Daughter Trilogy Bundle (73 page)

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"If not you, then whom?" she asks with a less offensive tone.

"Adisia," a breathy whisper releases, and all eyes turn to me as Theia mutters my name like a prophecy.

No pressure, Theia.

"A mere new power?  Impossible.  Only a titan can do such, and only a few of those," Deidra scoffs.

"She did it, and I can prove it.  When I said no one survived, I meant it very literally.  The world was crushed beneath her power, and everyone - including Safina- was wiped," Theia asserts.

Deidra's eyes widen in suspicious disbelief, and she comes closer to inspect me as though I'm some new breed of life.  Devin stares down at the woman who looks down at me, and his eyes caution her.

"Don't look at me that way, young one.  If this girl is as strong as you claim, she can handle herself in a friendly spout with me," Deidra dares.

Spout?  Does that mean fight?

"No," Devin objects.

"You don't get to tell me no," she snaps.

Her tone with my man is starting to piss me off, and I can feel the goddess stirring inside me to show her the line she's crossing.

"Fighting each other is not going to solve anything," Hale interjects humbly.

"It's impossible to kill Safina.  That's why I encased her.  It's not likely she escaped.  This is a damn good scare tactic.  Safina wouldn't have retreated, and you're allowing someone to play all of you like fools.  Now, let's see how strong your Aphrodite is.  I've lived long enough to know Aphrodite's power didn't outshine mine, and I'll gladly prove this all to be a fallacy."

Devin starts to step up, but I push him back as the green surges to my eyes.  I smirk a little at the challenge my goddess desires to take on, and then I tilt my head to the side like a lioness before attack.


Devin grips my elbow as Deidra struts in her long dress with samurai splits that reveal her black leather pants underneath.  She acts as though she's stretching her tight muscles, and Devin begins whispering to only me.

"Don't do this.  Deidra is barely an ally.  She doesn't fathom right and wrong the way we do, and she's strong."

"So am I," I murmur with my second bit of energy slowly awakening.

He tightens his lips, letting me know he doesn't approve.

"Deidra, I'm asking you not to do this," he pleads when he realizes my power is not willing to be subdued.

I feel so good… so alive.  It's intoxicatingly delicious, and I'm ready to show the world I'm back.

"If you want my help, you'll stop arguing," she snarks.

"No one needs your help anymore," Theia rebuts.

"If you're facing the daughters of Athena with two from Aphrodite, then you'll need my help, and you know it.  I need to feel this girl's power before I choose a side," she remarks with an icy chill.

"Choose a side?" I ask with brazen fearlessness.

"Eternity only lasts as long as you allow it."

"Safina won't take kindly to someone who encased her and her mother for centuries," I remind.

"If she ever wants her mother back she will," Deidra scoffs arrogantly.

"You can't be serious right now.  You love the mortals, and you know what she'll do to them," Theia gasps.

"We've lost the strength we once had.  If we're to survive, certain risks must be taken and sacrifices will be made.  If your girl is truly as strong as you claim, then she'll prove herself, and none of that will be necessary," Deidra growls.

"She's not ready yet.  Her immortality has just returned.  She needs time to summon all her strength," Devin explains.

I smile a little as the power stirs from within a little stronger, and Deidra's eyes flash with a red glare mingling with black swirls.

"I'm ready," I release fearlessly.

She smirks as the ground beneath me quakes, and I feel the skies pouring down on us as they crackle overhead.

Suddenly molten lava oozes from the cracks now splitting the desert floor, but I don't flinch as the water crashes and cools it to a hard rock.  Her eyes narrow, and the lava becomes more restrained momentarily before erupting into a torrential downpour of hell's liquid.

The wind swirls over me to act as an umbrella, and the dripping blobs are deterred from my touch.

She smirks just before the ground splits more, and suddenly jagged rocks begin slashing through the ground with their deadly ascent.  My eyes feel a new burn, and I know who is waking up.

A dangerous and excited new smirk appears on my face as the white fills in with the green, and the others gasp with Deidra as suddenly the jagged rocks halt their ascent before fleeing back into the ground.

Deidra scrambles backwards at the feat she apparently had prepared for.  I feel more power lifting me into the arms of invincibility as I taste the destruction I wish to wreak.

I drop my winded umbrella and the scorching balls of lava drip down to roll off my skin as ineffectively as water.  Burns scatter against my clothes, but my body remains unscathed by her weapon of choice.

More gasps sound out, and I see the sheer terror beaming from the face that was once so eager to exterminate me like a meaningless bug.

The arrogance has fled her as humbleness curls around her eyes and mingles with panic.  A chilling giggle emerges from me as the power calls me to do its will.

This bitch threatened Devin.  This bitch wants to feel in control.  This bitch should die.

"Adisia, no," Devin beckons while rushing toward me.

"She wanted to feel my power," my voice echoes in a taunt as I giggle more.

"I'm sorry," she begs.  "Please stop."

"You threatened him," I say with a chimed tone.

"No.  I wouldn't hurt Devin," she promises like a sniveling coward.

"You would choose Safina," a hollow tone expresses through my lips.

"No.  I swear I won't.  I swear I won't.  I had no idea Asteria was part of you," she beckons.

Suddenly my lips are rushed as heaven flows into my mouth.  The passion ignites and the fire I'm holding in the palm of my hand ashes from the fire I feel as my clothes begin to sizzle against the scorching heat of my body.

Devin's lips are bringing back my sanity, and I release the storm as my winded wrap comes to shield him before the acidic lava has a chance to harm him.

