Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3)
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ushering us out the door.

We follow his brisk pace out of the apartment building, and he stops in front of a wildly roaring


“Just a heads up, this club is for immortals only. You’ll have to flash your eyes to get past the

bouncer,” Hale whispers, and then he steps up to face the hulking bouncer.

I follow his lead, and offer the bouncer a sneak peak of the goddess within. His jaw pops open,

and he sways as if he’s under some sort of spell I never meant to cast.

My scent… Damn,

“Yeah, it’s back. The skunk wore off much quicker than last time, and that’s another reason

everyone disappeared,” Camara says to confirm my inner thoughts.

Oh poor Hale got double dosed.

“Sorry, Hale,” I murmur softly.

“I’ll survive,” he says with a forced grin.

Camara flashes her eyes, and then everyone in the room stirs as we walk in. The black lights

bring my white corset to life under their illuminating glow, and now I’m agitated by Aphrodite’s

craving for attention when all eyes glue themselves to me.

“Damn it,” I grumble, and then I see our group.

Jace tilts his head as though he’s uncertain about what he’s seeing, and Devin’s glass breaks in his

hand when his eyes fall on me. The bartender instantly replaces his shattered drink.

“What the hell are you trying to do to us?” Kry gripes in exasperation.

“It’s not her,” Hale chuckles. “Her goddess is craving some attention. It’s not good to starve an

Aphrodite of needed desire.”

“She’s getting plenty of
desire right now,” Deacon grumbles under his breath.

“Wow,” Ther startles out when he walks up.

You’d think I was standing here naked. This damn thing covers up as much as a strapless shirt. I

suppose it’s the idea of it rather than the actual garment.

“Couldn’t find your clothes?” Gemma snorts as she walks over.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” I snark. “Then again, I should have been since Devin will be single

soon enough.”

She gives me a grin to display her excitement for my announcement. Devin flinches, and I see the

pain pronouncing itself in his eyes. He starts to speak, but a man walks over to us.

“Devin, Graven will be ready for you in a few sets. He has some other matters he’s attending to

first,” the husky man informs.

“Thanks,” Devin slips out, and the man whisks away.

“Go a little bit easier. He’s not dealing so well,” Kry whispers.

“I haven’t been
dealing so well
since I saw his lips on his ex’s. It’s a fucked up world,” I growl,

and my eyes stain themselves green as the atmosphere full of desire for my body intoxicates me.

I smirk as every man in the room feels the draw to me, and I feel worshipped almost. The half-

naked girl on stage grows irritated by the lack of attention she’s getting, and I feel Devin’s arm

wrapping around my waist protectively.

“Please stop. You’ll start a fight in here if you continue,” he cautions.

“Stop what?”

“Stop seducing. Aphrodite’s presence is strong, and it’s stirring up every bit of desire anyone can

muster. It can cause men to experience temporary madness, and I shouldn’t have to explain what

they’ll try to do,” he warns.

I turn to him, and my eyes return to blue as I roll them.

“I guess it’s a good thing you’re immune to me,” I scoff. “I would have made you leave Nina

behind the moment she showed up,” I growl, and he grabs my hand in his.

“Need I be punished more? I’ll continue to take it if you’ll just come back to me. I’m not

immune to everything. Your scent is driving me as insane as the others,” he explains.

“I haven’t punished you at all. I’m not capable of doing the things you deserve, but I don’t feel

like discussing it now,” I murmur hatefully.

“Just keep talking to me. I need to feel you acknowledging me in any way you will,” he pleads.

My eyes soften when I hear the sincerity in his voice, and it makes my fleeting moment of

coldness melt. I stare up into his swirling blues, and his body begins to gravitate toward mine.

“Devin. There you are,” a girl’s voice chimes in, and Devin’s eyes close as exasperation and

dread mingle in his expression.

“Felicia,” he sighs with complete fret.

I stare at the tall, blazing redhead as she struts around to be right up against him. Her tight, black

dress hugs her too tightly, and her chest is almost bursting free.

