Dawn Annis (17 page)

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Authors: Highlander's Ransom

BOOK: Dawn Annis
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Chapter 24

In high spirits, Shane was relieved the Clan MacDougall would work with his clan. His goals turned to the MacDonalds. He had a higher chance of them joining now the MacDougall had.

Iain spent the first part of the ride north regaling his companions about the MacDougall’s marriage proposal and Shane’s reaction to it.

“Och, ye should have seen the look on his face. Sheer panic, I call it.”

“I was not panicked,” Shane said, his face reddening. “He caught me off my guard is all.”

“Aye, Shane. Ye were panicked. And then when he described the wee lass, I nearly choked.” Iain laughed. “I had to go, else I’d have burst right there.”

Shane gave in to the humor of the situation.

“Aye, ‘twas a bit entertaining. Just a wee bit, ye mind. I dinna think we were going to get out of there without someone traveling down the aisle.”

Iain feigned surprise and ignorance.

“Ye mean to say, ye would have sacrificed yer friend to save yer own skin?”

“Bloody right I would have.”

Shane enjoyed the banter and teasing that went on for the better part of the morning. They crossed the MacDougall lands easily and stopped on the MacDougall/ Campbell border for a rest and a bit of food.

“We’ll need to pay close attention for the next part of our journey. We’ll have to ride almost three hours through Campbell
land to reach the MacDonalds.”

Shane’s men quieted. He had their attention.

“I dinna want no part of an accidental encounter with the Campbells. There are too few of us. We’ll ride throughout the day. We won’t stop until we’ve reached the MacDonalds.” Shane knew a large number of men would attract attention and reasoned there was a greater risk, if confronted. Taking fewer men was worth the lesser chance of detection. The men ate their midday meal and readied themselves and their mounts for the afternoon ahead.

“Shane, look high.”

“Aye, I see them. We canna go back. We must go forward and hope.”

They watched a Campbell patrol high on the ridge. The patrol stood silent as the men packed up their mounts and crossed over into Campbell land.

The terrible tension in his body eased as Shane and his men crossed over into MacDonald territory. He was tired for the lack of sleep the night before and he was sure he’d been watched all afternoon.

Kate ruled his heart. Her soft voice, gentle touch, and sweet spirit robbed his dutiful thoughts. He missed her. She had entered his life and his heart. Before he knew it, she was there and his need for her surprised him.

As they got closer, he realized he couldn’t marry the MacDonald lass. His close call with marrying the MacDougall daughter had brought the thought home. How was he going to handle a marriage requirement from the MacDonald laird if it came?

His thoughts warred with each other. His mind was on Kate and the possible marriage to the MacDonald lass. He knew he must do what was right for the clan. He was the MacGregor and his clan depended upon him.

He saw Iain and the rest of the men were tired and worn. While watchful when they first entered Campbell land, their vigil relaxed as they rode farther along without an alarm raised. The men remained quiet during the ride.

They stopped several miles after crossing the Campbell/MacDonald border and refreshed themselves at a stream, giving themselves and their horses a few minutes of rest.

With only a few miles to go, they were soon on their mounts, anxious to make their way to the MacDonald castle. Once there, there would be plenty of ale to quench their thirst and a hot meal for their bellies.

Chapter 25

Shane and his men arrived at the MacDonald castle late in the day. An escort of fifteen clansmen joined them. The MacDonald’s home was more a manor house than a castle.

The MacDonald clan was spread far throughout the western half of Scotland. They held more land than the Campbells though separated by other clan holdings. They owned many castles and were wealthy. The land they occupied was a small holding and a manor house sufficed.

Once inside the gated entrance, Shane and his men traveled through a short, heavily fortified tunnel into a courtyard full of people lined up to see the newcomers. The mullion and transom windows of the manor faced the courtyard. Only a few doors opened onto four narrow stairways strategically placed hugging each of the four walls. If the gate were to be breached, the clan could defend their home from the height of the walls.

The laird of this particular MacDonald clan greeted Shane and his men.

“’Tis good to see ye, Shane. Come, bring yer men.”

Shane and the others handed their horses over to MacDonald stable hands who took their horses and led them into the stables for a bag of oats and a good rub down. Shane turned to the nearest man. “We’re grateful for the deference.” The man nodded and touched his forelock.

Shane entered the hall. The tables and other furniture were well crafted and expensive. An elaborate stone hearth with an intricate cover held the fire for heating. The large window at the end of the hall behind the dais let in light as well as afforded a view of the courtyard.

In short order, surrounded by some of his clansmen who had joined them, the MacDonald, Shane, and Iain sat at the table to talk.

The laird was known to be direct.

“So what brings ye here, lad?”

News had not traveled to him of Seamus’s injuries. Shane was not greeted as laird of the MacGregors. Shane continued the conversation as if no slight was made.

“I have been to the MacDougall and now have come to ye, to discuss an informal alliance between our clans. I ask for an informal alliance because of our status with the king. We dinna want to cause his wrath to come down on ye. We need the help guarding against the Campbells.”

