Dawn of the Dragons (9 page)

Read Dawn of the Dragons Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Dawn of the Dragons
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You yell at the drunken thug, calling him a ‘cowardly snake’ in his native Eldenoran tongue. Unfortunately, this taunt does not distract him for long. In fact it makes the situation worse — he seems more frightened and murderous now than he was before.

He snarls as he raises his dagger and you are forced to rush headlong towards him in a desperate attempt to prevent him from wounding his innocent captive's child.

Turn to 311


You sleep well and rise with the cock's crow. When you reach the stable, you discover the innkeeper has already prepared your horse, ready for your departure. You thank him and wave farewell to the cheerful man and his daughter as you set off on the road north to Varetta.

It is midday when you catch your first glimpse of this ancient city. Positioned on a large plateau in the centre of a grassy plain, the blood-red walls and towering spires of Varetta look doubly impressive. As you approach the south gate, you admire the carvings which embellish the city's walls. They depict great dragons with snake-like bodies that intertwine as they flow around the towers and bastions of this ancient city.

The guards at the gate allow you to enter without challenge, and you pass through the grand southern entrance which leads to a flagstoned square.

If you have ever visited Varetta before in a previous
Lone Wolf
turn to 284

If you have never visited this city before,
turn to 62


The leading Eldenoran soldier is stunned into open-mouthed shock when he sees you standing in the trench before him. You strike a swift, deadly blow, and he staggers backwards, pulling two of his comrades down to the floor of the trench as he falls. The others draw their swords and come leaping over their fallen friends, attacking you with unexpected fury.

Eldenoran Assault Troops:

If you win this combat,
turn to 324


Suddenly you are confronted by one of these beasts who attempts to strike you from the tower with its horny tail. You leap to avoid its scything attack, draw your weapon in mid-air, and swing your first blow the moment your feet return to the flagstones.


If you win this combat,
turn to 49


You help the Baroness's entourage to set up camp beside the stream while Dorst, who considers himself something of a master cook, prepares the trout you caught earlier. To your surprise, the meal turns out to be excellent (restore 3

During supper, you ask the Baroness what news she has heard of events in the east. She tells you that there is war between the principalities of the Stornlands, although this is such a common condition that it can hardly be considered news any more. Of distant Sommerlund she has heard nothing. After supper, she excuses herself and retires to her carriage. Dorst posts two men to guard her coach, and then he invites you to play cards with himself and the remaining five men.

If you wish to accept his offer,
turn to 152

If you choose to decline his offer,
turn to 330


Throughout your sky voyage home, your mind is filled with the fear and uncertainty of what may await you in Holmgard. You spend most of the journey on the rear deck, alone with your thoughts, staring down at the land speeding past more than a mile below. You watch as the jungle of the Maakenmire swamp gives way to the barren scrub of the Wildlands. Then, when you catch sight of the Pass of Moytura, your pulse races with excitement for this V-shaped cleft in the southern Durncrags is where the Wildland territories end and your beloved homeland of Sommerlund begins. Yet the excitement you feel here is but nothing compared to your elation when you first glimpse the lights of Holmgard — the Sommlending capital.

Guided by beacons blazing atop the King's Citadel, the crew of the
bring her gently in towards the city. The craft is made to hover directly above the Citadel and hawsers are lowered to anchor her in position against the wind. Then you descend by rope ladder to the Citadel roof where you are greeted by a distinguished party of Barons and Fryearls, led by King Ulnar himself.

‘Welcome home, Grand Master,’ he says, his voice breaking with emotion. Then he clasps you to his chest, like a father welcoming home a lost son. ‘Thank Kai and Ishir you are safe, Lone Wolf,’ he says. ‘Now may the darkness of Naar be lifted from our land.’

Turn to 44


‘In the name of the gods!’ splutters Nathor, spilling liqueur down the front of his tunic. ‘What was that?’

A knot of fear tightens in the pit of your stomach. ‘A Kraan,’ you reply, recognizing at once the fell cry of this unwelcome creature.

You hurry to a window and see the large, bat-like Kraan silhouetted against the moon. A man-sized rider clings precariously to the creature's reptilian back as it swoops and soars among the hills and gullies.

‘You had best come away from the window, my lord,’ replies an anxious Nathor, ‘lest it detect your presence here.’

You take heed of the Lord Constable's advice and retreat from the window. Furthermore, you use your Magnakai skill of Psi-screen to shield your mind in case the Kraan rider is able to employ psychic abilities to locate your presence.

‘It is not the first time it has come,’ says Rasbarin. ‘Every night for the past ten days we've heard it circling the hills. Sometimes there is more than one of its kind.’ He suggests that you bunk in the cellar of the monastery where you may be safer from detection, and you accept his offer gladly.

