Daughter Trilogy Bundle (103 page)

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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Without thinking, I throw Camara
’s phone against the wall, and the pieces fall to the ground with a trembling jolt.


I grab my phone from my pocket and then I dial the number I
’ve already memorized after seeing it only once.  It goes directly to voicemail, and I grip my head as I try again.

I jump when my damn phone buzzes in my hand, and I answer without even noticing who
’s calling.

Please talk to me,” I blurt out.

That’s kind of why I called,” Kry says with a bit of a naïve chuckle.

Hey,” I sigh out in disappointment.

You’re on speaker.  We’ve got a problem with hellhounds now.  I suppose it might be a good idea to call in some electrical powers.  What do you think?” he leads, and a hopeful rush of air enters my lungs.

I think it’s the perfect excuse to bring her back.  Does this mean you finally believe me?”

This means we know Adisia and you are not meant to be apart.  Whatever happened, we’ll all help you find a way to move past it.  I know you love her, we all do.  Hale’s going to call her in the morning.”

Call her now.  I can’t wait that long,” I bumble out like a pitiful, eager teen.

We can hit the jets and be there within a few hours,” Hale murmurs softly.

You know where she is?” I accidentally bark.

No, but Camara does.  She’s already told us we needed to find a way to draw Adisia back in.  She’ll tell us.  Just tell the jets to get ready.  We’ll ambush your girl before she has time to hesitate.”

My heart finally beats again, and I nod to the phone even though they can
’t see me.

Sounds like a plan.  I’ll call the jets right now.  Just get back so we can head out.”

Done,” Kry says with a happy tone.


I start dialing her again, but the phone doesn’t even ring before going to voicemail this time.

I start sending her texts.  Each one tells her I love her, and I have to be with her, but she doesn
’t respond.  It doesn’t matter though.

She won
’t refuse to lend her help, and in time, she won’t refuse me anymore either.  It all makes sense now.

Camara was constantly showing up at random and fishing for me to converse with her.  Now I know it was only so Adisia could hear my voice.  She
’s been trying to get over me, but she can’t.

For the first time in months, I have hope, and I
’m not going to waste my opportunity.

Chapter 6


Filling in the Blanks.


So, your brother’s wedding is in two days, and it looks like you’ll need a date,” Jace chirps.

I can’t believe he’s getting married right now.  He’s barely known Jane for five months, and I’m really not into the whole idea of leaving the house,” I grumble.

It’s been four months since you and Devin called it quits.  I think at some point you have to make the first step.”

I smell terrible,” I gripe while motioning to the invisible fumes radiating from my tired body.

On the contrary, you smell incredible, almost erotically intoxicating, which is a real problem,” Jace seduces while giving me his best devilish smirk.

You promised,” I growl.

I promised I wouldn’t badger you.  I’m just being suggestive, and I’ve done good considering we’ve been living together for
four months
,” he playfully exasperates.

That doesn’t give you a free pass,” I chuckle.

With a light laugh and a casual shrug, he stands to his feet and walks toward me.

“Well, I’ve got some stuff to do.  I’ll call Camara and see if she has any suggestions on how to contain your scent,” he murmurs softly while kissing my forehead.

Tell her-”

Yeah, yeah, I know the routine.  Tell her not to tell Devin she spoke to either of us,” he rattles out sardonically while repeating my words as if in mantra.

I half smile to keep from crying as I pull out the ice cream.  I feel a little dizzy, and I fight a stagger.  Considering it
’s been weeks since I indulged in anything substantial, I’m sure that’s normal.

My phone buzzes, and I smile when I see Hale
’s name flash across the screen with a sun rising from the horizon as his backdrop picture.

Hey,” I murmur sweetly.

Hey, gorgeous.  How are things?”

About the same.  How are things on your end?”

Devin is still calling your old number just to hear your voice on the voicemail, and everyone is growing tired of his relentless search for you,” he mutters in exhaustion.

How are you?” I sincerely request.

I miss our little Aphrodite.  I wish you’d work things out with him,” he requests with hesitance.

