Dawn of the Aspects: Part II (6 page)

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Authors: Richard A. Knaak

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Despite wishing to follow Coros, Malygos veered toward where the scent had come from. Kalec, too, was intrigued, but for other reasons. There was something familiar not in the scent but rather in its very existence.

Malygos followed the trail a short way before it abruptly vanished. He alighted on a high rock and searched his surroundings but saw nothing—

And he suddenly had the sensation that
was being observed.

The proto-dragon quickly peered over his left wing. Both Kalec and his host expected to see nothing, yet this time, they were wrong.

The figure was tiny in comparison with the proto-dragon, but neither Malygos nor Kalec truly believed that it lacked the power to confront Malygos should that be its desire. While the proto-dragon vaguely recalled a glimpse of this creature, it was Kalec who was most stunned. It was the same figure he had seen in other flashes of vision, even in his own time.

Who are you? What are you?
Kalec demanded uselessly.

“Who are you?” Malygos also demanded, echoing the thoughts he could not have heard. “What are you?”

Even as he repeated Kalec's questions, both found themselves staring at empty space. However, barely had this registered with Malygos than he noticed the figure at the edge of his vision. Turning that way, the proto-dragon again confronted the billowing shape. While Malygos tried to make sense of not only the rippling appearance—not having any notion of what garments were—but also the creature's ability to vanish and reappear elsewhere, Kalec noted the powerful magic the mysterious form wielded.

Powerful magic that might at some point have created the infernal artifact.

When the figure did not answer, the proto-dragon snarled and leapt closer.

The cloaked and hooded form vanished again, this time reappearing farther to the southeast.

It's leading us somewhere,
Kalec thought. The answers that he so desired looked to be just beyond the nearby rocks, answers that might end his curse.

A hiss arose from the direction in which Malygos had flown. Kalec's protests went unheard as his host immediately reacted. Although it was only a hiss, Malygos knew who had spoken, knew all too well.

There was no glimpse of Coros, but Malygos was certain he had heard his rival near. Kalec's host leapt into the air to give chase, then hesitated as memory of the mysterious figure resurfaced. To Kalec's relief, Malygos looked back.

But of the figure there was no sign. It did not reappear anywhere.

That decided it for Malygos, if not Kalec. Coros was again the subject of his hunt. Malygos's rival had to be very near.

A proto-dragon of Coros's coloring briefly rose above the hill ahead, then dived down. Malygos dropped to just a few yards above the ground. A sulfuric scent assailed him as he neared the area. Malygos was not familiar with this region, but he knew of some such regions. The world was unstable there, sometimes as violent as a beast.

After landing against the hillside, Malygos drew to the top. He heard voices, one of them that of his rival. The proto-dragon bristled at the sound.

“He comes here! Always comes here!” snapped Coros.

“We should not be here!” protested one of his followers.

The protest was followed by a snarl and a whine. As Malygos thrust his head over, he saw Coros looming above the proto-dragon who had complained. That proto-dragon now had a long, bloody gash across his forehead. Nearby, one of the others watched the pair with some trepidation. Of the fourth there was no sign.

“We will live!” Coros sneered. “They will die! All will die! We will live!”

The other two nodded. As they did, all three took turns looking to the north.

Malygos also looked there and saw a dark, massive shape forming on the horizon.

“He comes!” Coros hissed triumphantly. “Coros called him, and he comes! Galakrond comes!”

Malygos stiffened, and Kalec would have done the same if it had been possible. Coros had

Malygos and Kalec had expected treacherous behavior from Malygos's rival, but neither had thought that Coros would have the audacity to reach out to Galakrond on his own. This could have nothing to do with either Ysera's hope or Talonixa's plan, except to bring ruin to both.

Malygos cautiously wended his way down the hillside and away from Coros as quickly as he could. The proto-dragon's mind raced as he tried to decide what to do. This was beyond the sort of plotting that even Malygos would have anticipated from his rival—

There came an angry hiss from behind him. As Malygos started to turn, another proto-dragon—the missing fourth—crashed into him.

Malygos tumbled and plunged through what had initially appeared to be solid ground. The proto-dragon battled to free himself but succeeded only in becoming more mired in the soft, hot, and sticky tar previously hidden under a thin layer of normal dirt.