“I knew you’d be coming here,” she seduces, and her finger trails up his chest until he grabs it to

halt the climb.

“This is my wife,” he interjects, and her eyes widen in disbelief.

“Wife? Seriously? You?” she gasps.

“Soon to be ex-wife,” I correct as my coldness returns with a scorned vengeance.

She smiles victoriously, and his lips tighten with a tormented torque when my words bite through

the flesh to draw first blood.

“So just a mortal marriage then?” she beams.

“Please leave us be. We’re trying to get some matters wrapped up so we can take care of

business,” Devin says to shift the subject.

“You know you need my help. I have a little burst of electricity you might need,” she smolders.

“We have two electrical entities. Adisia,
my wife
, can open the skies, and Jace is a son of Zeus,”

he curtly replies.

“A sky opener. Impressive,” she murmurs.

“Oh, that’s just the half of it,” Kry snickers. “My advice, get out while you still can.”

“If she’s about to be his ex, then I see no reason why I should fret,” she murmurs, and I can see

the swirls of purple in her eyes.

“What is she?” I ask nonchalantly, and Devin seems displeased by my lack of jealously.

I’m actually just holding back the urge to choke her here and now, but I can’t let him see that. He

feels as though I’m giving him hope when I do reveal my jealous side, and I can’t break free as long as

he has hope.

“I’m a daughter of Degall - an electric entity much like Zeus,” she supplies, and I see her hand

trying to return to Devin’s body.

“Touch me again, and I’ll break your hand,” he threatens.

Her eyes widen in shocked disbelief. It’s the first time he’s ever said anything like that to any of

his exes in front of me.

“Sorry,” she snorts. “Didn’t realize you had done a complete flip.”

“I told you I’m married, and despite her objections, I plan to keep it that way,” he asserts, and his

eyes scold me for the cruel remarks I made earlier.

She gives me a little grin, and I cower slightly under Devin’s determined gaze. I’m too close to

him, and the power of Aphrodite’s passion is starting to take its toll on me. I need to find a release

somehow before my clothes sizzle off of me.

“Devin,” a man’s voice growls. “I’m
luring the hounds to you,” he continues, and I see a tall,

very attractive man who looks to be mid-thirties - though he’s probably in his late hundreds.

“You haven’t even given me the chance to persuade you yet,” Devin says with a smirk, and the

man instantly stares me down.

“She’s a damn Aphrodite. I know that scent. I’ve been wondering why everyone in here is being

extra generous with the tips in the last little bit. That’s good business,” he says with a dirty grin.

I almost feel like I need a shower now and I’m regretting this slinky top - er… underwear top.

“She’s here to ensure you help out,” Devin smugly adds.

“I’ll help out if she dances on my stage,” Graven growls provocatively. “My business would

boom after that rumor spread.”

“I’ll pay you any amount she would bring in. She’s not going to dance, and you really have no

leverage,” Devin murmurs with a recognizable tone of anger.

“If she forces me, it won’t work as well. I’ll be a drunken mess. If I go willingly, things will run

much smoother,” Graven counters.

I smirk deviously and speak before Devin can object again. I can feel the goddess within

desperately craving the chance to play.

“I’d actually love to dance,” I smolder as my eyes flash green, and Graven suddenly doesn’t seem

so brave as he becomes a normal, trembling man lost in my gaze.

“No,” Devin gripes, but I barely give him a half glance before turning my attention back to


I grip the back of the chair beside me as my hips sway seductively to the music, and his eyes

almost gape open in a completely seduced silence.

“But, that’s very dangerous,” I add with some sultry hesitance for mounting suspense. “That

small, fragile pole would simply melt if it makes it to the scorching temperatures between my legs,” I

sizzle out, and the metal back of the chair that is under my hand melts completely when forced to

endure the fire of my passion.

