Dating Two Dragons (90 page)

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Authors: Sky Winters

BOOK: Dating Two Dragons
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“I’m going to spend the afternoon fluffing my resume and hunting on job boards. I’ll do some cold call hunting on Monday. With all the agencies in Chicago, the odds are one will hire me.”

“That’s good! I know how much you love working. I think you’re insane for it, but you’ll be much happier being productive.”

“I think so too. Hopefully, it won’t take me too long to get a job.” All I’ve wanted to do since losing my job is shop and that will burn through my savings very quickly, no matter how careful I spent.

“I’m curious. What sort of shifter did Nicholas say he was?”

Why did she have to bring the conversation back around to him? “Bear. Why?”

“No reason. Jason told me that each species behaves differently. Wolves are the most likely to settle down. With Nicholas being bear, this one-night stand thing might be possible.”

“Great. I would really like to stop talking about this now.” I was at the point where I felt like I was being clobbered over the head with the Nicholas thing.

“Sure, whatever you want. So let me tell you about what Jason’s been up to.”


Chapter 7


I did it. I managed to land a job within a week of starting my job search and my life had quickly settled back to normal. And a bonus, I got a ten thousand dollar a year pay bump with bonus incentives. I was so lucky to get fired.

I had settled into my busy work my second week on the job when my phone was hit with a random alert. It was from ComeShift. I had received a few inquiries from different guys, but since I never responded they started tapering off. I had thought about deactivating my account, but didn’t get around to it. I was about ready to just swipe away the alert when I saw the name: Nicholas Berry.

Holy shit.

I had all but pushed him from my mind in all the craziness of starting a new job. I was too tired most nights to think about watching Property Brothers let alone a person. My stomach flipped and I bit my lip, swiping the alert open.


I’ve been thinking about you. How have you been? I’d like to see you again.



Thinking about me. Oh boy. “Nope.” I powered my phone off and tossed it in my desk drawer so I wouldn’t be tempted. I wasn’t going to do this to myself again. As long as I reminded myself about how emotionally wrecked I was after the last several “relationships” and that I need me time, I could make it.

I had to focus on my work. I managed to get through the next hour without too much trouble, but that was the point my nerves became too much. It was a mad dash, but I made it to the bathroom before my stomach upended itself. I rested my head on the icy porcelain to cool my heated skin. I knew the anxiety would try to kill me eventually. I guess it was my time.

After cleaning myself up and rinsing my mouth out. I ventured back to my office, my stomach still churning. I made a mental note to call my doctor about a Xanax prescription if this kept on.

I was now at the point of distraction where I couldn’t focus on my work. I signed off for an early lunch and decided to take a walk. I needed air and a chance to clear my head. I popped my head into my boss’s office to see if she needed anything. “I’m going on a coffee run. You want anything?”

She didn’t even look away from her computer. “Yes. An Americano please. Skim milk.” She looked away from her screen then. “I also wanted to let you know that you’re doing really well here, Nicole. Keep up the good work.” She smiled broadly at me then set back to her work.

“Thank you!” I chirped before popping out and leaving. My stomach still felt off and my heartbeat was still a little high, but I felt better just being outside.

I decided to take the scenic route to the café around a nearby park. There was a woody area that was pretty to look at and I loved the smell of the pine trees. They cut through the permanent smog smell.

There was another, muskier smell that caught my attention as I moved along the sidewalk. I paused and peeked between the trees, the scent growing stronger as I poked my head into the wood. “That is so weird.” I mumbled to myself.

I whipped my head around as I heard the snap of branches off to my left. A pair of small glittering black eyes met mine and sent me screaming back the way I came. My four inch heels didn’t slow me down one bit.

I hauled ass the last four blocks to the café. I couldn’t get away from the woods fast enough. Catching my breath after that sucked so bad.

I placed my order as soon as I could speak again, and as I waited a thought occurred to me. “No. It couldn’t be him, could it?”

The barista handed me my drinks and food over the counter and after saying thank you, I headed back to the woods. The musky scent still lingered when I got back so I thought I might have a chance. “Nicholas?” Bears in the heart of Chicago just didn’t happen. “Nicholas, if you’re still here you can come out.”

A branch snapped behind me. I whirled around to see what it was when a handsome man appeared between the trees. “Hey, baby.”

“Was that you before?”

“It was me.” He smiled sheepishly at his shoes.

“Why were you a bear? It wasn’t the best choice if you wanted to hide. The only bears around here are the shitty football team.”

“I know. But when I didn’t hear from you I wanted to see what you were up to, but didn’t want to seem like a stalker. This is the only time I’ve done this I swear.”

Earnestness was clear in his big brown eyes. I believed him. In a weird way I thought it was kind of sweet. If he had made it a habit, I would have run away again.

“I thought you only wanted a fling? Didn’t we do that?”

“I thought that’s what I wanted to, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I want to date you, Nicole. I think we could be more than one night of sex. Although the sex was spectacular.”

My cheeks heated. Did that mean I was good in bed? I wouldn’t know, no one’s ever told me before. “You really want to see how this goes?”

Nicholas furrowed his brow. “Why wouldn’t I?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Because you’re you and I’m not anywhere in that league.” How’s your foot taste, Nicole?

“What’s wrong with wanting to date you? I don’t see anything wrong with that. You’re a beautiful woman and judging by your dress and the fact that you walked out of an office building, I’m guessing you work.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know me.”

“Uh, isn’t that the point of dating?”

I supposed he had a point. “Well, yeah. But, but-“He closed in and kissed me, successfully cutting off any idiotic excuse I had. I didn’t have anything worthwhile anyway. I wanted him. Why not give him a shot?

