Dawn of Forever (Jack & Jill #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Dawn of Forever (Jack & Jill #3)
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“Go to hell. Now … out.”

Preston backed up as Gunner bared his teeth, moving slowly toward him.

“That tattooed asshole is trouble. I don’t trust him, and I sure as fuck don’t like that he’s trying to take something that’s mine.”

“You beat the living crap out of me because I overcooked your steak. You threw me down the stairs because I wore a dress you deemed too short to a holiday party and some asshole friend of yours commented on my legs.”

“I’m not that guy anymore.”

that guy. After all these years you still think you own me.”

He clenched his teeth. Ryn recognized the muscle twitch in his jaw and the vein on his forehead. Had Gunner not been a foot from castrating him, Ryn had no doubt Preston would have backhanded her for being “disrespectful.” It was always his signature first strike.

“He’s a speeding ticket away from being thrown in jail. Chances are they’d find drugs, illegal weapons, or whatever I’d want them to find in his trunk.”

Ryn narrowed her eyes. Why couldn’t he just let her go? Why did he have to destroy her entire life?

“Think about it.” He opened the door and turned to a large man in a hoodie, jeans, black boots with Yaktrax, and murder on his face.

“Be easy on her. She’ll need some recovery time after what I did to her.” Preston wore his usual asshole smirk as he rested a hand on Jackson’s shoulder, attempting to side step him.

“Fuck!” Preston squeaked out when Jackson grabbed his neck with one hand, shoving him into the siding. Preston’s face turned crimson as he clutched at Jackson’s iron hold with no success.

“I’m going to end you.”

Preston maybe had twenty seconds before passing out, but even then he was too stupid to shut up.

“Is … t-that a threat?”

Jackson’s head turned side to side slowly as he leaned in and whispered in Preston’s ear. Ryn heard every chilling word.

“It’s a promise.” He released him.

Preston fell like dead weight to his hands and knees, gasping and coughing.

Jackson stepped inside and shut the door without a single glance back at Preston.

“You let the man, who put you in the hospital, into your house?”

“It was the only way to get him to leave.” She hugged herself to ward off the chill from the door being open so long and the icy wave of anger that radiated off Jackson.

“What the hell do you have that dog for?”

She narrowed her eyes. “
That dog
has a name and you know it.”

“That dog should be feasting on the corpse of your ex-husband right now.”

“Stop calling him—”

“What?” Jackson shoved her against the wall and covered her mouth with his hand.

Gunner growled.

“That dog is growling at me, Ryn.”

Her heart pumped so fast all she could hear was its pounding pulse.

“But he’s not attacking me. Why is that?”

She blinked and struggled to get out of his hold.

“Do something, Ryn. Knee me in the groin. Bite my hand and tell
to attack me. But stop being the fucking victim. Stop inviting the enemy into your house.”

Tears stung her eyes and when she blinked they spilled over.

“DO IT!”

Her body fell limp. Jackson removed his hand and grabbed her as she released her first sob. He just yelled at her. He scared her. He made her cry. Despite all of that … she clung to him.

“I hate him … I hate him so much for breaking me.”

Jackson leaned against the wall and slid down it with Ryn hugged to his body.

“He … he took everything.”

“I’m going to give it back to you—all of it.” He took her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. “Baby, you have an attack dog that won’t attack. What the hell?”

Ryn sniffled. “Gunner doesn’t do anything without my command, including that.”

“But you didn’t say it.”

Anger remained in Jackson’s voice. Ryn flinched. Old habits.

“I’m afraid.”

“Of what?”

She blinked out more tears. “Everything. You don’t understand. I lived like a prisoner in my own home for so many years. I couldn’t get up from the table without permission. My hair, my weight, my clothes, my exercise routine, my friends … they were all controlled by Preston. His verbal abuse did so much more damage than the physical abuse. I became anorexic, stopped having my periods, and eventually ended up in the hospital because I kept having fainting spells.”

After all those years the pain felt as raw as the day it happened. “Preston had to come home from a business trip to ‘deal’ with me. They discharged me two days later, and he bashed my head into the dash before we left the parking lot. He said that’s what I deserved for ruining his trip.” She shook her head. “He bled every ounce of self-esteem from me. I don’t want to be this way. I hate that I don’t have a shred of confidence. Inside … I have so much anger, so much hatred, but the fear is so crippling I can’t do anything with it, so it just festers and eats me alive.”


Holding Ryn was
like holding an egg with a dozen cracks. Jackson knew he could never completely mend her. He could give her the self-defense skills to fight off a small army, but he couldn’t make her use them any more than she could give Gunner the go ahead to attack her enemy.

Brushing his thumbs over her tear-stained cheeks, he smiled. “So Vera Wang and Ed Sheeran?”

Her laugh came out as a half sob. “Don’t … you can’t possibly still want—”

“You. I want you, Ryn. I know you’ve lost so much of yourself … maybe so much that you don’t know where you belong in this cruel world. But I do. You belong with me.”

“My God, that was …”

“A better line than swimming in your pond?”

Ryn laughed. Jackson smiled back at the forty-year-old with freckles and innocent blue eyes. She was truly beautiful in every way. He knew he would destroy anyone who ever tried to take that smile away again.

“Jackson Knight, I’d marry you in a paper bag, with a boom box playing Boyz II Men.”

“What’s a boom box and Boyz to who?”

She grabbed his hair, yanking his head an inch away from hers. “Knock that shit off.”

Perfect. The woman who feared everything, dominated the heart of a killer. What were the chances?

Jackson surrendered the final inch, resting his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry for what I did to you,” he whispered.

Her hands released his hair and slid to his cheeks.

