Date with a Vampire (23 page)

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Authors: Raine English

BOOK: Date with a Vampire
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“I don’t understand. Why would you need to give them your blood?”

“Well, the potion didn’t work exactly as I’d hoped. It removed the curse, but just from me, unless you drink my blood. Seems I’m magical.”

“I always knew that,” he whispered into her hair. “Enough about Theo. All I care about is you and our wedding.”

Joy bubbled inside her. “Then we have lots to do. There’s a menu to prepare, flowers to order, and invitations to write. Of course, I’ll fly my family and friends here. Gizmo too.” Her mind was awhirl. She was going to have a beautiful wedding in a magnificent castle.

Her daydream came to a screeching halt, though, as her gaze focused on the room’s tattered drapes, worn bedspread, and old dark furniture. She might be getting married in a castle, but it was far from magnificent. It could be, though. She could bring it back to its original grandeur. After all, she had the fortune to do it. A wide smile spread across her face. “I hope you don’t mind if I spruce up the castle.”

He didn’t return her smile. “You don’t have to do that, Melody. I’m not marrying you for your money.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “I know you’re not. I want to do this. Besides, this is going to be my home too, and I want it to be perfect for both of us.”

“There are so many reasons why I love you, and your thoughtfulness is right at the top of the list. I don’t deserve you.”

“We deserve each other,” she said softly.

His lips brushed against hers, then he delivered a series of slow, shivery kisses.

— : : —

The next few weeks flew by. Guy’s father welcomed her into the family as if she was already his daughter-in-law. She was able to show her appreciation by giving him and all the LeBreque servants her blood, releasing them from the curse. Only Theo and his harem were left as vampires, since their whereabouts were unknown. However, when they returned to Dragesa, she would do the same for them.

She’d hired a team of experts to redo the castle, and it now sparkled like a magnificent gem, making it the perfect place for her wedding. Her mom and dad, Ann, Mags, Billy, and Gizmo had flown in yesterday.

It was hard to believe she’d planned a wedding in such a short period of time, but it had come together without a hitch. They were going to be married later that afternoon in the Great Hall, with the people she loved most around her.

She sat on the edge of her bed with Gizmo on her lap. The little black pug licked her shower-moistened skin. Obviously, he’d missed her as much as she’d missed him. She looked down at her left hand and smiled. Guy had presented her with an engagement ring last night at dinner, and she’d never seen anything more beautiful. The square-cut, three-carat sapphire was surrounded by thirteen brilliant diamonds, but the best part was it had belonged to his mother.

She looked across the room at her wedding dress hanging over her closet door. The delicate lace gown was strapless and slim fitting with a slightly scooped neckline, ruched waistband, and Swarovski crystals. It was absolutely breathtaking and exactly what she’d always dreamed of wearing.

Melody nudged Gizmo off her lap and padded over to her dressing table. She was combing through her wet hair when a knock sounded at her door.

“Mel, may I come in?”

Guy? She set the comb down and quickly draped a garment bag over her wedding dress. “Yes, but what are you doing here? You should be getting ready.”

When she opened the door, her stomach fluttered. Though handsome as always, he was wearing khakis and a polo shirt. Hardly wedding attire. “You’re not having second thoughts about marrying me, are you?” she asked nervously.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “Did that reassure you?” There was a twinkle in his eyes.

“A little.”

“Just a little?” He slipped her robe off her shoulder and covered her skin with kisses, starting at the top of her breasts, moving to the base of her neck, and then up to her lips.

She was left breathless and tingling with desire. If things went any further, they’d miss their own wedding. “I’m sure now,” she said against his cheek.

“Good. But actually, I came here to ask you the very same thing. Are you sure you want to live here in Moldavia and help me rule Dragesa?” He took a document stamped with the royal seal from his pocket and held it out for her to read.

Her eyes grew wide as she took in its meaning. “Your father turned over the kingdom to you.”

“It’s a huge responsibility, but there’s no one I’d rather share it with than you.”

Her body grew hot, and her hands began to sweat. Could she handle that? Meek little Melody from Hope? But as she looked into his magnetic blue eyes, she realized that girl was gone and in her place was a strong, self-assured woman.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his mouth down to hers and leaving him with no question as to her answer.

“Don’t worry,” he beamed. “I’ll be dressed and ready in no time and waiting for you at the altar.”

Right after he left, there was another knock at her door. “What did you forget to ask this time?” She laughed.

Before she crossed the room, the door burst open. The first thing she spotted was the halo of copper curls; next was the skintight miniskirt, then the four-inch heels. “Sugar!”

The hairdresser sashayed across the floor, deposited her train case on a chair, and enveloped Melody in a bear hug. “It’s so great to see you, hon.”

“I’m so glad you’re here, but how—”

“That man of yours arranged for me to come. Can’t have you doing your own hair and makeup on such an important day when you can have an artiste do it for you.” Sugar giggled. “Well, come on, time’s a wasting. We can talk and catch up as we work.”

Melody sat down at her dressing table. Sugar worked her magic while Melody chatted on and on about Guy. Before long, her hair and makeup were done. All she needed to do now was step into her gown.

When she looked in the mirror, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She looked every bit the countess she would soon become.

Sugar handed her the bouquet, and there were tears in her eyes. “Oh, Mel, you’re having the fairy-tale wedding every girl dreams of.”

Melody smiled. It hadn’t all happened quite like she’d planned, but the ending was perfect.