He cheated, Hale.  They’ve yet to find any supernatural occurrence.  Devin just wasn’t ready.  He did it a day before we were supposed to be bonded together.  You know as well as I do he was just too scared to go through with it, and this was his way out.  For some reason, he just didn’t think he’d lose me all together,” I exasperate.

I don’t know.  He’s still holding firm to the fact it couldn’t have been him,” he counters.

Did he know what he was doing?”

Yes,” Hale sighs.

Did he feel like a puppet?”


Did Theia find any sign of supernatural activity or divine intervention?” I whimper.

No,” he grumbles.

Then it was all him,” I huff.  “I don’t like it either, but I also know the taste of betrayal.”

Has Jace made a move on you?” Hale pries.

Several, but he’s not getting anywhere.  He knows he and I aren’t going to be together.  As bad as I hate Devin, I still love him too.”

He’s in Connecticut right now talking with your mom,” he murmurs.  “He’s been calling Persia nonstop, but she won’t tell him where you are either.  He’d be super pissed if he knew we’ve all been talking to you.”

I’m sorry.  You don’t have to talk to me.  I don’t want you to have any problems because of me,” I guiltily reply.

I didn’t say that.  I don’t care if he gets mad or not.  You’re my friend too, and I’ll be damned if he gets us in the divorce,” he chuckles out, and then it shifts into a sudden uncomfortable silence.  “That was a terrible joke,” he mumbles.  “I don’t know what I was thinking.  I’m so sorry.”

It’s fine.  I would laugh, but I sent him the annulment papers two days ago,” I explain.

Oh.  Hell.   He hasn’t told me about that,” he gasps.

I figured a normal marriage deserved a normal end.  I can’t be someone’s wife when I’ve seen their lips on another woman’s.  Please tell me he’s not going to the wedding,” I sigh.

He’ll be there.  He’s paying for your brother’s honeymoon, and he bought Jane a new car just to make sure they didn’t leave him off the guest list.  He’s pretty determined to see you.”

I can’t believe this.  How am I going to keep him away from me in such a closed in area?” I huff.

He’s not going to cause a scene in front of so many mortals,” he assures.

You saw him on the beach.”

Yeah, I did.  There was hell to pay for us all that day,” Hale sighs.  “But he’s had four months to calm down.  I’m sure he can be civil.  He looks like hell, and I’m sure it would do him some good to get out for more than harpie killing,” he adds.

You’re still having issues with them?”

They’re popping up more and more.  It’s weird.  There’re usually not so many, but don’t worry about it.  We’ve got it under control.  I suppose I’ll see you at the wedding,” he chimes with a worrisome tone.

I suppose I have no choice.  I can’t miss my brother’s wedding.”

I put the phone away and grip my aching head.  How can I make it through a whole wedding with Devin there?


Jace walks in smelling
.  I start laughing ridiculously hard while holding my nose.

Oh good grief.  What’s that smell?”

He glares at me with exhaustion. 
“Skunk,” he mumbles.

What the hell?  Why have you been playing with skunks?” I chuckle.

Camara said it would help neutralize your delicious smell, and we have five hours to hop on a jet and make it to the wedding.  You need to mix this with a drink, and I hope you have better luck than I did,” he gripes while handing me a vial of skunk juice.

Why didn’t you get Camara’s help?” I giggle out.

Oh, I asked for it, and instead of one skunk spraying me, there were twenty.  I told you she didn’t like me,” he gripes in a sulking tone.

I laugh even harder, and he pulls his shirt off to throw it in the trash.

“I’m going to go take a shower… or ten,” he growls.

I laugh a little more while pouring out the contents from the vile vial into my blender.  I turn my nose up as I mesh the fruity drink with the skunk spray, and I hold my breath while I gulp it down.

I almost throw up, but I manage to chug the rest of it.

Pulling out the ice cream, I sigh and then walk over to turn on the news while I wait for Jace to clean up.  I laugh a little as I think of how crazy we
’ll smell walking in together.

The news takes away my moment of carefree thoughts, and I frown as I see the evidence of a tsunami in a small island town.  Devin has been stalking harpies and me.

I walk back to the kitchen to add a new ingredient to my ice cream, and I wonder if I should question my sanity.  Jace walks down while drying his hair, and he smells like he was dropped in a tub of cologne. 

