact that she’s an easy lay. If they don’t have to work for it, then they are all over it.”

They laughed and gossiped the rest of the ride to Lisa’s condo. “Thanks, again,” she said as Maggie pulled into her driveway.

“No problem. And I’ll pick you up around 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, is that okay?”

“That’ll be great. I’ll supply the doughnuts for the ride to work.”

“Don’t forget to call your insurance agent,” Maggie reminded her as Lisa exited the vehicle.

Smiling, Maggie backed out of the driveway and drove back to the interstate to continue to her home, which was three exits past Lisa’s.

Pulling into the four-car garage, she parked her car next to Jess’s Mustang convertible and entered through the utility room, dropping her purse and keys on the dining room table, calling out “I’m home.”

Entering the living room, she found Alex and Jesse standing side by side with their shirts unbuttoned and their pants around their ankles while they handled themselves.

“Now, how about that blow job you promised us?” Alex asked in a husky voice.

Chapter 2

Six years earlier

“Damn, Jess, stop watching scary movies with Maggie before bed! I can’t handle another night of her coming in here saying she had a nightmare and asking to sleep with us,” Alex snarled from the shower while Jesse shaved.

“Hey, you said you were just as tired as I was of picking up random women in bars for a bit of pussy, so I went ahead and told you all about the hot chick in my study group, and you agreed to meet her to see if you would want her to become our girlfriend. Well, here she is, living with us. And I even got her to start climbing into bed with us, so why are you suddenly bitching?”

“Cause she’s been climbing into bed with us for the past month for us to
her, not

“You wanted a girlfriend as much as I did.
a fuck buddy. Big difference there, bud. You have to woo and court a girlfriend.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t see you wooing or courting her.”

“So things didn’t go quite according to plan,” Jess admitted. “She was resistant to the idea of coming home with me that night until I confessed to her that you were my lover.”

“Yeah, you sure as shit screwed up there by not letting her know we’re bisexual and that we actually crave pussy as much as any straight guy does.”

“She was going to spend the night in the fucking library! No way in hell was I going to let her do that. It was too dangerous, and she’s too special to me to allow her to put herself in danger that way!”

“Yeah, that’s why you kept her to yourself for almost a year, isn’t it?”

“Oh, now you’re pulling the jealousy card on me? Please! I was laying the groundwork for us. Where were you?”

“Yeah, Jess? Where was I? Why didn’t you ever introduce me to Mags before then?”

jealous,” Jesse exclaimed incredulously.

“Damn straight I am. Not to mention horny as hell. I haven’t been with a woman since before she moved in, but I’ll be damned if I ruin our chances with her by going out trolling for a random piece of ass,” Alex added before Jess could even make the suggestion.

“So you really want Maggie?” Jess asked as he patted his face dry.

“As much as you do,” Alex admitted, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a bath towel.

“No,” Jess tried to clarify. “I mean you want
, not just a random piece of ass.”

“I mean,” Alex snapped, narrowing his eyes at Jess, “that Maggie is the only woman I can ever see myself with for the long haul. She is just as great as you said she was, and if I don’t get to at least kiss her in the very near future, then I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“You can’t seriously mean that you would force her, do you?” Jess asked, horrified by the thought.

Jess received an incredulous look from his lover of the past four years. “Don’t be an ass! But I just might resort to getting her drunk and seducing her,” Alex admitted.

“Seducing,” Jess said thoughtfully. “Now there’s an idea. I’ve already gotten her used to climbing into bed with us, and we’ve both gotten her used to seeing us walk around shirtless in front of her. And I’ve seen her ogling you, and you said you’ve seen her ogling me…”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, since she likes looking at us, why don’t we start to allow her to look at us together?”

“What do you mean ‘look at us together’?”