“I canna help ye. The Campbells separate our clan from all of ye. Why get us involved?”

Shane was disappointed by the MacDonald’s quick reaction but not surprised. He knew they were going to be harder to persuade than the MacDougalls. He had hoped to use their willingness to convince the laird. Yet, he did not expect him to turn him down without discussion.

“Where’s yer da? Why is he not here to bring me this proposal?” the MacDonald asked gruffly.

It dawned on Shane why the laird was annoyed.

“Aye,” Shane explained. “My da sends his greetings to ye. He was injured defending our cattle from a Campbell raid recently. He lives but he could not have made the journey. Many of our men died during the raid, including our priest as he was giving last rites to a dying man. The Campbells have little reverence. My da has made me the laird of the MacGregors.”

Shane’s voice was strong as he related the recent events to the man. He knew he must show his strength and ability to lead the MacGregors. While an ally today, any clan was a potential enemy, any weakness would be seen as an invitation to attack.

“I am sorry to hear about yer da. Seamus is a good friend,” the MacDonald said. “I dinna see why he would not come himself.”

The MacDonald was in his middle sixties, almost twelve years older than his father. His shoulder-length hair was grey and coarse. He had many wrinkles around his eyes from a lifetime of squinting against the harsh Scotland elements. Though his body was still firm and muscular, he walked with a bit of a limp, still suffering from an old wound in his hip. He was tough, a man to be reckoned with.

The MacDonald leaned back in his chair, seemingly relaxed as though he understood the situation and realized he had not been purposely insulted. Shane did not avoid his eyes as he studied him. The laird looked at his hands, rough and calloused. Slowly, he began the press his fingers against one another. As if he were going to pray. He sat quietly. Shane and Iain watched, bewildered, thinking the laird was, indeed, praying.

“Ye lads go and speak with some of yer friends. There are several here anxious to jabber with ye. I need to think on this a while. I’ll see ye at supper.”

He rose from the table and walked from the hall.

Shane and Iain exchanged curious glances.

After spending a few hours catching up with old friends and resting from their long ride, Shane and his men took seats at one of the tables in the great hall to enjoy the evening meal. The MacDonald, joined by his wife, daughter, and sons, sat at the table on the dais. A tapestry covering the window behind them kept the night chill from the family.

When the clan and their guests were finished eating, the laird stood with his cup in hand.

“I would like to welcome the MacGregor and his men. They have brought us a request and while I have made my decision, I have a request of my own.”

Here it comes, then
Shane reminded himself of the responsibilities and the people who were depending upon him. He felt the loyalty he had for his clan. He reflected on Kate. He missed her very much at this moment. More than anything he wished he was in her arms, talking in low whispers, smelling her sweet scent. He glanced over to Iain.

Iain looked back at his laird, a grimace on his face.

The MacDonald took a drink from his cup and continued. “Shane, I’ve decided to grant yer request to help with the bloody Campbells. There is no doubt they are a blight to us all. We will sit down on the morrow and talk over the details. And to join our families, ensuring a strong alliance, ye will marry my daughter, Mary. Yer marriage will create a bond of family.”

Sitting beside her mother on the dais, Mary’s head came up. Shane saw her shock
Her father had said nothing to her of this arrangement. She had no warning he intended to put this upon her. Shane kept his chin firm but pity gripped his heart for Mary.

Before words of denial could come from her open mouth, her mother grabbed her hand under the table, gaining Mary’s attention. Mary looked at her and as her mother shook her head slightly, Mary closed her mouth and set her gaze to her lap.

Knowing it may have come to this, Shane briefly considered telling the old laird he would not, indeed, marry his daughter
He knew he couldn’t make any statement to the contrary in front of the entire clan. The laird had clearly stated his condition to the alliance. Shane’s stomach clenched.

He chanced a glance to the woman with whom he was now betrothed and could only guess at her thoughts. Tendrils of her light brown hair hid her face as she kept her head bowed. Shane saw a pretty girl with a well-developed figure. She was about sixteen, he guessed. Though young, she was of marriageable age. He knew it would seal the alliance. But his heart belonged to another.

Iain poked at Shane’s rib. He nodded over his shoulder. At the MacDonald’s announcement, a man sitting behind Shane started to stand in protest of the marriage. His friends on either side of him held him down and were whispering urgently into his ear. The man’s face was red with fury. Shane watched as the man’s friends attempted to calm him. He stood abruptly, the men on either side of him releasing their hold at his insistence. He made a quick bow to his laird and left the hall. His friends, hard pressed to keep up, followed.

Iain leaned across the table and shook his head slightly, then said quietly.

“Keep yer answer neutral.”

Shane simply stood with his cup raised. “To the Clan MacDonald.”

Shane then sat down. The laird looked puzzled, accepting his brief statement, took a drink from his cup, and the rest of the clan followed suit. The hall filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter, some whispering about the news of the laird’s daughter.