She left her bedroom and walked to the top of the staircase. Her father stood below, waiting to escort her to the ceremony. As she started down the stairs, she realized her hands were shaking. When she reached the bottom step, her father offered her his arm.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She took a deep breath and nodded.

As they walked together past all the people who loved her, there was only one face she focused on—the handsome man with the ice-blue eyes—and the way he looked at her made her blush.

She had to be the luckiest girl in the world. First, she won the lottery, then she found her soul mate on a reality show. She was proof that dreams really do come true.





he strobe lights pulsated with the beat of the music. The glass dance floor changed color every few minutes, illuminating the bodies twisting and turning so they looked like giant fireflies. Theo watched a pretty brunette in a silver miniskirt dance seductively. She had gorgeous legs. As if aware he was watching, she hiked her skirt up a little bit higher and winked at him. Theo smiled and waggled his finger at her, then patted the barstool beside him.

“Hey, handsome. What’re you drinking?” A blond with big blue eyes sat down on the other side of him. She flipped her straight hair over one shoulder, exposing a long, slender neck.

“Bloody Mary.” He flashed her his most charming smile.

Monte Carlo was ripe with young, single women. Rich women. He could get used to this.

The bartender set a drink down in front of him. He stirred it slowly while he ran his hand over her thigh. “Are you from around here?”

She laughed. “No, I just come here to party.”

“So you like to have fun?” He moved his hand over her silky smooth skin.

“Of course.” She inched closer to him on the stool.

“I’m not interrupting, am I?” The brunette from the dance floor sat beside him.

“No. We were just talking about having fun.” He placed his other hand on her leg, moving his fingers up under her miniskirt. “Care to join us?”

“I’m always up for a good time.” She crossed her legs, closing Theo’s hand between her warm thighs.

A rush of cool breath caressed the back of his neck, then he felt lips glide over his skin.

“I leave you for a few minutes, and you’ve already replaced me.”

The husky voice fell like music across his ears. Strands of red hair tickled his cheek.

He spun the stool around so that he faced her.

Gelda’s emerald eyes twinkled playfully.

“My dear, no one could ever replace you.” He twirled the girls’ stools so that they too faced her. “These are my new friends, and they’re looking to have a good time tonight.”

“How lucky for them to have found us.” She smiled sweetly at them. “We have all the time in the world to play.”

Theo ran his tongue across his front teeth, feeling the prick of his fangs break his gum line. “That we do, love. That we do.”




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Also by Raine English...



© 2012 Raine English



For the first time in Alice Hart’s life, she likes the way she looks.

The ugly duckling has become a swan. But how could this be?

She’s ninety years old, far from young and beautiful


Alice Hart is a lonely old woman who believes true love happens only once in a lifetime. When the angel Christmas tree topper given to her by the fiancé she lost sixty years ago comes to life, Alice’s wish to be young again is granted, but she’s given only ten days to find true love or die unfulfilled. So she concocts a story that she’s Alice’s long lost niece, hoping to attract the attention of her handsome tenant.


Disillusioned by his experiences with high-maintenance women, Jack Billings yearns to find an old-fashioned girl who is more interested in his heart than in material things. When his elderly landlady vanishes, her newly arrived niece, Ally, seems to hold the clues to her disappearance. Jack at first dismisses Ally as another material girl, but as he digs deeper into Alice’s mystery, he learns that Ally is more than what she seems and worries that the girl he’s coming to love might be a scam artist or worse.


Enjoy the following excerpt for



ow’s this look?”

Alice Hart leaned forward in the overstuffed armchair, squinting her tired eyes to get a better look at the tin angel Jack Billings had set atop the Christmas tree. Wrapped with faded gold foil and netting, the angel was almost as old as she.

“The tree looks wonderful, Jack. Whatever would I do without you?” She smiled at the handsome young man who’d come to her rescue countless times over the five months he’d been renting her upstairs apartment. A tumble of black hair fell across the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. He brushed it back and flashed her a Cary Grant grin.

“Aw, you’re such a charmer, you’d have no trouble rounding up one of your other admirers.” He stepped down off the stool and stood next to her chair.

Alice swooshed a wrinkled, liver-spotted hand through the air. “Go on, it’s Saturday night. You mustn’t waste your time with an old woman. Go on, before you’re late for your date.”

Jack’s deep, throaty laughter filled the parlor. Alice liked the sound of it. She didn’t get many visitors. Pastor Riley and Doc Brooks didn’t count. They came weekly out of obligation, but Jack came because he wanted to. She tucked the wool blanket on her lap snugly around her legs. If only she were young again, she just might pursue a man like Jack.

“What makes you think I have a date?” He got down on one knee and rested an elbow on the arm of her chair. With his chin in his hand, he stared deeply into her eyes. “There’s no one I’d rather be with than you,” he teased, but there was a kindness in his voice that touched her.

“Careful or you’ll make me blush.” She plucked at the blanket with long, spindly fingers—fingers that had once been beautiful and able to fly gracefully over ivory piano keys. But that was years ago, before the arthritis had set in. “The tree looks beautiful,” she said, shifting her gaze.

“Beautiful, indeed. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you.” He leaned over and gently kissed her cheek.

His finely sculpted lips were warm. A tingle ran down her spine, burning a trail of shame. She was ninety years old. She shouldn’t still have these feelings. Yet she realized that was one of old age’s cruelest tricks. While on the outside she had grayed and withered, inside she still felt twenty-five.

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