She drops her attack instantly while I'm distracted, and I gradually come down from my extraordinary power rush as he commands all of me - forcing the goddesses to back down.

He grips me tighter to his body, and the silence from all around finally resonates with me.

I just lost control.  I didn't even feel it coming on.

I gasp a little as I pull back, and Devin's eyes are etched with worry.  He cups my face with one hand, and I can see all the horrified faces surrounding us as Persia's eyes water in disbelief.

"What happened?" I ask quickly.

Deidra dusts herself off and swallows her pride as she answers the question no one else will.

"You've just shown me to never question your power again.  I'm sorry, and I will serve you," she says while bowing.

"Serve me?  I don't want you serving me or anyone at all.  I just want to find the damn crazy bitches and kill them so we can move on.  I'm sick of the hiding, running, and fighting.  I don't want an eternity of that," I babble.

Everyone exhales in relief when they see I've fully returned, but Deidra continues her servant-like demeanor she had expected the others to show her upon arrival.

Persia's lips are tightened to the point I can't even see them, and her face is ashen.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I demand.

"Adisia, you controlled the lava.  You shouldn't be able to do that.  You were unaffected by the attack.  You forced the earth back into hiding, and Deidra has never felt that sort of resistance," Theia answers.

Oh good grief.  I just want a minute alone with my fiancé.

"Can we please just get out of here?" I gripe.

"Anything you wish," Deidra answers in servitude.

"Stop that.  Don't act like I'm some supreme being in charge," I growl.

"It's the way of our world.  The strong lead the weak," Lana says with a bow of her head.

"I'm not leading anything.  I just want to breathe for a minute.  I was so excited to get my immortality back, so stop ruining my moment.  I don't want this," I grumble.

"Let's just head to Dallas for the night, and we'll deal with the rest tomorrow," Devin adds as he takes my hand.

"I'm with Devin.  This is all too much to digest," Kry mumbles in exasperation.

"Adisia is the new Emperian," Ther whispers in disbelief to himself.

"Emperian?" I question, and Devin's eyes close as he sighs out loudly.

"Supreme power," he answers hesitantly.  "It's been Deidra since the demise of Rhea and Safina.  The Emperian calls the shots, and abides by no boundaries or territories."

"No.  Deidra can remain the Emperian.  I want no part of shot calling, and I don't care to be anywhere other than with you," I quickly object.

"I can't be the Emperian any longer.  I elected to face you in a duel.  It was my rash stupidity, and now the consequence requires my title to be handed to you," Deidra humbly explains.

"No.  I don't want your title.  Let's fight again, and I'll let you win," I panic.

Kry and Hale let out a snicker, and Deidra actually lets a small smirk appear.

"I'm afraid that's not the way things work, but you've requested a night of peace.  A night of peace you shall have," she replies with an ushering hand to motion to a car pulling up.

I huff as I stalk over to the car, and the moment I'm inside Devin flashes in behind me.

I turn to gripe about all the crazy
bull, but his lips glue themselves to mine before I can let a word escape.  The forceful hands grip me tighter as they pull me in a grinding motion against his lap.

I feel the throbbing growing as we suddenly find ourselves in a torrid tumble that rattles the fragile car.

Devin's breath breaks as he gasps for more air, but I can't stop myself from ripping off his shirt.  His hand grips my hair, and then his lips press firmly against my neck as the near month of mounted frustration desperately tries to come to a salaciously destructive end.

The poor driver remains quiet until he clears his throat to warn us of our arrival, but Devin doesn't release his hold on me as the door flies open.

He flashes inside with my legs still strapped to his waist, and the wind rushes my back as he flashes up the stairs instead of using the slower elevator.

The savagery between us is as electrifying as the currents pulsing over my body, and I never know we're entering a room until I feel a bed beneath me.

"I love you, baby," he breathes into my mouth.

"I love you," I almost murmur in prayer.

His hands shred the tattered, smoking clothes from my body, and I can smell the bed beneath us starting to singe.

It creaks as if it's begging for mercy as Devin's hands trail up my body and grip me tighter just before he forces me to thrust against him.  I can taste the pure seduction staining the air, and I don't give a damn about anyone or anything but him right now.

The bulbs break and thunder crackles outside the open window, and then a mist surrounds us as the sudden downpour drops freely.

I smile against the smoldering kiss as his mouth continues to control mine.  Everything throbs for satisfaction as the fire blazes freely from me.  I hear water drizzling in to calm the flames while our dance of desire spirals into a maddening force.


"That was hot," I pant.

"I believe that's an understatement," Devin chuckles as he pulls me tighter to him.

I smile as proudly assess the room we've thoroughly destroyed, and my eyes rest on the remnants charred fabric lining the fabric and furniture that used to be white.

The gallant glass doors lead to a balcony.  The wind had forced them open during our incredibly rough and long awaited moment.

The shattered fragments of furniture that once stood effortlessly now shiver in fear.  I'm used to all the broken, but I'm not so accustomed to the excessively burned pieces.

"How did everything get so fried?" I ask quizzically.

"I have no idea," Devin laughs.  "I smelled smoke, so I whirled your rain in.  It's not like I was looking at anything other than you," he seduces.

"Wow.  We could have burned down the entire place," I gasp.

?  No fire in these bones, baby.  That's all you embodying Aphrodite's passion," he chuckles.

I blush a little as I hide my bashful face.

"First of all, it's my passion, and secondly, it's never been this extreme before," I giggle.

He continues laughing as he flips up on his side to stare me in the eyes.  His soft fingertips trace the edge of my face until he draws my chin up for his lips to reach mine.

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