Turn to 154


As you stop to survey the shops and stalls which encircle this busy square, you notice a stone signpost positioned on a plinth at its centre. It indicates the names of the three exits from this square:

Ladder Way (North)
Spur Lane (East)
Quill Street (West)

If you wish to enter Ladder Way,
turn to 112

If you wish to enter Spur Lane,
turn to 338

If you wish to enter Quill Street,
turn to 90


As the horsemen close in, unexpectedly you spur your steed straight at them in a bold countercharge. The move takes the leading pair of riders by surprise and, before they fully recover their battle-senses, you speed between them and lash out with a single scything sweep. Both riders crash to the ground — minus their heads.

Shocked by your sheer audacity, the brigand leader shouts a recall to the others. They wheel around in a wide arc and form up in a line behind him, cursing you vehemently for the death of their comrades. Then, with a vengeful yell, the brigand chief leads his gang of saddle-bandits in a charge that, he hopes, will leave you trampled into the ground.

As this wave of brigands comes thundering down upon you, the leader lunges at your head with his straight-bladed sword. It whistles by just inches from your scalp, but you do not allow him a second try. You twist in the saddle and strike like lightning, splitting his helmet and his skull with a single mighty blow. He falls before his men, yet they prove to be hardy rogues and they press home their attack regardless.

Eldenoran Brigands:

You may evade this combat after four rounds by
turning to 182

If you win the fight,
turn to 109


With dread, you cast your eyes across a nightmare landscape that stretches in every direction to a horizon dancing with fire. Streams of blazing lava cut fissures through the coal-black soil, and pools of molten mud, glowing cherry-red, spout geysers of yellow flame that seem to claw vengefully at the orange sky. The heat, and the stench of sulphur, is overwhelming.

The Lavas drops you onto the shifting black soil and soars upwards until it disappears into the roiling clouds. In the middle distance you see a herd of dragon-like creatures, snorting fire as they lumber slowly across this hellish plain. You sense great danger, and when you focus your Kai skills at the approaching leviathans, you are shocked by what you learn.

You have been transported to the Plane of Darkness, the domain occupied and ruled over by Naar, the Dark God. The approaching dragon-creatures are massing to enter the Shadow Gate that lies several hundred yards at your back. They are Naar's newest creations, and you sense that if they are allowed entry to your world, Sommerlund and the Kai are doomed.

If you possess Grand Nexus,
turn to 321

If you possess a Platinum Amulet,
turn to 208

If you possess a Talisman of Ishir,
turn to 18

If you do not possess this skill, nor either of these Special Items,
turn to 131


You manage to pull free from the tangle of shattered timbers, but you are now so close to unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen that you are forced to surface. The moment your head bobs above the water and you gasp for breath, you attract a volley of arrows from the archers hiding in the trees.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 1.

If your total score is now 3 or less,
turn to 53

If it is 4 or more,
turn to 298


You call upon your special Kai abilities to lighten your body weight sufficiently enough for you to prevent yourself from sinking further into this evil-smelling morass. Then, using your hands and weapons, you wade through this stinking bog until you feel the welcome sensation of firm ground once more beneath your feet. You rest momentarily to regain your strength before you hurry away from the morass and head north.

Turn to 43


You raise your hand and bring the regiment to a silent halt. Captain D'Val leans towards you from his saddle and whispers: ‘Here is the enemy who have your monastery surrounded, Grand Master, and this is the weakest point in their line.’

‘I know this place,’ you reply, quietly. ‘The monastery lies beyond the next ridge of trees. If we are to break through here, we must be quick about it. These creatures can take to the skies — it would not take them long to summon reinforcements.’

‘You are right, Grand Master. The risks are indeed great, but I and my men are willing to take them to ensure your return to the Monastery of the Kai. You must get through. You are the only one who can destroy the Shadow Gate and remove this curse from our land.’

‘Very well, then, captain,’ you reply, unsheathing your weapon. ‘Pass the order to prepare to charge.’

Turn to 200


The pack leader is torn to shreds by the blast, and several of his followers are left mortally wounded. The sight of their injuries, coupled with the deafening sound of the unexpected explosion, is more than the remaining pack members can bear. With a howl of fear and frustration, they turn away and race back to the safety of Castle Tranius.

Turn to 86


The howling winds of the abyss buffet you unmercifully as you spin around this whirling black vortex. Pressure begins to build in your body, and soon the pain in your head and chest become almost unbearable: it feels as if you are being torn apart.

If you possess Grand Nexus and have attained the rank of Grand Thane,
turn to 187

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery,
turn to 305

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