Gasping for air, Malygos managed briefly to push himself to the surface. As he did, he and Kalec saw two things. One was the fourth proto-dragon vanishing over the hill toward where Coros and the other two waited for Galakrond.

The second was a short, so very short, glimpse of the hooded form peering down at the struggling Malygos just before the ground again swallowed him up. Kalec watched as the world vanished in darkness. Yet this time, it was the smothering darkness of the tar pit engulfing not only his host but also Kalec, who, despite his every effort, could not


The story you've just read is the second in a five-part serial adventure, based in part on characters, situations, and locations from Blizzard Entertainment's computer game
World of Warcraft
, an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. In
World of Warcraft
, players create their own heroes and explore, adventure in, and quest across a vast world shared with thousands of other players. This rich and expansive game also allows them to interact with and fight against (or alongside) many of the powerful and intriguing characters featured in this serial novella.

Since launching in November 2004,
World of Warcraft
has become the world's most popular subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game. The latest expansion,
Mists of Pandaria
, takes players to a thrilling and never-before-seen corner of Azeroth: the mysterious continent of Pandaria. More information about
Mists of Pandaria
and previous expansions can be found on


If you'd like to read more about the characters, situations, and locations featured in this serial novella, the sources listed below offer additional information.

• Kalecgos—also known as Kalec—has been involved in many influential events in Azeroth's recent history. His heroics are chronicled in
World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
by Christie Golden;
World of Warcraft: Night of the Dragon
by Richard A. Knaak;
Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy
World of Warcraft: Shadow Wing
, volume 2,
Nexus Point
by Richard A. Knaak and Jae-Hwan Kim; and the short story “Charge of the Aspects” by Matt Burns (on

• Details of Jaina Proudmoore's life, including her relationship with Kalecgos, are depicted in
World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm,
World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
by Christie Golden; the monthly
World of Warcraft
comic book by Walter and Louise Simonson, Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, Mike Bowden, Sandra Hope, and Tony Washington;
World of Warcraft: Cycle of Hatred
by Keith R. A. DeCandido; and
Warcraft: Legends
, volume 5, “Nightmares” by Richard A. Knaak and Rob Ten Pas.

• You can find more information about Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, Malygos, and their respective dragonflights in
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
by Christie Golden;
Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy
Warcraft: Day of the Dragon
World of Warcraft: Night of the Dragon
, and
World of Warcraft: Stormrage
by Richard A. Knaak; and the short story “Charge of the Aspects” by Matt Burns (on

• Deathwing nearly destroyed Azeroth during the great Cataclysm. His long history of betrayal and brutality is featured in
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
by Christie Golden; the
Shadow Wing
series by Richard A. Knaak and Jae-Hwan Kim; the
War of the Ancients Trilogy
Night of the Dragon
, and
Day of the Dragon
by Richard A. Knaak;
World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal
by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden; and the short story “Charge of the Aspects” by Matt Burns (on


The Cataclysm changed Azeroth and its myriad peoples in many ways.
Dawn of the Aspects
depicts the uncertainty that now plagues the ancient dragons. But what lies ahead for the world's other races?

World of Warcraft
's fourth expansion,
Mists of Pandaria
, you can help shape this next chapter in Azeroth's history. Become one of the first members of the Horde or the Alliance to explore the mysterious and exotic continent of Pandaria. Or take on the role of a noble pandaren (
's latest playable race) and join the Horde or the Alliance, depending on which faction aligns more with your ideals. Regardless of the side you choose, your adventures will impact Azeroth in the years to come.

With the dragons forging new destinies for themselves, the task of safeguarding the world from evil has fallen to mortal hands—
hands. Will you rise to the challenge?

To discover the ever-expanding realm that has entertained millions around the globe, go to
and download the free trial version. Live the story.


Richard A. Knaak is the
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of nearly four dozen novels and two dozen shorter pieces, including the
World of Warcraft
The Legend of Huma
, and his own
series. He has also scripted numerous manga and written background material for games. His novels have been published worldwide.

In addition to
Dawn of the Aspects
, his most recent releases include
—the latest novel in
Legends of the Dragonrealm
. He is currently at work on other projects. More can be found out at his website:
. Please also join him on Facebook and Twitter.

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

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ISBN 978-1-4767-0861-4

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