Dawn of a New Age (39 page)

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Authors: Rick Bentsen

BOOK: Dawn of a New Age
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“You could say that, sir,” K’Alan said, still a bit subdued about the day’s events.

“Captain Starlos was a good man.  I understand your feelings of anger and sadness,” Bonnetti nodded.  “But you handled the situation well.”

“Both Captain Starlos and Commander Westphalen were good friends,” K’Alan nodded.  “They were the first people that I cared about that died in this war.  I’ll be damned if I let them die in vain.”

“And they didn’t,” the Commodore smiled.  “With your help, we were able to drive the Brentax out of the Corathi system.”

“Good.  They can’t attack Duterius Prime then,” K’Alan smiled sadly.

“At least not yet,” the Commodore sighed.  “I believe that it is still something they intend to do eventually, but we’ve set their plans back for quite some time at any rate.”

“I see,” K’Alan frowned.  “You know I’ll do whatever I can to prevent my home world from being destroyed by the Brentax.”

“Yes,” Bonetti nodded.  “I saw that during the battle today.  I also saw that the reports sent to me regarding you were accurate.  You’ll be a fine commanding officer someday.  You handled you ship and your crew admirably today.”

“Thank you, Commodore,” K’Alan nodded.

“I’d like you to retain command of the Quintanilla until I can find a suitable replacement,” Bonetti added.  “I’m not sure how long the search will take, but you might be in command for a few weeks.  At least while the Quintanilla is in dry dock.”

“I understand,” K’Alan nodded.  “I assume this means the request for time off to finish my honeymoon is going to be declined.”

“Unfortunately, Lieutenant,” Commodore Bonetti nodded.  “I’m sorry we had to take you away from that, but at the moment, I can’t spare you.  Welcome to the ranks of the unexpendable.”

“Thanks, I think,” K’Alan said, slightly bitterly.

“I have something else for you, Lieutenant,” the Commodore said.  “Something else you’ve earned.”  John took a box from the drawer of his desk and slid it across the desk to K’Alan.  “A Golden Palm.  You’ve earned it.”

“Thank you, sir,” K’Alan smiled, his first true smile since the battle ended.

“Now go.  You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.  I want a complete damage report on my desk by the time we reach the Gamma Epsilon Station.”

“Yes, sir!”




SLS Quintanilla

K’Alan Bryce’s Quarters


K’Alan sat at his desk, staring at the blank monitor screen.  He’d put off this call a while because he didn’t want to tell her everything.  Mostly he didn’t want to admit just how hard he was taking the loss of his friends.  To her or to anyone else.

He flicked the switch next to the monitor activating the comm circuit.

“Kim, patch me through to Duterius Prime, Braga Valley Great Hall, please,” K’Alan said softly.

“Right away, sir,” the comm tech said.

The monitor flared to life with the emblem of the Braga Valley Great Seal.  Moments ticked by as he waited for Kit to appear.  Finally, she did, looking as lovely as ever.

“Kal!” she grinned.

“Hi, Kit,” he said with a lot less enthusiasm than Kit.

“OK.  That was less enthusiastic than I’d have expected,” Kit frowned.  “What’s up?”

“We just finished a rather long battle to retake the Corathi system,” K’Alan started.  “It was a tough battle.”

“Are you all right?” Kit asked, a bit concerned.

“Physically?  Not a scratch.  Emotionally…?” he trailed off.

“Not so good I take it?”

“Kit, Thane’s dead,” K’Alan said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

“Oh, Lords, Kal.  I’m sorry,” Kit said.  “I know he was a good friend.”

“It gets worse,” K’Alan sighed, closing his eyes.  “Commander Westphalen was also killed in the battle.  I’m the interim commanding officer until Commodore Bonetti can assign a new CO and XO.”

“Kal, I wish there was something I could do for you,” K’itea said sadly.

“I know you do, beloved,” K’Alan smiled, but there was a great sadness in the smile.  “But right now there’s not much that anyone can do.  Certainly there’s no way to change what’s happened.”

“When will you be back, my husband?  I miss you greatly.”

“I don’t know,” K’Alan said quietly.  “I doubt I’ll get any time off anytime soon.  Not while we’re in drydock at any rate.  And certainly not until the new CO is assigned.”

“I understand,” K’Itea nodded.  “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” K’Alan smiled.  “But now, I need to go.  Commodore Bonetti needs a full report of our battle damage.”

“Please keep in touch, Kal,” K’Itea said softly.  “I worry about you.”

“I will.”

As K’Alan closed the link, a tear rolled down his cheek.


To be continued…




About the Author


Rick Bentsen released his first novel in 2001.  It was a simple science fiction story that was somewhat well received.  Although it never sold very well, the people that read his first novel enjoyed it immensely.  From that first moment, Rick was hooked.

Rick has long loved science fiction and fantasy books and movies and that love has turned into a writing passion.  He has recently added a mystery/thriller series to his normal science fiction and fantasy series as projects to complete.

Rick lives in southeastern Massachusetts which he believes is the most beautiful place in the world.  Fall in New England, he finds to be the most inspirational time of the year with all the colors.

Rick can be reached through his facebook page (www.facebook.com/RickBentsenAuthor) or through his webpage at rickbentsen.com

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