Shane leaned over to Iain, who put his finger briefly to his lips and nodded for Shane to walk with him. The two men rose from the table, turned to bow toward the MacDonald and headed for the door. Shane saw the look of despair and sorrow on Mary’s face. Shane smiled at her. She tried to give him a look of joy but failed miserably.

When they got outside, Shane turned to Iain. “I dinna believe she is any happier about this than I.”

“True enough,” Iain said. “I think there is more to this situation than we know.”

“I’ll find Mary. Talk to her. I have no idea what I am to say.”

“I’ll follow the angry one, see if I can find out more.”

“Be wary,” Shane warned. “As ye say, there is more to this than we know.”

Shane went into the manor house while Iain headed toward the stables. Seeing Mary had left her seat at the table, he turned to a servant.

“Where can the daughter of the laird be found?”

“She is in the far left room in the gallery space directly above the great hall.”

Shane climbed the stairs and walked down the small hallway to a massive wooden door. His shoulders slumped. It had been a long day and it looked to be longer still before he could find a place to rest his head. He took in a deep breath, blew it out and rapped on the door lightly with his knuckle. His knock was quickly greeted by a maid who, by the surprise on her face, was expecting someone else.

“Come in, my love,” a female voice from inside the room called through her tears.

The maid looked at Shane, her faced reddening.

Shane smiled down to her and gestured for her to lead the way into the room.

“M’lady—” the maid began.

Shane interrupted. “M’lady, may we speak for a moment.”

Mary came out from behind the heavy drape covering the window. As soon as she saw Shane, she began to cry in earnest. Distressed, Shane stepped over to comfort her but stopped quickly. Running his hand through his hair, he tried to speak to the distraught woman.

“Dinna worry, m’lady. I only want to talk with ye.”

With this, the maid turned to leave the two alone. Because of his recent betrothal, Shane was within his rights to be without a chaperone.

“Nay, woman. Dinna leave,” Shane directed, and then turned his attention to Mary. “I would have her stay or another to be with ye if ye prefer. I dinna want questions of yer purity later on.”

Mary nodded to the maid, who sat down on a corner bench.

Shane drew in a deep breath and relaxed a bit. He moved no closer to the girl.

“I saw yer reaction to yer father’s announcement. It appeared to me perhaps ye have no desire to marry me. And I have to—”

Mary interrupted Shane, speaking quickly.

“Forgive me, m’lord. I am sure any lass would be blessed to be yers in marriage. I canna marry ye. My heart belongs to another. Had ye come a month later, I would not been here for my da to give my hand to ye.”

Someone beat the door with a loud bang. Before the maid could reach it, the door flung open and a huge, very angry man rushed in.

“What do ye think ye are doing in here?”

Iain, quickly trailing the man, burst into the room as well.

“My regrets, Shane. As soon as I found him one of his lads had already told him they had seen ye headed this way. He was gone before I could say a word to him.”

Shane remained standing where he was. He moved no closer to the angry man, but he moved no farther from the woman standing before him. He would not yield. He was betrothed to her and he was the MacGregor. Regardless of whether he actually wanted to marry her or not, the man presumed too much.

“I’ve run men through for lesser insults. Mind who yer speaking to,” Shane growled with his hand on the blade hanging from his side.

The man stopped short of reaching Shane, but still stood firm with his chest heaving and his face red.

“She is not yers to have,” he snarled.

“Aye, she is if I choose,” Shane replied firmly.

Mary watched the declarations with narrowed blue eyes. “I’m not cattle. Ye are both disgraceful. Speaking of me like I’m not standing right here. I’m not putting up the likes of both ye. Ewen, stand down,” Mary said, pointing her finger at him. Then moving her finger and gaze to Shane, she continued. “And, MacGregor, I will have a choice as well.”

Shane looked from Mary to Ewen.

“She’s a mouthy wench,” Shane said as he smiled at the man before him, breaking the tension.

“Aye, she is. What’s a man to do. I was hoping a wee bairn in her belly would settle her down a bit,” Ewen replied with an equal grin on his face, relaxing as well.

“Well, ye can all go to the devil. I’m not taking either one of ye,” Mary pronounced as she headed toward the door, her maid in tow.

Shane stopped her by grabbing hold of her arm. Ewen stepped in front of the massive door.

Ewen looked down at Mary trying her best to release Shane’s grip on her wrist, get past him, and out the door. Shane saw Ewen’s love for her and knew they would have to tread carefully.

Mary stopped struggling when she gazed into Ewen’s eyes. His feelings were written so very clearly in his face. She turned to Shane with such ferocity, he dropped the hand holding her arm.

“He isn’t to be hurt. Ye will let him leave,” she said fiercely, tears falling down her face.

“Nay, lass, he is not to be hurt. Smooth yer ruffled feathers and listen to me. Quiet now. I dinna want to marry ye but I dinna want ye to be hurt either. I see yer feelings for each other. My heart, too, belongs to another. I need this alliance and yer da has made a condition. We must calm down a wee bit,” Shane said, gesturing for them all to sit down.

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