I pulled away when I remembered I was technically supposed to be working. “Okay. Let’s do this, but I have to get back. I’m too new to push the lunch break time.” I went in for one more not so quick kiss and took off. I’d make plans with him later, but for now I had one Americano for a very understanding executive cooling in my hand.


I had plans with Nicholas for Saturday night after his gig, but first I needed to get in a little girl time with Mia. I was so excited I was going to explode if I didn’t get to tell her.

I popped the wine cork to let the red breathe just in time for a rapid-fire knock at my door. I opened the door to find Mia grinning like an idiot.

“You got a shifter boyfriend.” She sing-songed.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Not yet anyway. “It’s only our second date.”

“Semantics. Tell me everything.”

We found our way back to the kitchen where I poured out the wine into my huge globe glasses. I passed Mia hers and gave mine a swirl and a sniff. I jerked the glass away from my face. “Does this wine smell bad to you?”

Mia gave her glass a sniff and shook her head.

I took a cautious sniff and spit the wine out in the sink. It was too late. I swallowed a little bit and my stomach gave a lurch. “Fuck.” I sprinted for the bathroom with Mia hot on my heels. She held my hair back as I emptied my guts. By the time I was done I was sweaty and exhausted. “Sorry. I hope I’m not getting sick. Lately, some smells just turn my stomach.”

“Huh.” Mia wet down and wrung out a washcloth and squatted down to clean me up. “Smells are making you sick? You aren’t pregnant are you?”

I chuckled and waved her off. “I think I’m getting sick. You have to have sex to get pregnant remember.”

remember that you have had sex in the last month, but clearly
forgot. Did you use protection?”

I froze. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t give a second thought to using protection. “Fuck! No, Mia, I didn’t even think about it! I’m so fucking stupid!” I fought back the tears, but they were coming too fast.

“Hey, relax. Let’s get you a test and find out for sure first before you freak out. No use getting bent out of shape until you know for sure, okay.”

I wiped my eyes and nodded. She had a point, but I already knew. The test would only confirm it for me.

Mia ran down to the corner drugstore for me. I was too out of sorts to go with her and frankly it was embarrassing. I know it shouldn’t be, but there was a part of me that was a little ashamed that I let this happen.

She was back in what seemed like no time at all. She tossed me a water and opened the test for me. “The directions say five seconds. Go take care of business.”

I timed everything correctly and after the longest five minutes of my life, we had our answer. The magical pink plus sign had bloomed in the results window. “Whoa. Mia, I’m pregnant. But we only had sex once!” One night, but what was the difference?

“Did you miss that day in health class? That’s all it takes.” She must have seen my face fall because she immediately dropped the smartassery. “What are you going to do?”

Sob for starters. The tears came hot and fast. I would need a minute before I could answer her. I had sex with a man I didn’t know on one night and now I was knocked up. That was a big pill to swallow.

I finally caught my breath enough to answer, “I’m not sure. I have to tell Nicholas. He should know about this.”

“Right, but it’s still early.”

“Mia! Starting a relationship with a secret is not the best choice. Especially one this big.” And this secret was a real loo loo. “No. I’ll see him on Saturday. I’ll tell him then.”


Chapter 8


Saturday came a lot slower than I had hoped. The rest of my work week dragged under the weight of this new knowledge of my pregnancy. Never mind the fact that the symptoms were quickly popping up at the pace of about one a day. The nausea stuck around and brought its buddies fatigue and breast pain. I didn’t realize how painful my breast area was until I was getting ready and just the brush of my tank top made me suck in air through my teeth.

I powered through and just crossed my fingers that nobody bumped into me while I was in the crowd.

Once again, Nicholas had a ticket put aside for me, but instead of taking up residence near the stage, I sat comfortably at the bar and tried not to nod off during their set. I caught Nicholas scanning the crowd for me, but I was too far back for him to see me. I hope he didn’t think I stood him up. The downturned corners of his mouth told me exactly that and that was like a punch in the gut. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I was even more anxious now for the set to wrap up so I could meet him at the merch table.

When the singer announced the final song, I moseyed over to their table to make sure I was there and waiting for Nicholas when the band arrived. I wouldn’t want him to be a sourpuss for no reason.

Four minutes later I saw Nicholas toss his guitar to his tech and sprint off the stage. I guess that meant no encore. My phone vibrated with a message from Nicholas. I told him I was here and waiting for him. I hoped he hurried up before other fans got here because I couldn’t wait one more second for him to mingle. I needed to talk to him. Granted, this wasn’t the best venue to do that, but I couldn’t wait for a better one.

Nicholas appeared out of the shadows and I threw my arms around him. This pulled his ear down close enough for me to whisper, “We need to talk, now.”

He nodded and led me away to a quiet backstage area. “What’s wrong.”

“I wouldn’t say anything was wrong, per se.” his eyes widened slightly. “Why don’t we sit down.” I nudged him over to the couch and perched myself on the edge. I didn’t know what any of those stains were, but I didn’t want to sit anywhere near them.

“Nicole, you’re freaking me out now. What’s up?”

“I just found out some interesting news a couple of days ago. Turns out that I am pregnant.” I plastered on the brightest, Stepford smile I could muster.

“Pregnant? Are you sure?”

“Well the home test said yes and I have an appointment next week with my doctor to confirm it, but since the sticks are ninety-nine percent accurate, it’s safe to say that yes, I’m pregnant.” I didn’t like the serious look on his face.

He stood up and paced around the room. He didn’t say anything, but I could tell the wheels were turning in his head. “Nicholas, now you’re freaking
out. Say something please.”

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