“You know exactly what I mean. We’ve confined ourselves to the bedroom ever since she moved in six months ago. But that isn’t the real us. So I’m suggesting that we start showing her the real us. We allow ‘public displays of affection’ in front of her. See if it turns her on to see us kissing and touching each other. If we catch her watching, ask her if it bothers her. If it doesn’t, become more demonstrative in front of her, work up to her walking in on us some night having sex on the couch or something. If she doesn’t run screaming from the room with hysterical blindness, hell, we can even ask if she wants to watch or even join in.”

Alex grinned back at his boyfriend. “You are so devious when you put your mind to it,” he said admiringly.

“One of the many things you love about me,” Jess replied.

Gathering Jess into his arms, Alex kissed him deeply. “Do we have time?” he murmured in a passion-laden voice.

“I don’t have class until eleven. You?”


“Then we have time,” Jess said as he unwound the towel from Alex’s lean hips while he reclaimed his lips for a deep, seeking kiss.

Chapter 3

Making their way back into their master bedroom, the two lovers fell upon their bed without breaking their kiss. Growling, Alex rolled Jess onto his back and began suckling his nipples. Jess ran his hands over his lover’s shoulders and down his back until he could grip his tight ass in his large hands.

Groaning, Alex raised his head to seek out Jesse’s lips again. Alex then kissed his way back down Jess’s chest before he licked the tip of his cock. Jess buried his fingers deep in Alex’s dark, luxuriant hair as he rocked his hips. Alex delivered a long, slow lick along Jess’s rapidly hardening cock before scooting farther down his body to position himself between Jess’s thighs.

Taking Jess’s cock in hand, Alex sucked the tip into his mouth and slowly twirled his tongue around him. Jess hissed and raised his hips higher. Placing Jess’s legs over his shoulders and grasping his ass tightly in his hands, Alex licked the length of his cock before sucking his balls into his mouth, causing Jess to hiss out his breath and squirm.

“Oh, God, that feels so fucking good. Don’t stop,” he groaned.

Alex stroked the length of him with his tongue before he suckled Jess’s balls in turn. He then raised his hips even higher and delivered a long, loving stroke along his perineum before tonguing Jess’s anus.

Jess began squirming on the bed as Alex tormented him with his tongue while keeping a tight grip on his ass. He then reached up and sought out Jess’s mouth with his fingers.

Using the moisture from Jesse’s mouth, Alex slowly worked his middle finger deep inside Jess’s anus before fucking him with it.

With a growl, Jess demanded that Alex turn around and straddle his face. The two men rolled onto their sides while Alex turned around so that they could enjoy orally loving each other for the next few minutes. They mindlessly fingered, licked, and sucked each other, and Jess had just worked two fingers inside Alex’s anus when Alex pulled away with a fierce growl.

“Where’s the lube and condoms?” he demanded of Jess. “I need to be inside you.”

Visibly quaking from his own lust, Jess rolled away from him and retrieved the items from their bedside table. Rolling onto his knees, he proceeded to kiss Alex passionately while he unrolled the condom over Alex’s thick cock.

Alex took the lube and reached behind Jess while he was applying the condom to him so that he could thoroughly rub the lube around and inside his anus before he turned Jess over and slowly slid into him from behind.

“God, you feel so good in me,” Jess gasped.

Alex leaned over and nipped his shoulder. “I feel like I’ve come home every time I’m inside you,” he admitted as he kissed the nip to lessen the sting.

Jess reached around to pull Alex’s mouth to his at his tender words. “I love you, Alex,” he breathed before he kissed him gently.

“I love you, too,” he replied sincerely before pulling away to deliver a long, penetrating stroke to his ass.

Jess groaned in bliss as Alex slowly rocked into him to the hilt. He collapsed his arms underneath himself, letting his ass rise higher into the air.

Alex grasped Jess’s hips and raised him onto his knees as he began to seriously pound into him. Jesse masturbated himself while Alex thrust ever deeper. As their groans began to match in pitch and cadence, Alex looked deep into Jesse’s eyes.

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