Sparks fly wildly, and the power to the building surges to a total blackout. I have to stifle a laugh

when I hear Jace huff.

“My fault,” he confesses. “I’ll go fix it.”

Hale is glowing - actually glowing - beside me, and I snicker lightly when I see Kry has dropped

his blades to the ground. The pipes in the building rumble, and I see Devin adjusting his collar as they

slowly calm down.

“On second thought, I’ll just help you out
the dance. She’ll perk up my sales just by

leaving her scent in here. There shouldn’t be any reason for her to push the envelope,” Graven

stammers while trying to keep his wobbly knees from giving out beneath him.

“Hale,” Jace chirps from the electrical box. “I need some light.”

“Great. Now I’m a damn flashlight,” Hale gripes, and I can’t help but chuckle this time.

“We’ll leave in the morning,” Devin forces out through a strained tone.

“Sounds good,” Graven murmurs while adjusting his belt, and I roll my eyes at the disgusting


“Don’t do that ever again,” Ther grumbles as he plops down on a stool beside me.

Graven has disappeared from sight, and I see Devin turning up the whole bottle of scotch.

Aphrodite seems to be sated in her attempt to gather desire, but now I just feel slutty.

“Can I go back to the house now? I’m not too crazy about everyone getting high off my scent,

and I feel a little off,” I murmur.

“What’s wrong?” Devin worries as he moves closer to inspect me.

“It happens. I just need to sit down and eat something,” I grumble, and I almost want to explode

at him about how it’s his fault.

I’m miserable, and Aphrodite’s lust is killing me. He scoops me up, and I jerk free to stand back

on my feet.

“I can walk, and I know the way. I was just making sure we’re done. I’ll stop for something to

eat on the way back,” I assert, and Jace flashes over just as the lights, music, and dirty dancing


“I’ll get it. You don’t need to be hanging out in the stores too much with mortals. I know what

you like,” he mutters, and then he offers me an encouraging pat.

Devin winces at the sweet gesture lined with a sugar coated stab meant for him. I just smile, and

Hale flashes out behind him as they go to the store.

I walk out, and instantly I feel Devin right behind me.

“Talk to me, please,” he pleads.

“Who’s Felicia?” I promptly snark.

“Someone I wish I never knew, especially at this moment. I swear I didn’t know she’d be here,”

he murmurs guiltily.

“You say that a lot. I suppose you’re going to tell me you never loved her the way you loved me,”

I retort.

“I never loved her at all or anyone else until you,” he counters, and then he grabs my arm to jerk

me around so my eyes are forced to meet his. “And I still love you. Don’t use it past tense, please.”

“If you loved me then, you wouldn’t have done what you did. If you love me now, it’s just

because you can no longer have me, and we both know you love a good chase. Sign the damn papers,”

I bark, and then I flash away before he can say anything else.

It’s all I can do not to let my tears flood me, and I know I have to do something to escape this

burning hell. The sooner we’re done, the better.

“Adisia,” Camara rattles off breathlessly. “Good grief. Since when are you that fast?”

“Since I had something to run from,” I callously reply as I stop running and turn to talk.

“Jace,” I murmur softly when I see the Aussie boy strutting up with a bag full of ingredients for

my disgusting mixtures.

“There she is,” he says softly, and then kisses my forehead as a way to taunt the approaching


I don’t even acknowledge him as I turn to head in, and the others are just behind me. I start to

touch Hale’s arm, and he flashes away from me like a mouse escaping a cat.

“No. You’re not allowed to even look at me. I’m on the verge of… I don’t know what. I’m

calling the Apollo girls that live just a few blocks from here,” Hale distresses, and then walks away to

distance himself before pulling out his phone.

I smirk a little, and then I just feel sad. People are seriously finding it impossible to stay around

me. Jace pats me on the back, and I join him on the couch while Kry slides to join Hale.

“Please tell me there’s more,” Kry grumbles.

BOOK: Daughter of Kaos (The Daughter Trilogy Book 3)
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