Over compensating?” I chuckle out.

What the hell are you eating?” he asks in surprised disgust while ignoring my teasing question.

Don’t ask,” I grumble.

Is that pickled herring and ice cream?” he gasps.

Please don’t say it out loud.  Apparently my misery needed an extra dose of disgusting today.”

We need to get going.  It’s a long flight, and we’ll barely have time to get you in your bridesmaid dress,” he seduces.

I’ve got it with me.  I had Jane mail it to me a few days ago, and it’s ready to be thrown on just before I walk in.  Devin’s going to be there,” I murmur.

Camara told me.  She thinks you two will get back together at the wedding.  She didn’t know about the annulment papers,” he answers hesitantly.

Apparently he didn’t tell anyone,” I grumble.

I’ll keep him away,” he menaces.

Please don’t start a fight at the wedding,” I plead.  “How long will this skunk stuff work?”

She said you’d have about seven hours if her calculations are right,” he answers.

I should have saved it until just before the wedding then,” I sigh.

Don’t look at me.  Next time you get your own skunk juice,” he chuckles out.

I laugh a little, and he takes my hand to lead me out the door.  I feel the nervous knots growing in my stomach as we flash over to the jet in the back yard landing strip. 

Persia’s Phoenix home has been perfect for hiding from Devin.  She and Kahl have been out looking for answers.  They’ve been desperate to bring me solace, but they’re not going to find anything.

What Devin did wasn
’t provoked by powers or divinity.  It was a normal man being too terrified of commitment. 


“You sure you’re ready for
this?” Jace asks as we pull up to the inn.

No, but I’ve got to do it.  Just don’t let me cry,” I almost whimper.

I’ll do my best,” he promises, and he takes my hand again as we walk into the inn where my old life will collide with my hidden misery.

Adisia!” my mother squeals.  “Oh girl, you are cutting it close, and you’re holding a man’s hand that’s not your husband,” she speculates, and her eyes criticize me.  “Is this why your incredible husband has been an absolute mess?” she scolds.

Jace is just my friend.  Devin and I are about to get an annulment.  Just drop it for now, please.  This is Jake’s day, and I hope he has more luck than I did,” I say with tears teetering.

What happened?” she insists.

I really don’t want to talk about it, and I have to walk down the aisle in just a minute,” I add.

Well, you’ll be surprised when you see your escort.  By the way, several young men are excited to meet Jake’s newly single sister.  I’ve told them you’re still married, but they are still insistent on meeting the pretty girl in the pictures Jake has from the wedding,” she cautions.

Great,” I harp.  “Just what I need.”

I’ll go grab a seat.  I’ll see you out there,” Jace says while giving me an encouraging pat on the arm. 

I walk over to the doors that are waiting to be opened, and I almost trip when I see Devin standing among the wedding party.  He cracks his neck from side to side before walking over to me, and it
’s all I can do to stay upright.

What are you doing back here?” I stumble out.

I’m a groomsman, and I’ll be the one leading you down the aisle,” he answers with a fearlessly charismatic tone.

Hale told me Devin looked like hell.  Apparently hell is a lot sexier than I imagined it to be.

“It’s nice to see my brother can be bought,” I gripe.

I just wanted to see you, touch you, and talk to you.  Please let me prove I love you, baby,” he pleads.

Stop it.  This is Jake’s day,” I scold.  “You had your chance.”

I know, but I swear it wasn’t me,” he murmurs as his lips inch dangerously close to mine.  “Your smell is there, but you’re trying to dilute it.  Let me help you,” he seduces.

Stop,” I demand while spinning out of his clutches.  “This is a wedding.  It’s not a chance for you to try and tell me the same bullshit story I’ve heard too many times.  Just walk me down the aisle for the last time, and then sign the damn papers,” I whimper.

I won’t sign them.  I’ve already thrown them away.  I told you I’d never let you go, and I meant it,” he growls.

It’s a little harder to believe when I’ve had the pieces of my heart scattered across the sea.  It’s over, and now’s not the time to discuss it,” I admonish.

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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