“I didn’t understand, but now I do. I’ll protect you. I promise.”

“What you said to Preston … you wouldn’t really
him, would you?”

They danced around his past, giving him ample opportunities to tell her everything. Telling her would break the rules—G.A.I.L’s rules. Members weren’t allowed to share that information unless they were married. It was ridiculous. What kind of wedding gift was that? A marriage certificate didn’t buy the kind of loyalty and trust required to keep G.A.I.L hidden. Yet, somehow they’d managed to keep everyone silenced for years. Jackson knew their tactics were rarely worthy of “Guardian Angel” status.

“Ryn …” he whispered.

“Tell me. Would you kill him?”


Jerking back, her gaze bored into his, searching for truth. For the first time in his life, he wanted someone—Ryn—to see that truth.

Yes. The ultimate truth. A drop-all-weapons-hands-up surrender to only the second woman in his life for whom he would lie down and die for.

She swallowed hard, choking on that one little word. Jackson didn’t blink. He kept his eyes trained to hers because in spite of the number of lives his hands had taken … he didn’t regret one.

He knew her next question before it passed her lips.

“Aside from AJ … have you ever killed anyone?”

As sure as he knew her question, the intensity in her eyes said she knew his answer.


Did she see him?
see him?

Her eyes closed. Jackson said nothing. All he could do was wait for her to open them again and pray they’d look at him the same. Love him the same. Accept him … accept Jude.

“I don’t want to know.” She shook her head. “I-I can’t handle it.”


Fluttering open, her eyes focused on his chin, his chest, his arms … but she didn’t look him in the eye. “The answer is yes. I fear it will always be yes.”

What was the question?

When those blue eyes met his again, he couldn’t read them. Was the sparkle in them the beginning of unshed tears or the light of life drawing him from the darkness?

“You want to know if I still love you.”

More than the secret to life.

“The answer is yes,” she whispered.


Ryn slid her thumb along his bottom lip before pressing a soft kiss to it. She smiled. It held more pain than pleasure, but nonetheless it was a smile. “No buts.”

He should have felt better—relieved—but he didn’t. What was that? Unconditional love? Jackson told him to take it and run without ever looking back. Jude? He wanted Ryn to love him too, but he wanted her to know everything first. Jude had always been too biblical for his own good. The need to confess his sins to Ryn and cleanse his conscience would cut Jackson off at the knees, preventing him from ever running from his past again.

Chapter Twelve


abe turned on
his burner phone when the plane touched down in Omaha. He left his personal phone with Luke so he could text Kelly at least once a day on his behalf. On his way to the rental car counter he texted Luke’s burner phone to remind him to do just that.

He lied to Kelly about his fake meeting. She trusted him and he never gave her any reason not to until that point. Somewhere between Luke’s unbelievable story about his abduction, Jessica not dying, and his plan to get her back, he’d convinced himself if ever it was okay to lie to his wife that was the time.

It didn’t take him long to get his rental car from the airport and drive to Peaceful Woods. A fresh layer of snow blanketed the ground, but the streets were plowed and dusted with a salt and sand mixture. After parking along the side of the street at the entrance, double and triple checking that he had the correct address, he continued into the development. Not even schools had as many speed bumps as the short private drive that he traveled to get to the home of one Aric James Monaghan.

Gabe spent the entire flight thinking of what he would say if he saw Jessica, but he landed in Omaha without a single word figured out. What if she wasn’t there? What if Aric Monaghan answered the door?

The sun signed off for the day on his way there. Most all of the houses had their front lights illuminating their driveways, except Aric’s. Gabe squinted to see the house number embedded into the brick front. The black windows indicated the likeliness of anyone being home to be about zero.

He called Luke.

“You found her?”

“Not yet. I’m parked in Aric Monaghan’s driveway. It doesn’t look like anyone is home.”


Gabe grinned. “Brilliant idea.”

“Well then, why are you calling me if you haven’t checked yet?”

“To make sure you texted Kelly. Why are you so on edge?”

“Because I’m fucking anxious. I’m dying here!”

Luke out of control was rarer than a UFO sighting.

“What if you’re putting her in danger by tracking her down … by having me track her down? If she’s in some kind of witness protection thing, I’m not sure her past is her friend. You’re her past, Luke.”

Gabe waited then looked at his screen. “You still there?”

“I’m not going to put her in danger. I just need to know that she’s okay.”

Even with Luke’s attempt to sound resolute and sincere, Gabe knew his friend too well. Luke would never be able to go on with his life if she were alive and not with him.

“I’m worried about you, buddy. She’s with another guy. It can’t end well.”

“The guy who took me said the man Jess was with has cancer. If she …” Luke’s voice cracked.

Gabe flinched.

“If she cares about him and he dies … I fear she could too. It’s too much for her. I know things about her that would make you shudder. Just trust me … we’re saving her.”

“What if she runs? If she knows she’s been found, she could run.”

“Call me … when you find her …. I want you to call me and hand her the phone. Okay?”

“K. I’m going to the door. Wish me luck.”



“Thank you. You’re my best friend and you’re getting ready to be a dad. I feel like such a prick for asking you to risk yourself for me. I should tell you to just turn around and get your ass back home to Kelly, but …”

“But she’s your whole damn world. I get it. I get it better than anyone. I’ve always thought of you as family, Jessica too. Let’s get her back.”

The line went dead after a few seconds. Gabe frowned at his phone. He thought of Kelly and then he imagined her missing, then he climbed out of the car with steadfast purpose.

After a dozen or so knocks and incessant ringing of the doorbell, he concluded nobody was home, but for good measure he added a few more rings and raps against the cold glass storm door.

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